Laboratoire Garnier

LAURENT GARNIER, the embodiment of French dance music, talks to Henry Northmore about his new album and why he loves long sets.

he Man with the Red l’ace himsell. Laurent (iai'nier. has been shaping how we \ iew electronica since l‘)t\’7. Still at the loi'elront ol DJ and production intimation. the man lained lor his longer than long .sets (I was lucky enough to catch him putting in eight hours at (‘ltih l'K hack in the early Utlsl is hack with two treats this January a new artists alhum 'l'/ie ('loirr/ .llu/ting .lltlt'lllllt' and a the hour set at l’i‘essurc. l-‘ii‘st oll the new alhum though (iai'nier himsell may dispute this is a hit ol a departure. incorporating elements ol lr'ee jaH. amhient. sampling and electronica and teaming up with names such as Bugge \Vesseltolt. Scan X and Vocalist Dhalcr Youssel. ‘;\i'otind "Man with a Red liace" |on pi'e\ious alhum ('iii't'uwiiu/i/t' Ht'lltll'ltllll'l there was a whole alhum. When you take that track away there were a lot ol tracks that could \ery well haye heen on this alhum.’ esplains (iarnier in his distincti\e l‘i'ench accent. ‘l'm just mming on as simple as thatf It‘s his desire to push things lorwai‘d and to innoyate constantly e\ en alter l7 years on the scene. Back in ION he set up l" (‘ommunications. now home to the Youngsters. liahrice l.ig. .-\le\kid. .-\gua Bassino and many more. 'l-' (‘omm has always heen quite a lree lahel hat I think all the artists on I" (’omm are going towards more grown up alhums.‘ says ('iarnier. ‘\\'e always wanted the lahel not to he pigeon-holed. not to he closed to any styles ol music .so I guess the new alhuin carries on the story.‘ But (iarnier's name will loreyei' he associated with liouse and techno. tracks like ‘('ri.spy Bacon’. ‘.-\cid liillel'. the alor'ementioned ‘.\Ian and his

34 THE LIST 8 ‘et‘

undisputed DJ sets. particularly at the legendary Res in Paris. He’s a master ol hoth I).ling and production work. "lhey are two dillerent worlds: in one you play other people's music and your duty is to make people dance. But with production it‘s you. yoursell and | in a studio. You haye to hasicall} dig deep into )‘oursell; it's a much more personal tripf But which does he preler‘.’ 'I like l).ling.' he says. and you can sense the genuine enthusiasm and excitement in his answer crackling down the phone line.

'1 enjoy playing. lull stop. and ill go hack somewhere it's hecatise I enjoy playing it. he always said Ireland. Scotland. .lapan and Belgium are my layoiirite places to play. He always said that.‘ .\'ot only is (iarnier looking loi'wal‘d lo the crowds. it‘s also a chance to hook up with Slam. ‘\\’e ha\e heen lriends tor a long time. it's a wry old li'iendship. he done a lew 'l‘ in the Parks now. his delinitely one ol the best lestiyals e\ er. it's so good. so good,~

(iarniei‘ will he gracing the Arches‘ decks tor a lull liye hours ilr'om opening to closingi. How do you prepare loi‘ sets ol that length'.’ 'I don‘t. I ne\er know w hat‘s going to happen.’ he says. Then let a two hour set I hase enough to do ll) to I: hours ol house and techno; an hour to an hour and a hall ol drum & hass: l haye enough to do lour or the hours ol rock; enough to do the same with lunk and soul; the same with reggae: lor salsa l haye ahout an hours worth. I haye enough to play lor' the next two weeks ol your lile.‘ (‘an‘t think ol a hetter w ay to spend the nest I-l day s.

Pressure at the Arches, Glasgow, Fri 28 Jan.



Scratch lhe hip hop iia'ty returns with this one ot? specia‘: .‘ath genius producer \‘iaieed YSltllll Village on the decks the l.r"t”lti(.‘. [t/inhu'gtr, lttii . ‘t ' Jan.

Simbiosis Drum F. liasr; iii your face once more at: Renegade l lard'.vart-'s leriiiiei l) plays alongside guests llt llll the ldirihurgh Massed Collective and MC Sonny. Sound/tarts. Glasgow, Fri .9] Jan.

Solid Steel /\ nez'.‘ home in ldinliiirgli tor Ninja lune's lpictured) legendary night. Sorry can't tell you who's on guest duty as guests are never announced until the night itselt. Bongo (Slut). {ration/gt). Hi (’7 Jan.

44Magnum lhe decadent party returns riiiXing sauce and quality music With real class. Expect eclectic classics. live acts and mayhem all night long as they team up With Bootylushouf; for this date. [:‘go. [dinning/i, Sat 22 Jan.

Subculture House production legend, Oetaye One. comes and plays live at a club that has always played its records. Sui) C/ut). Ct/asgow. Sat 22 Jan.

The Comb Live music meltdown at this Sub tastir; celebration. Kinky Afro are the guys behind this night. which features host the Kink Dog. Found. Monsoon [)Js and Monkey Tribe Scape. Sub Clot). Glasgow. Fri 28 Jan.

Ut‘ter Gutter Madame Sanriex and the Hushpuppy play records at this ultra-messed up DIY club night. It's getting a rep as something rather fantastic. RiverSide C/ut), G/asgow. Fri 28 Jan.

Headspin What more can we say? Seventh birthday party to celebrate their reign of top funky four deck goodness. Get on it. The Bongo C/ub, Edinburgh, Sat 29 Jan.

Monkey Puzzle ‘A night of groovy house and sublime disco beats where you'll be svringing high wrth the srlverbacks at the top of the disco tree.‘ Universal. Glasgow. Sat 29 Jan.