
I Nine Black Alps .lltti the Little Flames l'x'rn;v lutX \Vrth \Vgth Hut. TEA ht \lllLt‘lll \ltt't'l. 32' 5:“)

.\ itrprn H \uung \itlliLlHlltlll hrtntl uhtt h.t\ e tenured the trtttxrertl trentlx wt titt‘lt Hull ert} tn i.l\tllli «t1 the grunge melt til \rrxtum

I Whole Lotta Led ‘l he int). 42 (lute Place. “1003 305 5i 1. 3pm, UH. 'lrthute tn the nught} /.ep

I The Duke Spirit, Dogs and De Rosa Hitlli}. 3m (lute Street. 0370 UH" tt‘N‘) Spur U». l'enmle lrttntetl ittlltittll \e't'ltt'\lt'l\ unit it \ttgttt'l} hittex} rnek'n‘rull mapper. l’rett} tiillllll g‘ttttti .tL‘ltlttH}.

I Eastern Lane l‘tltthttttxt'. linrt‘l}. 3M) ( .l_\tit' \ltt't't, (DH—70 ()(17 U‘)‘)‘)_

l lptn l'rexh lrteetl rnthe rttelxerx \lltlljJill ttllllt‘t Her“rek-trtnl'ueetl.

I Yeti, 747s and Mother 8. the Addicts \ree‘n‘Slen/y 421 Snuehtehnll Street. Hi(Mill. Uprn. Us. lthertrnex huxx pl;t_\er .lnhn Htt\\t‘” gets on \srth hrs Irle lrnntrng ne“ hilllti Yeti. Suppntt lrttrn lttertl eeeentrre grunge tttelxt'tN \ltttht‘t‘ tk the :\tlthL‘t\.

I The Vitals, Feature 86 and The Whelks the Garage. 4‘)” Sgtuehtehztll Street. “I I lit). 7pm. £0.50. ()xer-Hx \ilti\\. Rnek ltne up. rnmetl 1mm San II.

I The Dexateens, Raising Kain, The Grease Monkeys and Taylor Hollingsworth 'l'he lith .\'nte (are. fit) (ttt King Street. 553 ltfix. ‘iprn. £4. Rtitii\} :\|;th;trn;t l'tik‘ht‘l'\ the l)e\;tteen\ rue \trppnrtetl h} l'elltm 'hzunu :u'ttxt ill} lttr iitilllllg\\\ttl‘lh llllti i\\t) ltteul garage t'ttek ttttlltlx.

wh sable, < llflktl@@

"v. music bar- 4-8 south bridge 060w

LOJM son tome ‘n‘y‘ ,i :21 .1"

,, 2‘}; {to ‘;'_Ltr\:r‘:'7\3‘t'iit W 6 " lot-Mods W

eat! t «flit? élt‘fl? (or? orig;-

(lilfi‘ttfiG l ', '

Internists r,~r.src_>:tttt@‘urto‘rrts talent», .x' err—tn latVHK'J‘tY/lnxttV

NEW BANDS telephone: 0131 557 5114 4 - 6 South Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1 LL

80 THE LIST 8— ' Fot‘ L005

I Figure 5, The X1 ttilti Dieselbone Steren. Kelnnhttugh Street. 5-“ Fttlx ‘it‘ttt :4 ti zt (Ltrttgt'. mud and Hrrtruele

I Latitude, One Life Lived, The Blackshucks .tntl Meta l M} \lurr} s. .\1.'t\\tell.\'treet.lll (‘51 l \ ‘ltprn L4. tneluthng entr} tn pttxt-gtg e luh lttextl rnthe htll.

I Texas Express (imnl t )le ( )pt}. i’tthlL‘} Rtmtl lull. 43‘) 5 WM a Wth 171 tU rnernherxr (‘ttunu'}

I Texas Tribute litturhttn Street. lttx (iettrge Street. 55:11]“, "pm l'tee hetttre lllptn; t5 ttllt‘l' tL 15.511 \kltil thnnert.

