
Events are listed by city, then \111111‘ 111111 111.1112; 1111-11 I1‘.1'\ \.1111'1j- \?111\‘. ‘.\1111 1‘1111‘11111111‘1 Il1‘.111I’.111x 1:1" ‘1' L l Il11'l11~111‘\\ 111;‘l1tx1~11I11' alphabeticauy by venue. Dance Eeave toflRemarn I11 _‘\ \11 :‘1 |.11. 111-11111g1111111311111411; \111‘u \1111‘1‘111; I'11‘. 1111111'x \1‘1‘1t.1111l111 1.1111111 11.11111111111111‘ events are listed after theatre_ 11111111 t. If. u I11I111\11I1111\1‘?11l131'11\ 11111111111» 1111111111‘.11111‘1l 1‘} 1111‘ “11111.11: 11‘.1tt11:11j_‘/1‘.'.11 1 \t.11\,|11l111\11111.11'I1. submit listings at 'east ten days 1111\1111111}.11.1111111111115. .11111 \.11lt1.1;'11 \\.111_1_"11 I11; H.1111I11111l11 I .t\ \1';.1\ \1_\'11' \11‘1‘111'11I’1111I1111.1111iI{\1111II1‘t1I11‘1 .1\ 111111511} .11111111 11'I11;‘1‘1'\_1I1\1‘I1:11‘1I 1‘1‘111‘11' 11111111\11111‘ 11'1‘i.111‘1111‘11t\ 1111 1111‘11111111‘1I I\1.111l111'\

before publication to

rachael.street@| Listings .1111I 1111\11111 111111'.11111.11} Fooglie Nights 21'\’I111‘1\;IU|1111 \11‘ I1111.1:11l I.111_~_'I111‘1 1111 I111l\11t11ll.11'1‘\ 3'9 °°"‘p"ed by 33cm“ wee" I KING’S THEATRE .11 1 <11 11 <11. 1111-11111- 1.111.11111- 111 1111- I RSAMD .“V H.11I1 \111-1'1. 3-111 | I I I II. \\( .\\ \ .11\I1'\111111‘ 12.1111 .1\ [11111111 \.‘1'/:.'\ 1111' I\’1'11111‘\\ \t11'1‘1. ii.‘ ‘11“ 111. \\1‘_ GI Mother Goose I 1111I \1111 3‘ L111 11‘111111~1\1.111111: I111I1.111111‘\11.11111I111.1111' \\ \ I11n1'\ 2.111 1-1 LI" I .1xt111 1111‘ Hunt I \x1‘x 1113; 11111 11111x1‘ 11‘; \\.111111‘1\ Turning Point II111 .‘ i 1\ I11 ,‘\ 1.111 [1.11111111111111'\1‘.1\1111\111I1 I 1.11111‘('\1111tl1 .1111I \1111'11m 1I11xt11111‘11\1I11'\H\' " l11111111I11111.11 .‘ 111111111 211 1! 11 \ I THE AHCHES \1.111111§_' .1x11I1I \I111I11'1 (i1111x1'. \11111111111l1x 111'\\ 1I.11111' 1111‘11'1'11‘.1t1‘1l.1111111111111111‘11 I“ \1:'_\I1‘ \111‘1‘11 “1* I11.“ §\\( .\\ \1 1I1.111111'rumoxj.'11l1I1‘111‘;g\ \\1II\11I\1‘ I PAVILION THEATRE 1‘1 I111l1‘111‘11 1I.11111‘. \111t|.1111I\ I1‘.11I111:‘ Voxmotus: Gravel I11 .‘I 1\ \11 3? .1II I11‘1 111-I1tx '11I11'11 11'.1II}. I11'1 11111I1I1‘111\ III Ix’1‘11111‘I1I \111‘1‘1. “I I.\»lt1 ZII. \\('_ 11111‘;:1.1t1‘1I 11.11111‘ 111111111111 111 1;.” " {1111111 1111.71 I’1.1\1‘1I1111.111111‘ .111'111\t l11';‘11111111f_‘ \\ \1 11.111111'1xl1111\111I11I11' I\'\ \\II) 111111 11111 1111111.“ \1111111 \1111.111 In Town Tonight 1111- 3* \.11 3‘1 1111 Jack and the Beanstalk 1 11111 \11 3‘1 Diary of an Action Man 1111- 1 11‘11 111111111111111111111-1x 11.1111111.111.1;_‘1-111\11-.1l.1 I11111-\ \.11} L" ‘11 12* 11" ‘11 11* i111 1|.11111111t\.11\11111 I11111'\ \.11} L I I LII \1‘1'I\11I\I1\1111§_)\

K1 Raymond 611111111y presents ' wwwraytnondg11111111y.1:0.11k

Swan Lake

Mon 14 81 Wed 16 February at 7.30pm Tues 15 February at 2.30pm 81 7.30pm

71w . S eepmg Beauty r.

Thurs 17 81 Fri 18 February at 7.30pm Sat 19 February at 2.30pm 81 7.30pm

this .111|.1i1111‘1l 11.1111‘1 1‘11111p.11n 1'1‘1111‘115 111 1111‘ [In 111 l1nl11i1 111‘111111111 lolloning 1111‘11‘ 111111111 .11‘111111111‘11 111‘1'1111'111.1n11‘s 111 1111‘ 111111115 111111111110 111111015.

\\ Il.ll lI11‘ 11ili1s ml) - "'I‘111‘ Siberian 15.1111‘1 111'1111111li1111 11.15. stunning 1111111 start to finishv "511111‘1‘11 1|.1ssi1‘al 11.1111‘11111, brilliant and original choreography” -

1’1‘rlor1n1‘11 by 1111‘. 11111 company and orchestra 111 THE RUSSIAN STATE BALLET Sergei Bobrov Artistic Director Anatoly Tchepurnoi 1‘111511 1)ir1‘1'tor and (Ihi1‘.l Conductor

THE KING'S THEATRE GLASGOW Phone Sales 0141 240 1111 1111191931

Book online (24 hour online booking with bkg fee)

Theatre Guide 11111181111y 221) 1 May 21 Saturday 22 Sunday 23 Monday 24 1111:511ay 2?) Wednesday W1 Arches - 8111: Rock 8. P1111 Voxmotos VOmetltS Folk 1 . . . 1 t . King's . Pavilion Jack 8. 1111‘: Beanstalk Jack 1‘; the Beanstalk Jack 8. the Beanstalk Jack 8 the Beanstalk IJack 8 the Beanstalk fdack 8 the Bean-11111111 RSAMD Theatre naval 81:12 C1ass;:1:ai ; 81311014135011 Tramway Tron See Folk 1 See Folk See Folk’Around Town See Folk See Around Town See Folk See Foil. I '- 1 ’1”- /.1,. .2 0 Church Hill ? WW 0" the Root 3 F‘thler on the Root Fiddler on the Root ? I fiddler on the Root I Fiddler on the Root I Fiddler on the Root c t 1 g l . . . _ l a Festival Theatre n :1; u g Playhouse 3 Mamma M'a’ Mamma M183 f Mamma Mta! I Mamma Mia! l Mamma Mia! Mamma Mtal _ : . ; , i H _ a i O RoVal Lyceum ' ' :~ . - - . a. r m I I 7 ' t 1 1 Traverse love. Sex and Cnder Love. Sex and C1der ‘Love. Sex and Cider _ l J C1355 AC1 i Class Act