Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 3


I Masterclass I<\ \\II ). IIIH RL'llllt'“ \IIt-t-I. 333 <lIR 3pm llt'k'. lIt'kt'It'il

l ml In lllk' «lI\IIIIj_'III\lIt-Il lmxmumxl \l.IIIIII (i.III

I Swingin’ and Singin’ RS \\ll). Illll Rt‘nlii'u \lIt'I'I. 333 3H3” " 3llpIII UI

il ll Hymn \llcn tlllt'\l\ lllt' l<.\.\\ll) \lllllk'lll\ III .III t-xt-mnjx ml \llU\\ \Inpping nuInln'Ix lIHIII lllk‘ \xiirltlx nl lug: lmnil .lllll IIIll\|\.Il lllk'.lllk‘

l (liiiliuigli

I Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden I k'\ll\.ll lllt‘.lllt'. I3 3‘) \Itulwn \IIt't'I. 3.“) (illllll "13pm l'UI lllt' \\'\t'll \ ll.ll.l\ lk'l\ nl //II [\Ilul (jun/I’ll. llll’x' \Ing'lt' ill} uill lu- lllt' mining: [lllllll In lllt‘ll lI\\‘\. .I\ .IlI.Il_\\l \l.lll;_‘l|\ «\pluIm Illlll lumlm lltl\\ll lllt' \wli ul lk'lillll'll\lll|l\ In llllll lllt' wiuu' HI llllk'.l\\' In .I l.ll\' HI Illt'.lll|\ .Illll t'h.u.ult'\. llIIlIIIIll .uIil lt'\lilllllllll, lll‘l‘t'll ll.l\ \xmcn ;uI IIIII'It'IIlc [Ixit'hmlmum ‘.\llll \lI.Il\c\|It'.IIc\ [In

/I III/H \l .l\ .I lmylullnp

I Essential Scottish Opera liIIIIIIuII llimuc. l .ul_\\u'l| \\;I}. \lIIxxclliqulI. MS 33“), 3llpni LII It‘ll, l’upuluI Ullk'lil cut-I'm Pt'llllllllt'tl l3} IIIt‘IIIlIt'Ix ul St'ullixh ( )Iicm

I The Gondoliers (‘IIIIIt‘II IIIII llImIIc. 33A \lurnmuxiilt' Road. on“ {’8‘} illpm. [SSH ILSI. (iIIlwII IIIItl SIIIIILIII Ill lull \mng III Ilnx urinal} nl Illl\l.ll\\‘ll ltlk‘llllll\'\. pcrlmmul l\_\ l.tlIII|IIII;_'lI l'IIIwI'xIIi S.I\n_\ ()pciii (iiiiup

I Falstaff KIIIgg'x 'l lit-.IIIt'. 3 I cum Sim-I. 32*) (mun H3 LIN, I<S.\\II) [It-Ilium \cIIlI'x IIIIIIl IIIIII IIIIIIIIL‘IIIIIlh |_\Iit‘ cumul} In u'lt'luult' Ill )t'Iu'x nl lllt'll [‘H\l},‘l.ltlll.ll\‘ UPL'IJ uuuw.

I After Hours: RSAMD at the NGS \'.IIIiuI.Il (inllcr) ul Sculluntl. 'l‘lIc \liiunil. (I3‘l (i3llll. (rpm. l'lL'L'. l’.lIIl

\lt'( ‘;IIIlI_\ I‘t'llllllll\ ii pingrununc ul Inu\It' lll\|lll't'll lI_\ Sculliuiil.


I The Full Monti |{S.\\l|). lllll lx’cnlit-u Slicul. 333 505". Ipm. Ui IHI. l-t‘ulIIIIIIg: lllL‘ llL'\\ I} Inauguriilt‘tl \tmlcnn ('liuincl (‘IIuII :Inil lllt‘

RS \.\ll) \Muulxx IIlIl III ;I pcrlurInuIIcc ml lllt' Limiiux (Rim/m h_\ \lnIIII.

I David Fennessy Ix’.\‘.4\.\ll). lllll Rt‘llllt'“ Slit-cl. 333 505" -lpm l'Iu'. Iit‘kt'lt'tl ,\ I;Ilk l\_\ Ihc ;I\\.u'tl “Inning: lIINlI t'nnquci.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l<.\‘.\.\lll Illll lx’cnllcu SII't‘cI. 333 SIIST illplll. L’ I 3 Its (In. ()I‘t'hcxlrul .IIItlIcIIu‘\ IIle tnuI‘I ch cnuugh ol lepcII lllI\ t‘t‘lllt‘lldl'} _\c'.u'. 'l‘hc S('()\ l.IIt‘\I nllt‘I'Ing: prcxcnlx I\\u nl lll\ IIlItl- pa'IIml \uu‘ln. l)ll('I'/llllt'II/l’ .llltl I'll/lllflltl (ill’ll c'I'lIl/llt' HI] I] I/l('lll(' I” (.I'H‘Hl. niigumll} .uI l-tlIIIlIuI‘glI l’cxlIMIl t'i‘lllllll\\lllll. lmIII nl \xlut‘h uxc lmnimul lllt'lllt'\ .l\ .I \prInghimI'tl lur cIIchcIIt~ III\ll’lIlllt‘Ill;Il \erIIIIg. St'IInt-Iilwrg‘x IIIIt‘IIwI} pcrmnul ("/IiInI/II'I' \'\*nI/)/Inn\ Nil 3 tlm‘ulncnh ;I Icn )c.u pcI'Iml Ilium; which lIc :leintlnnt‘tl lll\ lllllL‘l'llL‘tl ltlllill \l} lL‘. “lulu llciuI'x unguging Him-1' .l/um t‘onIuItw up \ Ixuul illltl \UIIIC IIIIIIgcr} nl ll\ \lll‘lL‘L‘l.


