I Edinburgh Underground Jazz 'llie l.elt lianlx. 3" (iritlirie Street. 335 0781-1 0 3llprri l'tee See l'll 3|

I Funkafize llenr) \ .la/l ('ellar. \ \lrririxori Street. in" 53lili \lidnrglit L5 (lawn. hig. darieelloor tunk powered h_\ New York dr‘urriirier l’airl \lr|l\

Saturday 29


I The Alan Gilbert Quartet lirel. 3‘) -l 3 x\\lllttll lane. 3‘13-1‘Hrh 3 ohm l'ree. Sttarglitaliead |a// lroiri tlie grlted f_'llll.'tl'l\l plrrx hand


I Jazz©Lunch St) (‘ltleelt Srieei liar and Restaurant. Ml Queen Street. 33h 5W” 3 5pm l‘lt'L' St't' Sat 3:

I BOQSt Piano Trio Sll Queen Street liar arid l<t'\l;ttll;tlll. SH Queen Street. 33h 5007 3 5pm. l-ree See Sun 33

I Groove Diggaz lleiir} \ .la// ('ellar. S .\loi’rr\ori Street. to? 53llll. S 3llprn. L" .-\ doxe ol the tank liorn ladrrihurgli‘x pi‘eiriiere llt';l\}\\t'lj_'lll \oul outlit. leatiirriig \oealrxt ’lon_\ King arid the lillt‘lllS ol .\lartin Kt‘hllau on \a\.

I Moishe’s Bagel lleni‘_\ \ .la/l (‘ellai. S .\lor‘r‘i\ori Street. lo" 53”“. S. 3llpin. L'" .la// rnlleeted kle/iner and Balkan daiiee lllllSlL' leaturirig ("neg l..l\\\rill r.\lr .\lel'al|\ (‘liairihei‘i on liddle. l’ete (iarnet on aeeordron. l’lirl .'\lt'\;llltlt‘l on piano and .\laiio ('ai'rhe on haxx. See pr'e\ ieu. I BOGSt House Band St) Queen Street liar and Rt'Slttlll‘tllll. Sll Queen Street. 33h 5007. ‘lprn riiidriigltl. l'r‘ee, See Sat 33.


I Denys Baptiste: Let Freedom Ring l2a\tgate 'l'heatre & .-\rt\ (‘entre. ltaxtgate. ll|73l 73577,". 7.30pm. [l3 rtlllr. l’i'ol‘oriridl} tlto\irtg and groin iiig rriuxieal e\perieiiee tlteot'pot‘alittg goxpt‘l. hluex and ia/l. ax .\ler'eiir'} nominee and .\l( )lt() \\ inner llaptrxte lead~ a l3 pieee rtl't'ltL‘Sll'd tlii‘ougli lll\ l.utlter King inxpired \uite.


I Kenny Paterson Trio .\lei'eliarir\ ('or‘ner. IS John Street. 553 3Slll.

5 Spin. l'ree. See Sun 33.

I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (il‘tt\\ellttl' 'l'erraee. 3‘ll (i5lh. 7.30pm, l‘ree. See Sirri 33.

I The Stonemen Jug Band {‘al'e Soiiree. l St :\ndre\\ '\ Square. 54S (ill3ll. 8pm. to rt'l l3llll5 rnernherxii. Broaden )Ulll' lllllSlL‘dl ltol'l/Ult\ \xith thix llllt‘L‘llUth hrarid ol imprm. the dil’lerenee heirig that llll\ time it\ the lll\ll‘tlltleltl\ tliemxehex that are irnpr‘miwd. lea ho\ haxxex “axlrhoardx and ka/oo'x at the read}.

I Deseo ('ale (‘oxxaeliole Rtl\\l;tlt ('ultui'al (‘eritt'e. Ill King Street. 553 “"33. 0pm. £5 iL'3i. 'l‘lie linale ol ('oxxaeliok‘x ('r-lm (‘uririeelroiix pr'ogr‘arttltte prexentx a l.atiri l'lourixli h) (ilaxgou '\ top l‘lameiieo outlit.


