I Overworked, under- romanced, 5It Um. \lllll. hriiiiette. 33. l’il\\ltlll\ iricltide It;i\cl. tlltixic. lltti\lc\. Iiititl. Illc'lltlS. \eekx ltiti. iiiterextiiig and kitid male \otilmate \\llti heliexex lile l\ short. l’/5|4/l


I Tall Well Educated .\Iale t-Illi-i ol good appearance and character seeks the compa it) til ttilclligciit atlraclnc lemalet311+i\\ithuhomto share and appreciate lile. l’/5I4/2

I Slim professional male, )oiiiig 44. \iagnei‘ ltl\- mg. Salsa dancitig. .'\rt 'l'eacher \eekx \ociahle. Iriendl}. .\7S leiiiale to help \\llll lllx loot» \\ork. tllo\ .\'o: l’/5l3/li

I New Year, New Slai't‘.’ Redundant \lcrcol}pc l’irxt I'titilt‘l’ ('Ittll. I);ll'l\ c‘lc'l \Cc‘kN \lllll leiiiale 35 7 4(1 l'or a poxi» [I\L' [ltl\I-lltlgllltllltl} in lzdiiihurgh. tllo\ .\'o: l’/5I3/2i


V I Saw You All-IQ. in the (iarage oti Sattirda} 15th Jariuar). l'm Siixan Irom Iidirihtii'gh. I‘anc} a drink \oiiietiriie‘.’ [7514/1

V I Saw You. or rather _\oti heard me. lliiiiiming. \\ith pen in tiioiitli. Ran up the road al'ter‘ _\oti htit alas too late. ('arc to gi\e a riiati another chanee'.’ [7514/2

VI Saw You )0“ are tall. geek} Illkl [It'lu‘ ti )L‘lltm l'iltll. I see that _\oii'\e recentl_\ ttto\ ed ;l\\;l} atid I llll\\ _\ti[ll' \[l'tlllg‘c‘ desire 4 cheap lager. [7514/3 VI Saw You ll] llti} [Ix .'\[|[l;ll‘l[llll\ l5/(l1/(l5. hir_\itig ‘I)i\co .-\tige|\‘. l tliotigltt _\oii \\ L‘I‘L‘ pl'L‘II} (Hill )L‘I thlIlL‘tI asking _\oii l‘or )orir ntitiiher. \\anna hook up'.’ I’m not iiietital or ati_\thiiig7 [7514/4

V I Saw You And} tliau Iind. .-\dult lidticatioti'.’i at the .-\rt\cliool cloaki‘ooiii Sat l5th Jan. I “as plcttwd to Illlil out _\ou are still around ha\cti't \L‘cll _\oti liot' agcfl Sol‘t‘} I did- n't chat to )ou for longer. (let in toticli il‘ )titi \\otild like to catch tip for a drink \onietimc. Rachel. [7514/5

V I Saw You l'o\_\ l-‘rench lemme iii tartan \\elliex (0 .\Ii\ed ['p. .\Ie: the gti_\ in the red hat tr} ing to htitt into )our ll\ of (3 \ession . . . Break the hearts ol’ men gCllll}. X

[75 l—I/(i

V I Saw You .\1arcti\ in the earl} lltllll‘\ [11.(‘IIFISIIIIRIS Iix e. You “cut to “ink heI‘ore I could get _\otir numher . . . Ilopel‘till} our paths \\ ill cross agaiti. S. [7514/7

V I Saw You Ill/l} cute git}. hrou ii racket. hriel encounter. 9.311 IIllllN 311th. \tihua} lrom llillliead. Wanted to \a} lit htit _\oti got oil. I \\;l\ the git} In green hood).

[ 7514/3

VI Saw You at l)l.(' on I‘lth .laii. (i 7pm. \\‘or'kiti' those ttl‘lll\' Yott smiled. I \ttltll ‘ls that it ." I-rieiidx.’ [75 14/‘)

V I Saw You dancing to Death l)i\co. Yoti resemhled Bipolar llill} lrom Sit l'l't’l I‘m/er. ('an I he _\otir iiiedrca- ttori'.’ Yoti can kiss ni_\ neck again... [7514/111

V I Saw You Se\_\. dark. \crtill}. long haired ho} lurking iii a dark corner at the .\1_\ lo at the Arches. .\Ie: drunk ho} iii hlack I-xhirt who couldn't stop staring. ()tir e}e\ riiet more than once. I \\a\ aiitio}ing m} li'iend. I \\otildti‘t mind anno_\- trig _\oti some time ..

