
Bi . portions

Planning to ‘pig out’ but still need to keep your expenditure low? Well, the Chinese buffet restaurants that have popped up seemingly everywhere in our city centres offer plenty chances for gut busters. But their steam trays are not the only options. Below are restaurants where you can come away well stuffed on good food and still have a fair bit of cash left over.

Canton Express

407 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 0141 332 0145

'l‘here is an ob\ ioux temptation lo tip the man} ('hinexe bullet restaurants here. but u e \lill l'a\oui' the basic canteen :Illiltispilcll‘ at ('anlon lawless. .i\\ the i‘exiaui‘anl'x


4‘1"» 1


85 Renfield Street, Glasgow, 0141 353 6616

Want big portions? :\l Mangiare. the he“ Italian bullet restaurant in (iiasgtm '\ cil_\ centre. _\oll decide how much _\ou \xanl local. 'l‘he

Laura Mamey AUTHOR Monster Mash, Byres Road. Glasgow

"i "coin: 'rzost w-xolzis

an lll‘i.i ixii‘tie's

anti uhifihii‘.) We. biw- twinifc ram» '1 tomato :unvmi fiilllkr‘f. {offlw It: Tue-~- o". 'owiarrivii

tba- t‘utfi‘". Min" a x v: ui‘t?

.‘."it'll 7‘!‘t‘.i Ci ‘l“‘

W. "til‘wltl‘n‘l ltx‘tfiit'H \‘aior‘ .wu‘w Ruining} gull Tlot ,i ‘tiiiiiilii'ioiitar‘, fi‘.‘.t‘~"i|e‘. i‘ilii‘wl'ilill‘ui7.l\t‘1ll'ii“;'i\i'

Blili‘h .Jtidk i' t ill... fiiiiilii

iiiclutlex hangers and mash lcatui‘ing lal. \i//|ing \auxagcx. macaroni checw and traditional lixh and chips. ’l'hough the menu I\ ali'catb gooil \aluc at under t' I 5 a head. [ilL‘ hi\il'H.\ 'c‘ilL‘ali iillcuia}. l1\\ocoiii\c\ loi' L‘lUSi uughl tilil\\ )ou in and li|| )oii up.

The Outsider

15—16 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, 0131 226 3131

It‘s not olicn lhal \inai'l dining and big portions go hand in hand. but \\ hile a \ i\il to the chic and _\oulhlul ()uixitlci' can leaxe _\ou l'eeling a bit (liti and shabbil} til'L'\\ui. )(ill‘l't' unlikel} iii Icaxc hungr}. The menu \u‘uclui‘e is such that (ii\ilL'\ such as the "chunky heallh_\' lines lkebab \keuerx ol \\\Ul'tiii\il. scallops and plan ll\l can

ik‘ \ilill‘cti.

naine \llg‘gc\[\. chelx in the open kitchen \peetlil} uhip up

aria} ol loot] looks like it belongs at \ome huge Sicilian laiiiil} xxetltling


predominant!) (‘anlonexe reception. ()1) one counlei' there are Relish itl\Ulll'ilC\. l’opulai' dishes include L‘tiiti cuts and \L‘iliiitlti illllipthltll on 217 High Street, Edinburgh. 0131 beel' cho\\ inein or chicken cui'i'). Bunker another \C\L‘l'ili pi//a options. .'\llti 225 8770

The house specialil} is its ‘lanious' 193—199 Bath Street, GlangW. 0141 229 1427

(me oi the more I'CL‘L‘HI additions to the cit} centre lit opened December 2003). Bunker initially l'eelx like .ill\l another \t_\ le bar. But it hits been \lll'pl'isillgi} \uccewl‘ul on the iiltlti front and despite a change in chel mid-)ear. it hasn‘t inst its \x'a}. \\ ith a range ol‘ imenlixel} prepared dishes that hit the cooking well

be} ontl merage bar tare. 'l‘he ii\L‘Li price lunch (noon 3pm) and pre- lheau‘e l5 7pml menu are good \Llille at No colll'xm tor £9.95 ltiil‘L‘L‘ iiUl‘ U i.‘)5 l.

View all knou n l'or ages that a burger is lar too good a meal to be hit lo the dubious charms ol the iiiullinalional last—loot] chains. Relish ai'i‘i\eil on the l{o_\a| .\ii|e i;l\i summer as a champion ol the real deal homemade \L‘l'\iHli. 'l'he} ol'l'er a heel. chicken or bean burgers \\ iih a complement ol loppingx iiiil\(ll!l'\1lllti\itiL‘\.

that‘s bel'ore )ou gel to the main courses and their \'ili'iUll\ ilt‘L‘UlilptlliilliL‘liIs.

barbecue three-meal roast selection. \L‘l‘\ mi on iiU lilll noodles. it Uiit‘h \UlllL‘ Hi. ik‘Nl [H'iL‘LN ill to“ ll i'Ul' Home Bistro

41 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, 0131 667 7010 Simplicil} is the essence ill lhi\

.\'e\\ inglon nook. \\ ith a selection ol' ciilxsic coliiiiii'I-iooti dishes that

heaps ol lilling and delicious (‘hinese itN loud.

The Greek Golden Kebab 34 Sinclair Drive. Glasgow,

0141 649 7581

The Soulhxitle'x ( ii'eek (ioltlen Kebab ix an old-lashionetl gem. unaltered b) an) trends since the liiiki- lll7llx. 'l‘ratlilional (ii‘eek dishes are probabl) the best bet: xix kolie ol'l‘ei‘x tender chunks ol' minced and \ubll} spiced lamb L‘UUhL‘ki Uli Al L‘iitll‘c‘mli gl‘iii. ’iiiiL' low-course me//e gi\e\ diners a little bit ol‘e\er.\ lhing. although the dessert menu has some lighter


Monster Mash

4a Forrest Road, Old Town, Edinburgh, 0131 225 7069

in \lll‘l‘tilllitiilig\ reminiscent ol a poxli school dinner hall li'eli'o ketchup bottles. l‘oi'inica table tops and comics to read l. the Monster menu is a trip dim n menior) lane with bangers. mash and gun _\. steak pie \L‘l'VCLi in blue and white enamel dishes and cream} Knickerbocker (ilol'ic\.

choices. such as )oghurl \\ ilh hone) and \\;linlll\. 'l'he K}i‘iacou liiiiiil} ha\ e o\\ ned and run the restaurant “‘1' [he paxl .‘~(l _\eai\ and it has the led ol a passionate labour ol loxe than a inone_\ «pinning enterprise. Here's hoping this place ne\ei'