I BOQSt Piano Trio .\‘tl Queen Street liar and Rextaurant. St) Queen Street. 33h 5007. 3 .5pm. l‘r‘ee. See Strri 33.

I The Stoneflowers llenr} \ .la// ('ellar. S .\lorri\on Street. MC 53(ltl. S.3llpm. Ur. .\'e\\ pr'oreet leatui‘ing \ingei‘ S_\ l\ ia Rae e\ploring the t‘olk/ia/l erown er zone \\ itli Sand} \Vriglit rguitai‘i. Ruxxell lluntei' rliddlei. lid Kell} thaxxl and Donald lla} lpL‘l'L‘ll\\loltl.

I Nexusa llte l.elt Bank. 3" (itllltl'lt‘ Street. 33.5 074-1. 0pm. l‘ree. See Sun 33. I Three in One lluman lie-In. 3 S \Vext ('roxxeauxeua}. hh3 SShll. 0pm. liree. See Sun 33.


I Denys Baptiste: Let Freedom Ring (it'o\\L‘ltol‘. .-\\liton lane. 33‘) 84-1-1. Spin. (l4 it'l3i. See Sat 3*) and panel. let't.

Save Money

see page 9 for details

I The Scottish Composers’ Jazz Ensemble 'lron 'l lieatre. (r3 liongate. 553 »l3(r". Spin. l'r'ee Stewart lotl‘e\ lead\ the Seottixli ('oiiipoxerx‘ .la// lxnxernhle tor llll\ llll\ ol original arid \xell krioxxn riurnher\


I Guest Bands Night \ekiai. 333 (‘ougattu 55" 3ESll llltrii inidniglrt

l‘l'L‘L‘. See \lrtll 3-l.

I Jam Session Mt Queen Street liar and l<e\tarirant. Ml Queen Street. 33h 5W)". ‘lprii rriidnrglit. l'ree. See .\lori 31 I Jazz Idol 2005 Final l’ottet‘to\\ Student l'nioii. lil'hlri Square. M5” 305!» “pm. L5 Hell l. (it'attd liiial ol lltl\ eorripetrtion lllll h} lxdiiihuiglil lll\t‘l\ll} .la// ()r'eliextr'a. in \\ liieli wine ol Izdrrihurgli\ hest up and eoriiriig _\ourig |a// inuxierarh \ ie lor the emeted title ol .la// Idol 3llll5. \\ rtli lr\e alter \ltim lrink prmrded h) the llll\llt‘l\.

Tuesday 1


I Kent Duchaine l.ertli l'olk (‘luh. llie Village. South l‘or't Street. -l".\ "Slll. ".3llpm. £5..1\ riiglitol liard tll'l\ rrig hluex lrorn tlie \teel guitar ltl;tL‘\ll'U.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet \elxtat'. 353 (’o\\gate. 55" 37M). ‘lpm midnight. l’ree. See line 35. I Delta Croft Revue .\’ekrai'. 2.33 ('imgate. 557 37S“. 0pm midnight. l'lt'k'. See lllL‘ 3.5.


I Denys Baptiste: Let Freedom Ring 'l‘olhootli. .lail “Mid. lll7hh 37.1000. 7.30pm. [13 MS). See Sat 3‘).

Wednesday 2


I Open Mic llenr} \ .la// ('ellar‘. S .\lUl’l‘l\Ull Street. MW 5300. 3.30pm. U». liun and iiil‘orrnal exeriirig ol elaxxie ia/I lto\lL‘(l h_\ the e\ er'—\ira\ e ’l'odd (Bordon and the HM id l’atriek 'l'i‘io. .-\\Pir'irtf—' \irigerx ean hook a \lot h} emailing openrnieUl toddgordoneirm.

I Chaos Theory Settling 353 (‘oxxgatu 557 37S“. 0pm midnight. l'il't‘L‘. See Wed 30.


