Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 3


I The Rat Pack I<tr};rl (‘oncert Hall. 3 Satrchrehall Street. ;5; S000 3 illprn N 3 illprn. LI750 L33 50. -\n e\enrng ol cI.‘r\\te\ Irorn I'r‘ank. Saturn} and Dean t\‘.L'II. ()K. not the real MUCH.

I Swingin’ and Singin' l<S.’\.\ll). Ititi Renlr'etx Street. i*3 505". ". illprn, Ur lUi. Hr‘}art .-\I|en direct\ the RS.\.\II) \ttrdentx in art exerting ot \hott «topping ltlttllItt'H lrorrr the \kttl‘ItI\ oi Big Band and .\Itr\rcal 'I Iteatre.


I David Patrick Quintet IIenr} \ Ja/l ('eIIttI. N .\Iorri\ott Street. —I(i7 5300. S. illprn. Ur. I'r‘exh lr'otn art e\tended \ta} iii the Iirg .-\pple the pranrxt l\ ioined h} |.atrra .\IacI)onaId talto \a\ l. Kym ()urgle} ttrtrtnpetl. .\Iarro ('arihe tI\;t\\l and Stuart IIt'tmlt ItIl'lIlll\l.

I Freddie King Quartet \ektar. 253 ('o\\ gate. 557 33S0. Uprn tnrdrtighl. I-ree. Brand llt‘\\ 'I'htrr'xda} night r‘exitlettc} tor the \ocall} tttIH‘llllll'ttlh "King ol‘ Seat and entourage.

I The Dyad ’I‘he l.elt Bank. 37 (iuthrie Street. 335 0744. 0pm. Next night l'or \Vilkie IIouse’x IIL‘\\ a\ant gar'de I.elt Hank har' ax the U} ad. .-\I\'.r\ ('hr'ix I<o\\_ Benjamin Schogler. I’atrl Keene. I)a\e Row and \it‘ and I‘m] Moore Ittxe electrortic\ \\IlIl inrtoxatite inxtrurnental gl‘t)()\C\_


I Tim Elliott and Sandy Needdale 'l'olhooth. Jail “5 rid. 01786 374000. 7.30pm. [S (£5.50l. Bluex'it"I'r'ouhIe lounder rnemher. \ocaIN arid harmonica pla}er' Iilliott and guitarixt Ineeddale treat _\ou to a rtight oI Rtklt.


I The Rat Pack I{o_\al (‘oncet‘t Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. U750 £33.50. See Thu 3.

I Jazz Nouveau (‘al‘e Source. 1 St .-\ttdre\\ \ Square. .548 6030. 0pm. Jax/ courxe \tudentx \houcaw their \lUII.


I Tsunami Relief Concert Qtreenk IIaII. ('lerk Street. (\th 30W. 7.30pm. [I5 tt'l0l. \Vith lltlISIC l‘rom 'I‘ornnt) Srrtith arid Brian KeIIock. tlte .\Ic(‘a|ntart\ artd the Dana I)i\on Bluex IItIIItI.

I Edinburgh Underground Jazz The left Bank. 37 (iuthr'ie Street. 335 074-1. 0.30pm. Free. Next jal/ night \htmeaxing the et'eati\ e taIent\ ol' \orne oI Iidinhurgh'x l'mext )otrng rnuxicianx. irtcltrdirtg gtritar'ixt .\Iike \ixhet arid haxxixt Ke\ tn (iItthttu.


I Kerry Tracey Iron IItettIl'L‘. ()3 'I'r‘ongate. .553 4307. 3 5pm. I-ree. 'I‘he Dtrrtdonian pianixt and \inger' lead\ her quartet through a collection ot~ \elt- penned cotnpoxitioth and jazz standardx in the 'I'r‘on‘x Victorian Bar. \\ ith Nigel ('Iar‘k tguitar'l. Mario ('arihe thaxu. and (in) .\'icol.\on (LIt'lltthI.

I Stewart Forbes Quartet Brel.

