I No Dice l<ll\l.k'l\. H \lidland \Irccl. Ill H520 ‘lpin llI'L' l<l‘\i\ cmcrx

I Jamie Barnes 8. Cochise

\lat \llllk‘:~\ l: .l.IlII.IIc.i \Irch. Z-lh H5\l illpin l‘lI'I‘ lllum chidcnc} llIlL'L‘ \k'l\

I Open Stage lllc llall Hal. loo \\iiiiill.iliil\ Road. ‘5: (NW) ~l HIHII. l‘lL't’

I Freeview lhc llall liaI. loo \Vomllaiid\ Road. ‘53 (NW) 0pm l'I‘cc I Rush Hour \anmcl I)ou\_ (f "I \llllxillllc Road. -13illlll" .\, illpin l'rcc. I Open Mic lirunxuick (‘cllarx 33‘) \auclni'hall \Iiccl. iil lhlll. Jpn]. l'rcc “ct-kl} \C\\lHll

I Live Music llarll} lllp\lllll'\l. 3N) ('dec Sliccl. “Hall UH" ll‘l‘N lpin. L' i. (lit-i l-lx \hou linc up \llll Io hc \Hllllllllt'll loi Ilux (‘lnldcalchcrx ('liurch Hl \olw L'\clll

I Live Music \‘ucc'ii‘Slc;I/}. 42! Sainlnchall SIrccl. iii (Mill 0pm. £3. 'lo lic conliiincd.


I Whole Lotta Led 'l‘hc liqurd Room. ‘lc \uloiia Sliccl. 325 25o4. "pin, Ull. l:\ccllcnl Iiiliulc hand pl;i_\ing clll\\lc' ch /cpp|in \ong\.

I De Rosa, Debaser, Lazy Mary and Peanut (‘alcdonian llackpackcrs. 3 ()uccnxlcl'l'} Slrccl. ~17) "23.1. 8.30pm. L31, ScIIH rock lroni Ilic ccnlral licll.

I The Jackals and Zerzan Ilanncrnian‘x. \iddr} SII'ch. 550 i354. ‘lpin. H, .langl} gInIarx and Inclodic lock.

I Left Bank Night 'l‘hc l.cl'I Bank. 37 (iulliric SIrch. 335 9744. ‘lpm. Scc Sal 5.

I The Usual Suspects Nolilcx liar. Ha (‘onxlrIuIion SIrch. l.cilh. 55“ 3373. ‘l5llplll. I-rcc. I‘unk and hlucx.

I Emerganza Sulma} (‘ougalcx (ll) (‘Imgalu 225 (Cm). 7.5llplll. ‘l'onighl'x linoup includcx Ihc Jack Iniclodic rock). :\l‘lllI/() (' Iall rock). X-l’cri Iindic grooxci. /.3N Iliilllull} punk). Ihc Jmlma -1 (hard rocki. .\l_\ .\'c\I (iirllricnd Inlclodic rock i.


I Snoop Dogg, The Game and Flipsyde (‘arling .\cadcrny Ill InglinIon Slrccl. 0005 ()le 3909/0870 “I Zlillll. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. 'l'hc Hogglalhcr gclx hack Io lil\ da} joh allcr hi\ hruxh \\Illl lloll}\\ood p|a_\ing Huggx licar in Slum/u" A’- Hun-l1.

I Rooster and Famous Last Words (‘luccn Margarcl l'nion. 22 l'nncrxil} (iardcnx. 33‘) 078-1. 8pm. L75”. l’rcII} ho} quarlcl \cI Io hc Ihix _\c.ir\ Maroon 5 allhough Ihc} sound likc l;I\l Ilccmlc\ RL'L‘l'.

I JJ Gilmour .-\cou\Iic .'\l'l'air. 'l‘ron lllt‘dll‘t‘. 'l'rongalc. 552 4207. 8pm. Ell). .r\cou\Iic \cI lroin Ihc lornicr Silcnccrx \ocalN.

I Beatlemania! - The Symphonical Mystical Tour l{o_\al ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall SIi'ccl. 353 30”“. “Hillpm. {3550/ {3050/ £18.5(l/ t'lh. lllt‘ RS.\'() and cnIiIicx Inlriginngl} known ax lilcklra\o\ and lilckIrarnama join a l‘our-piccc group Io pa) \_\ inphonic IrihuIc Io Ihc l‘ah Four. I The Akas and Lola Ray llarl‘h. Zoo (‘l}dc SIrch. ()870 (NW (NW). htpin. £5. \cu York rock'n'rollcix.

