2005 Rinal ('otteert llall. Strathelyle Stiite. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 3.53 h000 () 30 s 30pm. £l. l.ioti l)anee. ('ttltltttteu' opera. ('hittew. (iteek. ltidiait and Highland daneing


Up the Mekong River to Tibet \\tttttlSl(lL‘ llall. (iletifarg Street.

" 30pm. John l’ilkington gi\e\ lltlS Rinal Seotthh (ieographieal Sitetet} talk oit llIS trip lollim ing the drattiatie route along tlte \lekong Rn er iii 2003.


Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('arnixal .-\t‘l\. 2nd l'loor. 3-1Albion Street. 552 3637. (i '7 10pm. U) l£~1l. See Mott 7'.

Thursday 10


The DD4 Workshop Valentine‘s Sale The l)l)-1 Workshop. l I03 Arg}|e Street. \lereat llouxe. 07‘)5l S7lfi57.

-1 0pm. l-ree. l'our _\oung ieueller} tlt‘SllelL'l‘S and graduates trotn l)tinean ol .Iordanxtone ('ollege of Art and l)e\l}2‘ll open lltelt' \Mit'kslttip lti tlte publie to sell their unique ieueller} arid bagx.


ArtBites! .\lel.ellan (ittllel'ICS. 270 Sauehiehall Street. 5(i5 ~1l00. lpiii. l‘ree. Short talk on ‘l’inkx' b_\ Anne Redpath.


Hip Hop Dance Classes ('('.»\. 350 Satiehiehall Street. 352 4000. 7 Spin. £5 l£~1l. See Him 3.

Food & Drink

Farmers Market Mansfield Park. ot‘t' l)umbarton Road. 287 2500.

l0am 2pm. liree. A ehanee to bu} l'rexh produee direet from the farmers.


Norwegian Independence: A Centennial Exhibition Senate Room: (iilmorehill. 9 l'nixerxit} A\enue. 330 4570. l0.30am l.30pin. £l0. Speakers iiieltide l’t'of"l'ed (on an. 0} \lettt Sorenxen. arid l)r Arne Kruxe. Mummy: The Inside Story Buri'ell |.eeture 'l'heatre. Burrell (‘olleetiotL 20M) l’ttllttk\l1;1\\\ Road. 287 2550. 2pm. £2 members. £-1 non-members. l)t‘ .lohii la} lor gi\'e\ this leettii‘e.


Write-Tron for All 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre. (i3 'l'rongate. 552 42(i7. l lam lptii. £5 (£2.50). ('reatn e \\ riting workshop litt' adults. Booking essential.

Monday 14


Beginners’ Capoeira Workshop (‘arnixal :\t1.\. 2nd Hoor. 3-1 Albion Street. 552 8637. (t 7.30pm. £0 (£4). See Mon 7.

Wednesday 1 6


Beginners’ Capoeira Workshop (‘at'ttiutl .-\t't.\. 2nd Floor. 3—1 Albion Street. 552 \‘(i37. 6 7.30pm. £o i£-11. See Mon 7.


Scottish Rocks v Leicester Riders Braehead Arena. Kings lneh Road. 561 l 140. 7.30pm. £8 £l5 (£5 £8); £22 flittiil} tieket. BBL basketball mateh.


ArtBites! .\lel.e|lan (lilllL‘l'lL‘S. 270 Sauehiehall Street. 565 -1l00. 1pm. Free. Short talk on 'The View of San (iiorgio Maggiore. Veniee’ by l-taneeseo (iuardi.

Toy Trains to the Clouds Reni'ieltl St Stephen-x ('huteh ('erttte. 2b0 Bath Street. 3 32 2S2h 2 l5ptti l’.itil \\ liittle talk\ about tlte lt.tl'lit\\ t'.itl\\.i} \klllell elllltl‘S o\et (i000ft through the llllll.tl;t_\.t\ to l).ir|eeling \ Ro}.il Seottixh (ieogiapltieal Soeiet} talk Housing and Asthma: Why our Homes are Making us Ill Strathehde l'ni\et\it} .\le( aiiee l.eetut‘e 'l‘heatie. .\le( 'anee Building. 51S 2] l5. b.30pm l'ree leetuie .iiid ()tkA \iith |)r Stirling llii\\le\tttl. Department of .v\rehiteeture and litiilding Seieiiee .it Strathehde l’nneruty


Hip Hop Dance Classes ( ‘(‘ \. % Satiehiehall Street. 3521000. 5 Spin i£-1i See ’I Inn 3.