.59 4.5 .-\\IlIUll Lane. .543 4960. 5-1430]. Free. Jazz standardx attd original compositions from \;t\ophttnt\l and educator Ste“ art I‘ot‘hex.

I The Michael Deans Quintet Bar Bloc. I I" Bath Street. .5 *S'prn. Quintet

led h} tenor \.r\t'[‘IiHIt2\l I)ean\ pIa_\rn§_' a modern hIend ot hehop. tan and tunk

I Jazz Supper with the George Penman Jazzmen ('ate \otrrce. l \t .\ndtc\\ \ Square. 5-“ “030 Llh "5 tor I\'.tt cour\e\ including cottee (‘Iaxxrc \ett ()t'Iealh 50\ |a// unhrlc )t‘tl dine. trorn IItl\ \l.tI\\.rt'l ol the Scottr\h ra// ~cene arid hand


I Jazz@Lunch Ml Queen Street Bar and

Redaurant. S0 Queen Street. 33h .50"~ 5pm. I-r‘ee lunchtime !.t// urth tlte \ll

Queen Street piano trio krdx \kt'Itl‘IIIL'

I Swingin’ and Singin’ ngk

I'heatre. 3 I.e\en Street. 53‘) Mill”

5. illprn, See 'I htr 4.

:21 Brian Kellock Trio IIenr} \ .|a//

(‘eIIar. .S .\Ior‘rr\on Street. Jo" 5300

S. illpnr U). IzdrrthtrrghK internationth

r‘expected [‘lttllhl Ieadx hrx regular tt'ro

\\ ith .Iohn Rae on drum\ and Kenn} I‘.III\

(III In“.

I BOQSt House Band S0 Queen

Street Bar and Reflautattt. S0 Queen

Street. 33h 50‘)“. ‘lprn midnight. I'r‘ee.

\Iodern ittl/ (IllSSlL'S lr‘orn thrx d_\rtarntc


I Funkafize llertn \ .la// ('ellar‘. S

.\Ior'rr\on Street. 4t»? 5300. Midnight. Ur.

('|a\\rc. htg. dancel’loor' ttrrtk ptm cred h}

.\'e\\ York drtrrnrner' I’aul .\IIII\.


I Kenny Paterson Trio \Iet‘cIt.rttt\ (‘UI‘IICII Ih' .IttItlt Sll't‘t‘l. 5.53 .5NIII.

5 Spin. I-'r'ee. .-\ new talent on the Scottixh ial/ \cene. I’ater‘xon pr'o\ rde\ \lttoolh \ouI arid wing \ocalx,

I Big Blues Jam Studio ( )ne. (il't)\\Cllttl‘ 'I'er‘r'ace. HI 0510. 7 50pm. I-‘ree. IItISIL'tI h} the .\'e\\ Bluex Surler'x \\ ith contt‘ihutronx l'r'orn Sttrdio ()ne regularx \uch ax Re\ I)oc and the .\'irnrno Brother'x.

fit Brian Kellock Trio Iron 'lheatre. (t3 'I'rongate. 553 43M. Spin. £8.50 t £7.50i. SL‘C Sat 5.

I Bobby Wishart 8- Friends (‘ale Source. I St Andre“ '\ Square. 54S (i030. Leading \a\ophoni\t \Vixhart ix joined h} \arioux guextx l'or‘ \onte cool rnelltm \ounds and a IaI} hrunch.


I Melomania I.a Honne \ie. 4‘) 5| ('ttttxt‘\\;1)\itlt'. 1 4pm. .\ little lunchtime

jaH to help )ou digext Il'ttltt thix duo

pla} ing \tandardx old arid next.

I Jazz@Lunch S0 Queen Street Bar and Rextaut'ant. St) Queen Street. 33h 5097. 3 Spill. I'ICL'. See Sat 5.

I Norman Moy Quartet IIeltl') \ .la// (I‘IIut‘. X .\Itit‘t‘i\0tt Street. 407 .5300. H.3“Pllt. U). :\I‘L‘l‘tIL‘L‘lt\ Itil‘L‘ltttNI IL‘ttttt‘ pla) er and hand IUSL‘ modern and rnainxtr'eatn ia/l “ith a \et \partning .Ioe Henderxon to Hank .\Ioh|e_\.

