’9" .' - rm ,. .75 a a imam stiflr .1:

l t

They were away for a brief hiatus but these Soma favourites have settled back into the Sub. Here they

preview tracks from their forthcoming album Staring into Space plus a

live set from Silver City (2020 Vision).

till III II for). Dark/or )lti [Jr/2):: a? the Sub (Xi/f). (ii/(ingot;

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bin Bag at tlte (ilaxgott School ol .‘\rt. llptti 3am. £| tlreei. Bargain baxentent indie tunex. barrel Ioadx ol cheap drink and a bunclt oli kidx that trxed to lite irt good hornex.

I Camouflage at the Liquid Lounge. llpm 3am. £2. \Veekl). .\ nett \teekl} that aimx to ptrt the qualit} back into xttident clubbing \\llll\l keeping tlte drinkx pricex loxt. l.i\e\\ ire are the inuxical reprexentati»ex. arid the) are plating the linext ltip hop. electro. techno. houxe. drum & baxx aitd breakbeat.

I Essentially Tuesdays at ('hinatthite. ‘lpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. .loiri the part} at tltix litre. e\cltrxi\e \enue tltat ix putting tlte glamotrr back onto Batlt Street. 'l‘he} '\e ptit a lot ol' Clil'tll'l llllo lllt‘ plttL‘c. xo _\olt \llollltl do the xame \\ hen getting drexxed up.

I Fool’s Gold at (il. l lprn 5am. Ulk‘. \Veekl). .-\ tlL‘tllL‘ttlL‘tl lllgltl ol indie rock lr'om Mr Paul (iorinan and l'riendx. lt'x a poptrlar tra\\| through the riclt xea ol' independent nruxic l'roni Britain and abroad o\ei‘ tlte laxt Ill _\Cl|l\.

:11 Killer Kitsch at the Bull ('lth. ltlfillpm 3am. £4 t£5l. \Veekl}. .-\ great next part) at the Bull. Muxic can range l'i‘orn M} lo to .Madonna. 'l'alking lleadx to Blortdie. 'l‘he} '\ e got a lull drum kit accompan} ing the inuxic. liuan arid .\oi are behind the deekx tipxtairx arid l).l Roxx ix do\\nxtairx irt tlte hold. Brilliant. I TIT at M.-\S. Ill..‘~()pin 3am. £5 t£4t. \Veekl}. 'l'he biggext ol' the 'l‘raxh nightx. Ito\\ hottxed irt tltix tlo\\lllo\\ll \entie. l.ixa l.ittIe\\ood pla) x houxe and (irahante l‘erguxon pla_\x urban pop. Biggext l'uexda} in tlte cit} 1‘ We thirtk

Glasgow Wednesdays

Club I AM at tlte Liquid Lounge. ltlpin Darn. £3. \Veekl}. .\'e\t midtteek

drtiin tk baxx night leattrring xome ol' Seotland'x “th lalettt oit regular rotation.

I Allure at the Tunnel. l l..‘\(lpitt 3am. £5. \VCL‘lxl}. (ilaxgim 'x llL'WL'xl gtt} night “till the _\oting and \er_\ talettted l).l Darren Young dixpatching xorne xuper'b trineage.

I Chinawhite al ('hinatt hile.

0pm 3am. £(r. \Veekl}. 'l'hix beautiltrl \entie p|a_\x ltoxt to the lllo\ erx arid xhaket'x on a \keekl} baxix. .-\ good inidueek hang—out.

I Club Living at ('ltib l.i\ ing.

‘lprn 3am. £tbc. \Veekl}. Kid Slea/_\ xpinx tip tlte Rtle hip hop and handbag houxe.

I MashdaBest at \Vigttam.

llpnt 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. .liitt da Bext pla_\x continercial claxxicx. hotixe. dixco and litink. \thile in Room 2 Maxh ol- Beat lllh and 'l‘racktion Recordx pla}x a \er} cool xelection xpanning the xotil. hip hop. breakx attd houxe realrnx.

I Midnight Marauders at the Butt (‘ltrb. llprtt 3am. £4. 0 Feb. Monthl}. Hip hop. litink. rock arid xotil l'roin l-‘reak Menouterx. l)eina arid .\'ice are l\\o ol the linext hip hop l).lx in the buxinexx. xo thix ix bottnd lobe xontething quite nice.

