
I Mylo 'l he liquid Rooiii. UL \ retoria Street. 335 Z5ol “pin Llll 5” lleK tlom- .1 text. I)! dath ol late hut llll\ l\ the lull ll‘-t‘ hand lioiii \l}lo. Seotlaiid‘x iiev. dame hope a\ \llll\‘.\.l\L'll UH lih lll'l‘lll I); \lI'u‘~.

Rm! 'I13/\'1'//

I Charles Wood, Dropkick, Screamer and Oatbeanie

\\ lllSlll'l‘llllNlL'\. »1 (i Stilllll lilldjit'. <5" 5! l»1 opiii l'iee (iuitai lllkk lioiii l)lt'pl\l\'l\ and Slieainei


I Mylo ()ueeii \l.il_‘._'.ilt'l l'nion. 33 l‘iuxeixil} (i;tldt'll\. 33‘) ‘qu-l “pin l Ill. See Sun it).

I The Paddingtons, Five O’clock Heroes, Spyre and Freeway King; ’lut'x \Vah \Vah Hut. Tla St Vincent Sll‘t't'l. ::l .53“). H. illplll L5 lllL' llt'utlllllt‘lS are a llull li\ e pieee “fill a hunger lot no ll'lll\ lu//_\ rock'ii'ioll.

I No Day Rule, No Longer Deprived, Four Star and Resident Calling llarll). loo ( 'l}de Street. llh'ql) ill)" ll‘N‘l Spm ()wt - l»l\ \llll\\,

I Distorted Mind liarll} lllp\l;tll\l. Zhll (lute Slit-cl. llSqll Ulla ll‘N‘l Spin. [5. Punk line up \\ llll iiiore hand\ to he eonliriiied

I Hoboken, The Mitford Girls atid Bozilla 'I lie land ol the Month ('ltih. the Hill \'oie ('ale. 5” (ill King; Street. 553 lh3S ‘lpni. l 3. The land ol the Month Huh I\ hlexxed \\ illi an appearance lroni electrorlounge outlit llohoken. l’lux regularx llo/illa and the ll\ll;il randoin L‘\ll‘;i\.

I The Alan Anderson Blues Band Sllldlo ()tie. (il'o\\t‘llot lllllt'l. (it'oxH‘llUt' 'l'errat‘e toll li}l't'\ Roadi. 3Jl o5lh. 0pm. l'il'L'L'. lilllL'S.

I Acoustic Jam Niel-'ii‘Slegix}. 43l Saueliieliall Street. 333 (Mill). Spin. l'ree. \Veckl} \limkeaw l'oi' local \onguriterx perlorining; original material


I Taylor Made Mondays The Bongo ('llih. .\lora_\ llouxe. 3.3 lltil)ttititl Road. 558 "(will Spin. l3 il’reei. See Mon 34. I Open Mic \Vllhllt‘l‘llllxll‘S. J (i South Bridge. 55” 5| H. ‘lpin. l‘ree. See .\loii 2-1.

Tuesday 1


I Cake il'he (iarage. 40H Sauehieliall Street. 332 Ill”. "/pin. H5. (her-[4x \ho“. See pre\ re“ l'or iiil'eetioux l'S lL‘l‘lllL‘lll l‘ol‘lu‘t‘x (like.

I Homespun .lllll Eleanor McEvoy King 'l‘ut'x \Vali \Vali Hut. 372a St Vineent Street. Ill 53“). S.3()pin. L'll. Sam \on ol .loe‘ Bromi and Moe Rolliera} ol' the Beautil'ul South prexent their eollahoratioii \\ith \upport l'i'oiii \inger/xongurilei‘ lileanor \leli\o} \\l]U has itixt put in an appearance at ('eltie ('onneetionx.

I Eden Maine, Aconite Thrill, Beyond All Reason, The February Solution and The Ocean Fracture littl‘l‘l}. :(ill (‘l_\llL' Sll‘L‘L‘l. (Wall 007 (NW). 5.30pm. ()\er- l-l\ \llt\\\. llardeore onslaught and progrevn e anihienee l'roin St Alhanx-haxed quintet lideii Maine.

I The Coast, The Jackals and Freeview lllL‘ l3lh .\'ote (Kile. 50 on King Street. 553 lo3.\‘. 0pm. £3. Indie roek line-up.

I Suspire Rockerx. l4 Midland Slreel. 221 (Flo. Spin. l'ree. Rock night.

I Carina 'l'eliai ()\na. 42 (Mayo lane. 35" 453-1. Spin. ll. Singer/song“riter. I The Kiteflying Club 'l‘eliai ()\ iia. lh‘) Deanxlon l)ri\ e. (will 5258. Split. £3. Free improx ixation.


I The Delgados and The Galipaygos Queen'x Hall. (‘lerk Street. (‘08 Illl‘). ".3tlpin. {10. See Sat 32 tor Delgados. Support troiii loeal root\ and alleotintr} group the (ialipa} go\.

