{ill—ti E

1 Who would’ve thought country and funk would’ve gone together? No one. but they do in (Jake's hands. The Arrtertcan outfit also like to throw rap. rock and ran into the. equation tor a sound like an unhrnged Eels or a less shit They Might Be Giants.

2 The trumpet Cake are one of the very low hands to. erm. trumpet the use of tlte trumpet in popular music. The trumpet is a much underrated instrument and is a damn sight cooler than the saxophone. Trust us.

3 ‘I Will Survive’ The band are best known for their cover of Gloria Gaynor's disco classrc rrt 1996. A languorous country shuttle with a fantastic trumpet solo (see above). it caused a stink irt tlte US front people who thought they were taking the piss out of disco. They weren't; they love disco. Yanks. eh’?

4 They’ve got a sense of humour The video for ‘No Phone' had the song being played on headphones to random people in the street. who then gave a running commentary ol what they thought.

5 Yet they’re also angry Their website it lull of links to political causes and diatribes on everything from pollution to obesity. 'We're pretty hatefilled.‘ said srnger John McCrea in a recent interview. ‘We hate you. We tucking hate you.“ Calm down. brother.

(Doug Johnstone)

Garage, Glasgow. Tue I Feb.

I Adam Green and The Gnomes King l'ut’x \\ah \\ah lltll. 2"2a St \"rneertt Street. 22l 52"”. S.3llpnt. £".5tl. l’reeoeroux .\'e\\ York \tnger‘fixongtttiter \\llt\ l\ a prime ntox er on tltat ert_\ \ antt lttlk went and IS .llut. lllgtllkS to llk‘ patronage ol tlte Strokes. kno\\ rt ax one hall ot tlte \lold) I’eaehex rthe ltalt \\llt\ trxed to die“ tip ax Robin Hood l.

I Azzuri, Listen attd Black Robinson g2. tlte (iar'age. Jlltl Sattehiehall Street. 353 3| ll "pm. £5. ()\er‘- l-lx \how l.oeal band \lto\\ ease.

I 8 Men, Cortez, The Haze artd The Ads ‘l‘llL‘ left}. 4: ('|}de l’laee. llltt‘lrS 2h5 5| l. Spin, £5. l‘nxtgned bandx \ltoneaxe. I Motormark t'tter (illllel'. RHL'ISIdL‘ (Tub. l‘o\ Street. 5h” "2S". l2arn. £o.

l Ieett‘o ptrrtk dtto .\lotortnark are the lll‘Sl ll\ e gtrextx at tlte rnonthl} elub plrntrtg art eeleetre mt\ ot' eleetro. pop and general daneetloor \\ lllllt‘l'S.

I Monkey Tribe, MC Soom T, Sonar Collective, Monsoon and Tomy Perman lhe (‘ornb Sub ('ltrb. .lamarea Street. 24S 4min. ‘lpnt. £4 bel'or‘e lllprn. £b bettteett lllpnt and I lprrt. £S alter l lprrt. .\

76 THE LIST . Sir-1‘

llL'\\ \enture trottt the Kink) -\tto people. promoting a Irxe lltlISIe line-up to krek ott the e‘.entttg betote the Kink} \tto tlub lll_‘_'lll knkx lll later on

I Blind Pew, Toerag, Dieselbone, Tenpercenter, the Very .tlttl Beggars Lake B.tt'll_\. jolt ( 'ltrlr- Street. HS‘H ‘Ni‘ lt‘l‘l‘l Spin Lb lltealtleal ltt.r}llL‘ltl trorn blues roek e\ponent\ Blrttd l’eu

I Black Kama, Rain and Statler g2. the (iarage. ~Wll Sauthrehall Street. 353 3! ll “pin £5 their 1% \hou loeai band \ltoueaw Headliners Blaek Kama promote tltetr neu lul’

I Gummi Bako, Roscoe, Bobby Deans, Villa Nova and The Rising Son 'l he lirlt \ole (ate. 5H on King Street. 553 lb3S ‘lpm £1 3t l‘ertee ('olleetrxe \laluatl (iummr Bako presentx lIIS lo ti trrdre \t.rre\

I Column Eleven llte (‘atltotma l5 l'nron Street. 21S north 3llptn £~l rad\aneet. £5 rdoort ()ter Hx \hou. l’unk bill \\ rtlt more bands to be eonlirmed

I Axis, Daybreak, Mistaflips and Kaster l‘lll) \llll'l'}\. (to .\la\\\ ell Street. 22! b5ll S. 3(lpm. £11. tneludrng entt'_\ to postgrg eltrb. l.oe.tl rrtdre brll.


