

2 \l.lll.k'l Slit-cl. 52‘) W‘)‘ \lun 8.11 llluin 5pm

Edward Grieg: Art and ldentiry l'nlil 8.11 In Mn. laxhihilinn lHHlxlllfJ .il uiiupmci l;il\.nil (iiicg‘x lily .lllll lllll\lL' llllll Ihc lCl.lllHll\lllp hcluccn lll\ .n'I .lllll \niucpmn ll;llltlll.ll nlcnlil} l’.irl nl \nixm} 2HH5. .i Lclt‘hmliun nl lllll )L'.ll\ ml Norm-gran lllllL'Pk'lltlk'llLL' ShowCASe: Contemporary Art for the UK l'nlil 8.1! I: \l.u \t'u. .lulllhllllllh ml lhc ('nnlt'inpnini} \il Swirl) hinujghl lugt'lhci lll my will)

\him lllj._' hcluit' lhc} 34c! (lhllll‘lllt‘tl In ll\ lili) iiicinht'i l't'fJIUlllll .‘inil n.uiun;il lllll\L'lllll k'l‘llt'Llllllh :\l‘ll\l\ int'luilt' \lit'hucl lunil}. l’uul \nhlc. l);i\ul Shiing .inil Rit'huril Wright.

Exposed l'nnl 8.11 I!» .-\pr ('ninplt-nn-nun}: lht- .len ( List L'\llll\lllllll. llll\ tll\[llll}\ :i runpc ul wiilcinpuigu‘} Scullixh ;ii‘li\l\ :inil crullxpcuplc. lllL‘llllllll): .ln lluikt-r. (‘.illuin luncx unil .-\|.ur .luhnxlun.

John Houston and Elizabeth Blackadder l'nlil Sin l(ix\pi1‘l’hL-(uyx hnlilingx ul llll\ mupltk p;llllllllj..'\. Pl'lllh .uul (liuu ingx gm on \Ium liigclhcr lui‘ lhc lil\l Illllt‘.

Through the Letterbox: George Bruce and Elizabeth Blackadder Sui 5 l't'l‘ Sgil Iii :\pi. lluikiix \kiulcn h} lllk' lgnc St'uluxh Rk'llill\\;lllL\‘ pucl (icurgc llruu' \\llll lllll\ll‘.‘lllull\ h} lili/gihclh lllut‘kuililcr. Nl W Si N )\.'.’.


32 33 ('ut'khurn Slrccl. Ill) llhil

luc Sui IIUHII 5pm.

Born under a Bad Sign l'nnl Sui I‘) l'ch. (iruup \lum h} (inrilun l);i|luu. llu/t'l \lcl .t'llll :inil (’Iirlxluphcr \Vulkcr uxing: lu-li innlcriulx. \t'ulplurul lll\l;lll;lllllll\ and draw IllL‘. plux \ itlm \mrk II} I (illl'l\l'\ ('Ulc ill lllL‘ l’l'njCL‘l Rimlll.


"3 llcllin'il Rugitl. (ill (illlll. Mun \Vul & in Sun Illgun 5pni;’lihu Illuin 7pm. Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney O. l'nlil Sun In .lun. l‘rcc. .\ luuring \llll\\ ul int-r Si) \\Ul'l\\ ol Brilixh Illlh ccnlur} lruin lhc l’icr .'\rl\ (‘cnlrc in ()rknt') \xhilc lhc l\l;lII(l gullcr} unilcrgucx .i inuiur rclurhixhincnl.

Thomas Whalen COO l'nnl in 25 l-t'h. l‘rcc. \Vurks h} lhc l.cilh-hurn \t'ulplur li‘uin lhc (‘il_\ ul litlinhurgh .-\rl ('ullccliun. IlIL‘ l{0_\;ll St'nlllxll .'\L'&ItlL‘lll} illltl lruin \thlcn l.nni|_\ lllL‘llllk‘l'\.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 l'niun Slrccl. 55" 2-170. 'l‘uc Sui lllgun 0pm.

The Paris Drawings and the Edinburgh Etchings Sui 5 l-‘ch Sui In .\l;u'. .-\ lnlc ul Nu t'ilicx h} .ll‘ll\l\ Kcll} Summit and ('.il ()ulr.un.