[7514/1 I

VI Saw You l.at\ ian girl at I)ear\ 'l‘hankx l‘or poititiiig [l\ 1ti\\;ll'[l the art school. l’it_\ \\e loxt each other. \Yanna meet Inf :1 col-Ice \olltclilllc'.’ I'l t‘c'tI/L‘\;ititi\. I 75 I 4/1 3

V I Saw You dancing at ('aledoiiia Sotil (H \Voodside. Yer} elegant. \er} tall. and \er} soiill'ul. \Yotild line to see _\oti again \tllllL‘lllllL‘ . . . [75l4/l3 V I Saw You in the llhl'til‘}. )oti \\ ere the prel'ect gentlemen holditig the door and calling me llltirlc‘lltiil\c‘llc‘. NIL'L‘ \Cill'li. hone}? [7514/14

V I Saw You lame“ l'll'xl (ilaxgoii. _\oti in hikers gear. hiin \ i/Ied Stinda} 23rd .lari. [75l4/ltl I)tiiino il‘ _\oti're a hltikc\ hltikC'.’ (‘ttll I llclp myelli’ [7514/15

V I Saw You sh} htixx ho) Irom l)l"ll tuiddlirig \\lIIl )titll' hair in the .\Iill. Sliatne \\e just tllixxcd each other in (IIII\:_'U\\. .\Ia_\he next tittie )tllll' phone “I” he \\orkiiig. [75l4/l(i

VI Saw You & _\otir polo neck in the paper. Smiig Ianta pants. glx a sip o )er \iliixke}? [7514/17

V I Saw You RSAMI) lol hax mg )tllll' screenings of lilmx on the hig screen. Well done all and \\ho'd hax e tliotiglit I’eter .\ltillati and Bill I’aterxori \\ould turn up'.’ (iood luck \\ith the graduation pieces and the rest o1 the )ear. ['/514/l.\‘

V I Saw You 21 Jan. Anti}. on the steps ol' the .-\rt School. \\ itli me hrother‘x phone. We \\otild like to thank )ou l'ot' heirig so kind and honest. (‘heerx I)aiiio.\ [7514/10

VI Saw You I’anik l)e\i:_‘ii\ at )illll' iieu e\hihition opening. ('ongratulationx on \lll'\ ix‘irig the \\ inter hliI/ards. Keep up the good art and good luck in the lititure. [75l4/2tl

V I Saw You angel in “line. .-\riierican'.’ You ga\e [IS tickets for the I-‘ratiiexl We did not gi\e )tiii etiougli dosh. l’leaxe gel in touch . . . [7514/21

VI Saw You tall gu_\ \\ith \kitiliead \\ ho \\ork‘x iii the kitchen. I ha\e a couple o1 melons you ma} \\ ant to get )our hands on. [7514/22

V I Saw You \[ll'ltllllltlr'tl h_\ l;l[IlL‘\. looking or line' \ot \lllc' ahotit the mother gooxe [751423

V I Saw You L'lllc'. l‘dltl. \ktriri} all tiight' .\1e trmge and hell. ["514 34

V I Saw You \athan at the Stth ('ltih Sat. 15th Jan. l’it_\ )on \\ere surrounded h} \o iiian_\ hop and pandered to them lll\[L‘;ltl ol me' It) me 'I'aiiia. [7514/35


VI Saw You iii the Izlepliant llouxe heliirid the counter. You u ere the hig git} \\ itli the long \e\} hair and the llihlical heard You iii a hand" Yoti \lltittltl hel \\ [i/5l4/3Ii

V I Saw You (ier'riiaii girl, l";i\til'll. \leadou \. I.;i1L' L‘\L‘ 24/1/05. Yoti are gorgeous. dexen iiig more than that xe|l~ centred ho}. 'l'liix man thttikx )oti are lo\ cl}. \Varma meet'.’ l‘axcinated Red ('ap at ne\t tahle. [7514/27

V I Saw You ;l\\l\[;llll in ('Ierk Street l’eckhaiii‘x. I'.\L'll though _\oti didn‘t help me get the hottle doun lrom the high shell'. l’anc} making me _\our ‘uorldK hext collee' \onietitiie'. [7514/28

V I Saw You ('amco Sola. You \\ L‘l‘c t‘ctiditlg ‘Iil'tllltlllt‘. \\aiting I'or _\otii' Iriend to arrixe. Your smiles made me [ll/l}. I \\ixll I'd sci/ed the moment. (ii\e me another . [7514/2‘)

VI Saw You in a la\i ..

