Visual Art

Nikki Leadbetter

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Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Ruth Hedges.



Juno i’tliittix\ilét\\\ Roatl. 2S7 355”. Mon 'l‘hu «k Sat Illam 5pm; in «k Sun llam 5pm. I'rcc.

One Million Days in China l‘ntil Sun l3 I-ch. l'rct'. .\ maior mhihition that introtlut't'x and mplort'x 4,300 )t‘arx ol' ( ‘Innt'w hixtor} and culture ax collu'tctl h} Sir William liurrt'll. 'I‘ht‘ t'\hihition hax hail mith rm igux hut _\ou can cntcr through (‘hincxc galL‘\\a_\\. hc‘al‘ [Iit‘ \lt'L'L'l \Ullllti\ HI old Shanghai. \cc potx huntlrctlx ol' )t‘arx old. iconx ol' ( 'hina'x truth and communixt propaganda poxtcrx.


350 Sauchtchall Strt‘t't. 353 llllllll,

'l’uc \Vctl tk i'l'l Sun llatn (rpm; 'l‘hu llam Spin.

=31 Simon Faithful’s Antarctic Dispatches l'ntrl Sun In Jail. law \kctch uptlatt'x lrom artN Snnon l‘aithlul \cnt lrom lnx palm pilot on ln\ rolling} to thc .-\lllill'c'llt'. St'c lhthxt. lASl (ll lANCt l() SH. Art:Speak! 'l'hu Ill .lan. 7pm. .\ writ-x ol talkx IUk'll\ill‘L' on iiiL' \xork ol artrxtx \\ho ii\L‘ and practiu' in Scotland. Anthon) Schrag tilSClISSCS iti\ \xork uhit'h l't'iilik‘S to iiit' ‘prcxcnt continuoux'. a\ an attt'mpt to reach a phcnomt-nological rather than intcllcctual Illotttclll.

I COLLINS GALLERY I'Hi\L‘I'\ii_\ til Sil'iliilt'i}tit‘. 3: Richmond Stru't. 548 2558‘ Mon l-ri Illam 5pm; Sat noon 4pm. l'rt‘c. Helen Keller International Award Sat S Jan Sat I3 lich. .-\\\ill'ti “inning Cltll‘lL‘S l‘or Scnxc Scotland'x cotttpclition opt‘n to an} ttl’li\l \xith

tile size Luohan figurine - circa 1484 02004 Glasgow City Council (Museums)

Discover 4,000 years of Chinese art and culture in a new exhibition at the Burrell Collection.

Until 13 February 2005

Open daily lOam - 8pm exrept Friday and Sunday llan.


the Burrell Collution, Pollok Country Park,

2060 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow

Phone 0141 287 2550 Fax 0141 287 2597

Wlwelrliarr (“(055, (ate, restaurant, gift shop,

free daily qurdvd tours of the mus-'j-un‘

qlasqot'amusmum (urn/(arm!


- -'- Glasgow


\xork on the \uhicct ot lik'tlii‘illltilik‘SS. Ni Si lt )\.'.'.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Street. 33‘) WW». \lon \\t'ti «K Sat Illam 5pm; 'I'hu Illam Spin; i'll t\ Sun Ilam 5pm.

Glasgow’s Art: Recent Acquisitions l'nttl 'I‘hu i \lar. \t‘u ;tt‘t|tll\lllttll\ Hi (ii;t\gti\\ ix t'c't‘t‘lll \lt'iittl gcncration ol artrxtx lllt'illtilllg‘ \xork l\_\ ('hrrxtrnc Borlantl. Rotlcrrck Buchanan. (iraham l'agcn. 'I‘oh-x I’atcrwn. Rti\\ Sinclair and Hannclinc Vixncx Elbowroom l‘ntil .\lon ll lulu. l:\|nhition \i1(\\\lllf_' IiiL' t'llillllllttlltill ot an eight month partrcrpator_\ art protect to tlmclop no“ work on [M thcmc ol

\ rolcncc aganN \xomcn and iiiL'

\ Iolation ol \xomcn‘x human rightx. .r\rti\t\ Katit' lirut'c. .'\llllt' lzlhot. Rat'hcl Mimicc anti .lamt't' Sharp \\t)l'i\L'li \xith Rul Road \Vomcn\ (‘cntrta (i|a\gti\\ \Vomcn\ l.rl\rar.\. (ila\go\\ \\'otncn\ .'\|ti and Haw 75‘

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 x 35 King Sum-t. 552 ll7tl-l.