I Nexusa 'l‘lie I.eIt Bank. 37 (itrrltne Street. 335 97-1-1. ‘Iprn. I‘ree. It‘io cornpr'ixtng Bert .\Iacl)onald tgtntarr. Ke\ itt (iI;l\:_‘t)\\ thttxxl and (‘hrix \Vallace ltIl‘lltthl \tlto. in their t)\\ll \Htl'tIS. de|i\er ‘a rni\ttrr‘e oI \ irtuoxic hiin octarte IUSittlt. arid Illltk} and \\\ inging ja// nurnher‘x’ alongxide their on n original material.

I Three in One Human Be-ln. 3 8 “ext (‘roxxcaltxe\\a_\. (303 3800, 9pm. Iiree. .\'e\\ night at the Be In l'eaturing IIIL' \lIIUUIII. \\ L‘L‘kclttI \UlllItIS HI [Iti\ cool piano. ha“ and drtrrnx trio.


I Guest Bands Night \ektar. 253 (“on gate. .557 3‘30. 9pm midnight. I-‘ree. Brand next night \\ ith tIil‘t'erent ia/l handx \ho\\ca\ittg their talent\ exer'}

\\ L‘L‘k.

I Jam Session 80 Queen Street Bar and RL‘\I;tlll‘;tlll. S0 Queen Street. 336 50‘)". 0pm midnight. Iiree. ()pen \L'\\itttt \\ ith the UM id Patrick 'I'rio come and pla} or come to hear a \\ hole load of next talent.

E/‘Iy\(‘ '- "x

J .cl :4

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet \ekt.::,351( w'.t._'.:ie 55" 3‘“'

“pm rttrtIriight Izee Itzarinrzer Iitli Ixflek latext grouping. teataring Don: Iti‘iadj. wa\ev. I’aul I\rrh\ piano and Ixexzn

(iI.:\~;o\\ tI‘.r\\t

Wednesday 9


I Danny Thompson ltalyx trraz‘tf. i

I Irnhanktiardenx 31\~1"13 “pm. I

I r\ e ia// and hltrcx \ct tront dotihle I‘.:\\l\I rnaextro Ilartn} IItr‘llll‘M'I‘. I’att ot the (Ht; HI I t‘\t' IL'SIIMII


I Julian Arguelles Trio IIenr_\ K I.:// (‘eII.rr. \ \Iorrrxon Street. to" 5300

.\ illprn to \Ielodrc arid creatne vet trorn the \prtrtcd and htghh intInrtItiaI \.t\opItottr\l plux hand

Thursday 10


I Tam White Star IoIk (‘ltrh \r

\ndrett \ m the Square. ott Saltrnarket. St \Itdre\\\ Street, 51.x (\tl3ll Spin 1“ '15. .\Iodern |a// hItrex trorn Iegctidar} \otaltxt 'Iarn \\ htte


I Freddie King Quartet \ekrar. _‘ (‘ougatca 55- 3‘50 ‘lprn midnight Iree SL'L' 'I’Ittl 5

I The Dyad Ihe I ell Hank. ‘3 (itrthrre Street. 335‘l"-l.1.‘lprn. See Ihti i


I Freddie King Band IIerrr} \ .Iax/ ('eIIat'. h \Iot‘l'lxolt Street. Mr" 5300 8.30pm. If. I'cel good hehop. hluex arid halladx rrtxprr'ed h} Johan Hartman hour the 'King ol Seat' arid hrx next \c\ett piece hand.

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Play the Music of Keith Tippett and Geoff Keezer ()ueen\ Hall. (‘Ier‘k Street. (\(th 30l‘l. 350er {Ill {I3 50

IL'X {IIISIIL .I‘IIC PIU\CIII IIIL' \\UII\I premiere ot l\\tt xpeciaII} cornrnrxroned ne\\ \urtex l'r'orn [‘lttlllxh Keith 'I rppett and (iL‘ttII KL'C/L‘I'. SL‘L‘ I’l'm IL‘“.