I Reindeer Section at the Bull ('lub. ltlpin 3am. £4. to Feb. Monthl}. 'l‘he \ intl branch ol' the man} -horned (‘eltic xuperband deligltt trx all \t itlt an eclectic mi\ ol pop. punk arid random lainoux gtiext groupx. (let there earl} becatIxe rt'x going to 'rock like a mumm} pumper'. Oh dear.

I Tipsy at M.~\S. llptn 3am. £4 t£3t. \\eekl_\. l)J ('ut/. ll|}ux and Statux xcratch tip tlte linext tunex thix xide ol~ a Manhattan block part} cit‘ca SZ.

I Tongue In Cheek at Bamboo. ltlfitlpm 3am. £4 t£3r. \Veeki). A new night of cheek} fun from the Bamboo people. The irr'eprexxible Miguel pla_\x hip hop and R&B in room one. \thile Roxx xpinx tip a xtorm iii the party lounge \t ith claxxic funk and dixco. Midxteek rnafltem all round.


Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Big Night Out at lago ‘lpm iatn

£5 U“ 3 l-eb onl} Big 'l‘xtrnamt appeal benelit l'pxtair'x there'x ll\ e action lioiti the .\bdominal Shottmen attd .ll'K ttith l)l ktckx lrotn 'lrend} \Vend}. Babex. Ste\e .>\trxtrn arid hoxt} l)o\tnxtairx rt‘x coined} lroin Bill l)e\\ar'. l’atrl Sneddon. (ir'aerne l‘hoinax attd Kieran Butler

I Bloodbeat at Subtta). l lptn 3am. £3 tlreer. 3 l’eb. Join Mixx Klll) l'antaxtico arid l)J Darkroom \ttth their upbeat Sllx charm ol x_\nllt-pop. electro-claxh arid indie electi‘o.

I Bounce at l’o Na Na. lllpnt iain.

£5 £4. \Veekl}. Sttrdent ttrgltt dottn l’o .\'a Na quite literall} getx the place turnprn‘ \Hlll itx ini\ ol hip hop. urban. Rth and drinkx pr‘olttox.

I Club Simba at tlte ('ellai‘ Bar.

lllprn .ittlll. lace belore | lprn; £3 alter. Weekl}. 'l’he ('ellar Bar contrnuex itx reclamation ax a qtialrt} clubbing \enue \t itlt tltix mi\ ol .\lrican. ('aribbean arid Latin inlectioux beatx.

I The Delta Duvet Club at the Bongo (’ltib. lllpnt 3am. £5. 3 l-‘eb. The Delta ('rol't Retire hoxt their tmri club night

\\ ith a hoxt ol In e actx. ’l‘hix time around it‘x the Mending lleartx \t ith xupport hour the Wheelx and William l)otiglax. I Do-lt! at liaith. llprti 3am. £2 £4. \VL‘L‘kl}. The 3 Sttloollt l)Jx la} tltmn xe\_\ and xaxx} urban rh}thrnx lot a glammed tip crottd featuring R&B. hip hop. dixco and xotil.

I Genetic at ('itrux ('lub. I lpin 3am. l-‘ree belore I l..‘~llpin; £3 alter. \Veekl}. Still a might} popular xoiree that

xhott eaxex alter‘natit e. indie arid lo-li. .\'o xmoking at the bar. mind.

I Ghetto at ('abaret Voltaire.

ll).3()pm 3am. £4 t£3r \Veekl). Next 'l‘httrxda} nighter ol' Rth tagged ax 'expettxbe ltlttxlc lor poor lolk". 'l‘he mairt rooin'x hoxted b} (ienttx and hix R&B girlx. Bexidex dump) and DJ l’roxpect. while in the back oortt Wreckage p|a_\x out a blend ol litink through to breakx.

iii Oxfam Tsunami Appeal Fundraiser at the Bongo ('Iub.