'l'uc Sal lllam 5.3llpm.

Big in the City 'l‘hu (i .lan. I’l'lllh on a largcr \CiliC lrom thc iii\L‘\ ol 'l'imoroux “CilSiiCS. llclcn l'a}. lirut'c Xit‘it‘utl :tllti .-\til'l;tlt \Vix/nicxx \ixl. erSl Cl-lANCL l0 8H

Glasgow Print Studio Christmas Show 'l'hu (a Jan. i’ailtlittgx print» craltx and jcucllcr).

Time to Get On \Vt'tl l3 .lan Sal I: l't‘h. .'\rti\t\ rct‘cntl) graduated l'rom (ilaxgou. litlinhurgh and Dundcc Sc‘htmix ol‘ .-\rt uhihit llL'\\ uork in print and othcr lllL‘tillllllS. Ni fit it

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 'l‘hc Mackintmh (iallct'). In? chlrcu Strcct. 353—15lll). .\lon 'l'hu

lllam 7pm: l‘ri Illam 5pm; Sat

Illam 2pm. l’rcc.

Beagles and Ramsay Unrealised Dreams .00 l'nul l’ri l4 Jan. A SL‘l'lcN ol ncu tlrauingx. rclatctl maqucttm anti prototwa lor luturc ttl‘l\\til'i\\. ’l‘hcir l'nrcaliwtl Drcarnx cou'r pron-ch l'rom puhlit' \culpturtw to clahoratc chcnc} u making. outlincx lor mo\ icx and theatrical pl'tttillt'llt‘lh. 'I‘hc \hou tit-alx \\ ith rcc‘urring thcmm ol’ l'ootl. conxumption. lttot'lalil} and grottwquc \L'iiI-l'L‘pi‘L'SL‘iliiliiUil. SL‘L‘ l'L'\ it“. Cl-lANCE TO SEE.

Third Year Painting Exhibition Thu 13 Wed 2r» .lan. Stutlcnt \ktil‘ix trom thc Departmcnt ol' Painting and Printmaking.

Skirtgirl Thu 0 Sat 2‘) Jan. Skirh arc the c‘;tll\;t\\c‘\ ol lhix c‘\hihtliott. L‘t'c‘alcti h} hand \xith cmhroitlcr} and print rmulting in indnithral. lllttcic'\\ \c‘tliplc‘ti \\tll'i\\. Ni: Si'iC/‘.'.,


ll \litchcll lanc. Ill (i303. .\lon a “to Sat Itlfillam 5pm; 'l‘uc

l lam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 (Sllpi. Art Nouveau En Projet t'ntil Sun 23 Jan. ()nl) l'K \houing ol' this tourng mhihition celebrating the lcgac‘} ot‘ the .-\rt \ouwau mowrncnt

Mayan ruins stretching down to the Carribbean in Tulum, Mexico. This mouth-watering panorama is just one of 60 works by artists and photographers at the most recent Open exhibition.

if (/"nyfi’ . )f"’/"l‘r.1‘,),(,‘l (LN/tit,“ (1.1:) .r. ‘1' (2 if . I»:

H] l utopt'. tt'aturmg ('httonl\ ptopoxalx lot the Royu§. \i.l\i\lliili\ii \\alton\ Buchanan Sttt't't It'a Rtmllh .Hlti I’agt' .Hlti l’.uk\ tt'tlt'wlopmt‘nt ol St \ntlrmx \ ('hurth Hall

Glasgow 1999 Design Medal 2004 Exhibition l'ntil Sun ill .iatt Shottlhtt‘tl k‘lllllk'S lot the award that t‘t'lt'hratcx _\Ullllg‘. contvmporau tlt'xrgn \\til'i\,

Defyra: Winter Wonderland or How to Dress a Cold Platter l’nltl Still (i hit. .\ll it'lililit' Sxxt'tlrxh u't't'nlrit‘. lllllti\.lil\t' tit-\rgn quartt't \hoxwaxt‘ tit-\Ignx mt'lutlmg lurnitun'. armaturt'\. \xallpapt'r antl ruhht't \L‘gt‘tation.


