This page lists a selection of organisations which provide expert health, advice and support in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The List gratefully acknowledges the support of the Scottish Executive in funding this page.

Alcohol and Narcotics


Alcoholics Anonymous

50 Wellington Street. 330 23H Mon lil'l ‘laiii 5pm. 0345 76‘) 7555 (24 hour). (il'tlllp support to help tackle alcoholism. Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol 83 l)uiiihai'toii Road. ('|)dehank. 953 0831. ()llerx general inloi‘niation and ad\ ice including one-to-one counselling l'or )oiing people.

Glasgow City Council Addiction Partnership \\ \\ xyglthgougm .iik. .-\ range of city-u ide \er'\ icex. including \pecitic \upport l‘or )oung people iii\o|\ed in drug and alcohol the.

Glasgow Council on Alcohol

lxl liloor. Bristol and \Vexl llttlht‘. 83 l'iiioii Street. 226 3383. liil‘oriiiatioii.

ad\ ice and one-to-oiie L‘Ulllht‘llllig for under 35.x and otherx affected h} alcohol. RCA Trust .\lirreii House. Back Siieddon Street. Paisle}. 887 0880. Project gixiiig

l3 25—}ear-olds ad\ ice on addiction i\\tle\.


Alcoholics Anonymous

33 ('ockhnrii Street. (‘all 225 NM) l'or' meeting lllllt‘\.

Crew 2000

33 ('ockhurn Street. 230 3403. Mon flat

I 5pm. 'l‘hu 4~8pltt Information on drug and .\C\ll'.ll health and friend!) adx ice from trained uorkers.

Edinburgh 0. Lothian Council on Alcohol 6 Clifton Terrace. 337 Slh‘h‘. Information. adx ice and support.

Turning Point 3 Sinith'x Place. 554 7516. Mon—Fri 9.3(laiii—5.3()pm. One to one counselling for addicts and \upport tor their families.

West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service ~13 Adelaide Street. (‘raigshill

110 THE LIST 7—21 Oct 2001


In a rare case of being really easy to understand, Shakespeare said: ‘Alcohol provokes the desire, but takes away the performance.’ Even in the 17th century people knew that something which makes achievement of both the male and female orgasm difficult had to be a bit rubbish. Aside from that annoyance, there are some other rubbish

aspects of getting very drunk.

When you wake up with a hangover you may feel compelled to cover your face in shame, thanks to the fact that alcohol is very effective at lowering your inhibitions. Most people wouldn’t dance on tables, steal road signs or eat kebabs in a trillion years when sober. Neither would they have unprotected sex with someone, thus opening themselves up to unwanted pregnancy and, let’s not muck around, life-threatening infections and situations. Unfortunately, they do when drunk.

It’s not like it’s only a few people either. Anyone can lose their senses after drinking too much as this collection of statistics shows: I Young people are twice as likely to have unprotected sex while

under the influence of alcohol.

I One in five adult men and one in six adult women admit to having had unsafe sex after drinking too much.

I 41% of women aged 18-30 confessed to a one night stand which they would never have considered doing had they been sober.

I Nearly one in five women admitted to getting into dodgy cars to get

home because they were drunk.

The key to not becoming a statistic is thinking safety rather than what shot you’re going to have next, so stick with people you know and trust. If you do find someone you want to spend some quality time with (if you don’t pass out in your clothes on the couch clutching a half-eaten pizza first, that is) remember it’s incredible how a wee piece of rubber can save you from all kinds of preventable


l.i\ lligNItlll. UlSllti 4.30 235. ('ounxelliiig. help in dealing “llli ltiiiiil} l\\llt'\ and help in \H‘l‘hllig touardx emplo} iiieiit oppoi‘tiinitiex.

Youth Action Project c/o ('omriiunit} Houxe. 33 MIN l’lace. lilihurn. l.i\ iiigxtoii.

(llSllh 4(il 588. .-\d\ice and iiit‘oi'iiiatioii loi‘

)iitiiig people about \uhxtaiice llll\ll\L‘.



0800 ()l7 8283. Mon l‘ri 9am llptn. Sat & Sun (r l lpm. liree confidential

iiiloi‘iiiatioii and \uppor't,

Alcohol Focus Scotland

rm» Buchanan Street. (ilaxgou. NH] 573 (r7lll), \\ \\ \\.ttlL‘tllltll-ltieth- \cotland.oi‘:_'.uk \Vith itx lllltil'llltllHL‘. aecewihle \kelixite. llil\ group oilerx aii e\cel|ent \oui‘ce ol' iiil'oi‘iiiation loi' people \\tlrl'lCtl about their drinking. Know the Score (Nit) 587 537%

u u \\ .kiiou thexcoi‘einlo. (‘oiilidential drug information. 24 houi\ a da}. 7 day a neck (‘allx made trom a landline \\ ill riot \litt\\ up on a phone hill and are

tree talk Horn .1 iiiol‘ile \.tl_\ iii tint depending on llt'l\\i‘ll\ and mat \hou iip \‘ll '\t‘lll l‘lll lllt‘ \\ c'l‘\ll\" ll.l\ lt‘l\ i‘l

