I Live Music Barll}. 2N) (lulu Sircci. 0870 no? owl) Xpin L4 RL‘ltl Kcri‘ ('ollcgc \litmcaw \xitli Iinc-up to bc conlirnictl.


I The Others Illic l.lqliitl Room. ‘IL' Victoria Strch 335 2504, 7pm, £7.50. l.(llltlllll-hil\t'tl lll'L‘lllll\. liltilxlllg a nainc lor lllL‘lll\L'l\L'\ \Hlll lhcir ‘giicrrilla gigx' tlaxl iiiintitc \llti\|.\ in llllL'\pt'L‘lL'tl placcxi. htil alua'u \Hlll a photographcr on hand to tlocuiiicnl tliciii. 'l‘hc} 'rc no l()(ll\,

I Paddy Casey ’l‘hc \‘ciiuc. l7 3| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £7.50. SL'L‘ Still l7.

Tuesday 18


I Celtic Connections Alw \cc lolk ll\llllg\.

I The Used and Head Automatica ('ai'ling .'\L‘;ttlL'lll_\. l2l liglinlon Strccl. 0905 0le “NM/0370 77l 2000. 7pm. {I IS”. ()u'l'» l~lx \htm. llirxutc rocltcrx li‘oiii l'tali \xlioxc lirxl hi'iixh \iith laiiic caiiic \ ia \ingcr Bci'l Mc('i'ackcn\ i'clalionxliip \iith Kcll} ()xhournc.

I Runrig 8. Paul Mounsy Royil (‘oiicci't Hall. 2 Saiichichall Strcct. 353 8000, 7.30pm. {Ell/UH. 'l'hc llitlchl'tlL‘lulilc (‘Clll'lk'ixt'l\ L‘L‘lt‘l‘l'illt‘ ()\ cr thirt} )‘carx ol loot-\toinping. lightcr- “axing itlllllL‘llh. with a liltlc hpr l'roiii lira/ilhasctl lllll\lL'l£lll l’aiil Mounxc}. I’ll/'10] (t'lllt' (‘Ullllt't'lllllh 3005.

I Editors, Yellow Bentines and the Haze King Tut's \‘l'ah Wali llul. 372a St Vinccnt Sti'cct. Ill 537‘). 8.30pm. £5. litlitoi's count Rle. Jo} l)i\ ixion and licho ck thc lillllll}'lllt‘ll aiiioiig thcii‘ lllllllL‘llL‘L‘\.

I Prizefight, Cru Jones, Echotreddy, Friction FX and This Tall to Ride litll'll). 300 ('l'thc‘ Sli‘cct. 0870 ()07 000‘). 8pm. ()\cr- l-l\ \llt)\\. lntcrnational linc-up including NY pop/punkcrx ('rii Joncx and Mancunian rock quarlct lichol‘i'ctltl}.

Wednesday 19


I Celtic Connections Alm .xcc l'olk li\lilig.\.

I Aberfeldy, Unkle Bob and Ian Morrison 'l‘llL' :\l‘L‘liL‘\. 253 Arg} lL' Strch 565 ND}. Spin. L'll). litlinhurgh- hasctl llltllL‘/lt)ll\ cnxcnihlc “inning hcarts and lllllltl\ u itli thcir charming Young l’iil't'l'l’l' alhuni. \uppoi‘tctl h} local acoustic act l'nklc Bob and Ian Morrison til l’oor ()ltl licn. I’url (If (‘c/lic ('unnct'lrnm 2005.

I Nisted Melon Barll}. lot) ('l}dc Slrcct, 0870 0o7 0900. 8pm.

I Sing 8: Drink Slcrco. Kch inhaiigh Sll‘t‘t‘l. 57h Slllh‘. 8pm. l‘lL‘L‘. \Vcckl) opcn inic \cxsion.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘hc- llalt Bar. lhll \Vtititllantlx Road. 352 99‘”). 3pm. l‘il‘L‘L‘.

I Live Music MacSorlcyx. 42 Jamaica SII‘L‘L‘I. 2-18 353i 9pm. l'il'c‘c. liztlltk [U lk‘ conl'ii'incd.