)tiii \\ere dri\ing it . . . I \\;l\ \llllllg in it . . . there \\;l\ a \\ild

llitlhllcc‘ \iomari \\ hen I got in . . . I tliotiglit )ott \iere Ion-l}? [7514/30

VI Saw You . . . \\alkirtg tip (‘ockhtirn Street on Sat 15th at 4pm. Yott. petite. dark. pink glo\c\ and leopard \kiri hag. .\Ie. getting intohluecat1You are lo\ e1}. .-\re )01! iiiiattached'.’ [7514/31

V I Saw You Saiiixhtir)\ .\Ieado\\ hank Itith .lanuai‘}. You: hlonde and \[ltll'kl} e} ex. \\llll _\iillt’ \ister'.’ .\IL‘Z hltlL‘

e} cd. hltic Ka. gl;i\\c'\. liiichanted h} _\oiir \mile. [7514/32

V I Saw You in l‘axorit on a \nou} 'l'tresda} morning. 1 “as on a quick hacori roll \ l\l[ \\earirig hlack. )ou looked rather pi'ett} \itting drinking coll'ee lacing the door. l’ane) a chat'.’ [7514/33

V I Saw You hit} ing a \\ heel iii \'elo lieoxxe. I “as the hald

man hiding behind the montage.

You looked dirt). I.et\ talk. [7514/34

V I Saw You in Bannerttiatix on lSth .laiitiar}. \\atchiiig karaoke. You \\til'L' a pink top and a “line hand Ill _\U[ll' hair. You u ere gor- geous. htit I \\tt\ too \ll}. [7514/35

V I Saw You at the (‘heexe Shop. You tiiade me go iieak at the knees. I houglit \otiic potatoes. I shall nex er forget the

Classified Personal


da) late changed out li\e\ I am the llal‘plcfl clouri tn the \\oild I Sl~1 3(\

V I Saw You on the \o 3‘. Iliu :11 l. ‘lixh (alight }otii e}e at ('anonriirllx. \at heliirid. then again at Old Ix’o}al You hloiid hloke iii the long coat I ant} e\cliarigiiig glatice\ met a pirit iie\t time \Ie the hod_\\\aittier gu_\ [514 3“

V I Saw You \\atcliitig the ()[llt‘l\ in the I itiiiid Room I “ax on in} mm. _\oti \poke to me arid hoiiglit me a diitik It \\a\ tine. exeri though I didn‘t come hack to _\tllll\ [' 514 3S V I Saw You kicking )titii \L‘ll il\[‘l [IIL' Klllc‘lx I lltipt' e\ei"\thiiig \\otked out

[7514 W

V I Saw You “my \\ ho else \a\\ the l\[l\l_\ hloiide lletii} .1 lleatix hot pant girl on Satutda} night ( iti‘l. pleaxe don‘t tell [1\ guy _\ou'\e a ho_\ Iriend' l’leaxe get iii touch Ii/Sl'l/JII

V I Saw You al New Yeai \\e didn't liaxe much to \a} \\e used loch on so well. \\ltat changed It makes me leel a hit \ad \\lieti I think ahotit it. [7514/41

VI Saw You \tiiriniiig lea. pla}rtig IllllSIc and \mokitig c'lj._'\ ... III we }oti again some \\llL'l'c c'l\c' tllltl ttgttlll \UlllL' where else. You are too much. and I mean It )0 much. ['rihelic\ ahlel .\ \\ [ 7514/43 V I Saw You Stirida} 33rd Jan. .\It‘(‘l)ll\ l‘l'L‘tlL‘l'lL'k SIIL‘L'I. You: gold INNIIS tilld (ll'tctllttl tatoo. Me: the gti_\ tti lrorit ol _\ou in the queue Yoti ate gtil‘gc‘tilhl I 75 l 4/45

V I Saw You. l.oi'tia. \\liet'e did _\oti go'.’ Short red hair. alua}\ \llllllllg. lrotliiiig [lltixt' colleex in the Social. Single’ Seen )till iri Ilthc‘lllclll. Street. Iigo and in} dreams. IlllL‘l'L'\1L‘tl’ [7514/44

VI Saw You heading doun llario\ er Street on Standard I.il'e hux. 3pm ‘I'tiex 25 Ian. We looked hack at each other \e\ei‘al tiiiiex. Want to meet up" [7514/45

V I Saw You running INHII. \\llll )otir hig e_xe\ and lit little hod}. Rim home to _\oiit' ll.\'llll hecatixe he 1\ htir‘xtmg \\ itli lox e l'or )ou. ['/5l4/4(t

V I Saw You Rlc‘k\. Sat 33 .lari. ’l‘all. dark git} at har oti l’ailed hltiid date \au stupendous I.atiiio lo\cl} \lIllllf.) nearh} heing hit oti h} UltllCS

loo late to \a\e _\oti’ [7514/4"

