35 .-\lhct't I)ll\k'. li\.t< Alli Sill

'luc Sat iiiiiin hpiii. \un iiiiiin lipiii Flower of the West I n 1.1 Sun 21 Jill] I'lt't‘ ('iiinpiisitt' L"\illi‘lllitll h} \l\ itl'll\l\ L'\lliilllll_L' lilL' lilt'lllL'\ iil (Liclit‘ :iiiil ('t'ltit tilt-nut} K.i\i.i /._\t’li. Hugh \Viitt. I.k'\ik"\ l’uiiiiiii. \Idlht \lt('.i\.in.i. (“V-CH Sliiint- .lllti \hntilln \lt'Nliilluii \wic ilii (iliiw'll Iiii lilL'll t'iiiinutiiin Iii liIL' \\t'\lL'lll lxlcx HI ('cltit' liixtiii}

'ft "1.. DOUGLAS MORLAND I“ ll

.lilll Sun 0 I't'h. l'icc l'.\liihitiiiii ti} (i|.i\j_'iiv. St liiiiil Ht ;\iI jgiiiiltititc i.i|\ii in \liillici .inil lilt' .-\ililit'lx. \iuncil Iii ('licniikul l nilci‘piiiunili I)till_‘._'i.l\ \liiiliintl. looking: at {ix} chic iiiciliuinx illitl the “Milk iit Siixict Illll\lt‘.li inwntiir [min 'I ilL'l'L‘lltlll. TIE ’,i " DOUGLAS MORLAND TALK Sat l5 .lttII. 3pm. I‘I‘t‘L'. I)(Hl“._'iit5 \liilliitltl ilixctixxcs ill\ t'iiirciit mhihitiiin. Flower of the West Discussion Sat 33 .ltlll. lpni. l'rt'c. x\ pgiiicl iil ill'll\l\ til\L‘ll\\ the ongoing I'ilt\\t'l ill tlic \M'xt mliiliitiiiii.

Private Galleries


I73 \cht Rt‘fJL‘lll Sin-ct. Ill (i370. .\tnn Sui llluni 5.30pm.

Compass Christmas Exhibition 2004 l'iitil Sun ii) iii”. .\li\cil \IIU“ iil itl'll\l\ including: .ln} cc (Kurtis. (il'ililtllll I'illt’ix unit (it'iii‘uc \\'_\ ilt'.


l»l.\' \cht Rout-lit Slit-cl. 33| 3005.

Mon Slit ‘),5li;llll 5.30pm.

The Winter Collection 2004 l'niil Sn! 3‘) .itlll. Hi‘itixh paintings. «hummus and \L‘llipllll't' including; pieces h} Roger i'l}. Duncan (hunt and .Il) l’ci'guxxnii.

I LLOYD JEROME GALLERY Bill) Biith Street. Kit “733. IllL‘ Siit ‘lgiin (ipni.

There is No Place t'ntil \Vt-tl In .liiii. RL'L'L'III paintings h) Benji dc Burnt.

I MANSFIELD PARK GALLERY 5 H}iiill;intl Sti'ccl. 343 -l|3.l. 'l‘iic liri iiillll (ipni; Silt Hunt 5pm. Christmas Exhibition t'iitil Sun 3t) .liin. Paintings. printx tlllti \ctiliiltii‘cx.


5 St \liii'giii'ct'x I’lticc. 07313 (ill57-l5. Iiltl Sin l 5pm.

Kate Davis .0... t'iiiit Sui 32 Jill]. \lcliciiluux pencil drim ingx l'i'iini UIIL' of thc ill'll\l\ \xhii i‘cpi'cwntcd Scotland til the \bnicc lticiiniilc in 3003. L'ltlltltt}llt:_‘ \ l\lltli \llltlit‘\ :iiiil iiictiipliiii‘x iil‘ iigiturc illiti ciiltiii'c. abstraction tlllti i'cpi'cxcntulinn. ltciitit} and catastrophe SCC Hitlht.


X I'.iil0l l’lttu‘. 33l (i303. Dull}

ilittlll 4pm.

Alan McAteer t'niil Hi 7 Jun. Locations photographer L‘\illi‘ll\ 3t) lIL'\\ \uirk»

I TRACEY MCNEE FINE ARTS ~17 l’ui'tiic Sti'cct. 553 503". 'l‘tic Silt lltini 5pm.

