
Reconstruction I: \i O... l('lirlstnller Iine. I)etitiiail\. SWIM \ilailai Kaas. \laiia Ilnnnexie. Krister IIeiirikssnn H‘ltnin lines pnst iiindeiii

rillllilllllt drama tnllnns the uiiilused Alex iKaasi nii .iii einntinnal iniiiiie} Irnm the LL'II.IIIIIIC\ and \l'lllllill n! his nngning relatiniiship \klIII the piett}. reliahle .-\imee iliniiiiex iei in the clandestine meetings .iiid sulitle seductiniis nl his passinnate allair u itli tlie L'Ill\l\t‘. stiiniiiiigl} heautilul \iinnne talsn Ilniiiieuei l'.\en the ninst hanal ('npenhagen street \CL‘IIL' heenines stillused with a pimeilul ininantit _\eariiiiii.'. hut line's .ippinaeh is alsn kiimsiiigl} .IILII I’aiadnutall} inxnlxiiig and intellectually e\hilai.itiiig li/iii/inim'. lzilililime/i

Santa vs the Snowman 30 it’( it i\'arinus. I'S. lllllli {Imm I.\13\.\ hig screen preseittalinti. /.ll.\,\' [/H'lllll. (i/uxeim.

Saw l IN! C... ilaiiies \\.in. IN.

jtiti.1i('.ir} Izlxs es. I eiin \\ haiineII. Darin} (ilnxei. Ken I eung llllinin Inn men wake up in .i dilapidated hathinnni and realise the} We been kidnapped h} a killer \thn sets traps Int his \ictiins. challenging them tn eninmit murder ni die 'Inld Iaigel} thrnugh IIashhacks. this is an exciting [‘\}LIlitIithI\'.tI thiillei \sith stime surprising [\stsls l(i( /\’r Ifflr v. .Xll'r'r I. (II/(I\L'I’H. (rlifltitn

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers iii 0... «Stanle} |)nneii. I'S. Will IIii\\.il'tI KL'CI. Jell Rteltatds. Russ 'Iamh|_\ii. ltliniiii (‘Iassic .\l(i.\l all singing allrdaiieing ltltl\IL.iI Innsel) hased nn the /\'rl/’¢' n/ the Sir/tint llnmen Despite its areh s}iiiiiit'ti}. it remains a enlnuilul .iiid \ ignrnus allaii \\IlIl .i ensil} elleetn e senie 'I‘he dancing. chniengiaphed h} \Iiehael Kidd. I\ its strnngest pniiit hut he sure in \\ ear _\nur sunglasses .is it's presented iii glniinus 'I‘eehnienlnui (i/rixeuii I‘ll/II l/ii'iim'. (i/irwnii. l'l/HI/IUHH’. lat/iIi/iure/i.


Hundreds of thousands of people across a dozen countries have been affected b the major disaster and devastation cause by the earthquake in the Indian Ocean and

the Tsunamis that followed.

Aid agencies are working to provide emergency relief and need your support. DEC agencies in Scotland include Cniitern, Save the Children, Tearfund, Oxfain, British Red

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DEC members are ActionAid, British Red Cross, CAFOD, Care International UK, Christian Aid. Concern, Help the Aged, Merlin. Oxfam, Save the Children, Tearfund, World Vision.

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58 THE LIST air-QC Jat‘


Shark Tale it i... rims» Iieigeinii \ ick} .leiisnn Rnh I etteimaii.

I S. IIMIJi \\iI| Smith. Rnheit I)e \itn. Jack Illatk. \lartin Senisese ‘Nlmin ()scal iSniithi is a little tish \xhn Iixes happil} in the NC enii Hut nne da} he gets in del‘t in a \egetaiian shark illlaeki uhnse matinsi latliei Hm I iiin il)e \iini rules the reel. what can he dn tn get himseII nut nt this situatinii ' I i\eI_\. sill} ll it\’\.i\\li‘ll.tII_\ IIat (‘( iI animatinn that is eleail} tising tn hustle in nu lint/rue \r inn teiiitni} It/nt/intiw. It/m/nuelt

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Subtitled) iI’t ii 000 «Keii_\ (‘niiian. I'S. Still-1i .lude l .m. (i\\}llt'lII I’altinxs. \ngelina .Inlie.

I .tlllL‘llc e ( )Ii\ iei lll"min Ihis ietin Iutuiistie iniiip. \shieh eniiihiiies state nt the .iit digital \\ i/aidi} with a deeidedl_\ HId lasltliitted shit} and .i Innis INII‘IiM ed Iiniii l‘l ills .iiid -llls pulp tietinn and mm ie serials. \sas liliiied eiitiiel} against hlue seieeiis [an 's d.ii‘ede\ il tI_\ iiig ace and I’aIllH“ 's dauntless repnrtei gn nn a glnhetinttiiig. Indiana .lniies-l_\pe quest tn tlmart the .ipne.il_\ptie plans nt e\il seieiitist l)i 'Intenknpl ta iesuseitated ()Ii\ieii It lnnks lahulnus. \\IIII nnstalgie sepia tnnes and e\piessiniiist lighting. hut the aetinii is tlllllt\tiI\ lltg. (i/tixenii li/m I'llt'tl/I't'. (I/ilwim,

