There are many cheap thrills to be had in the art world. Andy Warhol knew this better than many. And the performance artists of yore celebrated the fact with delights such as Meat Joy in 1964 (see preview, Body Parts). Maybe because it's so rich in soul, intelligence and heart, visual art doesn’t need to reap financial gains. Or maybe it’s the public subsidies and wealthy private investors? Whatever it is, in general the average punter is saved from rumaging in their pockets to enjoy. Hurray, aren‘t we lucky!

In addition to the open doors policy of all public and private galleries, with the exception of the odd special exhibition, it’s also worth noting that Edinburgh offers a free bus service between the National Galleries so you can get from the centre of town out to the suburbs without wearying your feet.

Another tip for getting the most out of your friendly local galleries is to swat up on when exhibitions are opening. There’ll generally be a private view the night before. If you swing by, you can generally pick up a free bottle of beer, glass of wine and some gossip.

Galleries are also rather good at putting on free discussions and talks, and sometimes even films. 80 it turns out, then, that old elitist art is the most democratic form of them all. Cheap thrills for everyone.

Glasgow Print Studio

2:3 King Stun-1.01 SQI’ (ll-ll 55130-107 galli'rngpsart ('0 uk

Time to get on 12' January - 12 illt'S(I£l_\’

February 200:”)

sat urilay 10am

:3 30pm

Wes! Rum-iii St Wins: lliztzplu-Ll S! Jamrs Dirk;*:':::t

96 THE LIST ~i-a:


Hungarian artist Zsofia Berczi's dramatic image is just one of 220 selected entries in the Helen Keller

International Award judged by, among others, sculptor Kenny Hunter.

. ,. /_,.,,, /, ,. ',.I

Private Galleries


Iqh \\t'\l Rt'gt'lll Sll't't‘l. Ill (\ in”.

\lun Sal Illaiu 5 illpiu.

Compass Christmas Exhibition 2004 l'nlil Sun §1l_|.ui. _\li\t'tl \IIU\\ nl ;ll'll\l\ int‘lutling .lnit'c (Linux. (il'JIlJlll Hark and (icni'gt' \\_\lit‘,


l-l.\ \\'t-\l Regent Sli'ccl. 321 ill"?

\Illll Sal ‘Hlliuu 5. illpm.

The Winter Collection 2004 l‘nul Sui 3‘) Jan. lli‘ilixh [‘;llllllllf_'\. \Il'.l\\lll:.1\.llltI \t‘ulplui't‘ including; pit‘t‘t'x h} Rngcr H). Human (il.llll .lIItI .lI) l-ci'gnian. .

I INFRARED GALLERY lha \lt'atlim Road. 33" ISM. \Iun I'l'l l|.im 5pm. Sal lllguu lpm. New Vision, New Painting l'nnl Sin 3" Jan. \cu \wi'kx Ii} .v\iut‘nt‘.m [mutt-i

Recent graduates from Dundee. Edinburgh and Glasgow schools of art exhibit new work in print and other media


Saturday PH)

15 /22 /29 January 2005. Artists featured in the exhi- bition will be hanging out in the gallery talking about their work and printmaking in general. Also. you can look around our printmaking workshop and see how it is done.

uwvxxtgpsart .(:().uk

0 9

Kill l Illldll .llltI .l \IlH\\ l\_\ [Minn-an .llll\l\ Suit-n llullt'l. Sand} Siuilli. \lllllli'. .\uncllc ('ulilc} .IIItI .\;:u|.i \“llI‘tltIJ

I LLOYD JEROME GALLERY 3H“ Halli Sliccl. “I “"33 Illt' Sal “am will].