Gerard M Burns 'l'hu b Jun. Suln \him of IIL‘\\ unrk h} (iltixgmx-huxcil tlt‘ll\l.


(iman. 4]" 03‘)”.

Govan Gathering Light 0..

Thu 0 Jill]. 5 0pm. (inmn timn ccntrc ix illtintintitcd h} \giriiiux urtistx‘ prnicctx thing cnipt) \hnpx and the old I.) ccuni cinema. Scc rm icxx.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 3.\‘ King Sti‘cct. 553 48H. ’l‘uc Sat Iltlllt 5pm.

Gregor Wright inc 1 I Stit 15 .Ian. l Ittm Split. ()IIL‘ \\ L'L‘k \Ulti \htm.



3 \Idlixk'l \llt't'l. 53‘) 1""; \Ii‘lt \il Ill.iiii 5pm

Johann Georg Von Dillis l nut \.ii \ .ltin |)i.i\\in§_' ginil \\.tlt'lu'iittll\ h} (iL'lllldll .Il'lhl \xlimc iliL' \l‘Jllllt'ti lltilll lilt' llllti |.\Ih In lilL' llllti l‘tth tt-ntui}

ARTTEXTILES3 l'ntil .\.ii \ ,i.tll. lll.ini 5pm I‘lt't' \tiiiitt'nipiiiui} t'\illi‘lllitll iit tmtilc .iit i‘lj3.tlll\t‘ti hx thc Bur} St I'.(i|lltlilti\ .\i'l (liliik'l_\. chatting; liIL' iiictliuiii'x \'\Hitlllt\ll ' i


33 3h (’iit'khiii’n Stit'ct. 33” 13!)”

inc Sgit nnnn 5pm

Born under a Bad Sign Sui l5

.liin Sat I‘) I't'h. (irnup \Iltt\\ h_\ (iiiitliiii l);iltiiii. tin/cl \lt'lt'ntl illlti ('hi‘ixtnplici \Vulkt'r. plus 'I‘ (‘lii'i\i_\ ('nlc III the I’I'UIL‘CI RUUIII. Ni for? ».'.


"I iit‘llill'tl RUitti. 03-1 “3”” \ith “Mi \\ I'll Sun Ill.ini 5pm; 'l'liti Illani "pin. Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney

O. l‘iitil Sun 30 .liiii. l‘icc .\ touring! \hnu nl int-r ill with iit liiilixli 3llth ccntur} ;iil ti‘iiiii tlic l’ici .\i'I\ (entry in ()rknc) \iliilc the l\i;lllti giillci} lllltiL'l;,'tlk'\ :i iii.iliir l't‘ltll'i‘hitlllt'lll. Sec rm lt'\\. Thomas Whalen l'ntil iii 35 l‘t‘lt. l‘rcc. Wurkx It} lilL‘ I.L'lli1 liiii'n sculptor front the (it) «it lziliiiliui'gli .'\l‘l ('iillcctiiin. Ilic I{(i_\ili Suittixli x\\‘;lt|L‘lll_\ and hunt \thilcn l';iiiiil_\ incinlicrx.


I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 311 lili‘ll\llx't'1.<<_34-" luv \.:I Want hpili

Christmas Exhibition lut- ll \ii 2" Lin \ \xiilt' \k'i’x'xill‘ll iit l‘lllll\ l\_\ .iiiiiiiitl "ll lit tlic \xiiikxhiiltk .iitixh .iiitl llltilltilll; umilm it} .Il‘illl Hullaii}. (ultllll (‘iilxin l’.iwlii//i dihi \lii}ii.i l l.iiiiii;.iii


