will“ . r" u.

urn over a new



Robin Lee staggers from one refurbished bar to another on Leith Walk, where the drinking scene shows signs of rejuvenation.

i you work in the city centre and

liy‘e in l.eith. chances are you

get on a htts and miss out the hit in between. The two miles of gentle incline l‘rom (ireat Junction Street to lilm Row haye tor a long time been home to many gritty old puhs. hut new development is hringing in new people. and an appetite for drinking dens where eyeryonc is welcome.

()n the corner of Lorne Street and l.cith Walk is Boda Bar. ()pened last year and replacing an old lwoo/er. it sets a new tone with scarlet and cool. pale green decor. charming hand-tne-down t'urniture and the use ol‘ copious candles. ()n the walls. local artists and photographers c\hihit works that are for sale.

I don‘t think it would he rash to assume it's the area's lirst Swedish- themed wine bar. and it‘s no har L‘ltilllt L‘UIIIL‘CIIUII either. ()\\nCl'\ :\na and Mike (‘hristopherson came met“ from Stockholm to l.cith in October 2003 to start a line wine import business. and decided to open a wine bar to complement it.

'We couldn’t tind a place where we liked to go as a local.' says .-\na.

'll‘ we were missing something. then other people must haye hcen missing something. We saw this place and we liked it. It was a good location and a good si/c. We wanted to create a place where women would want to go. and sit on their own with a glass of wine or a coffee.

‘ll' a place is cotnl‘ortahle. it should lccl like you are at homc.~ she adds. ‘lt is a hit "hohemian chic" and that is what we like.‘


The couple‘s own imported w incs and Swedish cider are behind the har. and the snacks menu l‘ollows a Scandinayian hent. t‘eaturing moose sansage. herring and grayadlax.

'l‘raditional hars haye also smanened up their act. Seycral haye had a lick ot' paint. and eycn the (‘ity Limits (pictured ahoyc l.

l‘ormerly an lry'ine Welsh layourite and once one ot‘ the most Violent hats in the city. has embraced the

style har staples of brown leather

sol‘as and chunky pale wood. with a dark strip in the floor to show the old boundary between lidinhurgh and l.eith that drinkers l'amously had to shuttle across when it was drinking up time in lidinhurgh.

'l'he ('entral Bar. at the bottom ol'

the Walk. re-opencd in December. It‘s a listed building. with a horse shoe—shaped bar. and magnificent tiles on the high walls showing \LL‘ItCs lrom Scottish sporting lil‘e ~~ goll'. hunting and sailing. New owner Kenny McLean. who also runs the rel‘urhished Horseshoe pub on the Walk. rates it as one ol‘ the top traditional bars in lidinhurgh. llc's keen that the new money coming into the area is kept there.

‘l.eith \Valk‘s been neglected for years.~ .\lcl.ean says. ‘Twenty years ago ey cry puh w as a darts and dominoes pub. and it was looked upon as an old man's place. Now they're building housing within lidinhurgh. and there's regeneration and imestmcnt. It‘s better it people are in the city.‘


So much for all those swanky new bars. What‘s wrong with a good old-fashioned spit and sawdust local? Luckily, Leith Walk's still got a few of those too.

I Robbie‘s Bar 367 Leith Walk

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I The Alhambra Bar 227 Leith Walk ()l/ix’)‘)li‘:l1)')’lii I‘lt’tl fill“,lith/sll‘tizl'tlfld 3.1!. "5’,‘:,'lill, gnaw: a lv,l« of {fluid aw! rims. ‘maftutrxi :: 'l’tat Par/V 'llli‘,il5ll",' pa r110“: tint: l'T)l’l‘; i)? an; gt 1W,- .'./:'i'tu.‘./’). replete ‘.‘/llll (IV/7. (ya-(,4: tun/K: and a roulette wheel. The Alhambra takes .ts; mutt,- from a Vim:th and p‘fii‘tll";'iOLi’/:Il151ftl‘fi‘flli’,'lti’A/l/l'tllfl ,6”. IT‘S) .Jl‘ulll":l,’i"?{1fUtilt‘fl ’léiflllli: grain/air and enhance of fina- nriryml Ir: G'anada

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of the team's monomers Clubs.

’3’ q r‘ F‘fi/ Elf/j