Visual Art

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY llic \loiiiid. ill ;I :35 Ni“! Mon Sal lll.llll iiiiii. \iin noon RP”)

Visual Arts Scotland Annual Exhibition l iilil lhii l" l'cli \I\ll.’ll \ll\ Scotland'x opcii c\liihilion lcaliii'ing; liiic .iiid .ipplicil .lll\ 5‘ "KW ,l 7’ 2 T)? l

Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour l'niil 'I lit! I” hit ()nc lllllllllt'll and cichl} llt'\\ \Ktilkx l\_\ lllt'llllit'h includian l2li/ahclh lilackaddci. liaihaia Rac and lilaii 'l‘hoinxon l/«SI (,l 1AM" ,? I’ :iil

Live Art: A History in Scotland [um i liii I” lch l:\hil\ition charting: lhc lll\ll‘l} ol l’ci‘loi'inancc ‘\II in Scotland to coincidc \\ illi thc l'npliiggcd ll\t‘ ai‘t

\\ t't‘lxt'lltl. l/Ixf)l Ml l/‘KNK Ll ll

SSA 2005 - The Society of Scottish Artists Annual Exhibition l'ntil 'l'hu IT l'ch '\ conlcinpoi'ai‘} and di\ci\c collcctioii ol a top Illll \clcclion ol Scottixh art. including; \ioi‘k h} a\\ai'd “inning; l)iindcc ui‘adiialc lumina llaiiiilton. liliii .ll'll\l\ lil';l\\ .\l'l. dinning: lll\l.’lll.’lllttll h} Kalc l)o\\nic and pci‘loi'inancc h} licaglcx & Rtlllhtt}

Affil (ll lANCl lt) fSl l

Body Parts \Vcd 0 Sun I i l-cli. l'i\c da} pcrloiinaiicc ai't lcxloal Pl't‘\t'lllt‘tl h} llic Scottixli Socicl_\ ol x\lll\l\ It‘lllllllllg l’ttlllltl. (‘_\nlhia \Vliclan. |.oi‘na Knoulcx. l'll't‘ Hii‘dx. l.l\.'l Kciko Kii‘lon. .lt'lltll’tl lloi'i'igan. (ii'acinc Rout-i and Hcaglcx and

Ralilxa}, \ixil

\\\\\\ i‘o}alxciillixhacadcin} ill}: or

\\ \uyxw .i or}; lot lull tlt'l.lll\ and call :3” “la—i. Iii lliiillt llt'lxt'l\ ‘1? ‘5" Unplugged l'i‘i ll Sun I i l'cli '\ \xcckcnd ol Inc an pciloiiiiaiicc in collahoialion \Hlll llic Socict} ol Scotlixh :\l‘ll\l\.


3H'ockliiii‘n Sliccl. (if: (illlll Hail} llain tipin

Martin Sastre - American as Well l‘ntil Sat I3 .\lai' Solo c\hiliilion initiatcd h} Sitc gallci‘}. Shcllicld. ol

\ idco \\tll'l\\ h} litigioan ai'li\t .\l.ii'lin Saxii'c. \ilimc \xoik .‘ll‘l‘lttpill'l.llt‘\ pop \ongx. llcllo Kill} lllt‘lt‘litllltlht'. inlcinational ncxxx L'll[l\ and ail \\iilltl l'L‘lL‘l'L'llL’t‘\ lti t'iillllllt‘lll till IIIL' \_\ \lt'lll\ iil global t'ilpllillhll]. llc hax |ll\l i'clui’iicd li'oin \houingg at lhc Sao Paulo Hicnalc

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l‘nnci'xit} ol lidinhui'gh. South lii'itlgc. (fill 32“). lllt‘ Sat Illain Spin, ShowCASe: Contemporary Art for the UK l'nlll Sal l3 .\lal'. \cu ilL'qlll\lllUll\ ol lhc ('onlcinpoi‘ai‘} .\i'l Socicl} brought logcthci' in thc on|_\ \liouing hcloi‘c lhc} pct tll\ll’ll\lllt'tl to II\ Illll incinhci' l‘L‘letllltll and national lllll\t‘lllll collcclionx. .-\l'll\l\ includc \lichacl l.and_\. l’aiil \olilc. l)a\id Shi‘iglc} and Richard \Vi'ighl.

Am may Echoes of many other artists - particularly Rothko, Modigliani and Barnett Newman - in the quiet work

of this Edinburgh-based painter, suggest a deep knowledge of art history.

