Burned baby, Ulned

Donald McCloud

With the Pitt Street Clubs raised to the ground in 2004. what next for Glasgow Clubbing? Johnny Reagan looks at what might take their place in 2005.

anuar_\ letlfl prexetitx a great oppoi‘titnit} to

take \toek. ZillH \\a\ the _\eai' in \xhieh the

liekle inainxtreain media linall} gax e up on the idea ol' houxe and teehno muxie and the ripple\ ol' eommereial l‘ailui‘e are \till heing l'elt at tlte ‘xupei'eluhx‘ that ptit eaxh hel'ore elaxx. \aturalh. the (ilaxgou \eene \eeinx |arge|_\ unalil'eeted h_\ the \\ ithdi‘anal ol' hig eaxh. 'I‘he eit_\ '\ eltihhing landxeape ls \till a \ ihi'ant em ironnient. peppered \\ itli lel't-lield eleetroniea and guitar inu\ie eluhx. hoaehing \xith iii;iiii\ti'e;iiii and \tudent \enue\ and enhaneed h) the man} \xonderl‘ul houxe. teehno and dixeo night\ still doing great huxinexx.

()l' eoui'xe. a gaping hole \\a\ htii‘ned into mainxtreain eluhhing at the eloxe ol' laxt _\ear \\ ith the earl) —morning hIa/e on Pitt Street. Sueh \\a\ the \eale ot the tire. 'I'i‘a\h and the Shaek are no\\ ollieiall} no more. ’I‘hux. a eluhhing diaxpora il;t\ oeeurred. the queue\ to gain entr} to the t\\o eluhx \\ ere legendar}. and a maxxne numher ol dixplaeed )ottng eluhherx are no\\ serahhling around. hoping to iitiiekl} reereate the \L‘lt\L‘ ol' eommunit} that e\i\ted uhen the 'l‘i'axh and the Shaek \\ ere in lull xxxing. .\n_\ idea that thexe people ma_\ he redixti'ihuted among the eluhx ot' Sauehiehall Street ix quiekl} \hot doun h} Donald .\le(‘loud. managing dii'eetor ol~ ('l’l. lintei'taininent (‘iroup trespoiixihle tor the (iat‘age. (’uhe. the Tunnel. 'l‘he (‘athoineL \\ ho explain\ that the \llt‘\ i\ iitg eluhx are ahead} lull to hunting. 'You ean't keep paeking them in to lull eluhx. (ilaxgou i\ a eluhhing eit_\. lt'x \\orking elaxx. and working elaxx

people like to go otit and \hou oll. 'Ihatk \\li_\ more than -lll.llllll people ahead} paw through our dooix e\ei'} \\eekeiidf he \a_\ \.

.\laiii\ti‘eain eltilu are in l'Hi‘ll\l health. hut ued he dainned loolx it \\e limited oui ioiiiid tip to the \ti‘aight part} \enties. (ilaxgou l\ ltlewed \xilh a numher ol' \inaller. \peeiaIN eliih iiightx. l.elt lield eleeti'oniea night \il\it. .it the lith \ote. il.l\ lieeii doing great i‘ll\lllt‘\\ o\er the laxt t\\o }t‘.ii\. entieing \oine ol the lllit\l intei'exting giie\t\ iii the eit_\. then there\ the \\ondei‘liil. e\pei‘iiiieiital eleeti'onie lllll\le eluh night \llllli‘t‘l'\. iio\\ itinerant (iiiitar lllll\le eltilix ha\e .liMl \een their lootlall gi‘o\\ o\er the laxt _\eai'. and lill\ L‘\[‘;lll\lttll in audienee \ho\\\ no \igii ot ahatiiig. ('liihx like \ttllUlldi i’ttlt it'dg‘llk‘ ;tl lilt‘ \\iiitii\lth‘ \itt‘l;ti. lilk' \\'iiielie\ter ('luh ialw at the \\'ood\idei .ii‘e Iiiigel} popular ax \\ell ax I'iinhoiixe and I)eatlikill ltlilil at the Haiti} \\ hieh are alxo la\oiiiite\ now \\ \\;l\ the CLHC “MUCH _\L‘;tl‘\ :tg‘il. lilL' ik‘til'ik'k ill lite (ii;t\g‘it\\ \eene ix di\ei\it_\ onee again.

