Classified - Personal



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Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

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o If you send several replies. send them in one large envelope.

0 Box Numbers are valid for three months. 0 Replies will be forwarded once a week.

108 THE LIST e..‘:"-f ‘w‘t


I Slim professional male, young 44. \Vagner-lov tiig. Salsa—dancing. Art ‘l'eacher seeks sociable. Il'lelttlly. \CS temale to help yyith his loot- yyork tllo\ \o: l”5l3/l i

I New Year, New Start? Redundant stereotype I'it'st I‘HHICI' lItlll. I);ll'l\ L‘lcl \L‘L‘IsS slllll It‘lllttlc 35 40 lot ti post- tiye post-Ilogmanay iii Izdiiibtti‘gli. illo\ \o: l’/5I3/3i


V I Saw You se\y. scrtill'y looking lelloyy yyorkiltg in Byres Road Siibyyay Sandyy ich. Spotted again at the Music You can make my sandyy ich any day? I'/5I3/I

V I Saw You curly blonde- haired beauty at .\'ice‘n'SIea/y. I’int in haiid and pirate tattoo. Yery intriguing. yyhat a rarity? I'/5 l 3/2

V I Saw You (iini. like a lady Ir'oin a lamp. See you soon in the Itttttl oI()/. I’L‘ztc‘c NII‘AI I'/5 l 3/3

VI Saw You yyorking iii Ilcctors hal‘. Stockbridgc. Iidinbtirgh. strutting your ctitc ass around the pttb. Your gorgeous. steely blue eyes yy eltI right thr'ti me and melted my heart. liancy a drink‘.’ Irish lassie. I'/5l3/4

V I Saw You in the Arches. surrounded by gaijin on Saturday. Would you dip sushimi yyith me soiiietinie'.’ US I 3/5

V I Saw You at the cinema. Yoti yy ere hot. I wanna do things that should be illegal to yoti. Stick you later. Sexy girl. I75 I 3/6

V I Saw You at the Arches. ()ur eyes met. I kiioyy you loy-e me. Yoit lelt your tartlet leaye hitii loo. I'/5l3/7

V I Saw You watching the moon on Prince Regent Street. I think he l'ound my yyee (linger Beyonce. Let me be your Jay 7. and we can be era/y in loy e. I75 I 3/8

V I Saw You Michael Broyyn l‘rom Scumderland. you make my heart soar and flutter.

I75 I 3/9

VI Saw You Joy. standing at a btis stop near (ilasgoyy I'ni. Thanks Iot‘ making my night yyith the beautiful smile. (illy lrom Perth. I'/5l3/lll

V I Saw You at the cinema. you had a weird llick in your hair and smelled oI grass? Yoti also looked like the boy beside you. I'/SI3/ll

VI Saw You in Ieyel 5 discussion room. You: tall and sleepy. .\Ie: small yyith blonde highlights. Do your l‘riends knoyy y‘et‘.’ (‘ome ()I'T yy ith me and we'll haze some fun. I'/5l3/l2 V I Saw You at the 13th Note looking chic and stylish in your yelloyy yyraparound. (‘an I yy rap around you sometime? ()h and fancy a date at \Yaterstones'.‘ I hear it's the place to be. I'/5I3/l 3

I Saw You cont.

V I Saw You iii \\.i\y s on Sunday. Yott yy ere the blonde tiddlc player" \y ho i'eseiiibled .Iolttllty Rotten trom the Sey l’istols I yyas a hot blonde in. leather skirt and I stole your passport l’eace. loy e and kindness. man' I' 5l3 IJ

V I Saw You Brian at \\ tg» “dill. Il'lt‘lltllc‘ss ttllt‘l‘ l‘.tlIlIlL‘ss

I lost you yy hen l tjtietied tor Ill} coat. \VIIIIIII line you lo gel in touch S. IISI3 15

VI Saw You at the Interpol gig try mg to peer oy er the bit 5" guy tn tront til you. I yyished I yy as a stepladder. .‘\tI;llll\I\l \

I l/S I 3 II)

V I Saw You \icc'n'Slea/y s oti Monday 3" Dec arid you gay e the tequila atid a siiog. I just leel I should return the layout. I'/5l3/l."

V I Saw You yyorking in the IiIIIIIL'I'I\t)\ collee shop and around (llasgoyy I'niyei'sity. You are \er'y cute yyith loyer brunette hair and a perlect smile. Do you drink collee as \yell as tiiake it'.’ I'/5l.3/IS

V I Saw You tn Ilonhams on Ilyres Rd. neyy year's day, You: short. dark hair. nayy jumper. me: mid length broyyn hair. black top and jeans. You gay e me a neyy year's kiss and yyay ed goodbye. I hoped to catch you at ('leopatra's btit it yy as closed. I'd low to meet tip yyith you again. I'/5I3/l‘)