I The Maria Speight Quintet x0 Queen Street Bar and Rextaur‘ant, S0 ()trcerr Street. 330 50‘)". ‘lptn. IiItlt") ‘et hour the

.,, \ad L. _

\I.." " x :\i

..t-\. |\\ \ \.(3. \

.:.‘.c .;;‘ wt \l ','«:‘ "

I Edinburgh Underground Jazz l. I ell Iiattk V. (ruff: .‘ ‘5 ‘1‘1'.

" 5“;‘Eli Izce \‘c I: L

ILive Sciences ll.--iv. c t ; .~ \ \Iorrzxw" \t'ce' “t” “1‘:- '5 ‘II.;‘h.t;‘ .- x lltl\l?l‘_‘ ::: pleriltt wt fink \It and III

Sfi'l-“c: I The Maria Speight Quintet tiaa :. \

Hun-1 .‘2 lIt-riat-iwn may: this. t i: \Ilart “I \h \Ii‘lfi Sex I Saturday 12

I Kerry Tracey Irot lit-av.- to IIt'li1'.;It' ‘7‘? 13'“ ‘l‘?'- \y \:'.

I The Graham Wilson Quartet ltv."

i" 3‘ \dttori I art; ‘1‘ NH" ripnt \l\Ir\I‘.I\ c\ct ult'tl \lar‘aknth and ~11 ‘z':.:: cotttpoxrtroth tron. the at nth-I; tenor

\a\ophoni\t and hand

I The Michael Deans Quintet I" IiItk. II 5 IialIl \llt't'l \l‘lt‘- \t't‘ \tl

I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Play the Music of Keith Tippett and Geoff Keezer l\’\ \\llt but ltuiitxgu Street. H.‘ 5"" Stun ‘l‘50 “l \.-c I l' II

I Fusion lilatktrran, m tel: \llt't‘l S't‘ 5031 ‘l Wptrr Ircc Iht- ‘lltl‘t .l‘. of I textnaI tt‘llllllllt'\ '-‘»l'.Il lhrx In: l.t// ol \oulluI II.tllllllHlItI ora'arr wraith


I Jazz@Lunch \‘l I‘Iuccr‘ Street Hat and I(t'\l.rtltaltl. \0 I‘Iilc't‘ll \Ilt ct. 3 5pm Irce See Sat 5

I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club Quartet IIcttr_\'\ |a// (ellar S \Iorrrwn \lrt't‘l UV 5300 ,\ itlptll 2' Iorrrierljx known \‘I‘. .r\ the Hot (‘Irrh ‘.lt|Illll\I \Iew. \rlloxtlcc- quartet \er\e up \\‘.lll:' in the t Iamtt Reinhardt (itappeIIr \ttle

I BOQSt House Band w taut-err \ltt‘t'l Hat and I\’\'\I.tlll.tltl. \0 (‘Illt't‘lt \lrt'el .‘.‘t~ 50”“ ‘lprn rrtrdnrght Iree Set- Sat 5

I Madaleine Pritchard llt-rrrx. I.i// ('ellar. S \Iorrtxon Street 10'5300 midnight Iririk mltrxetl \t'llIIllI, \tlantn \l}Ic |.t// lrorrr the ct ('orrrrnrtrrrcrttx \rnger A I I\ \t‘II‘."-‘-i|i|Ir‘.' (.t‘IIIk'\I Illl.tI|\I \‘-II1‘\\' \Itll;_'\ Irrit' lt'tv‘lllI‘. hecorne part ot Iethro IuIIK Ian \nderxonk \olo repetorrc

‘3“ \II‘I'

An evening of musical romance for St Valentine’s with Claire Martin (pictured) - a strong contender for the title of Britain’s leading female jazz singer in an ever more crowded field and the increasingly highly-regarded Todd Gordon.