I Define Your Time, April’s Last Chance and Sweet Little Bullet Studio 2-1. 2-1 2b (‘alton Road. 55S §T5S wprtt. £1. .»\ harderire/\er'earrto edge to Define Your 'l'rrne'x rnetalrr'oek.

I Hannah O’Reilly l<ll\_\ .-\rt Houxe. 2 Ro\burgh l’laee. 55b 9222. Spin. r Ht, Ne“ /,ealand singer/Kong“rrter \\ rtlt her band

I Sing-a-Long-a Elvis l'exlt\al ’l'lteatre. l i 2‘) \lt‘tllStlll Sll'L‘L‘l. 529001)” ".3tlprrt. U5. (iet tour bltre suede \hoe\ on arid get dim” and dirt} “Hit the King. I Raff, Roadhouse and Jojocoke \Vltrxtlebtnktex. ‘l (t South Bridge. 557 51 H. (rpm. l’r‘ee bel'ore midnight; £3 alter. (‘mer‘x artd originals.

Saturday 29


=11 Celtic Connections See also t‘olk listing»

:1: Ricky Ross (ilaxgon (‘atltedral ('axtle Street. 353 Sill ll). 7,-l5prn. £|5. The Demon Bltre l'r'onlman t\ joined b} l’ear‘llisher' |)a\ ie Seott tor a trip through his back eatalogue and a look lor‘uat'd to hix l'ortlteoming solo albtrrrt. I’m! at (“r-Int (‘orrrtr't tin/rt.

=21 Eleanor McEvoy and Juliet Turner 'l'lte .-\t'L‘lte\. 253 Mg} le Street. 505 lll23. 7.l5prn. £l4. 'l‘no lr‘ixh \irtger/xonguriterx \\ itli l'olk roots and pop appeal l’rtrt (it ('r'llt'r' ('urrrrr'r'lrrrrrt.

I Tom Vek artd Clearfall King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah lllll. 272a St \ineent Street. 22l 527‘). S.3llprn. £5. .\ltreh touted 23~ tear-old llllllll-lll\ll‘lllllelll;tll\l \xho looks like a )oung ’l'hurxton Moore artd reeenth \parked a biddirtg \\;tl' l‘or' his mi\ ol‘ garage roek. angular ltrttk arid eleetroniea. I The Belial Project Barth tllpSlztll’Sl. :rtn (‘ttttr- Slt‘ccl. time 007 (NW). lptlt. £4. (ilaxgtm -ba\ed industrial band.

I Dead Fly Buchowski, El Dog and Macrocosmica Bar‘ll). Zoo (‘lttle Street. llSTtl 007' (NW). Spm. £5. l)ead l’l} Buehotuki eelebrate the releaxe ol' their debtrt \tngle ‘Blaekout' atrd their lor'theonting debtrt albttrrt [will it] 1/14" Rune/r.

I Help She Can’t Swim l)eatltkil| Juno. Bat'll}. Joli (‘Ittle Street. 0370 Uh? 000‘). l lprrt. £5 t£4t. Belle & Sebastian- rnxprr'ed DIV indie l'rom Southampton.

I Jack in the Box Stereo.

Keh rttltattgh Street. 57o 5(llS. Spm. £3. I Eric Euan, Dead Mean Walking, Reasons for the Insanity and Bovine 'l‘he l5lll \ote (Kile. SH (ill Kill}! Street. 553 lb3S. 0pm. £3. 'l‘\\o (ilamegian arid l\\o .\ber‘donian bandx pr'exent a barrage ot' angular btrt melodie ltea\ tHSll}.

I Free Candy Collective liquid lounge. tLl \Vext Regent Street. 353 (t333. b.3tlpm. l‘r'ee. Return ot' the \wekl} eeleetie aeouxlie SCSSlUll.

Put lrishmen Andy Irvine and Donal Lunny in a band together and you’ve got a winning combination. Even back in 703 Planxty, the guys were playing Bulgarian horos - but Irvine always fancied a pan-European band. and here it is. Well, it’s even more than that, as they bring on board fiddle maestro Bruce Molsky (pictured) to incorporate the Americas in an all-star Celtic Connections line-up (see

folk listings for more).

I r'r’rtta/ Com ‘W.’ Hall, (L’trulw‘fir. ,‘tr'ttri.”-1./;rrr

I Rio Grande Rebel .\le('htnll\. -ltt lliglt Street. 552 2| 35. “pm. l’r'ee. .\ mi\ ol roekabill} arid r'ltttltrrt'rt'bltrex.

I Live Music l"ur‘_\ Murry. ‘lh .\la\\\e|| Street. 22| b5| |. 7.3llpm. £-l. l‘inal ol the l‘trrtx King ol Bartdx eornpetition \\lllt Ulltlll ol lltll\lL‘;ll equipment at stake.