Sleepover l H il .0 Lint‘ \usshaum. l'S. Illtl-Ii .-\le\a Vega. \Iika linnrein. .laiie I.}llL‘Il. Sam lliiiitiiigtnii. 30min. .\ hurried [\Iittlttc'iip) nl the lat superinr l.indsa_\ I.nhaii \ehiele .lletm (Hr/s, .lulie i:\Ie\a Vegai and her lnur adnleseeiit eliuins slip ;I\\tl} liniii a sleepin er tn enter a sea\etiger Iititit against a dniiiiiiaiit sehnnl elique. mm the pri/e being in sit heside the lniiiitaiii at luneh hreals. 'I'iresniiie. ('(i( lx’eii/I't'ii Street. (Hi/\euii, (i/ineiiii.

Swades ithei i.-\shutnsh (inuarikei. India. Zilll-Ii Shahrukh Khan. (i;t};tll'l .lnshi. Raia .'\\\;I\IIII. thlmiii. .\lnhaii lihargaui ils'haiii is a swing seieiitist \sni‘kiiig as a prnieet manager lnr .\'.-\S.-\. \shn deeides tn gn nii a quest tn tiiid his ehildhnnd naiiii}, 'l‘he liliii enntrasts the ItlgItI} de\e|nped \snt‘Id til NASA and the \sni‘ld haek hnme iii India. .\lnhaii's quest heenmes the inuriie} that e\er_\ niie nl us makes in seareh nl that eliisi\ e plaee ealled hniiie. Big hudget epie lrnm the dii'eetnr nl IIIr/I'rl/r’i'l. ()(lr'ult .II III/Iv (Jilin. (r/ihuriii. (i/memi ,' It 'I (Yule/NINA. ('lu/e/uui/t.

=2: Team America I Hi oooo i’l'i'e) Parker. [‘8. 300-1) Viitees nl Ire} I’arlset‘. Matt Stniie. Kristen .\li||er. \lauriee l.a.\larehe. l)ai'aii .\'nrris 08min. See

I'L‘\ IC“. page SI). (ii'nem/ I't'lr'tlu'.

T-Rex 3D tl'i tlirett Lennard. l’S. I‘NSi 40min. Ania/mg Innkiiig I.\l.-\.\ inn\ie ahnut a lather and daughter in danger Irnm a \ ieinus earnnnrnus diiinsaiir. (ireat Illll. [WAX 'I'lti'ull'r'. tilt/\eiiii’.

Take my Eyes (Te doy mis ojos) ll5i 0... Menu Bnllain. Spain. ItNHi I.aia Marull. l.uis 'Insar. ('aiidela l’ena. I'eriiaiide/ Luna. lll‘lmiii. I’ilai i.\lai‘ulli Ilees her linine l'rniii her \ inleiit hushand :\lllttlllti i'I‘nsari. 'l‘aking their )nung snii il.unai. she heads lnr salet} \sith her sister .»\na iI’eiiai. hus} preparing lnr her nun marriage In a Sent 1|)a\e Murine} i. l'tiahle tn aeeepl I’il;ii“s departure. .-\ntnnin us ears tn relnriii. e\eii entering therap}. I’ilar is persuaded in return and the iiie\ itahle is set in iiintinn. I’mx erlul award-“inning naturalistie drama that dnes nnt miss a heat. (‘( ‘5‘. (I/tlxetiii.

This Sporting Life I ISi O... il.indsa_\ .'\IItIL‘I'\UII. I'K. I‘Hiii Riehard Harris. Raehel Rnherts. .-\laii Badel. William Ilartnell. l3-lmui. .»\iidersnn's tirst I'nra) iiitn leature Iilmmaking is \er} iiiueh part nl the aiigr} )nuiig man traditinii that rexnlutinnised British Iiliiiinaking in the I‘Ntlls. Based ntt I);i\ Id Shire} 's pins erluI iimel tuliieh Stnre} hiinsell adapted inr the sereeiii It tells the d} speplic‘. hitterl} pessimistie tale nI' lirank .\Iaehiii illarrisi. a mean. tnugh. ainhitinus rugh} pla_\er \shn \\ reaks Itauie and had humnur in his small iinrthern tnun. .-\ stunning debut h} an}nne‘s standards. the film made stars nut nt then _\nutig \Velsh aetnrs Harris and Rnherts. she in partieular lIL'\ er surpassing

the \snik she did here l..":':."‘.'wei: Id": tum." lu’nzi'tireit

30 Mania il nits. l S. Inn‘u .s'tuaii I‘ankiii. I I\lI.i |\I -\\ ill aiiiinatinn hell I‘i‘l lll.I\\‘\Ill\I\ and u‘ltll‘lllk'l tender geeks HIII} I” \\ lh‘i t.‘."r (l.rti\'\'i 'H

Undead i IN C... I\Il\ liael .iiid I’etei Spieiig. -\usti.ili.i. IINIII I'CII\II\ .\lasnn. \Iungn \It I\a_\. Rnh Jenkins. I isa (‘uniiingham ll|~1inin See ie\ie\\. page