This, Shipway's first showing at the Ingleby Gallery, should demonstrate

whether he manages to add any unique ingredients to the mix. l/ngi’ebi Gd/eri. Edinburgh. unii/ 73 Mar.

102 THE LIST 3

' ' Feb .3005


Self portrait 1963—4. Andy would have been 35 when he produced

this moody, undercover detective look. The guises came thick and fast with the white wig modelled in many a fashion. See Rave for the film editor's pursuit of his Warhol obsession. Scottish National

.\4\! ’)§\ Lil/kit [“Mftl i»1\4

Private Galleries


"* "l (‘uniliciland Sticct. 555 “53 Michael Craik 'lliu I” lch Hm I" M.” Solo c\hihition ol \ioi'k h} llll\ ciiiciging .ii‘tixl \kllow paintingx lakc .ii'chitcctui'al photograph) ax lhcir \oiii‘cc NE 8H. ‘.'.

I I2

H .-\hcici'oinh} l’lacc. 555' UN": .\loii l'i'i lllaiii (\pin‘. Sal Illain 4pm,

Alan Davie - Gouache Paintings and Brush Drawings l'niil Sui l2 l-‘ch. .»\ \L‘l'lt‘\ ol goiiachc painting\ and hithh

than my inadc in ('oi'nxxall during: thc \lllillllt‘l‘ ol Zillil lAESl tillANtll EH St E


88 lothian Road. 33‘) 5033,

Scottish Naturesques Sun 0 Mb Ill 4 Mai: ('onc-iip pllolilgl‘aplh ol Scottixh Iandxcapm i‘c\ca|ing_' “L‘ll'tl and \Hilltlt'rllll pattci‘nx in lhc rock. \and and lllti\\.


(i ('ai‘lton 'l‘cl'i'acc. 550 4—14 I. Inc Sat

lilain Spin.

Alan Shipway Thu 3 lich Sun I} .\lai. l‘ii'xt \hou at thc lnglch} l'i'oin llll\ lidinhiii‘gh hawd tll'll\l \\llt)\t' quict ahxlract \\Ul‘l\\ ai‘c dclicalcl} ticd to clcincnlx ol I‘L‘;lll\lll. hc it in lhc \illhoiicttc ol an lxlttlltl or a hladc ol' gram. NE‘C.’ Si i(‘\‘.".

I INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE 13 Randolph ('i‘cxccnl. 335 5360.

Mon \Vcd & l‘i'i ‘Hllani 5.30pm; 'I'hii noon 5.30pm; Sal ‘Ullain 2pm.

The Paris Drawings l'i'i 4 Hi 25 Mix Kcll} Stcuai'l'x lai‘gc-xcalc di‘au ingx ol l’ari\ uxing paxtcl. gouachc. \ialci'»coloiii‘. charcoal and gi‘aphilc. l-ii'xi ol lhc ('ai‘tc Blanchc \ci‘icx l'or l-‘rcnch and Scottixh tll'll\l\ u ho \llttl‘L‘ an intci'xt in l-‘rancc and l-icnch ctilliii‘c. NE‘i'. SHO‘.’.

I ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA H: Nicolxon Sli'cct. (>63 2233. Mon l-‘ri 9.30am lpm & 3 Spin.

lmmagini Prime: Engravings By Giocanni Turria Thu 17 l-‘ch \Vcd t) .\lar. Rcccnl \iorkx including onii'ic intcrpi‘clationx and iniaginar) portraitx pllh cngrm ing\ for thc Italian cdition ol' liduin Morgan'x ptit‘llh.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 3-1.-\lwrcroinh} l’lacc. 557 llllll. \lon l-ri Illain opin; Sat 10am 4pm.

Group Show l'niil “cu in l’ch. Rcccnt paintingx h} Simon Auric and ('arola ('iordon \iith inla_\cd coloiircd porcclain h} SUth .\'cnicth and jcucllcr} h} Miranda Sharpc. LAST CHANCE 7) SEE


llNl l’rinccx Strcct.

Urban Nature l’niil Sat 1‘) lich. A collcction ol' thrcc _\car\' uork h) [.ondon- horn artixt Adam l)i\. coxcring urhan

|i\ ing. ccnlrcd on lhc liaxl lind uhcrc hc work and ll\L‘\ \iith llix lainil}.


ll) Stal'l'ord Strccl. 336 SM]. Mon Fri 9.30am 76pm: Sat 9.3llain 75.3llpni; Sun noon - 5pm.