4.5 \lul'lu‘l Sll'L‘L‘l. :35 3535. .\lllll Sal I'l.nn 0pm; Sun nimn 5pm.

ix: Ellen Gallagher - Orbus OOOOO l'nlil Sun l3 Ik'h. \lgl‘ltll' \nlu uhihniun ul ncu .uul mixling \\Ul'l\ h} chx York-huxcd .-\nicric.in :ll'lN lillcn (inllughcr including puiiningx. lhnnn lilni pl'niccliolh. txirxctl drum hip and .in | l incur-lung than in; ninth tlirccl unlu lhc gullci‘) \\.lll\. llcr \wrk uwx recurring IllUlll\ and racial tuiritxilui'm ul o} t‘x. lip\ and hair and in one piccc iniugt'x of black inuxclc incn l‘runi lilmm inugu/inc imllc hack and lurlh [0.1 guinclcmi IOUP unnplcd lrmn l)i//cc Rdu‘ul. SL‘C lllllixl. LAST C"1»\\CE 7? SE?


5'5 llcll'urtl Ruml. 02-1 620“. Mon \Vctl & ljri Sun Ilium 5pm; 'l‘hu Illuinfpin.

>5 Andy Warhol: Self Portraits Sul 12 l-‘ch Mon 3 Mn}. £5 it'.‘~.5lli, .-\\ purl ul‘ lhc

liei‘u rmie

Kirsty Whiten

It may look like a teenage fantasy but this image from the Feral Lingerie series is from the pen of

Edinburgh-based artist Whiten, and she's no teenager. She’s one of the most intriguing artists in the capital at the moment and this solo show is followed by one at the Collective later in the month.

I HUGH) Stud/()3, li’ifi',m‘i"h'i//. {iii/iiiai/g/r l’ii, ’1' low 7’1; 27.1"

Nulinnul (inllci'n'x‘ .\ )i ur u/ .lim m (III In llll\ lllujiil' \him tlL'\lIIL'\ Ilwll [0 [hr \L‘ll pul‘ll'mlx ul .\lr .'\lltl) \Vnrliul i I‘D" Vi. cvuninin; the nu} llIL' :irlixl purlrnyxl hnnxt-Il in PlllllllllLW.tll';l\\lll;1\. pl‘inlx. pliulugiuphx. llllll\ :inil \xullpupcr. 'l‘hix ix lhc un|_\ l'K \hmxing. Su‘ Raw llllkl llllll\l. Ni ‘.'.‘ Si WM.

Curator’s Talk: Andy Warhol: Self- Portraits Sal l2 l‘ch. 3pm. l-ru' hul IIChL‘IL‘tl. l)r l)icun;ir l.cgcr ll'Ulll lhc Sprciigcl Muwuiu in ll;inu\cr untl curulur ul' Ihc And} \Vurhul \lIU\\ gin-x .i luur ml lhc uhihiliun.


The Hound. (ll-1 (Bill), Mun \Vctl .\

l‘ri Sun Illuin 5pm; 'l'hu lllgun “pin. Works on Paper from Flemings Display l‘nlil Sun l3 l‘ch. lice. .-\ \clccliun ul \wrkx un pupcr rcccnll} \ccn :il lhc l’lcnung ('ullct‘liun (inllci') lll I.lllltl(lll.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun (i l‘ch. 3 4pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc .-\rl ('.irl \\lll he llliltlL'tl with :i \ul‘icl} ul .u'l inulcriulx illlll ulcux In mplurc lhc cullccliunx through lun mull} :iclniln‘x. l5ur ;l:_'L‘\ 3 [3.

Tales of Love Mun I4 l-‘ch. l-rcc. .lHlll .i luur ul \mrkx l'ruin lhc pcrinuncnl wllccuun on tho lllL‘lllL‘ ul lmc \\ nh li‘ccluncc ‘.u‘l lll\lUl'l'.lll Mulllic“ \Vclluril.