I Gratis Quo \ltteSnrle} \. 43 _i.tlllttl\'.t Street. 248 55M. ‘tptn. l'r‘ee Statux ()tttt trthute hand.

I Frank O'Hagan 'l he Setturt.

I I: llJ Stttelmell Street. 553 Kohl. Uprn. l'ree. ('merx or D} the Band. ('reetienee.

I Live Music Samuel l)tt\\ \. (F "l NtthxtiuleRugttl.4331llll'.Nillptn, l-ree.


3 Men and Black the lurtntl Rtttilll. 9t: \itelttt‘ttt Street. :25 250-1. 7pm. L‘ l 3.5”. .-\ettu\tte 2 Tune tour leuturtng \tillk' til the nrunex uhtt nuttle the \eene: Rudd} Ruthututn ml the Speeiulx. l’uultne Bluek til the Seleeter. l);t\ e \Vttkeltng Hi the Bent and \tek \Velxh 01' “(Id Manners. I Erin McKeown and Kris Delmhorst 'I‘he littttgtt ('llth. \htt'tt} Home. 37 Huly‘nml Rtiilti. 553 "tutti. 7.30pm. L"). The litttrk Hi l'ttlk trrrginrtll) htulx i‘l'tilll Virginia. hm plrt}etl \\ ith l);tr \thltuntx and Ant l)i1r;tnett and rates Iitltth l’tttl‘. Jud} (igu‘lttntl and Puts) ('ltne.

i J 3... it , .i't 11- .__. LIVE WSC‘TI‘ENENLE


. r W“? . . t f.


L‘01an q... a... l 1 -

. 'ifi‘wwsnP


'5 2' 312$ Lt: MON 21 BRENDEN BENSON i " THUR 10 c

tug , . . t..,


DOMEBADTHINGS i';‘.‘,s at .,.,‘

iFRt 8




I The Atomic Dogs, Firebrand Super Rock and Joe \ftterbo littnrtertnttn'x. \ttltlt} \treet. “h 1254' ‘tptn 14 lungue tn eheek ht; llll\ tlnti ptm er ehttrtl\

I Live Sciences Henry \ .l.t// t”ell.n. \ \lutrtwn \treet. Jo" 42H“ \htlnteht L‘ ‘Hrp http gtunt' rltt then tmn \\t‘i\i\' nn\rn;_' tn plent} n1 t.t// tunk un itt‘llt\. .\l(‘ tutti [ii

I Emerganza \ttt\\\.t} t‘uxtgue. W (‘n\\g_'.tte. 3:5 hitth " iltptn lunteht'x lineup llleilltik'\ lientgn \i}lh tunk t. lttrn rpm}; pup I. \tnphtteu tt‘ttp ltk'h t. Slt‘t‘l \it'i‘tmt‘} teitt‘t'u‘ ltk'h t. \'.tnt.t_\_'e l’ttrnt the,t\_\ lltt'Lti t. l'exter the.t\} ruekt. l’l.t_~_'ue \ zthe.t\_\ tnet.tlt


I NU2 'lttllmttth. .l.ul \\_\H\i. til “\h Ithttttt "_ tttprn LR H5 iltt ltrhute tn the nught_\ \tntlturn rnek HI I 2


I Goldie Lookin Chain iitll'l\|\\i.lllti. 244 (itliltngdIL'. 552 -i(tttl. 7 illptn {IZSH ()\ er i~1\ \ittt\\_ ('ttrnetl} r.tpper\ trttrn \\;tle\. .s\\ hutl ;t\ \Ullliti\,

I The Others, The Cribs and The Cherubs :3. the ( nudge. 1w Sttueluehrtll Street. ‘33 Ill”. "prn. LIN. ll}petl urehrn ruek lrttnt lttntlttn \tlueh reettllx L‘ttl'l} rrm punk ruek. re the}'t \rng ttr p|;t_\ httt the} rt. man.