< I .\r iftt {r it" lik'r ti'\i

Vanity Faird‘th... i\Iiia \au.

l R IN. .‘lNl-li Reese \\ itheispnnii. Rninnla ( lniiathaii Is’hss \Ieseis. Rh}s Il.itts. (iahiiel Il_\iiie l—llliniii See It‘\ It'“. [‘.l}'k' “I (re Hr ’ttyl“ It)": ii‘H

3}: Vera Drake i I: \I O... I\Ilist‘

I eigh. I Is. .‘INHi Imelda Staiiiitnn. Ix’iehaid ( itaItaitt. I ddie \Iaisaii. \iiiia Isea\eiie} l_‘*min See ie\ lt'\\. page \H .\i‘/¢'i i'i't/ It It NW

A Way of Life I IV C. l \iiiin.i -\saiite. I Is. Still-1i Stephanie .Iaines. ()li\ei Iladeii ‘Nliniii .\'e\eiiteen \eai nld single iiinthei I eigh \Illlt' rlainesi .iiid liei liieiids lat e a seeiniiigl} hnpeless eeniininit tutiiie in then sniith \\a|es tnun. and then ieseiitineiits. Iiiistiatiniis .iiid preludic es spill nut iiitn .i tiagit quaiiel \\IIIl .i \Iusliiii iieighhnui illadeiii. \shnse imtt daughter has slatted seeing I ett'Il .'\Ittlt"\ hinthei Ilespite Janies‘ pn\\ eilul eeiitial peitnimanee. \siitei 'diiettni .'\\.llllt“\ dehut has a small seieeii \isiial sensihilit}. uhile the dialngiie aukuaidh spells nut 'issues‘ and iiinti\atiniis ll/IIl/IIIHH. I i/lIl/Illltf/I

Noise I lit t( it‘itlllt'k X.i\. (‘altada/I ‘K/I '5'. lellfii \Iieliael Kealntt. (‘liaiidra “est. I)ehni.ih Kara l'iigei. laii .\le.\'eiee See pietuie eaptinii. page Si Xt’lt'i Ir't/ It‘lr‘ilu‘

Without a Paddle t I.)x\l O.

iSte\en Iiiill. I'S. Still-li\1.ittlie\s l illaid. Seth (iieeii. litiit I<t‘}ll0ItI\ ‘l‘liiiin .-\ulu| leeii knnek nll nl lie/nutuii e staiiing the I‘L‘\\II\IL‘IC(I aiid heuildeiingl} untalented|ard I<c'}iin|ds makes .iii .ippeaiaiiee as a redneck. (ii'iit'rti/ It'lr’tlu’

Would I Lie to You? (La verite si je mens) 1 III 0.. illinnias (iilnii. I'I‘aIlCC. l‘NTi Riehaid -\neniiina. ICIIt‘ Kaktm. .'\IIIII'.t ('asai Itltimin ’I his

sereu hall enined} lnllnxss a )niiiig diiltei \xithnut a laiiiil} thrnuin a sini_\ nl mistaken ideiiiit} .\ huge hit iii I-iaiiee I’art nl the I‘I'L'IICII I‘IIlII I't‘sll\.‘tI (i/imym l'i/m I'ltt'iim', (i/meuii

Zatoichi i lNi O... i'l'akeshi Kitaiin. Japan. ltltiti Heat 'I'akeshi. \Iiehi}n ()nkusu. 'I'aka (iatarukaiiaru l|(itnin Ilaung reimeiited the enps and salsu/as genre. Kitaiin ttiaises a stab at dnitig Ilist‘\\lse \xith the samurai lilm. and (tilt e agaiii sliees thrnugh ennxeiitinns like a knile thrnugh huttei. Here he hiiiigs his master strnkes tn the 10th century Japanese hern /.atniehi. a hlind s\stiI(IsIllilll made Iamnus iii the Shintann Katsu lilm series \xhieh ran 1%: 3‘) 'l’he new

/utuii In is lu|| nl Kitaiin st}le tniial ehanges hetxseen eniiiie and \ inlent. tendei and graphie Mearmliile. the lights heeniiie e\ er mnre thiiaiiiie as /.atniehi. helpinga remnte mnuntain tnun that‘s heing lerrnrised h} the (iin/n gang. and his nemesis. the iniiiii llattnri i’Iadannliu :\sanni. drass elnser lni the Iiiial hattle lt's eutting edge stull l'i/m/muuz Igr/in/ime/i Zelig iI’(ii C... i\\'nnd_\ Allen. [8. Wait \Vnnd} .-\lleii. Mia I'ttI'Itiu. (iarrett Iirrmn. 79min. Allen's trielser) \sith plintngraph). uhieh places ‘huinaii ehamelenn' Lennard [dig at the heart nl ke} seeties iii the 30th eeritiii}. is iiiiagiiiatne and Inn”). hut hehind it lies an alleeting stnr} ahnut a iinhnd} \xhn'll gn tn desperate lengths tn he liked. 'I he innek-dne leel and use nl iiiiisie are perleet. ('( .l. (i/uxguii.

For films showing between

see www.|