'l‘hc .\luuntl. (‘24 (Still Mun \Vul tk

l’ri Sun Ilium 5pm; 'l'hu Illuin "pin. Artist’s Talk with Sara Ogilvie: For the Love of Beasts and Books \Vcd

1h li‘h. 3 4pm. £25“. Sum ()gilxic \clu'lx

will“ on lhc Ihcnic ul lm c l'ruin lhc pcrnmncnl mllccuon.


l ()uccn SII‘L‘L‘I. (13-1 Mun. Mull \Vul tk l’ri Sun Ilium 5pm; 'l‘hu lllguu "pin. Modern Women COO l'nnl Sun l3 l-‘ch. l-‘rcc. li\hihiliun tlruun l’ruin lhc

collccliunx ul lhc Scullhh Nulmnul Portrait

(iullcr). (hurling lhc \llL‘CL‘\\L‘\ ul' inmlcrn \mnicn. including Robert (‘4de nnugc ul .lcnn) l.cc untl \luiru Shcurcr hx Kurxli. 43* :HAmcE '3 SEE ' Keeping Faith l‘nul Sun 0 l-ch. lircc. Photograph} h} l.ukc \Vulwn l'ut‘uxing on

lL'dtlL‘lVlllllllt‘lllllll lllt'llll‘k‘l\ nl lllL' lll.l|Hl' \mrlil lnillh piut‘uxul Ill St'ullunil hula). ;,xs;f ink-N i ' g


l’ulnu‘ ()l lliil} i'iiiiilllull\L‘. 55h 5lllll. ().5ll;llll J. illpiu. {.5 «U HI; lunul} lit'kt‘l {I}.

Holbein to Hockney: Drawings from the Royal Collection OOOO l'nul Sun 0 .\l;u'. .\ lunlnlixing: glunpw ruin the \ltclch} rinul lrcuxurt-x lruiu .i \lutl} ul .i grcfliuuntl h} l)urt‘r In In \int'i‘x '.-\ l)L‘lllf—'k" gillil \lt‘iilm l’ll\\lll‘\ 'lhc 'l‘riuniph ul l’un’.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnwrlt‘uh lluuw. 553 "l"l. l);nl}

Illuin 5.30pm.

=5: Matt Collishaw «on l'nul xi... Ill l'ch. Illuin 3.30pm. l'rcc. 'l lk' 'l'urncr l’ri/t' nunnncc in lll\ lll'\l Smilixh \him. hi‘ingx Inx tlllelgll \xiii'kx iii In} \lcr} In lnwrlcrlh lluuw. Scc llllll\l.

li\lulnlmn ll.ill. lnwrlvilh Run. 552 "I‘l. l);nl} liknu 5pm. l'rcc.

Images from the Garden VII l'nul Mun 23 .\l;n. Illuin 3.30pm. l'rcc. .\n C\llll‘lll(lll ul \wrkx h} \llltlL‘lll\ nut-ruling; lhc R|l( il: .ulull L'tlllx'illlllll murwx lcnluring phulugrupli}. lmxkcu‘) gintl pupcr making.



Visual Art


Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery floor

I Alison Watt (pictured) has been chosen to be the Scottish artist in residence at Glenfiddich this year. Eight other international artists will be flying over to spend their summer up in Speyside looking for peace and inspiration in the whisky retreat. Artbeat caught up with Watt to talk about her plans. ‘l’ve known for a few weeks now and am thrilled,‘ she says. ‘I went to visit the distillery before Christmas and it’s so strange because it's a big complex in a beautiful area. I had no idea it was so huge - there’s 2000 acres of land there. There are cottages for all the people who live and work there so it'll be interesting - the artists will have to fit in.‘

The change in working pattern from being an isolated painter is something Watt has been moving towards in the last year. ‘lt’s coincided with a shift in my own work which is much more collaborative. With “Still” I was working with Alan Spence for the book that we made and for my Creative Scotland Project [for which a giant metal cube had to be made] I’ve been working with lots of people in its construction.'

So does she have any ideas about what she’ll do up there? ‘I don’t really have a clue. But it’s just a chance to ‘be’ - to get away from normal surroundings and have time to expand in your own head.’

5’ ‘3 ;c‘l‘7.1.l'\ .‘-.‘.‘> Body Parts

FCSIIVJI Of per lonndnge Art


g. THE LIST 101