I Swingin’ and Singin’ RSI-fill).

llll) Renl'i'exx Street. 333 5057. 7.3llprn. U) ([4 l. lit”) an ;\llen dir'eetx tlte RS.-\.\ll) \tudentx in an e\ening ol \lltm «topping nuinher‘x l'rorn the \xoi‘ld\ ol' Big Band and .\ltt\ieal 'l‘lieatr‘e.


173' David Patrick Quintet llL‘ltl’} 'x .la/l ('ellar. S .\loi‘ri\on Street. MW 53”“. 8.30pm. Ur. l‘i‘exli lrom an e\tended \ta} in the Big Apple. the pianixt is joined h} l.atrt‘a .\lael)onald talto \a\ r. R}an ()uigle} rtrumpet r. Mario ('arihe rhaxxi and Stuart Br'oxxn rdi‘uinxr.

I Freddie King Quartet \ektar‘. 353 ('oxx gate. 55" 37S“. 9pm midnight. l-‘r'ee. See llttl 3“.

I The Dyad The [en Bank. 37 (iritlirie Street. 335 07-1-1. 0pm. See 'l‘hu 3(l.


I Tim Elliott and Sandy Needdale ’l‘olhooth. Jail \\‘\ nd. lll7h'h 374nm). ".3tlprn. L'S r£5.5llr lilluew'n‘ 'l‘i‘ouhle rounder rnemher. \oealixt and harmoniea pla} er lilliott and guitarixt

'l3\\ L‘L‘ddttle entertain \\ lllt write good old



Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 20


Blazin’ Fiddles with Justin Currie, Colin Maclntyre and Eddi Reader l\)it_\.il (‘oneeir llall. \aiieliieliall Street. 3.53 Slllltl " Winn L15 it'l3 5th llie e\]\ert Highland liddlerx are roriied l)e| \riiitri'x .llhllll ('rirrre. \lull lll\li'lle.tl Soeiet} K (‘oliri \laelrinre and \ei'llhll \oealht l‘ddi lx’eader lot a night ol aeottxtte tolk roeker}. See lzdrrihrirgli. lliri 3 and pie\ ie\\ l’art ol ('i i’iit

(irririi from

1‘ Tony McManus with String Quartet ( ilaxgou (flitliedial. ('axtle Street. 35% won .lSprii L'l.‘ 3H l’ar\le_\ \ aeouxtie guitar \lat. tio\\ re\iderit rn Pariada. |Hlll\ tlie lietlexx \ti'rng [\la_\et\ lot a neu take on eeltie littgetptelxtrig. l’ar'l ol (it /Hi (ii/rm ( llrIIl\ '7‘ Country Showcase 'l'iori l‘lieaire. l'iorigate. 3.53 Sllllll Spin L'lll. .lariire ()'\eal. (irainin_\ \\lllllt‘l .lon Randall and .lk'\\\' \lL'\.tllilel ltl'lllg' ll l;t\lt' ill \.t\lt\ lllt' lo ( ilaxgou. l’ai't ol (i lrri (ii/rm t rim/ix. " Emily Smith Band ( )l'dlt \loi. (‘aeai \\e\ter'n Road. 353 Sllllll. XI‘III, L‘lll. .\eeoi'dionr\t. piano pliner‘ and \inger. a hunter \xinner‘ ol the Young l'olk .\lu\rer;in auai‘d. Smitli lttllllelle\ lier \eeorid alhurn qui a eoneert. l’art ol (hf/Ill (turner/14m»

iii The Piping Soloist 'l'lie l’ipiiig (‘eiitre. \lel’liater Street. (‘oueaddenx 353 Silllll. Spin. L'l3.5ll. .\ \eleetron ol Seotlarid'x hext \olo piperx rrieluding \\'rllie .\lae('al|irm. Stuart l.rdde|l. (iordon l)unean. (iot'dott Walker. and Rodd) .\lael.eod. l’ar‘t ol ('r'llri

(ii/trier [Iii/H.

