Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow© Listings are compiled by Gareth Davies.

Thursdays Clubs I Quiz Night 8- Killer Kitty l)cltnontca\. (ix Virginia Street. 552 480*, ‘)pm. l-tcc. Regular qtn/ night. nou \kllll part} gatncx and hingo. to kick oll _\otn \xcekcnd In llllx popular ga} lllilllhlil}. I Pink Devotion ('ltth l)c\olton. IS .latnatca Street. S47 llx2ll. I Iptn 3am. Li tl'rcc paxxcx amilahlc lt‘otn the Heath} M NH. ccnlt'cl. Another chance to ctttu} llll\ tnctcaxtngl} populat club night.


I Fresh 'l‘hc l’olt) Lounge. S1 \Vilxttlt Street. 55.i I221. Ilptn 3am. £5. Michelle and And} are Ill charge ol the lllll\lt';tl tlllllL‘\ at lllix tlL‘lchHIS. g;t_\/tttt\ctl Merchant (‘tt_\ cluh. lo titan} it'x lll\l a homo ll'ttlll home.



I Lush 'l'hc l’olo Lounge. S4 \Vilxon Street. .553 I22]. ll)..i(lptn Rant. [5. I-‘eatut‘ing And) in the 'l‘roph} Room \klllt hits lt'om the ()ll\ lo the Sllx, \xhilc 'I'ont prm ltlc\ an uplront dance \clcction in the main room at the cit} \ pt‘etticxl ga} cluh.


I Karaoke at Delmonica’s l)e|tnonica'\. ()8 Virginia Street. .552 4803. 0pm. l‘t'ee. With )011!‘ ho\l\ John and Scoll.

I Cabaret ’l‘llL' 'l'llllllc‘l. N4 .\ltlchc|| Street. 204 lllllll. llptn 3am. £4 tUl. 'l'hingx are dclinitcl} l'ahulotn at lhix Sunda} night part} at the Tunnel.


.‘l. J r’ 5 5'83. -l a ~=. a We all want to make the world better place, and LGBT Youth Scotland is doing its bit by appealing for responses to an online survey in a bid to develop and improve facilities and resources for the gay youth community in your area. The organisation’s Grace Cardozo says: ‘One of the things that LGBT Youth Scotland wants to do is to set up groups and activities for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people all around Scotland, as at the moment there are hardly any services specifically set up for LGBT people. We need your help to change this.’

They’ve developed an online survey aimed at LGBT people aged under 26 in the Dumfries and Galloway, Forth Valley, Grampian and Tayside areas. It takes about ten minutes to complete, is completely confidential, and could help change things in your area, right now. Go to for more details. (Gareth Davies)

I Pink Devotion ('Inlw l)c\oltott. Ix Jamaica Strcct. SJ- llSIll Sun 2‘.

llptn 1am :1 Il'rcc ;‘.t\\L'\ axatlahlc trom the ncarh} l.( ili’l centret Sec 'l'hu


I Passionality ( ‘uhc. 14 Queen Street. 22(ih‘l‘lll. ll illptn ‘am. :2 Li l’lcaflllg‘ cllal'lhll'} lrotn l)J Shaun Rohcrtx. t’e\t\ mg the \xeekcnd tor thmc too )ttlllly at heart to accept tt'x alrcad} \lottda}



I OOT Special: Sassy Stryker & Titty Le Camp The Stand. 1.“ \Vtmtllanth Road. HIS-“ OH“ (“’55 Wed 2. 0pm, {S lL—ll. Scc Panel.


Clubs I CC Blooms (l. liloollh. 2.5 3-1 (it'cenxtde Place. 556 UNI. “hillplll 3am. l‘t'cc. 'l‘he ic\\c| in the tuna ol lidtnhut‘gh‘x ga} cluh \ccnc. li\cr}thtng )ou could \\ ant ll‘ttlll a cluh. more or lt'\\.


I CC Blooms ('(' lilootnx. 23 2-1 (it‘ecnxidc Place. 55o 0331. ll)..‘~llptn 3am. l'lL‘L‘. Sec 'l‘llll.

I Blaze Iigo. IJ l’icat‘d) Place. 553 I37]. llpnt 3am. U. [)1 Jantex\mt'th ignilex the ga} neckcnd u nh a chart and lllllk} houxc \oundtt'ack.


I CC Blooms (‘(' Bloom\. 23 24 (it‘eenxide l’lace. 556 933 . ll)..‘~l)pnt 3am. Free. See 'l’hu.

I Mingin’ The Venue. I7 21 (‘alton Road. 5.57 3073. l lptn 3am. £5 hel‘ore midnight; Ur alter. Rexidentx Brian Detnpxter and Alan Jo} lltlxl the ll\ll;ll Mingin‘ lllzttlllt‘\\. lilth} houxe and [u ixted trance lot‘ a l'rixk} and predominant!) ga) ct‘oud.

