‘Ml .,v.t

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After a ten year hiatus, AMERICAN MUSIC CLUB have reformed. Mark Robertson extols the virtues of the imperfect love songs of Mark Eitzel.

e‘re prett} ilil‘l'erent no\\.' .\l;irk l'.il/el tolil

li’ol/i'ng Stone iniigii/ine on the

iinnouneenient ol' ltl\ hiinil’x imminent reunion. 'I think \\ e‘\ e ehiingeil u lot. Yoii’il h;i\ e to in ten _\e;ir\. right."

Some thingx tii;i_\ li;i\ e eliiingetl about the qiiiirtet hill the qii;ilit_\ ol their \Ultg\ ix not one ol' them. In l‘lUJ. in \\ll;ll lrontmiin illltl \onguriter .\l;irk liit/el ilexerihex ;l\ ‘l';iii‘l) :iniieuhle'. .'\|llL‘l'lCLlll \liixie (‘liih \plit. l’;irt~\\;i} through the reeoriling ol' their \e\enth :ilhiitii. PL‘tlill \teel plii}er lti‘iiee Kilpllilll qiiit iinil \xhile the hiinil \oltliereil on. the} rim out of pittienee \\ ith the lttll\lL' hiixinew illltl eiieh other Lllltl \xent their \epgirnte \\;i}\ it little in er it _\e;ir litter. l1 \\;1\ il \tr;ingel_\ ironie tuixt ll lillL‘ th;it eoiilil ll;t\ e eome \truight from the l_\rie hook ol' liit/el hinhell the hgintl \\ ere lillilll) reiiping the i‘e\\;irtl\ in \;ile\ term\ to m;iteh their peerlexx eritieiil reeortl. 'l‘heii' linul ;ilhiim. the mugnitieent Sim I'rimi-i'si‘o. \\;l\ liherull} \prinkletl \\llll \ome ol~ their linext momentx e\ er. hill the} eupitiiltiteil under the [H‘L‘\\lll‘L‘ of ;in e\peet;int miiltingitiontil looking for ;i million \eller. 'l‘he quartet e\ploi'etl other \\Ul'l\l\. hut it took until Still} tor the quartet to i'eeognixe ;intl openl} gitlmit there \\;I\ iinl‘inixhetl miixieul l‘ll\lllL‘\\ hemeen them and reeomenetl :it ilriimmer 'l’im .\loone) \ \lllklltt to \\ot'k on ne\\ \ongx.

.\l;irk liit/el i\ one of roek miixie‘x trill} eompelling l‘igin‘ex. 'l’he \e\er;il htintlretl \ong\ he ll;l\ reeortletl o\ er the l;l\l Ill _\e;ii\ are eompiiriihle to Illilll} ot. the \o L‘illlL‘Ll ‘mtixie legenth ol the Illth eentiir}. He is it poetie. \i\iil illltl dui‘kl} t'imn} \tor}teller. hiit hi\ \ell?

ilept‘eeiuting iittitiiile .inil ile.iilp.iii inter\ie\\ ileli\ei} \tiggext th;it he ixn‘t iloing iiiiieli more taking oiit the riihhixh.

liit/el\ \ongx take on it \ei’} ilitlerent qii.i|it_\ \\ ith lll\ hiinilmiitex: .\loone_\. l‘.l\\l\l l).in l’e.ii\on. .llltl giiittir in;ie\ti‘o \iiili. prexent. lhe one eilll\l\lt‘lll l\ l,it/e|\ \oenl. \ l'Hill'. \\lllltL‘. griml illltl ei_\ otten ;ill ill oiiee liiit the hiinil'x e\p;m\i\e. in\enti\e pl.i_\mg llll\ their \Ulllltl lie_\onil the re.ilin ot \imple tilttoimtr}. the term the} ltelpeil erente .inil iletine .iloiigxiile (‘oxthot .liinkiex illltl (il'illll lee lillllitltl in the kite \ll\. ( ilimiiiei‘x ol' p\-\ehe i‘oek. loiinge .inil e\en tiee i.i// in.ike them \tllllltl tinlike timone e\ei teiineil .i ‘eoiinti_\' lmnil.