I Lucky Luke, Dropkick and King Bear (’aledottian Baekpaekerx. 3 ()ueensl‘err} Street. ~17!» 722-1. S3llpm. £4. \Vltttttxieal alt.lolk attd Seottixlt alt.eountr_\ eontbine lot‘ \ottte otlbeat magic.

I Jack & Glory, The Golden Hedges, Vanity Scare and The Young Hips Subua}. (it) ('oxtgate. 225 ohm. ".3llpm. £tbe. Hieelinex presentation.

I Lee Paterson, The Mars Patrol arid Big Hand \Vlthllelttttktex 4 (t Sotrtlt Bridge. 557 5l H, (rpm. l-ree belore rnidttight; £3 alter. Mellon tel hard edged roek lrorrt the Marx l’atrol tott at ‘lprrtr \tith ltot \ka aetion lr‘orn Big Hand imidnight r.

I Roxy Music Tsunami Benefit Concert Ro\_\ .'\rt llouxe. 2 Ro\burgh l’laee. 55b 9222. 7.30pm. £S t£(ti. litllltlx. anger/mug“r'iterx artd \ttlttISlS pro\ ide art e\ening ol the tttoxl eeleetre international mtrxie. brrrtgrng together dill'er‘ent st) lex artd eulturex to aid the Tsunami .-\ppeal.

I Sing-a-Long-a Abba l‘exlhal 'l'heatre. l5 2‘) \lertlvttl Street. 52‘) (itlllll. 7.30pm. £I5. See Thu 27.

I Left Bank Night The l.elt Bank. *7 (iuthrie Street. 225 974-1. ‘lpm. See Sat


=3: Celtic Connections See alxtr lolk ll\llll:_'\.

>11 Morning Gospel Concert Rotal ('oneer't Hall. 2 Sauehrehall Street. 353

Stltlll. llarrt. U”. \n earl} start tor (‘eltie ('onneetrottx ax ltrrda lr||er_\ '\ Heritage (ioxpel ('ltort txee llrtr .‘Tt and Hans 'l'heexrnk eortte together lot a go\pel eoneer‘t ('eltn‘ ('ourtet'tronx eltrb paltoth lrom Satutda} night eart tuxt proeeed drreetl} lrortr the \ ltrb to the auditorium. in! u/ (t //Ir ('rrrrrrr'r trout 3:? Mindy Smith Stratlteltde Stttte. Rina] ('oneert Hall. 2 Sauehrehall Street. 15% soon, spin t_l-l lllt' lale\l big \llljJL‘l'/Sttllj_'\klllt'l llttISt' to emerge trorrr \;t\ll\lllt'. mm the blessing ol l)ol|_\ l’ar‘ton no le\\ l’rrr/ or ("r/tit (tr/mm Hum.

I 10,000 Things King lut'x \Vah \Vah Hut. 272a St \tneent Street. 22! 527‘). S. 30pm. £(t. |,eed\ baxed indie toeragx.

I Vancouver Deluxe, Xavier Floyd Firebird, The Passengers arid The Great Flow H;tl'll_\. 2h” ( .l'\llk' Street. 0371) UH? ll‘)‘)‘)_ Spllt. Ll

I El Hombre Trajeado Monorail. Mono. l2 KlllfJS (‘our't. King Street Spin l'r'ee. l.eltlield lllitllllHleL'lS larrneh their neu album .Sr ll/r’ll \threh IS alleged to be ‘lexx |a//. more prtnk‘ l’lll\ [Us I L Casio lmmunitas 'l he I ltlt Sore ('ate. 5t) (ill King Street. 553 HHS ‘Ipm. £3. ltl\ll'lltllelll;tll\l\ eornprrxrng mo tll'llllllllL‘lS. tuo lta\\t\l\ arid \orrre ke}board aetron.

I The Tall Boy, Ryan Sheridan and John ('hamberx Stereo. Kelt rnhauglt Street. 57b 5lllS. Spin. £-l.

I Cold Night Song The (ioar. IZST .»\rg_\le Street. 5.57 7 37 3. .Spttt. l‘tee. ('harlte and Neil. tormerI} ot .\\trrd. are

Joined b} Jenn} Reet e arid Staee}

Sieteurrght (ill the Reindeer Section lot a next aeotrstre night utth guests

I Myopia, The Front, Pulse, IMO and LSD 'l‘lle (.alhothe. l5 litttott Street. 24S (tone. '7. illprn. £15” tadurneel. U) ldoori. ()\ er Ms \lltm. l’op/r‘oek/indre line-up.

I Vasco de Gamba The Hall Bar. lbll Woodlands Road. 352 09‘”). 9pm. l'ifL'L'.