9pm 2am. £5. ll) l'eb onl}. l.i\e Atro- beat l‘roin l)l\\ an. nine-piece xka band Bombxkare arid punk lunk luxiort l'roin 'l‘l'ipx. l’lttx on the DJ xide lltingx are ol equall} high calibre \t itlt reggae. xotrl. hip hop. danceltall. Milk and l.atin-('aribbean traekx o\ er l\\o lloorx lroin .-\llan tlleadxpin l. ('lill'e iBlueberr} Sotrnd r. ()ntar. Reggae (iol Soul arid Itch} Sotil lli-l-‘i.

I The Snatch Social at the Liquid Room. ll)..‘~(lpm 3am. £4 t£3.5llt. \‘v'eeklt. liilth} cabaret—dixco ltixiort l'eattiring 'l‘ap \Vater Auard \tinner Ton} ('arter and llarr} .-\inx\torth. Babex arid Trend} Weird} tmonthl) rexidenti xllppl} hip hop arid l‘llllk} tunex. ('heck their ttebxite tut\t.xnatchxocial.com for more into.

I Streetlife at Berlin Blcrllitllx.

ll)pm ~3atn. £4 t£3r ll) l-eb. (’elebrating their lirxt birthda} \tith guextx (‘raig Srttith t.-\udio Deluxe) and llarr} tStrinoi for write of the tinext houxe around.

?i1 Vaudeville at the Bongo ('lub.

Spin lam. £6. l7 lieb. .-\n impertinent circux cabaret \t ith magic. mtrxic arid entertaining llll\hcl1;t\‘loltrx. l’rexenting the lltrxtlerx Ball t’eattiring carnital claxxicx. g}px_\ polkax. cabpxox and \talt/ex ot xpecial guext nttixieranx ()rk'extra Del Sol.

I VEGASUUItragroove/ Motherfunk Tsunami Appeal at the Venue. 9pm—3atn. £5 minimum donation. 3 Feb

onl_\ (’an't xa} tarrer than thrx \ll thexe clul‘x and the Marne donate their time tot the l’xtinantt \ppeal “till all proceedx going dtrectlt to the \lerc} t'otpx Scotland \ot onl_\ a great cauxe l‘ttl \xhat an opportuntt) to check out three ol the capital'x bext cltrltx reach taking a lloor‘t lot a bargain pine

Chart & Pam

IVinyl at Maxxa .\prn lam l-tee \\eekl} (‘ornitrercial chart .rnd tl.lll\k' cotrrtex} ol l’aul l-trnkxter. plux dizrth promox aplent} tor thoxe \\lto \tant to xtait the \teekend taxhtonabb earb

Edinburgh Fridays


I Access at the llttitt‘tc'ttrrilt

llprti iam Ltbc ll leb lechno. electro .ritd liouxe born the lhoporit lllx tBod}lttnk. Rehab. lluxtlei. Blend and ltoxt \tho ate torned b} l\an Sittagghe llildt‘lx .\ll'tll‘k' I. \t't' [’H lli H

I Annual Club Re-union Keroscene 2 at Studio 34 lllptn .‘aiir £l. ll l'eb ottl} .\ one otl annual retrmon ol an old l.t\tllllllt‘ leattiring hea\_\ inetal. death metal. thraxlt metal. llttl'tlt'olt‘ black lllt'lttl .tllil illllt‘t' golll xongx‘, l’lux air guitar. head banging. drinking and corpxc parrtt cotnpetitionx I Big Toe Reggae Hi-Fi at \\ee Red Bar. It). illpm iarn. £4 «£3». 4 l'eb .\x the tiartte xuggextx_ reggae arid other tllll1l\_\ gl'oou‘x.

I Bio-Rhythm at the lloite_\coinb Ilptn 3am. £7 r£5 xttrdentx and memberxr. 4 lieb Monlhl} (‘ontritinng their re\ei'ence lol all thrngx dance \thateter' the genie \\ e ll;t\t' a guext xpot lrortt l)eekline tBotchit tk Scarpert l).l Beliet e and Stlter‘ Storic prot tile back tip \thile the Mct‘t'} l’r‘ankxletx are lit charge ol the broken beatx lll the back room. .-\lxo pre~club Sutlclt lip xt'xxton at ()\_\gen l‘rorn Spin lain.

a new interest,

see classifed section 111-119

’2—‘ 7 59b 233', THE LIST 37