Edinburgh fim_

Food & Drink

Scottish Seasonal Food Evening Vermilion. Seotxttiatt Hotel. 20 .\'oth Bridge. 55o 55(i5, (i 7pm. l'ree. tieketed. 'l'ipx arid reeipes from the hotel\ e\pert\. This itioiitli ('hrix Smart turns lllS attention to o_\ \tet'\.

Activities & Events

Winter Observing Evenings Roytl ()bxetwator} Visitor ('entre. lilaeklord llill. (th 3404. 7 3.45pm. £2.50 £3.50; lattitl} tieket £9. l'itid out how to \pot Saturn. Jupiter. meteor \ltt)\\L‘l‘\ and eomets iii the dark \\ inter \k}. Booking L‘SSeltltttl.

50 LS


Something to Draw On National (killer) of Seotland: (’lore lidueation (‘entre. 'l‘he Mound. (i24 (i200. 2 -1.30pm. £3. Artist l.ind\e} Hamilton tlL‘lllttl1\ll';tle\ lttm drau ingx eaii be made “\ng lexx traditional materials.

Activities & Events

Clairvoyant Gathering Bl'tttllL'S (lose. High Street. (H500 372 75“. Noon 7pm. Free. A \teekend ot' elainoyinee. mediutiiship. tarot. px} ehomett'}. palmixtr}. p\_\ehie\. er) \tal ball reading aitd more.

Food & Drink

Edinburgh Farmer’s Market (‘axtle 'l‘erraee. 052 5040. 0am 2pm. Bit} great produee direet from Seottixh farmers.


National Carpet Bowls Championships Meadow batik Velodrome. Meadoxxbank Stadium. I31) London Road. See l’anel.


Adult’s Workshop l"i‘tiitiii;ii'ket (ialler). ~15 Market Street. 225 2383. l0am -1pm. £50 (£210 :\t'lt\l Raehael Bexan deli\ei\ tt \\ttl'l\\ltttp inxpired b} lillen (iallagher'x film work. gi\ ing the ttppttt’lllltll} tor pai'tieipantx to ereate their (M it short films. Booking exxential.

Activities & Events

Clairvoyant Gathering Brotliew ('lose. High Street. (H.500 872 .750. Noon "pm. Free. See Sat .5.

Annual Waitangi Day Reception

()\ erxeas llouxe. llX) Prineex Street. 01307 403920. 5pm. £8. buffet ineltided. A ehanee tor Km ix to meet other kin ix.


Tennents Football Sessions World of. Football. ('orn li\ehattge. .\'e\\ Market Rttittl. (iorgie. 445 (NU-4. l-‘ree. The l‘e\l

tiiii\ei\it} teams iii \xt‘lldlhl take on folks tiottt the likes ot Belle and Sebaxtian .itid \ltill llistorital Soeieo


Looking at Gaudier—Brzeska National (i.tllt‘l} ot \lodein \it. 55 HellotdRo.itl.f\2»1h200 igl‘lll

l tee l,\L‘l}lt \lll‘el. tllleelitl t‘l the llunteiiaii \lthetllll and \it Mallet}. gixes llll\ leettiie


Behind the Scenes: To and Fro, Art Works on the Move from the National Galleries \\e\lott link. llauthornden l eetute lheatre. National (ialler). 'l'he \lottnd. l2.»15piti liee .lamee Slater ol \ational (iallertes of Seotland gi\e\ lltl\ leettite. Chimpanzee Cultures: An Illustrated Tour Rina] \lthelllll leeture 'l'heati‘e. 2 ('h.iitibei\ Street. 2»1"-12|‘),h.30piti. £~1i£3i l’iol Andreu \Vltiten lioiti St \ndie\\ ‘\ l'iii\er\it_\ re\eal\ the \tipllhlledletl metal and eourtship belt.i\ tour of ehiitipan/eex. Booking adxixable. Edinburgh Lecture: What Makes the Lion Rampant? llerioi \\.iti l'nnerxit}. .lamex \Vatt ('entt'e l. 22S

l I55. 7pm. l'ni‘exei‘xed llele‘IS ate ltee. £3 il pre booked. Kim \\ lllSt'l. ehiet e\eetiti\ e ol l’ringle Seotland. tllSk‘tISSt'S lltl\\ \\ e ean make \ttlllelltlllj: ‘hot‘. Comet and Asteroid Impacts Ro}a| ()bxeiwator} \'i\itor ('entre. lilaekloi‘d lllll. (ioS S10-1,".30 .S'. 30pm, £2 (U l. (’an eometx arid asteroidx e\ er hit our \\ee ltiitip of eat'bon .’