I Colin Blunstone 8. Rod Argent ’l‘he terry-13 (lule l’|;tee. ltlh‘lh :16 5| I. .\'ptn. {l5 Angel \ttreetl e\- /ttrnhte\ \ttt‘;tlt\t (‘ttltn Blunxtttne‘t do an} “rung. \shtle hrs hluxterrng. ke}htt;ttl-pl;t_\tng_' /.tttnhte\ ehurn Rtttl Argent rurel} get\ It l'thill.

some sparkling indie music gems to lighten up your february in brel


'u l. .1 i‘ J’.~'.‘r‘. ' 9 :14. .“t “4*...4 -.

‘9. E

i h. '. eh”

é H i"

«animus '

m oirsparltling indie lebruary

is sponsored by 'g . . clobhatanarurn

, ‘K harnet/amy correm

“a Martin: \\;tin\\rtj.;ht F

09.10 and 16 £3 on door 17 free 15 and 24 £5 0870 220116 or ASHTON LANE brel wow 0141 342 4966

tree glass oi bubbly & red rose

with our valentine menu sat12, sun13&mon14

3 Men and Black \tth t ‘lul‘. .Lllilttli \tteet. 31X ~1NN' “pm (If it) \L't‘ i It 11 I Jerry Fish 8. the Mudbug Club, Opal Sky and Trap 6 i‘\llt_:' lut'x \\.th \\.th Hut. Safer \t \ tneent \tteet .‘_‘l ‘2‘" \ zHptn 1* lutrnee ltx.utl \\\.tlltl‘ hluex trutn ltel.tntl. truntetl l\_\ .lert} il\it. .thJ e\ \n l ntntrutml l hit ttnntrnttn tier.tttl \\ I Downset, Maroon, Demean .mtt Psycho Dalek Barth. .‘tttt t'lstle street tt.\“tt \ttt“ tN‘i‘) xpm 1x *tt (her l-k \ht‘\\ lx‘mk.\i\\‘i\'. letl‘ .tntl tunk enmetjge tn the litmnxet \\‘Uii\i I Maxton Grainger, Bilge Pump .tntl Soeza \lnnn. l: Ktltj:\ ( hurt. lx'tng; Street. “i 3.31M U lttpnt Li tltttmttun \ngulnt \h.tpe\ ttutn \i.l\it‘lt (irtttneet \ch guexh Htlye l’tttnp ilt‘lil lt't‘ti\ .lliti Hl'l\ltt| \k‘l‘it'i \Ut'/.t I The Plimptons .mtl The Episodics lhe \\ utehe\tet (’lttlx the \\t‘\\ti\lth' Stud.” (.illi‘. \t‘llii \\ttt\ti\lth‘ Rtutl ‘lptn ti \i‘\llltil‘ pup .lllti pmt ltkh I Narcosis, Snowblood, Blackened Heart Syndrome tlllti Black Sun the l ltlt \ttte ( '.ne. *1! Mt Ktnf.‘ Street. iii lb“ "put U l’tttgrexxne print! .tntl pmt tut k I Glitterball Vegas, Jendell Flight Mission .lllti Full Picture the \dit‘. * i)llltti.l\ Street. Will" in 3PM). L" V lx’ttek‘n'rull .tntl rnthe rm k lrne up I Lazy Dog (titlllti ( )le ( )pt_\. l’.tr\le_\ i\)l‘.lt|-itiii,»1_‘"RV”) {Minn 1111'; ntetnherxt ('ttuntt}

I Abba Tribute littttrhttn \treet. ltt.\' ('retttgge Street. *3? til-ll "put I tee helttre Illptn. t5 .ttter IL I i *1! \klllt tltnnert,

To advertise your gigs in this section call 0131 550 3060

u - now no EDINBUR H m

Mad about music Out every two weeks