~15 \l.iikct\ticct.33531\‘ \liin \.it ll.iiii lipiii. \iin llili'll 5pm

=3: Ellen Gallagher - Orbis .0000 l ntil \iin I3Ik'i‘ \l.iliil \l‘il‘ t'\liiliitiiiii lit llt'\‘- .tllti \'\l\tlllj_' \kiiik h} \t'\\ \iiik i‘.l\k'\i \iiit'iituii .tlll\l I'llt'n ( i.ill.i;'llci including l‘.tlllllllj_'\. lliiiiiii Iiliii piolcttiiiiix. tuiwtl \il.t\\ lll:._‘\ .lllti .iii ll iiit'tic Inn: til.l\\ Ill}: inatlc illit't't \‘II In Iiit' pallet} \\.l|i\ lIt-i milk ll\L‘\ itx‘iiiiingg lllt‘lll\ .tllti i.it‘i.il t‘.iiit.itiiit'\ iii uwx. lips .lllti li.iii .lllti in “NC pit'tt' ini.ij;c\ of black iiiuxt‘lc lllt‘ll hunt I hum iii.i;_'.i/int' tut-Hunt \t'c ic\it'\\ .lllti IIllihl

Film-maker’s Talk: Beverly Hood lliu li.|;in. h, illpnl l‘icc Itcxcil} Hood. .ii'ti\I .lllti I’iixtuiutlualc ('iiiii'iliiiutni‘. Sclinnl iil \ l\ll.li (‘iiiniiiiinimtiiin ill l-.(' \ tlixt‘uxwx tht- lilni .intl ;iiiiiii;itiiiii l‘ll‘t't'\\k'\ in l llcn (i;ill;ig_'licr\ itilll\. thinking .lti\ l\.ti\it‘.


(it'iilg't' i\' lil'ltiglt‘. 33“ ~15” \IHII \ll “Lilli 5pm; Sun3 5pm. The Private Lives of Books l'nnl Mon ‘1 Jun. I'Ik‘t', ('clt'lix liiiiii t‘iiltiiit'. \PHII .lllti [tililll\‘\ h.i\c t'iiiiti’ihiilctl i‘lHII\\ lilttl il;l\L' .i \pct‘iul \igiiitimnt‘t- for them iii lill\ L'\Illi‘lllltlt tli;il mplnrtw lilk' i'cl;itiiiii\liip\ Iliiit ilcwliip itt‘l\\t't'll linokx .tllti lilt'll' im llt'l'\.



Eccentric artist who fused expressive colour with a dark side died in 2002. Here her ‘Lady

with Weasels’ stands with smoking nipples and sinister creepy weasles nibbling into her side. Other works include ‘Woman Possessed by a

Visual Art


Msuai A“? editor Ruff? Hedges PICKS

Out the no! rips far 3005

So who's going to be cresting the great Scottish art wave in 2005’? With Surprises up their sleeves. maverick tioublemakeis Dalzeil and Scullion are proposing) a multi-City project to take place across Scottish Cities at the end of May. Keeping it hush hush. the only hints so far are that it VVIll involve the histories of landscapes. In-ter- esting.

It looks like being another corkei for the Modern Institute With Luke Fowler. winner of the Donald Dewar Prize for film iust nominated for the Beck's Futures Pri/e isee profile). He has a show at the Institute in October. Donald Urquart from Dumfries is also nominated for the Beck's lolly and is being rewarded for his studies into “the wonderful horror of alcohol". The tragedy and glamour of performance (lrawing. Sheiinds barry.

Francis McKee has been around for a long time. as lecturer at Glasgow School of Art and curator at CCA, but this year is his big one. Bravely taking on the lob of curating the inaugural Glasgow International art festival in April. he is attempting to give the internationalism of the Weeg’s art scene a more public profile.

Hillary Nicol at Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Aberdeenshire has big plans to drag the institution into the 2 1 St century. Meanwhile. Mutley of Glasgow is turning a former Customs and Excise building and former illegal rave venue at the end of Kelvinhaugh Street into a new artists space. Will there be a roof garden at ‘The Studio Warehouse' by Summer?

Emma Hamilton Winner of the Jerwood Photography Prize takes her meat flowers back home to Dundee with an exhibition in the Summer. And after a year away. Claire Barclay returns to doggertisher in Edinburgh for a solo show in August. while Alison Watt looks set to finish her Creative Scotland project - a giant metal cube with the insides all painted. Surf's up.

Cheetah' and ‘Woman with a Reptile’.

‘i‘ 1 r‘ \“ w‘f r\ F vwn r u)‘ (‘r‘ l'-r‘_ , 1 Lqu I l t Sit/tn. 5 k110i“ -u w. t or: . .-