7.’ Sheena Wellington ’l‘lie l’iping (I‘llll‘L‘. \lt'l’ltttlt‘l' Sil'L‘L‘l. (KM eaddenx. 353 Sllllll. Spin. U3. Veteran traditional \inger lrorn the ea\t eoaxt. l’art ol (‘e/lii (‘HIIIH't [lit/H.


I Out of the Bedroom \Vawr‘le} Hat. St .\lar"\ \ Street. 550 SS55, 0pm. Open» mie \L'\\iittt loi' lidinhur‘gli-haxed \ingei'/\oiig\\riterx.


I Special Consensus lloudeii l’ark (‘entr'e. llrmdett. lll5llh 433034. Spin. LES i935 l. In their 3llth )ear a\ a perlormirig oiitlit. lrorn ('liieago. one ol the \xorld'x great hlttegt'axx handx tour\ a llt‘\\ alhuin lzi err/lime '\ .t/rie/ir. and pla} \ \orne old l’a\ourite\.


3:5 Salm and Soul (ilaxgou ('atltedi‘al. ('axtle Street. 353 Sillll). 7pm & t).3llprn. l.'l3.5ll. .-\ heautilul l'uxion ol llehridean (iaelie pxalrn singing and Southern l'S goxpel. h} eandlelight. 'l'lie ealland- rexponxe l'orrn ol' \ung \xorxliip ix shared h} l\\o liugel} \epar'ated eulturex. llear them here. together. lioxted h} Margaret Bennett. l’at‘t ol (Tl/ll ('umru limits.

221 Karen Matheson l{o_\al (‘oneerr llall. Saueliiehall Street. 353 Hunt). ".3llpni. “(MU-1i. \'oealr\t lrorn ('apereaillie. Karen and lttthlelttll palx are joined h} (‘ariailaK liar't‘a \laeNeih. l’at‘t ol' (ill/e (turner Hum.

I Micheal 0’ Suilleabhain and the Scottish Ensemble with Niall Keegan and Sandra Joyce Ro};il ('oneert llall: Strathehde Stine. Sauehieliall Street. 3.53 mun. Spin. £13.50. The great Irish pianixt. eornpoxer and aeadeinie pre\ ieux lilS .\lareli tour ol Seoiland \xith ltl\ ouixtanding lthiott ol l’olk and oreliextral t'orrnx ineorporating

\ irtiiow traditional tliite player l'xeegari \xitli ltl\ hodliian l‘l.t§lll:_' partner l‘art ot ( ( new . from

2:1 Hevia, Finlay MacDonald .izia Jean Louis Henafl‘ llie \lelte\. \igxle

Street. 353 Still“ \r‘in 1 l3 5“ lliiee \\ll\l. ne\\ \\.i\e r‘rperx trorn \l‘dlll. \otland and l ranee \\lllt their hattdx l’att ol ( (Stir ( new. i fmrrx

3:1 John Doyle and Julie Fowlis lion llieatre. lrongate. 353 SW“ \i‘rn Llrt (iurtarrxt .loliu lltnle. hext laiouri tor lll\ touriding role lll lot‘l S lll\lt hand Solax. lll\llt‘\ )oring \eotx riiiilti llt\lllllllt‘lll.lll\l and \inger .liilie lrt\\ll\ to dine tlie \tage l’att ol ( ii'frt (irrrrrr . .'li'I.'\

3:3 Session A9 t liari \lor. (ireat \\e\tein Road. 3.33 woo Spin 1|: 3rr ('apeieaillrox lrddlei (‘liailie \l\ lxerrori lead\ the lien hand. in the \t_\ le ol l’iddler'x lird or lila/in' l iildlex. hrrt \\llll ll.lll\.lll.lllll\ leaningx .rrid a te\\ \origx l’att ol (t .".'rr ('urrrzr . .'!irl.‘\