Treasure l'nlil Sun 20 l-‘ch. .-\n L'\lllhlllilli

‘)\I. - [9){l ’lI\‘l"| it“

ol icucllci} to \‘L'lt‘l‘ldlt‘ \.i|ciiliiic\ Hay \\llll thicc yiiiiig Scollixh dc\ig_'iici\. \iiii.i (ioidoii. l.iiiin.i (ialc and \nii l iltlc


iii llundax Sli'ccl. “o (iioti \lon l ii llain opin. Sal Ill Wain ~Iplll

A Mull Diary Inn! .\at i lch l'hc lll\l lll\l.llllllt‘lll ol ncu paintiin M John

I i\\\llt‘ \loii‘ixon ol thc cwi llllt‘llldllllj.’ \latcx ill \Itlll

Artist Spaces


.\loia) llltlht‘. V lltllUtNKl Road. ‘55 NH Pine Wood, the Log Fire, the Cubs, and the Spell l‘niil Mon I't'l‘. \t-u \llti“ h} (iann l)ii\ct ol painting: and di‘auing lASI i. il Milt 1E it i Hi E


7h laaxt ('i'oxxcgiiiwua}, ll7()(ill ll V30 'l'hii Siin noon opiii.

Ronnie Heeps - Frankie and Other Stories 0.. l'nlil Sun (i I'k'l‘. 'l hc lil'xl \olo \hou in thi'cc _\t'.ll\ ol iii-u \Hlll'x h} llll\ l't‘t‘lll\l\t' (ilaxgou liaxcd ill'll\l llc Ulml‘lllt‘\ lhc t'\l\lt'llll;ll angxt ol l‘i‘ankcnxlcin \iith thc t'it'i}d.i_\ angxl c\pci'icnccd h} ll\ all through ptlllllllljJ\ and coinpiitci inanipiilatcd iiiiaggt'i} .'\lll\l\ talk on Sat 2‘) Jan. 3pm. Scc in it'\\ lit?! CHAN“) it» SEE

Jessica Wolfson l‘iiiil I'll -l .\l.ii \mi paintings and dau lllgx


l’ati'iothall Stiidiox. 43 Hamilton l’lacc. Slocklii'ldgc. 225 IIN‘),

Group Show I'll ~1 \Vcd lo l'cli. \cu photograph} and Ill\l;lll;tlltlll h} Anna l’ci'ch-Niclxcii. Norma Louixc 'l'halloii and (Rail \Viglc}. Nl".'.' Si lti‘.‘.’

Feral Lingerie Model Thu 17 I‘t'l‘ Wu! 2 Mai. Ncu \iork h} \Vhilcn lolloxiiii}: lllt‘ charactcr ol a lci'al girl in thc \xood\ in hci' lil\llli>ll iindci'ncai‘ hcaiitiliil. iigl). \t'\ll;ll. \iilnci‘ahlc and \iithoiit \hainc Intriguing:

'\JI II U'irlou

Outside the Cities


l5: NL‘lllCl‘gtllc. lll 332 WWW)“.

'l‘iic ch. Sat A; Sun 10. illillll 5.10pm; 'l‘hu (k l‘i‘i lll_3(l;iiii Spin. Gronlund\Nisunen l'niil Sun 27 I't‘l‘ l-innixh duo 'I'oinini (ironliind and l’ctlcri Nixuncn launch thc Kill Your 'l’iinid Notion \icckcnd at l)(‘.-\ \Hlll an cxhihition ol lhcir lll\l;lll;lil()ll \iork which i\ \onicuhcrc hclv. ccn architcclurc and \culpturc.

I DUNCAN OF JORDANSTONE COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN l'niicrsit} ol‘ [)undcc. l3 l’crth Road. (H.132 345330. Mon l-‘ri lilain 6pm; Sat Illain 4.30pm.

Jerusalem Syndrome l'niil Sat 2!) Feb. Dundcc-haxcd Nathan ('olc) prescnls ncxi work haxcd on llix traiclx to lxracl. cxploring thc hi/arrc phcnomcnon oi ‘JcrUsalcm Syidroinc'. a strangc px}cl‘lii\l\ that induccx intoxication upon \ixiting lhc Hol} (’it}.