l.;|\l )t‘;ii"\ /.t’l( \itli’;'\ to; /’i.'.ti/ir.'\ 1\ line e\ iilenee ol thix. lt'x p;iekeil \\llll tuixtx .mil llllll\ .ill n.iileil ilomi. hilt \till \qiiirniing. h} léit/el'x \tle.ll\. .1 rim of \itriolie polemiex. lo\ e [‘Ht‘lth illlkl .ieliing ple.i\. \\ hetliei' ll\ the l‘ll//\;t\\ l‘;l\\ illltl ilixeorilqnt pi.ino i.ig\ ot iiiging opener 'l.;iilte\ iinil (ientlemen'. the ti.igie. elepli.mtine liiinher ot ‘l’;itriot\ lleiirt' or the \‘lll’g‘lx‘ill ot ‘.loh to l)o'. .\nierie;in \llhle (‘liilwk ieeonxenmg l\ .i tiiiiel} t'eiiiiniler thiit ii groiip\ \t‘lllltl l\ oiil_\ liniiteil l\_\ the iiii;igiii;itioii\ ot the when.

l.i\e. the huntl tigmxtei llll\ }‘.t\\litll onto the \l.tf_‘L'. Siieh ix lzit/el\ le\el ot in\ol\ement in lll\ \Hll_‘_‘\ during the \ong \llllj.‘ .it then ltixt Seotthli \ltH\‘. .it the (il.i\go\\ (itiruge in l‘t‘l‘l. he lleil iniil \ong. o\ereome h} the emotion ot the moment. llere\ hoping he \l;l_\\ the eittllu‘ lltl\ time. \ ileeiiile l\ .i long time \\glll to lot it repri\e.

King Tut’s, Glasgow Wed 2 Feb

Celtic Connections lllt 'l( 9:;

titttiltw ’9‘."

'lit."L ix? lltltx llltlflltiitl "titulwtiii‘: rte

‘,t:'(l.".’lllltf iltflililll’ i illltl‘nl.

ls‘illy Hiziqq, lllgt'th' l at llsm gihti lllll’lllt', H'iiiii i, ii: m: thit almost illl‘,7llt'1:'} ugin rm: ti.’t'l(?t the l)i'()£l(l

i‘i:“lil" truism, it“ lonq (if;

Munster ti of titiziiit. 5w; iirt toe/t;

Lil/‘J'lfi, (ii’lfit/flt‘flu. t/riti/

Pit/tong ‘Jt (it) .l’ir‘ r'i‘tik {-2 ')()[), fit/kt

Towndrow-Wiszniewski Quintet ltrililllltl liqhti; ’)l the SSH rttrsl: int/X wen-no f§£tX()t)llf)lltf;lS l)zlt.'l lri.‘.tri<:trc itiltw zinrl Konrad “.".’:<,.Irwrxxski tworr, lffétllt up in :i ’l,"zt,"§:T. dittlliffl. Hon". 'f)./(1// i' ,‘mll’i‘l. l til/u'ii/Hi‘t. / i"/ .77 Jul). (./(1//)

Idlewild NIH zi H:l(ill‘.’(,‘l'/ quiet '/ 1.1, not ‘tffii'fxltilt: (Loltitiinifst Hamil; \"wamtiii: (tom; hark to ltlES flit‘,’ full (if) r'mk'n'roll ltfllllllséllt (ii if) .ltIVYIJtl‘: (t’LHllfSllf, shim-x: to Ull<',“.'."f,éii;‘: trunk“, from thr: mnrl'fs (var; zil't,~..r': 214w" rings PM)! tin/12‘), strict: éll"‘.‘:‘, 2!: (girl, Match. /-.’.‘5/l.,'.wfi'), ( )riugofi; 555i? 1:)? Jan. 2590!} 2.

The Dears linzitiiri‘: ii the S'mtl‘m (w: B‘tir lizirl (i l){tl)‘~,' . .

L l'i’iiril (All i’} l)‘: {iii

r‘;.'t,".'./r0;r;lit Sl/ hoary/l north Xmericzin .‘xitlv (in ear for a plaintive "int/1;. a” r; l./lor‘.tr<:.'il insert unfit}; iratzirerli kites. Zill)lllll Ho {jitter}; left :3 nothing short of Erht'ierirtmz. ‘-./I:nue. [rivaling/i. Fri 2” Jan; VLF/j I'J/i‘”). GL’LUQU'JJ, Sat 22 Jan, frock #2 porn

American Music Club See {Ni/“1H. heft Ki/rr} filth. Glasgow. “.2411 2 For). Hook 8 pop)

David Patrick Quintet The warm; has Lil/flit some tune ‘i’iikf‘fll ill; 7”"; {ll/":8 L'l NOT.“ York, and vans z: ilk/Bill; of top Scottish Met; Cram playing his own musrc. fie/tr: Ja/j Cellar. Edinburgh. 7m .fj—Fri 4 Feb. Ala/7,