I Shame ('onnnplex. ~ll) (‘otnmet'cial Slt‘ccl. Leilh. 5.5.5 .5622. Sat 2‘). lllptn 2am. to tL‘5l. .\'e\\ alternative ga} lt'icndl} night ctnhracing indtNrial. techno. digital hardcore and punk \\ ith art. hod} tnodilication. l'ctixh. perl'ot'tnancex and \tall\.


I CC Blooms Karaoke (‘(‘ liloomx. 25 3-1 (il‘L‘L‘ll\lth Place. 5.56 955 .

(iptn 3am. l't‘ec. Be )our o\\tt Karaoke Queen right up till I lptn. then re\ert hack to Dancing Queen till 3am.

I BootyLUSl-lous Medina. 45 47 l.othian Street. 22.5 (i3l3. lllptn .5am. £2 hel’ore midnight; £3 alter. More of a Sunda} Social than a lull on glam al'l'ait' Md] 1)] Dale lush. Sitnmonc Black and occaxional guext \npaxtax Inning up Rtkli. hip hop. \oul and funk.

I Taste The liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Street. 225 2.564. I lptn 3am. £5 before

I 1.3llptn: {S alter an tnemherxl. The capital\ inlamottx Sun night xesxion continuex. l’txher & Price \uppl} a pl'ttgl'C\\l\L‘ mix of houxe and garage in the tnain room. Martin Valentine “mu the cron d \xith funk} l'S hoth gemx through the hack.


I Polysuper Mood. ()mni. (ireenxide Place. 5.50 ill-ill. lllptn 3am. £4 H22». .-\ pol)\e\ttal. \traight-l‘riendl) cluh “ith a cool. liaxxle-l‘ree tnood \\ here ‘eier_\thing

I CC Blooms ('(‘ Bittttllh. 233-1

DRAG COMEDY SASSY STRYKER & TITTY LE CAMP The Stand, Edinburgh, Tue 1 Feb; the Stand, Glasgow, Wed 2 Feb

No tongue action for me today. Not even a taste of it. I blame this magazine for such an unfounded expectation. Having read a previous List review about Sassy Stryker - ‘[Sassy] has pizzazz and an ability to do amazing things with her tongue‘ - I’m primed and ready for the stereotypical retorts expected from a well-heeled member of the drag queen scene. Allan Rogers, Sassy's sedate alter ego, it seems, is a (pleasant) departure from the Lily Savage-type persona.

Charming and utterly self-effacing, Rogers emanates something of a Priscilla, Queen of the Desert-type vibe. ‘I’m caricature drag, not a transvestite act; Sassy’s a singing, piss-taking cartoon to be enjoyed,’ says Rogers. ‘Right now, with the clothes off, I’m just Allan; when I put on Sassy’s costume, I totally become her; it’s larger than life.‘

On the drag scene for 12 years, Rogers was first inspired by time spent living with a crew of drag queens in Sydney. Edinburgh offered Rogers the stage for his first drag outing proper in 1992 and over the years - via hen night, the gay scene and comedy club gigs - Sassy Stryker was formed in all her seven-foot glitz and glory. Now, having toured over 200 drag venues around Britain, appeared as part of London's drag fraternity on a special edition of The Weakest Link, starred in a documentary - Channel 4’s The Other Side and tried his hand at travel writing for OX, it’s clear that Rogers, and his other self, like to mix it up a bit.

An explanation, perhaps, for his co-act on this tour, Titty le Camp. ‘Titty’s a good friend of mine. The two acts should work together well because they’re very different. Her act is more of a mime show, a really black sort of comedy. It’s going to be good. Scotland’s where I started doing cabaret and I can’t wait to be back.’ (Anna Millar)

.558 7272. Tue l. 9pm. £8 tut. ()utrageotis drag act lrotn the London circuit. See panel.


I CC Blooms ('(' Bitmmx. 23 2-1 (ireensidc Place. 5.56 933].

lll.3llpm Jam. liree. See Thu 20.

I Disko Bloodbath ligo. I4 l’icard) Place. .553 UN. Wed 2. 10.30pm 3am. £2. Standing proud ax lidinhurgh's 'lirxt queer alternatixe ntght' eclectic mix ol electro. indie. punk and rock for those who are screaming out for something different on the gay scene. With an indie sesxion from Barry at Planet Out as pre- cluh beforehand.

(ireenxide Place. .556 933]. 10.30pm 3am. Free. See Thu


I CC Blooms ('(‘ Bloomx. 2344 (ireenxide Place. .556 933 I. 10.30pm 3am. Free. See Thu

I Vibe ligo. 14 Picard} Place. .553 l37l. llpm 3am. £3. Ga} night with l;llltC\ [.ongnorth on the deck. the Dancing Stud Mullinx. the Singing Hair} Bloke and the Sliming Nun. .-\x it )ou don't get enough ol~ that at home . . .

Comedy I OOT Special: Sassy Stryker & Titty Le Camp The Stand. .5 York Place.

20 Jab—3 Feb 200'? THE LIST 63