I The 22-208 lltL‘ Liquid Room. 9C Victoria Strcct. 235 356-1. 7pm. £0. l.inco|n bliicx punlo supporting thcir tlcbut cpon) inotix album. Scc pl'c\‘ic\\.

Thursday 20


I Celtic Connections Scc ztlxo t‘olk listings.

I The Killers, the Futureheads, Bloc Party and Kaiser Chiefs (‘arling Acatlcni). III liglinton Strcct. 0905 020 3090/0870 77| 2000. 7pm. SOLD ()l'T. This _\car'.\ .\'.llli tour is hcacllincd h) thc Lax \cgax quartet \\ ho ~sound morc like an English indie hand than any linglish indic band clocx vle lixtcn to thc post-punk spikinc‘ss of thc Fllllll't‘llt‘kltlx. Bloc Part} and thc Kaixcr (‘hict‘x for continuation. Scc lcaturc.

I Blazin Fiddles with Justin Currie, Colin Maclntyre 8. Eddi Reader Royal ("oiiccit Hall: Saticliicliall Sticcl. 1‘ i \l N l0 " ‘1 ’l‘lll LlS‘LlI 50 l‘ollt. pop .llltl lt‘clx tl‘llltlt' iii tlic lalc\l collaboration iii lilti/iii‘ l'itltllcx' Stiingw \tlaclictl l‘li‘lt'cl. lcaliiring l)cl \iiiilii .llltl \liill lll\lt‘l1c.tl Socict} lll.tllllll.tll (‘iiii'ic .llltl \ltic Int} ic aiitl (‘cltic (‘oiiiicctioih l.t‘-Hlllllt' l \lkll Rcmlt'l in! of (it {Jill (lo/rm . Hui-t :HII‘ I The Frames .llltl I Am Kloot lllt‘ .-\rclic\. 35‘ .-\ig} lc ~\licci. it»; l0.“ Spin. LIZSH. l'ollt likixt'h Ihc l l.illlt'\ arc li'tililctl l3} (i'lllHlH/lli Iii'x \Itii (ilctl llanxaitl. \xilli \iippoii lioiii \laiiciiiiiaii acothtic intlic otillit l .\iii Klooi I’iirr or ('c'lln (flu/in Hum jinn"

I Killswitch Engage .tlltl Jonny Truant ()iiccn \lai‘gaicl l iiioii. 33 l'ni\ci'\it_\ (iaitlcnx. ;V) TH “pin Llll ()\ci'»|-1\ \liow \t'lc'l'alh ol llic llcatlhangci‘x‘ Hall .llltl ()//lc\t .llltl \cll \l} lctl \laiitlai‘tlrhcaicix ol (iciicialioii llca\_\. li'oiilctl h} lloxxai'tl loiim \o .\'ol that llouai‘tl .loncx

I El Presidente aiitl Recliner lx‘iiig 'l'iit‘x \Vali \\ah lliit. I‘la Si \iiicciil Sticcl. III 52“). N. illpiii. to lzl l’i'cxitlcnlc haw hccn coiiipaictl to tlic Ro}al 'lcnciihaiiiiix a\ a i‘ock'ii'ioll haiitl I Amsterdam, Ricky, Chi Weapon antl Hourglass llai'tl}. Zoo ( lull- Sll'c‘cl, 0310 (Mr ll‘)‘)‘)_ Rpm. Ll. .-\iii\tcrtlaiii and Rick} arc l\\o iiiixigiictl. untlcrgi'oiintl haiitlx tloiiig ll loi lllL‘lll\t'l\L‘\. racking up platitlilx li‘oiii thc liltcx ol’ lil\ l\ (‘oxtcllo antl lhc lalc. gi‘cat John l’ccl along thc \\a_\.