V I Saw You 3| I)eceiiiber. the Nutcracker. 'l‘heatre Royal. (llasgoyy. You yyerc gtiy yy ith beard drinking red yy ine at the Stalls bar. I yy as the girl in black. You smiled at me as l yyalked past yoti. I smiled back. \Youltl like to see yottr smile again. I'/5l3/2ll

V I Saw You .\Ior‘i‘isons. .\'cyy lands. You: yyhite I-shii't. jeans and jumper. .\Ie: black jacket and jeans. Vague description btit also says you getting petrol Ior Black .-\stra. .\Ie: bloke yyith Irord lioctts. (iay".’ I‘iancy a drink'.’ I75 I 3/3l V I Saw You clutching that platinum diamond snal‘llc in the arcade. I sayy the yyay your gorgeous green cy es lit tip at the site ol' togetherness. That day you made me the happiest eyer chest-beast. ()m. US I 3/22 V I Saw You in Kl"(' and the collee shop next to the ’l‘histle llotel. We talked about autism. I lost your number. You yyishcd you'd asked me loads ol' questions. yy hat yy ere they". I'/5l3/23

V I Saw You in I’rct a Manger on Satichieliall Street on Thursday (ith January. You sery ed me a tuna sandyy ich yy ith an American accent. I yy as yyearing a red scarl~ on my head it yy as raining? Thank you Mr making me smile when I needed to. \ I'/5l3/2~l

V I Saw You beautil'ul brunette barista made me mocha. Thursday ()th .Ian hall noon. Starbucks ('haring (iross. .\Ie: scarch shifted. slIiIVCLI and bearded. Your azure eyes beyyitched me. yyig- gle your nose for me too'.’ [75'13/25

V I Saw You I‘aimeii tn \ii.t. Saturday \tli ,I.lllll.ll_\ Sorry I spilled your drink. can I buy you another one sometime (’olin l SI 3 3h

V I Saw You concentrating on your oyyn coiigli in lloots in Saucliieliall Street You should hay e bought the Iyeiiy llll. " ottt ol Ill .iit students piclei it' I *l 3 V I Saw You concentrating on your o\\ii paraplieiialta .tt Ilillhead underground lli.ti ipod's ripe lot the syytptn' II

I 5i 3'33

VI Saw You breakdanc mg boys at ()ptimo Jan 3nd He and my pal admired yotii moyes. btil yoti lelt too soon I-aiicy a dance oll I' 5| 3 I" V I Saw You Sittlye Hat. Shays lands. \\etlnesd.iy eyetiiiig l3 .lantiaiy You girl yyitli black hair. stunning eyes and smile and yytld laughter .\Ie .idriitiing male Ill yyork clothes \\otiltl be cool to meet. I' 5l3 3H


VI Saw You Sophie thc l’i//a Ilttt . Izspioiiage. llec IS. Yoti gay e me a dancing lesson. I think I may need another one. 'I he Ilcadline \Vr'itei'. I'/5I 3/3l

V I Saw You at \‘tce on [IiIllll‘Stltty title. You knoyy yoti yyant to. Baby lltt and Scampi l'or‘eyerl I'/51 3/32

V I Saw You I” hit/urine /,Utt‘. ('ameo. Sunday Jan ‘lth No llolly\\ootl car chases. llol

ey en ma black and yyhtle Syyedish .\Iint' It yyas ltiii. \\ II .\I tk talk some more. I'x'Sl 3/3; VI Saw You at ('ity Nightclub. Iidinbtii'gh oti Ilogiiiariay. You: Michael li‘oiii Bellasl. L‘llttl'lcl’etl suryeyoi possibly liying iii Izdinbtirgli. going skiing tin l‘r'ance"i l Jan. .\Ie: dark haired girl yyith stripe) top. You liked my top. We danced btit l lelt yyithotil giyiiig you my number. (let Ill touch il~ you still yyaiit to meet tip. it yyotild be great to Iieai l'rom yoti. USU/34

V I Saw You around Napier I'ni at .\Ier‘chiston. You're 531". long broyy n hair. and blue eyes I’robably about 35 3t) and I think you're stall. You haye a black Y“. IIL'ellc “ith a red lloyy er in the ytise and an Orkney sticker on the \y ilttony, Ii/Sl V ‘5 V I Saw You sitting neyt to tile on an Iidiiibtirgh-btitind btis. You: yery ctite in blue scarl. me in broyyn trilby. Wish I'd shared your ta\i. Want to share a dillerent one'.’ I '/5 l 3/36

VI Saw You dingling your little bell. scaring all the birds. lloyy come Iltirberry looks so good on )otl‘.’ I75 I 3/37

VI Saw You Simon in ('(‘s bel‘ore Xmas. You were yy ith yarious mates and kept me company and my hands yyarrii. l‘ancy some more hand hold- ing'.’ [/5 l 3/33

V I Saw You heautit'til Iooooong blond hair on Iidinburgh-(ilasgtm (‘entral train jUst bel'ore ('hristmas. \Yish I hadn't had to get oil the train. I'/5l3/3‘)