There is No Place I llllI \\ul 3h Lin Rt't'cul [‘.llllllllf_'\ l\_\ lit-nu dc liiiita


5 Huitllaml Sli‘t't'l. NZ sill-l Inc I ll llam (llllll'. Sal l|.uu 5pm

Christmas Exhibition 1 Hill Sun ill I’illllllll;1\. [‘IIIII\.1II\I \t'ulpluit'x


"i Rnl‘t'rlwn Slit'cl. Suuc “. l IHUl 1.115 ,Vll 'lut' In nun” 5pm

Michael Wilkinson {mil in Ix l‘t-h \t'u Ill\l.lII.lllHll \wi'k I‘ll‘t'tI «in Pink I'Il‘}tI-\ I/It Hit/If,


SSl \'_‘_'.u't'l'\ I’lat't', ll".\l: (MSG-1;

IIlll 8.11 l 5pm

3:1 Kate Davis 0.... l llIlI Sal 22 Jan \lt‘lit‘ulnih pcngil than mp Ili‘lll nnc nl IIIC .ll'Il\l\ “hm i'cpi‘cxcult‘tl Scotland .11 IIIC \bmt't' Hicnnalt' Ill I‘ll”. cmpluwu; \ l\ll.lI \mulcx .IIItI lllt‘ldl‘Ith ul Haunt .lIItI gullui'c. alnuut‘lmn and I't'pi‘cxcnlaliiin. hmul} .mtl tyilaurnpht'. Scc IIlIIhl. 7 '

Artist Spaces


32: x 324 Hukc Slit-cl. l)cmuxlnun. 550 “2'0 Iuc Sal noun (\pm.

321 A Nation Turns its Lonely Eyes to You .... l 111118.11 5 I‘ch. Ruin-dung; .mtl t‘\t‘lllll:_' \himtuw ml \1\ 3004 :_'I'.ltIlltlIC\ from St'ullixh .u'I \t‘himlx \luantlii Blcniici‘li.mcii thunder ». Iron IIlII dilmgnu ». .luc I{L'L"-C\ dilmguu i. Itlllllla I’rau ‘I)lIIItICC'. Sluarl \ldfiulcr ilxtiinl‘ui'ghi .mtl \l.ui'1 lam-n} II)UII\ICL" Scc m icu .lIItI IIllIhI



:\I.lli\t‘l \IIK'CI. <3" U"); \Ii‘ll .\.ll IH.uu *piu

Edvard Grieg: Art and ldentiry \u I: I.lll \il lh \pi l \lululiun lm\I\lllf.' .lI t'niupuwi l\l\.utl ( iiit';‘\ lilc .lIItI IIIII\I\ .lIItI llic it‘laliiznxlup I‘t'I\\t'\'II lu\ .ul .IIItI \t‘I\\t'}'I.lII ll.lll«‘ll.lI ulculll} l’.uI ml \\\l\\.1_\ _‘llll\ .i u'lt'lualiuu ml IHH Manx nl \nnxt'man Hitlt'pt'utlt‘ntc ‘.:

III ShowCAse: Contemporary Art for the UK \il :3 ,I.lll \il l.‘ \I.u \t'\\ .lt‘tlllhlllillh HI IIlt‘ ( ‘Ulllt'lllpi'lJH \il hour!) lunuyhl lnt't‘lht'i Ill IIIt' UllI_\ \Ilii\\lllf,‘ I‘t'Il‘It' IIIt'_\ t‘t‘l \I|\Ill|‘llI\‘\I In 11\ lllll lllt'llli‘t‘l it'ggiuual .lIltI ll.lI|Hll.lI lllll\\'lllll t’ullt't'lmm \lll\l\ int IlltIt' \Iit'hat'l I .uitlv l’.iul \(‘I‘It'. l).i\ ItI \luigglt'} .lIItI lx’lt‘haitl

\\ llt'IlI \t't' incur“ .uul IIllIl\I .'