I Crisis Project, Tiny Cuts, Mosses and Mercy Souiitlxci. ilic Sotiiitlhatix. J7 ll}tlc l’ai‘k Sti‘cct. Ill

Crypto-punk starlet Hazel O’Connor has been

1'5" \ ll'l‘lil \lcziii‘c:\ .zi‘i‘. ~_';.c\'\ xiv-ii»; imix

I Tramp Party l\'i‘\i\c'l\. E:\l:ti‘.;:-ti \Iiccf. Ill 0‘3“ Wm: l litt‘lic. I Peer Group Pressure \illtllt‘ t )flc', (iiiuxciioi llolcl. (Ili‘\\\'l‘.l‘l lciiatc oil lino lx’oiiili. 11lo‘l'i "l‘lli licc

. Session l 1\L‘\‘li\‘.illl.i. .‘ i.‘ \\ootll.iiitl\ l\)l‘.l\l. Vii I“Jo \l‘lll l “qt-kl} i.iiii

I The Vagabonds llit- \toii.i_

l I: ll 1 \iockxwll \iicci. “I Vol ‘ll‘lll licc l’opiilai \«‘\\‘l\

I Jam Session \Jlllllt'l liov. x if ‘I \llll\\l.llt' lx’oail. 13 i lll'lfi \ illiiiii licc iil‘\lL'tl llltlt'l‘t'lltlt'llt \'

I Live Music \itoiiNlcci/i. 1.‘l \iiicliicliall \ticct. Hi‘lo ‘" ‘ll‘lll \ lo\c \lll\l\. ll.ilc Ratixiii lllL'lll \‘.llll liiic up to l\c \t‘llllllllt'tl

I Live Music \lt('liiiill\. 10 High \liccl. *‘3 3| ‘5 ‘lpiii licc \cu l\.lll\l\ night. \kllll liiic tip to lic ti‘llllllllt‘ti

I Live MUSiC \l.tt \iillt‘}\. l.‘ l.‘.lll.ilt.i \iin. I“ \<\l ‘lpiii licc lliicc ll‘\.ll l‘.llltl\ to lic ct'llllllllt'tl


I Richie Gallacher, Hannah O’Reilly illltl David James Herbert l\’t‘\} \ll llthL'. 3 l\’ti\l\lllf_'ll l’l.l\t‘. ggl‘ H333 —‘ ol lttliiiliiiiglh llllt‘\l toting \lllt't‘l \tllljj\\lllt'l\

I Endorpin .llltl Without Malice

llci'iol \\.itl l'iiixci\ii_\ l iiioii. lx’ictaitoii.

‘lSI i i ii ‘lpiii l icc l)oiil\|c l‘lll ol ch k .llltl llltllt' l\llltlt'lll\ .llltl lhcii grimtx

oiil} l.

I The Dyad llic l.cll Hank. i" (iiilliiic Sum. :35 M95 0. illpiii 0 “Mill \cc lllll (i.

\‘3 s

collaborating with harpist Comac De Barra for a number of years and premiers some new tracks at her biggest Scottish gig in some years. Part of Celtic Connections 2005.

Arni‘pq C’;Q’uma S 7‘ '}‘ ,";r~ We ‘kw \'V- 7(4\ ;4\/vo. \A \) at.

zllpiii L5 «L1: \lltl\\t.l\lllt' \oiiic

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 6

l l" I Freddie King Quartet \t-Aim .‘M (o'.i.:'.:1\fi x; _‘ \I' "pii' lliltiflli'lll

lit'c lliiziiil itcv. lliiiixtlax lllt‘ll'i

l\’\l\l\’llt\ lo; Ilic ‘.ot.:li\ .iil\c‘lllllli‘ll\ 'l\iii:' ol \\ .21‘ .ittt’l ciiloiziaz'c

I The Dyad llic l cll liiiik 1' (iiilliiic \liccl. ,‘.“ \o "

" illpiii l.‘ Wain \t'x‘. .l‘mllli tuiiilc iii:'|il loi \\tll.ic llitll~\"\ :ic‘n. lcllticltl lctl Hank l‘.ll .l\ llic l)\.l\l, .iltal ll!l\ lx’oxx, liciilaiiiiii \tlioz'lci. l’.iiil l\t‘\'ll\'i l).i\c Rom .llltl \lt .llltl lllll \looic liiw clcttioiiit \ ‘.‘.llll iiiiio\.ili\c lll\lllllllt‘lll.ll

l (lllllllllill‘

I Jazz Showcase \H (Jim-ii \llt‘t‘l liai .llltll\'t'\l.llll.1lll. \l’l‘lllt't‘ll\llt't'l. .‘.‘,(\ <00" "l‘lll llllillllt‘lll l-lcz'iil.ii xiiol lc.itiiiiii:: .i iol.itiii~,' liiic lll‘ oi «\tullciit l‘.llltl\