3-.” Silllt'illt‘ilitii Sll’t‘t‘l. 5(i5 -i it)” i'll & Sun Ilam 5pm; Mon 'lliu t\ Sat Illam 5pm

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove iilllli \Vctl ill .\'o\~ i\\ tht' Kclnngrow \luwum ck ,-\rt (ialltrx hax tum L'ill\t‘ti ll\ tloorx lor malor It‘illli‘lSillllt‘lli. owl Jill) ot rtx pamtmgx takt' up rmrtlt-nt‘} ttl lilc‘ \it'it‘iiztll (i;tih'l'lt'\. iitt' tihpitt} illL'illtit'S 'l'homax I'at'tl\ "l'hc last ol thc (‘lan' anti Rt‘mhtantlt\ ‘\ Man in .-\rmoui”. Pith \xork h) (ilaxgou '\ on n ('harlm Rt'nmc \lackrntmh. Hutch .lllti l'lcmrxh art.

Art Bites Thu 0 Jan. lpm I'IL'L'. St‘otllxh colourht S.| l’t'ploox llu' limit/1 ('nmA lrom thc 'Il't'iISIIH‘ ol Kclx Ingrow ( ~ollt-t'tron 1x iiit' \uliiu't ol thix t|lllt'i\lt' art talk.

ArtBites! 'l‘hu (i .lan. lpm. l'n'c. Short iilih till lllr’ lil‘rtltll (rink Sk'iiiii\ii colourrxt S .l I’k‘PilK',

Art Bites Thu | i .lan. lpm, l-tct'. Hear about .ill’rlllg’r'lllr‘lll H: (Ma and [film A HHS. ’uI'I/‘rul u/ llrnmux (tn/\lr h} lamt-x \lt‘Ncrll \Vlnxtlcr lrom iilL' 'lrt'axurtw ol Kch mgroxt- ( ‘ollt't‘tlon m lhix quickrc art talk.

Art Bites 'l'hu Ill .lan. lpm. l/u' /)I'(lI(/\ h} (ilaxgou hit-\HS l'. llornt'l and (i llcnr} l\ the \uhlu't ol thrx tilllc'ixlt' art l;tii\.


le| North Strut-l. 337 309‘), Mon 'I hit lll.3tl;irri (Lillpm; in Sat

ltlfitlam 4pm.

Nelson Mandela: Images from Apartheid to the Presidency [pill in 7 Jan. South Alrican photographcr |)r l’ctcr \laguhanc titlt‘lllllL'lllx Mantlcla'x t-\traortlmar} lilc lrom thc 'l'rcaxon 'lrral m iiik' i‘)5(l\ to hix rclcaw lrom Iltlpt'htitlltlt‘lll and appointmcnt ax i’l'L’SltiL‘lll ot thc chuhlic ot South Alrica m I‘M-l. LAST CHANCE: TO 8H1.


Zr) King Strut-t. 553 3l5l. 'luc Sat lllam 5.3llprn

The 6th Street Level Open l'nul Sat 2‘) Jan. ()wr (ill wirkx h} 3‘) itl‘ll\l\ and photogt'aphct‘x you-ring \tthicc‘l mattcr ax tiHCl'SL' ax llltillSll'liti piitlllx h} tla} and night. coastal landwapc. a \}llli‘ttiiic rcl'orcxlation project tor Rannoc'h Moor. print\ on sandblastcd glam and lilm pHL’iHS. Scc picture.