I Amongst the Arrows, Red Snowman and Rubix Touch Barllx lil[‘\lllll'\l. Zoo (’lylc Slrccl. USN) INF: (NW). 8pm. £5. Rock bill.

I Bovine, Kessler and Symbolics Slcrco. Kclxinhaugh SIrccl. 57w 5Il|.\‘. Spin. [4. Iiulic/punk rock.

I Godplayer Nicc‘n'Slcaz}. 421 Sauchichall SIrch. 333 (NIX). 0pm. £3. \lt‘lIIl.

I One Friend Minus, Mutley and Armed Candy 'l'hc (‘aihouxcx l5 l'nion SIrch. 2-18 6606. 7.50pm. £45“ lIItlHInL‘CI. [.5 ltlUUl'l. ()\L‘I‘- l4\ \ho“. Punk linc-up.

I Pylot and Stigma The 13m .\'oIc Cali". Soho King Slrccl. 555 lffih'.

' ‘The next big thing,’ they cry! ‘We weren’t hugely fond of Reef the first time.’ we cry. The boyband

lé-‘N H—w \J

AIL; 5L} L,‘ a K.)

good looks, showing up on Never Mind the Buzzcocks and not getting pilloried, the early single in

at number five; any indie kids worth their salt have got to be suspicious of this mob.

.l OMU. Glasgow. Sun 73 Feb.

‘lpin. £3. Sligina arc a grungc hand l‘roin l-il'c.

I Cold Night Song 'l‘hc (ioal. l2.\’7 .'\rg_\lc Slrccl. 357 7373. 8pm. l'rcc. (‘harlic and .\'cil l'orincrl} ol'x\\Irid arc

joincd h} Jcnn} Rcm c and Slacc}

Sim curighl ol‘ Ihc Rcindccr Schion l‘or a new acouxlic night with gucst.

I Acoustic Night 'l‘hc Valc. 5 l)llmlll\ Slrccl. 553 ()U-lfi. 8pm. [5.

I Ernest 'l'hc Scolia. I l2 1 l4 Slocku'cll SII'L‘L‘I. 5.52 368]. 4pm. l‘rcc. (ll)\-lll.\|lll‘t‘tl originalx and co\cr\.

I Big Blues Jam SIudio ()nc. (il‘I)\\CllUl‘ lloIcl. (iroucnor 'l'crracc. 3-H (i5lh. 7.30pm. l-‘rcc. lloxlcd h} Ihc Ncu Blucx Surlcrx u iIh conIrihuIionx lI‘om Sludio ()nc rcgularx \llc‘ll ax Rm l)oc and Ihc Ninnno BroIhcrx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session I'ixgc Bcalha. 233 Woodland\ Road. 564 l5‘lh. ()plll. l’rcc. Bring _\our oun inxlrumcnI. I Live Music \lIic‘Slirlc‘}x. 43 Jamaica SII‘CL‘L 2—13 NSHI. 9pm. l'lCL‘. 'l’hrcc local hand\ to hc conlirnicd.


I Glenn Hughes 'l‘hc Liquid Room. 9c \icIoria Sum. 33.5 256-1. 7pm. U3. Hard rock guilar \l) lingx ll'Ulll llughcx pcrhapx hcxl knou n l'or Im Iiinc \\ iIh Dccp l’urplc.

I Full Moon Acoustic Sessions lloly‘ood 'l‘a\crn. ‘) llol)rood Road. 557 4072. 8pm. l5rcc. ()pcn mic l'or an}onc l'rom poclx Io hand\ In \oln \ingcrx all \xclcomc. ll' yin uanI Io book a dot call l‘ril/ on ll"o(i I75 74‘).

I John Alexander \Vcc l-‘olk (‘luh Royal Oak. llllil'llllll‘} Sum. 55" N76. 8.30pm. £3. l'p and coming \oicc on lhc Scollixh \onguriling \ccnc.

I Guantanomo Bay, Stillpoint and Barry Price Banncrman‘x. Niddr} SIrch. 55o 3254. 9pm. £4. Pop indic.


I Errol Brown Magnum Icixurc (‘cniru llarhourxidc. (ll 204 313010. LEI/£20. Thc HoI (‘hocolatc l‘ronIman rollx Ulll Ihc "(ix/NR noxlalgia.