Salsa Classes The l.tf_'lttllott\e. 32 3-1 The Shore. l.eit|i. 5510-105. 7 Spin.

.S’ 9pm A ‘) |0ptn. £5 i£~1i. learn to Salxa and .\lerengue in these fun e|a\\e\. The first elaxx is lor beginneix. the \eeond lor le\el 2 beginner\ and the third for itttpro\er\.

The Bongo Social Swing Club llte Bongo ('lub. .\lora_\ llttlISL‘. 3"

llol} rotttl Road, 07947 |7(i 011.

7 0pm. £4 per elaxx; £(i lor botlt i£3 per elasxz £5 tor botlii. learn suing daneing \xith llt\[l'tlelttt'\ from the l"l'\right danee eoittpan}. No need to bring a partner.

Wednesday 9


Election USA: After the Event, Living with the Consequences Open Door. 420 .\lorning\ide Road. 4-17 ()757. |0.30am. l‘ree. A panel tllSL‘llSSlHll \\ith tour l'S eiti/enx. Extending the Adventure National (ialler) ol' Seotland: lla\\thot'ttdett l.eeture 'l'heatre. 'l‘he \littllttl. 02-1 (i2llfl. 2pm. Free. The \eulptor and ad\enttirer (ieorge \V} Ilie gi\e\ an illthtt‘ated talk ttlt lilS \\t)l'l\.


The Jitterbug Club lago. l-1 l’ieard} l’laee. 553 I37 I. Spin & 0pm. £5 t£3i. l.eat'n \u ing. ittterbug attd boogie \xoogie. Spin alimltite beginnetx. 9pm ltttpt‘tt\el\. \\ u \x. botigieniglttxiiet. Jitterbug Dance Classes Kirk ()‘l‘ield l’arixh ('htireh. liroun Street. l’le‘;i\;tttL‘L'. U790” 2 l 5 5(i(i.

S30 l0.30ptn. £5. (iet )ottt' bobb} \oekx on. Absolute beginnerx \xeleottie.

Thursday 10

Food & Drink

Insights into Running a Top Restaurant The Atrium. ltl ('ambridge Street. 453 loot). 7pm. £4]. Atrium rm net' Andre“ Radford pt‘o\tde\ art insight itito running a restaurant. 'l‘ieket ineludex a tour eourse meal at the Atrium. and must be booked in ad\anee at

\\ u \\ .dixem eithetaxteeom.

Around Town


To celebrate the hotly anticipated National Carpet Bowls Championships we present you with everything you ever wanted to know about the game but were afraid to ask.

1 Seven thousand Halli; ago. when not busving thert‘selves creating one of the most

llt‘it)l(}i;i§l\.'t: erxilisations of the

ancient wt )ll’l, the Ftiyptiaris also played a lean of bowls.

2 We Britons crawled out of the primordial soup in l tti)‘ when the lawn was laid at the Southaitiptori Bowls Club. but the sport went iiiassrve in the 18th century

3 In the early 111th century. King Edward I“ banned his archers from playing bowls. due to them getting slack with their archery practice at a time when an awful lot of people needed arrows stuck in them

4 ln 1:388. Francis Drake was playing bowls at Plymouth Hoe when the Spanish Armada rocked tip. Legend has it that he said: 'lhere is plenty of time to writ this game. and thrash the Spaniards too.‘

5 The Scots were responsible for creating the first flat greens (did one play on a hill before’h.

6 It might have been sortiethirig to do wrth the constant peeing rain but the first indoor bowls club was formed in Scotland in 1905 at Edinburgh's Synod Hall.

7 The indoor game has recently been ia/zed up With the introduction of electric blue matting. coloured clothing and the introduction of a more out throat two sets of seven ends format.

8 The bowling rules of etiquette state that one should 'never be heard to whose the carpet, the green or your opponent'.

9 Women have been playing bowls Since 1900. but there was controversy in Januany surrounding the partiCipants in World Bowls Tour iWBTi. The presence of Carol Ashby. 37, lpictured. who sports nose. lip and cheek studs. and a lizard tattoo on her ankle) and other ‘young bits of things' in the competition has led some to suggest that the WBT decided who should compete on the bass of phySique. Cat fight on the green! 10 Bowling is the only British sport that features ‘wabblers'.

I National Carpet Bow/s Championships, Meadowbank. Edinburgh, Sat 5 Feb

Let. f/,',‘, THE LIST 27