I Edinburgh Underground Jazz llic | cll Hank. Vliiiiliiic \iiccl. f.“ \(C‘ ‘l illpiii licc \t-v. |.l// iii;'lil \llt\\\\.l\lll_‘.' Ilic tit-.iiiw l.llt'lll\ ol \Hlllt‘ ol l iliiilitiig'li\ llllt‘\l _\oiiii_:' |llll\l\ l.tll\. lllt liiiliiig‘ i‘llll.tll\l \likc \l\l‘t'l .lllil li.i\\i\i Km iii (il.i\;_v.i\\

l (liiiliiirgli

I Jazz@Lunch \ll ()iiccii \liccl It.” .llltl lx’cxlaiiiaiil. Ml ()iiccii \iiccl .‘.‘o 50"“. -7 Riiiii l icc lllllt liliiiic |.i// \‘-|lll llic .\ll ()iiccii \iiccl piano liio i\l\l\ \Kt‘lt'tilllt'

I BOQSt House Band Mi (‘lllt‘t'll \ticcl liar and lx’cxlaiiiaiii. \ll (jinx-ii Sliccl. .730 ‘0‘)" l’piii lllltlllli'lll licc \loilcin |.i// t lawn \ lioiii llll\ tl\ll.lllll\ li\c pit-cc

Sunday 9


I Kenny Paterson Trio \lt-it li.iiii\ ('oiiici. |.\ loliii \liccl. ‘5‘ {Nil

4 \[iiii licc \ iic'u. l.ilciil oii llic \collixli |.i// \tciic l’.itci\oii lilt“.|tlt'\ \llltiiilll \Hlll .llltl \\\|l|_L' \otalx

I Big Blues Jam \llltlltl l )ii-c. (ilH\\t'llHl lcii.itc. ill (51“ “Him l'icc iill\l\‘tl h} Ilic \cx‘. iilll\'\ \llllt'l\ \\|lll Ulllllll‘llllt‘lh lioiii \llltlltl l )iic lt'j._'lll.tl\ \llt li .l\ l\’c\ l)ot .llltl tlic \iiiiiiio lilHlllt'h


I Jazz@Lunch \H ()llt‘t'il \iit-t-i l4.” and l<t'\l;llll.tlll. All ()iiccii \Iich. .73“ 50‘)“ 3 iiiiii licc l.lll1tlllllllt‘ |.l// ‘.‘.llll lllt' RHl‘t‘ll l’t'lllL'lt’V» lllH Kltl\ \kt'lttllllt‘

I Three in One lllllll.ill lic llli .3 \ \\c'\l (.[l)\\\,lll\g‘\l.‘1'\_(W): Swill ‘lpm \cv. iiiglil .il Ilic llc lii lt’.illlllll‘_‘ ilic \llliinlll. \xcclcntl \Hlllltl\ ol ll|l\ tool piano. haxx .llltl tll'lllll\ liio

Monday 10


I Guest Bands Night \t'l.l.ll. I“ (‘o\|.;_'.ilc. ‘5“ 3‘50 ‘ipiii lllltllllL’lll

l‘i‘cc liiaiitl iicv. lllf_'lll ‘-‘.llll tlillciciil .l.i// hanth \llH\‘.c.l\lll'_' Ilicii l.ilt‘lll\ cicij.

\‘. L'L'lt.

I Jam Session Mi ()iit-t-ii \liccl Hal aiitl l<c\taiiraiit. Ml ()iiccn \liccl. 330 50‘)", ‘Ipiii iiiitlniglit, l‘i‘cc. ()pcii \L’\\lHll \kllll Ilic l)a\itl l’ali‘ick 'liio pla} oi collic lo lical .i ‘.‘.l1olc loatl til ncu talciil.

coiiic and