Exposed \il .“l I.lll \il lh \pi ("wiuplt'iuciillur llit' \iiun ( \M t'\IllI‘lllHll. llux tlixplaxx .l i.ui;'t' nl ti'lllt‘llll‘ill.ll_\ \nluxli .llll\l\ .IIItI t'l.lII\|‘\‘HPIt'. int'lutliufx .ln Haiku. (alluiu Illlli‘\ .unl \I.m _Ii\Illl\lHll

John Houston and Elizabeth Blackadder \.ii .7" Lu: .\'.ii In \pi IIIt' ('il_\ \ linltliugw nl llux tiill|\I\"\ ]‘.Illlllll;‘\. [llllll\ .IIIlI \II.I\\ |llf.'\ yo nu \him luggt‘lht'i IUl IIlt' Ill\I Illllt' Hi



33 IN ('nt'kliuiu Slim'l. 3.7“ ISM)

Iut' Sal mum *pm.

Born Under a Bad Sign l'nul .\.ii I" I‘t'I‘. (ili‘llll \IIH\\ (illltitill IXIIIUH. IIll/L‘I \It‘It‘HiI .llliI (‘luixluphci \\.lII\t'l min}: In II Iualt'i‘ialx. \t‘ulpluial lll\l;lII.llIHll\ .iml tIl';l\\lllj._'. plux \ltIL‘l‘ \xuik I») l ('luhli ('nlc Ill IIlt' I’mit't‘l Riuilll.


a; Ht‘llnl'il Rimil. (\3-1 “3”” \Inu \\L'(I & I‘l'l Sun Illaiu 5pm; 'lllu

Illalu ‘pm.

Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney .. l'nlil Sun 3h .luu I'i'u'. ,\ touring; \IlH\\ ul mm H) \HilIxx ml Hillixli .‘lllli t't'ului'_\ \uii'k lmm IIlt' I’icl’ .\rl\ ('t-nlrt' lll ()i'kiW} “Illit' IIlt' l\I;llltI 3:;illt'i'} unilci’gnt'x a lll.’l|Hl It'lurluxluut'iu.

Thomas Whalen .0. {mil I'll I‘L‘I‘. I'l'L‘L'. \VHI'IA Ii} lIlt‘ I.t'IIII I‘llIII \t‘ulplur li‘niu IIIt' ('1!) nl Iziliuliuigli .-\I'l ('nllt't‘unn. IIIL' I<n_\.‘i| St'nllixli [\L'iltIt‘III} and Il'Hlll \Vhalt'n lauul} Iuciulwi‘x Sit in it“.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 l'niun Slrccl. 55‘ 3-17"). 'l'ut- Sal Ilium (ipnl.

Christmas Exhibition [mil 8.” 3‘) .Ian. .\ “MIC \L'IL'L'IIHII nl pl'lllh h} .ii'uuutl "H n! IIIL' \kill'I\\Ial\ ill'I|\I\ and including \Hil'Ix\ h} .luliu Bullan}. ('alum ('nlxm. I’anIn/n and Minna I‘laniugan,

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY ~15 \Illl'kt'l Sll'L'L'l. :25 338K \IHH Sal llam (ipiu; Sun noun 5pm.

33: Ellen Gallagher - Orbus ..... l'nlil Sun Iii-cl». \lalni \nln cflulutmn ml IIL’\\ and L'\l\llllj._' uni‘k h} \L'\\ Ym‘klmwd shut-titan ill'Il\l Izllcn (iallaghcr IllL'IlliIlllfJ paiiilingx. lmum lilm pi‘uit-t‘lmiix. carth drum High and an I l int-trolling: drawing: made dirt-t"! mun [he fJilIIL'I'} \xallx. Hcr wirk mm l't't‘lll‘l‘lllj.‘ ll]HllI\ and racial t‘di'lt‘dllil‘t‘x Hl L'}L'\. Ill“ and hair and Ill HIIC pit-cc llllilfJL‘x nl black niuxt‘lc lllL'll from I',/)IIII\ maga/mc imllc back and lm'th In a gaiuclwm IUHP \aiuplcd Il'Ulll Di/lcc Rascal. Sec IIIIIhI.