I Band Showcase \\ lll\llt'l‘llll«lc\

J h South liiidge. 55- 511-1 “pin lice \L‘l' 'l “C

I Merznacht lllk' l ell Hank. 3‘ (iutlirieStieeI.:15‘l71-1 ‘lpin See lue I Edinburgh Student Festival

\attolh \eiiiie~. lllllL‘\ \ai} See \lon 3|

Wednesday 2


:11 American Music Club Km; link \\ah “ah Hut. 3-3a Si \ llltL‘lll Street. XI 53“). .\ 3llp|ll LI 3 5“ See pie\ie‘.\ liil llll\ lt'\L‘l\'d l3 Hllllll. llllllll'tl l‘} lllk' peieniiiall} lllt‘lallelltll} \laik l'it/el

I 28 Costumes 1 he (‘ailiouxlz 1* l'nioii Street. I-lS (lllllll (h er Us show I nerpudliaii indie ioek hand.

I Logan and Red Brick Tent li.tlll\. 3m (‘lltlt- Sui-ct. llS—ll no" lN‘N xpm' H. (ilaxgou hand I ogaii haw garnered the patronage ot (‘ieed'x \laik 'liainonu and lia\ e inade llllthtd\ in the Slatex while remaining: laryel} unknoxxn at home

I Djinn and Mesa Verde The I 31h \tlll‘ (i‘llt'. 5“ (\ll Klllg Sllt't'l. lli3.\ ‘lpin. £3. lleax} roek hill with one other hand to he eonlirnied.

I Michael Simons 'l'ehai ()\iia. lo‘l |)ean\lon l)ri\e. MW "358. Spin {I See \Vk‘ll :(i.

I Sing 8- Drink Stereo. KL‘l\lllll.tll}_‘ll Sll'l‘t‘l. 5-.“ “HR. Split. l'l't't‘. \Vt't‘lxl} HI‘L‘ll

3llpiii (5


I Rod Clements and The Ghosts of Electricity ladinhuigli l-olk ('luh. ('aharel liar. (ill 'l'he l’leaxanee. h5ll 33-1”. Spin. 1L5 l. l-ounder ineiiiher ol l.llltl|\l;ll'llL‘. Rod (’lenientx. appears \iiili guitarixt l)a\ e Denholru. l\.l\\l\l Ian ‘l'lioiiiwn to perlorin \ongx li'oiii all «ages ol' lll\ eareer.

I William Mysterious 'I'lie l.eti Bank. 3" (iiillirie Street. 235 ‘V-l-l. ‘lpin. See \Vt‘tl :0.


I Megadeth and Diamondhead ('arlin; :\L‘;ldt‘lll}. III ligliiiton Street. 0005 till) .l‘)‘)‘)/ll.\‘."tl “I Zuiiu. “pm. Urdu, ()xer— Hx \liou. l)a\e \ltixlaine'x \eteran lieadlxingerx allhough. il' lll\ whining turn in the \lelalliea doeo l\ to he helie\ ed. he‘d rather \till he xx itli the leuding \uperxlarx.

I The Endrick Brothers, Green Peppers and Beer Jacket lllL' l'aHen Angels (’luh. l.atii'ie\ liar. 34 King Street. 553 "I33. Spin. £5. The l‘allen Angelx (’luh eelehratex ll\ lirxl hirllida} \\llll l\\o gigx. 'l‘liix lirxt \liindig leaturex e\-Reined_\ outlil the lindriek lil'tllllL‘I'S. plus (ireeii l’epperx aka Ble Bandit/Soup Dragon Jun \lel'ulloeh.

I Chase .'\L‘L‘L‘\\. lllL' :\l‘L‘llC\. 353‘ :\l':_'_\ lL‘ Streel. 5h5 lll33. Spin. Eh. Shoueaxe ol the hext up-and-eoining hand~ in (ilaxgou.

I Latonic, Three Days Born arid Exist King Tut's \\'ali \Vali Hut. I'la St \ineent Street. III 53"). S3llpni. £4.50 local hand hill.

I The Cinematics and Galchen lial‘l‘l}. 3N) (‘l}de Sll'L‘L‘l. “hall ‘lll— (NW). Spin. The ('ineniauex tlexerihe lllClll\L‘l\L'\ ax ‘Radiohead meeting Duran Duran at a 'l‘ele\ ixion eoneert on a little loo inueh \[k'L‘th

I Rutabega and Seaiter lllc 13m \olC ('ale. 5” (ill King Street. 553 lh3.\'. ‘lpni. £3. .\nother l’xehiairie Recordx night ol “llllll eeleeueixni.


I The Dyad llle l.ell Bank. 3‘ (illllll'lc Street. 335 0‘44. “pm. See lllll Ill.

I Out of the Bedroom \Vau‘rl} Bar. St .\lar_\ \ Street. 55o SS55. ‘lpni. See 'l‘hu Ill.

I Page 6 and Stocious Merlot-“alt l'nixei‘xit} l'nion. Rieearton. 45] 5333. 0pm. Free. (lunar rock and eoxeix troin Page 6.

«II,:'5WIm 3‘ 3,0!


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Edinburgh The Venue

.iilSl lilillllllllllll JliSl lilliliilllllilfi

4" 3;" Sunday 10th April '

0870 903 3444 Nanci Griffith

THE BLUE MOON ()RCHliS'l‘R.»\ Edinburgh Usher Hall

Sunday 24th April 0131 228 1155

Glasgow Concert, 5' Monday 9th " Box (“flees 0141