.:d\ ice tor .iiitoiie .ittected in drug and detailx til local \lll‘l‘i‘ll \ei\iee\ Smokeline tl\tltl \1 \l \1

l iiioiiiaeeiiieiii .iiid \lll‘i‘i‘ll tor ilime \xho \\.tlll to ~top i‘l h.i\e receiiil\ \iopped \llliilxlllf:

Mental Wellbeing


Breathing Space INN \ N M or \liiiicoiii INN! ll ltill.

\\ \\ \\ liie.ithiii;_'\ ext otlarid co lllx l‘l‘lll Iarii l iee. \i‘lllitlt'llilJl .l\l\l\\' tor aniline lt‘t'llllf,‘ hm oi depiexxeil

Sexual Health and STDs


Body Positive Strathclyde *l \iiid}!oid l’lace. \itichieliall \iieet, _‘.-l\ "INS \\\\\\ lmiltpoxilne oip til lhop iii ct'llllt‘ opeii \loii. “ed. l ii ".iiii ‘piii. liie .\ lllll. ll.iiii .\piii liitoiriiatioii .llltl \lll‘l‘i'll lot people \xho .ire lll\ [\t\\lll\t‘

Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic (GUM Clinic) lhe \.iiiil_\loii| liiiti.iti\e. 3 (i \.iii«l_\loid l’ \iiicliieli.ill Street. .‘ll Mull lliop lll t lllllt \

\loii l'll .\ 3ll.iiii lll.llll llx appointment .ll other lllllt'\ lllllll 'pm \loii l'll

Rape Crisis Centre oI-ll "‘3‘ Drill \\\\\\ i.ipecii\i\\cotl.iiid ore iil. l'iie \\ed .\ \tiii ‘lprii. Hm I 3pm l'iee .llltl eoiilideiitial \ei\ ice Hllt'llllj.‘ iiiloiiiiatioii .md \lllllltlll to \\Hlllt'll .iiid pith \xho li.t\e l‘t‘t'll or tear the} mat ll.t\L‘ l‘t't'll \t'\ll.lll_\ .ll‘ll\t'tl ill .l\\;lllllt'tl.


GUM Clinic l .tllll\lHll lliiildine. |.aiii‘i\toii l’lace. i 30 Ill): .\lori l'll lll.tlll 5pm l\_\ .ippoiiitiiieiit l-oi iii;'erit piolileiiix. there I\ .i \\.ilk iii clinic where no .ipporiitiiieiit l\ llt't't‘\\.tl_\ liom X. 3“ lllllllam. \lon l-rr.

Edinburgh Women’s Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre HI {I fir» 0-13“. on \ii‘apecirxixxcollaiid ore iik ('all loi opening: littlll\ \ee Rape ('ii\r\ (critic. (ilaxgou.


National AIDS Helpline (NM Vi" |33

Sexwise (NM 332 *l 30. “am ljprii l’i'o\ ltlt'\ iiiloiiiiatioii arid .ltl\ ice on \e\ii.ilit} arid \L'\l|.tl health lot _\Hllll_'.’ people.

Sources of Advice


Crimestoppers twill 35* ll 1 (‘all at all} little \iilli Ittloiiitalioii about an} crime, (‘all\ are tree and cannot he traced.

Victim Support Line HMS N) W (Hill. lziiiotioiial \llpptll'l and practical ad\ice loi aii}oiie allected h} crime lt\ coiilideiitial. ol L'tllll'\t‘.

Women’s Health & Support


Glasgow Women’s Aid ltli l'ltltrl. Hr Bell Street. 553 I‘ll}. ‘), Warn —3 3llpiii .\loii l-i‘i. c\cept \Ved “Well I\

’),3llam lpm loi dropriii. and alteinoori h} appointment oiil}. l)l'tiprlll and telephone t'tlllll\t'lllllj._' ltll' \HilllL’ll.


Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Aid 4 (lie-Hie Street. 3 l 5 Kl lll. \itill. \Ved. l'l'l Illaiii 3pm. Thu 2 "pm. Sat lllam l2.3llpiii. Retiree. \llpptll'l and help l'or “omen \llllL‘flllf.’ pli}\lettl. mental or \L‘\ll£tl ahiixe lrom their partner»

National Domestic Abuse Helpline (Nil) 037 l33~1t34hourr

: k f '7 THE LIST 110