VI Saw You lookitig

gorgeous in a red top arid goll

jacket at the \Icadou hai‘

'I‘htirxda} night ptih qui/ \tttiiig \\lIIl )otir girllrietidx in team \noo/e )ou lose". You had heatitiltil ert)\\1lL'[lI'l\.;l.II) iii hand. and hammered the lll[l\lc' round. [75l4/4S

VI Saw You Stephanie. at the Venue on 23nd Jaiitiai'}. You: gorgeous \\llll \e\} green top and hlack trousers. ga\e me )our ntiiiiher. llaung trotihle gettttig through. See _\tlll there ne\t time‘.’ [7514/4‘)

VI Saw You at the Scorpion launch .it the lta\ei\e ©3111 H5t \\c'\poke1\tiell_\ ol dttitikeri [Ill\1l[‘\ aiid \\ ltool girlx I lorgot to axk lot \otit ritiriihct Is it too late

[ 514 511

VI Saw You \ptdetiiiati tiggei l.l\['. rating round

I diiihtiigli on }tl[ll hike \1\ South \lllcdll red lli'llt'\ hm You're the he\t'l 51151

V I Saw You hah}. \\\aggeiitig do\\ii lllll\ltl[' Street and into in} Iile one enchanted e\eiiiii;' \oti certainl) krioxi lio\\ totlieei .t girl tip looking 1t\l\\.llil to iiiati_\ more |t.ipp_\ _\['.11\ l lo\e ioti\ l 51153

V I Saw You dn troiiatx :‘lll on the NH to ( ioigie \\ ill \oti mart} a Sciathe ho} ' \\

[ SH S1

V I Saw You H \laitgga \h I’eiiiiiatin llapp} lliitlidax' ltoiii all your \o | htgged Ittll\' [' 514 54

V I Saw You I the lit-1h Ilolia otit he\t \ litttii .\ Ia\e \\aittexx Shake that deto\ed hiitt' \\\ ["514 55

V I Saw You .ill MIN \tall thttt \oori to he iiiic'iiiriltot‘tli at I'.IIl \\e‘II catch up lot a diitik \1a}he at the ioh ct‘llllc' ' Ilk'dltl [llc' ilitlt‘ t|llc'tlt' 1\ good at llll\ tittie ol _\eat' Ii/ISI‘I/IRII

VI Saw You llrian llolio llolia Ileai 0' \laiiga .\ all wet Izllie llell} Ilee You l)a‘\l.iii' \ \ ['/S|.1/S—'

VI Saw You lletth w I III You \iere llll\\lllj,.' an arm. hut Mill ll.t\L' [‘}[‘\ Sit )l‘llilt' ()K' [14/53

V I Saw You arid )otir [Illlllll \\ax hltie, .l[l\[ like Don I loxe )otii \\\l\ll} l.lll, Ill.tlll\\ loi telling tiie _\oiti \ectel' 1 line _\oii \ [7514/5‘)

VI Saw You hat or \Iltlllltl I \a_\ ‘.\1i\\ l..id}htit1" llitiiiae \L'c' [‘lltillgll HI _\Hll [llcxc il.i} \' I.o\e Iliittetll} i\' ()ueeri llee I/SI‘I/(III

VI Saw You all the stall lit the II“ oti otti l.t\t day here. l)attiti. Ill 1111\\ )oti all. Soh. \oh. ‘(io 'I‘eam ['x' Ion-.3 Ii\e

I III" [7511/01

V I Saw You I.eah (U .\l\iaj.\ Stiiida} htit lar too hiietl} \IIISI meet tip \iheiie\ei )oti‘re a\ailahle I.tii\e Ktkl'. \\ II/SI‘I/(l:

VI Saw You Sttihaaaiii’

& ('liincliilla ttlie rieu (‘liatlex and (iétllllllttl \Iiaktti & gromri _\otir \e\_\ little [\- latik} long l\[11[\ oll 1” .\1ariga' \\\ [7514/(il

V I Saw You Rachael \I.‘i_\ IIIIIIIL'I'. \\lieri \\III ion he

mine Xu [7514/04

V I Saw You heliirid tlie har \\llll no \milc lIl \Iaddog\ tdoti't trip oiet _\our hottoiii lip. hlondrei )oti‘i'e heatitilttl [75l4/(r5

VI Saw You (i months ago and l \[lll \cc _\ott iioii. You make me \lllllL' and l \llll haxe IMIIIL‘I‘IIICS m m} \toiiiach when I see out Thank )oti lot all )oti are arid all _\oti do. Yoti trul_\ are a heatitiliil pc‘l'Vlll. lo\e Sir/cc \\\ [7514mm

1w: THE LIST 117