there ha\ heen a \hilt iii (il.i\;__'o\\\ lllthlegti pi'elei'eiieex \inee then lio\\e\ei'. I’eihapx the llltt\l \ignilieant ix the Hull. Brian ('otle} detailx uh} ill\ eluh. with it\ iinprexxne rmtei' ot \xildl} dittei'iiig lllg‘ilh. l\ tiitlllg‘ \it \\ CH: '\\C lt‘e‘i lilitl \‘. e il.t\ t' ilk'ipk'ti to \lightl} ehange people'x mime polie}. make them \lightl} more open minded. \\e'\e had people ti'_\iiig to kniek our Hull eltih \ign oiit\ide the eluh. and one gti} \tole our ueleoming eai'pet and took it to a party. In one \enxe at Ie.i\t. the di\eo iiitei'no \i. ill eontinue.



lm . i.’ 1a.! imzi'tuititiii "i a} l" ' i' l' ‘lii_.l ' t,._ it f'1i4t gfi-r Iiifii



Dogma lliti .liit‘atdl, “.i) i’tllt

"‘ii. alu‘)ii‘:‘““"“.li1‘i:‘(>ii"i(ili‘t(1 iii? ‘ifi‘l-t~:‘ithiillli‘itltlilllti <17. Elinlairiiart:tiriiwiitjwiw i”)‘.li'l'i‘i ‘§_'.,"‘l. i" fl/i" Tempo

l'w.’ ‘.'."i:iiiit tiii'ru it up watt: litrlii

J. ! writ/iii", lli'llliillilili‘,‘ fur"; [Janu- l‘lwii it i173 li-“i'ir; 'i-ili't‘m silt: iii“. 4." "t ‘illiltf’ hillfllll iiiiili? 1""liti'iw,«,.iriili, / it“, ‘Li‘ rr'./.i" Funhouse Vi; ( ialtr plan, tigiiil it ’le‘a] filtli rilliiiri .‘Ji‘ili i)iltli NH-i'trf. gitwl l).l Altiligi li/litvlii'ii. ft Haiti? fl )7 éltl,<;i'lf: ‘-.’.‘ilt) like, if" tlwt ‘llili'l. 1"»: [ii/fir, m», fit/Li; TIT [not no ill/i: rioiiiia ifli‘ti'illfi'l‘ fiw xiiiii? iii iill‘, ' ‘if'iit, l-Ittlli‘f', iillf» ii r'.ri , an: int! “Mitotic

iléi‘ii'. titlii'""i, 'ti'i’f it fzillJliiii

i ,+ t,

Concept Theory A Manon ’Ji «law. at a .‘tl’.’ titan-t iltll‘: at 321i!fur(iiitul/ltkhlirnt‘it liar/tannin ’1' i,- [lo-trust legend. raw, to NW: rivets; at this; house and i‘,‘~(."iil(i iiiiiizt. Aral/(3f). Militia/A‘s. [fl 7/1 .L'i/l.

Luvely ()(illl’l tiii: Limit: hog Tti their .Jzitviizir; \(‘Sétli {l'iii :: Kittlfl, ."iiiiiflta'il filtzlli‘: ’liltéli’fl, 71."."iTilliflTU'W’flii '.’.":lr,0'rit;ipitt‘s Ilit: Lirsiizil 'i il.":","(Obi/10H“), good (yr/1‘10“.:ztirlJi/gziit‘i Cheap entry ”~;(:‘;"‘il‘) to t’;(; a tliw'w; harm. PM; / our." H’mtt’, [*(ji’l/w'iftj’i, Stir 7"; .jfi/r.

The Club Foot cheeky air/u mention for this trusted and 'iii‘xa‘iéiimn 't'onk' night f/liil a try,- so: from Park Attack.

/ #21754; Ce/i’a" Bar. [rd/i iburg/ t. 7%: 78 Jan.