3:1 Celtic Connections Ceilidh Dance lx‘oyil ('oueeit Hall I \liihitron llall. Saueliieliall Street. 353 Mill“ lllprn U3 l me name hour the Seott llarxe} |)anee liarid

I Riverside Ceilidh Dance lx’r\er\ide (‘Iuh. l'o\ Street. 31S 3l-H S ll 3llrriii Ur \llhle trorn lieoeli and llorux


I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance .\\\enihl_\ l\’ootll\. (ieoige Street. .‘3ll

l 3‘1‘) Spin LS (‘erlidli hand lll l and ealler Ken (iorrila)


3:? Kathryn Tickell Group ( il.t\j._'rt\\ (‘.tlltt'tll'.tl. (.ihllt' SllL'Cl. 33: Nl‘lh ".-15piii. {l5 (law-x lrddle lllll\le and \rnallpipe turiex \irtli original eornpoxrtrorix and the ll.ttlllltllt\ ol 'l'rekell'x natr\e \orthurnheilarid ('oriteit h_\ eandleliglit l’art ol ("r I’ll

(tr/inn [IN/H.

3:1 Brolum, Filska and Fine Friday Rinal ('orieer‘t llall Stratliehde Suite. Sauelireliall Street. 353 Silllll Spin

t' l 3.5”. :\ trio. a quartet and a \eptet make up llll\ triple lieadei ol SeotlarrdK Ittoxl prornixing }rrtlltt'\'i l\.tllil\ l’ait ol (if/[It (It‘ll/let IIHIH

3:1 lnstinkt and Beolach 'I lie \li'llt‘\. .’\rg_\le Street. 353 Sllllll Spin {l3 5“ .la/I irilleeted l);tlll\ll lllllSle lrorii lnxtrnlo roined h} lr'enetie )oiing (ape ltietorierx l’at‘t ol (fl/ii ('oiiiin IIHIH

2:1 Guitar Summit lll'dlt \loi. (iteat \\e\tern Road. 353 Stillll. Spin {l3 5” l:\aet|} \kltdl ll \a)\ on the earl. \‘-llll 'l‘ort} .\lae.\lattu\. .loltti l)o} le. 'l to_\ \l;ie‘(ii|li\i';i}. .-\nna .\l;t\\lt'. lair l'orhe\ and Suing (iurtarx l’ai’t ol (i/rri

('Irltltr'r Hum.

3:1 Celtic Connections Ceilidh Dance Rinal ('oneei't llall: l:\|iihitrori lltlll. Stilleltleltttll Street. 353 NW)” llll‘lti Ur. See l'l‘l 3l.

I Riverside Ceilidh Dance l<l\t'l\ltlt‘ (’luh. l~o\ Street. 3-1S 3lol~l S |l3llprii to See in 3l.


I Valentina and Voces del Sur R(t\_\ .-\t't llou\e. 3 Ro\hurgli l’laee. 550 9333 Spin. Ur rHi. ()rie ot the iiioxt llllL‘lL‘\llll}._' ('liilean \ttlL'L'\ in the IR. Valentina Monto}a-Martirie/ prexentx a riiglit ol l.atiri Amerrea lolk lllllSIL',

I Burns Supper l-.drnhurglr Zoo. ('orxtorphirie Road. 334 ‘)l"l. 7.30pm £33. x\ traditional eelehr'atiori ol Serillttlttll\ l‘dttl. \Hllt ll.ij.'j:l\. \[ieeeltex and entertainment.

I Kisoro Ceilidh Dance '1 littlttth .\lot‘tori llall. l‘et't‘} Road. l.ettli. (ihl l‘)3ll. Spin. LS W550i. l’roeeedx going to the lettt'lt Seliool l‘or deal elirldren in

l 'ganda.


I An Evening with Burns Manor Park Hotel. Kilttiarnoek Road. 01393 .3 l .3305. 3pm. U) rL'5r. .-\n exerting ol poetr} and song eelehrating Seotland's hard.

Jii' 4i For; 200‘, THE LIST 79