I Friends of the RSNO Lunchtime Concert SI (‘ulhhcrl'x ('hurch. 5 lulluun Road. 33‘) ll~l3. l3.l5pnI. £5 lL-l RSV) IIIcIIIhcrx .Intl pulrnnxl; lrcc m \llltlt'lll\. .-\ cuIIccrI h} Ihc litlcn


s‘c'omsu ENSEMBLE wmI BENJAMIN GROSVENOR Queen‘s Hall, Edinburgh, Thu 10 Feb; Caird Hall. Dundee. Fri 11 Feb; Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 12 Feb

Try to think back just a few years to when you were 12 years old. Interests might have been clothes, pop music, the opposite sex or, probably more interestingly, what you were going to get for your tea. But the idea of being totally dedicated to the chosen career of some distant future life is surely something that was too far away even to be imagined. Pianist Benjamin Grosvenor is remarkable not only for having a focussed goal of where he wants to be but also, at the age of just 12, for having achieved a good sized chunk of his journey already.

Like the now media-feted violinist Nicola Benedetti before him, Ben is about to undertake a Scottish Ensemble High Flyers tour of Scotland. Between 7-12 February he leaves his home town in Essex, where he attends Westcliff High School, and plays Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 13 and Britten’s Young Apollo in concerts in lnverness, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow. Keyboard finalist in last year’s BBC Young Musician of the Year competition - the first time he had played with a professional orchestra Benjamin is the youngest of five brothers who were all taught

piano by their mum.

‘The others gave it up when I started,’ says Ben. And given how much time he devotes to the instrument, this is just as well. ‘I probably practice for about 30 hours a week, five hours on week days and more at weekends.’ His favourite composer is Chopin, but Ben is also the pianist in the school jazz band and still finds time to watch The Simpsons. As for the ultimate ambition, Ben says: ‘l’d like to be an international pianist touring the world.’ For now, the touring starts in Scotland and this disarmingly unfazed, not quite teenager is very excited about being here. (Carol Main)

()uurlcl In mm- IIInIIc} lor the \pnnwrxhip nl principal clurIIIt-I chair nl' llIL' RSN( ).

I John Kitchen Rcitl (‘nnccri llilll. lidinhurgh l'mxcrxil). Bl‘l\ltl Squiu'c. (35“ 3433. l.lllpm. lircc. ('II} nI'quIN John Kilchcn pcrl'nrinx organ and ll;ll‘[l\lL‘llllI'tl \mrkx h} (‘chquIhuulL d':\IIg_'lchcrl :IIIII ('uupcrin.

I Falstaff KIIIg\ 'l‘lImlI'L‘. 3 l.c\cn Sim-I. 53‘) mun. 7.15pm. {I3 LIN. Scc Thu 3.

I The Gondoliers ('Iiurch lIiII 'l‘hmIrc. 33:1 Morningxitlc Road. 335 ll55. 5. 30pm. £8.50 IL'SL Scc Thu 3.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra - Zimmerman plays Bartok l'xlICI' llull. l.oIlII;III Road. 338 l l55. 7.3llpm. .\ ncxx cm l'nr the RS.\'() Ix huilcd \\IIh Stcphunc Dcncw III Ihc llL‘lIIl. linu‘c‘x XII/It's I’ll/mix (UNI lli'llunIi/r and BI'ulIIIIx‘ Sun/Ilium ,\'n 3 MC t‘UlllplL‘IllL'IllL‘tl h} Burlnk'x I'm/m (‘um um .Vu 3 \\ IIh Ihc uuNuntlIng Hunk ZiIIIIIIcrIIIun.


I Music at St Mary’s: Organ Recital SI Mar} \ l‘.pl\L'UPiIl ('hurch. .-\uchingriunonl Road. mms SIIIJIIT ".3llpm. L" IL'SI. .\ rchIul h} \llchucl BIIuIrcc. pcrl‘nrnung \HWlo h) Bach. l.L'}tliIIg and \;III ()UI'IIIIL‘I'\\L‘II.


I Children’s Classic Concerts - Drummed Up! RU};I| ('unu‘rl Hull. 3 SIIuclIichull SII'L‘CI. 353 mun. lpm «k 3pm. LUSH IL'SI. ('lIIIxInphcr lit-ll prcwnlx .lilpllllt'NL‘ tlrununing lI‘IIIII Mugcnlqo. ('III'IhhcuII I'lI}llIIIl\ lrum Ihc Black Slur Slccl Band. \iiculx lI'UIII Drum Mukcrx l'uclur} :IIIil IIIUI'C. Bring: )iIIII' mm lII\lI‘lIIIIL‘IIl\ In join in.

I Caledon and the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra ’I‘IIt-uirc Rll};ll. 282 Ilupc Sim-I. 33: won. 7.30pm. L'Iu L'ITSH. 'l‘llc llII‘L‘L‘ SCIIIL‘lI lL‘llUl'\ .'\lc\ Buck. .lunnc \lgiclhiugull :IIItl l\;In Sharp

Ll \clcclinn «it old lumurllcx. :IccuIIIpnIIicd h} Ihc 35~plu}cr \II'IIIIg Scullixll l'iltltllt' ()I'L'llt‘\ll'1l.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra - Zimmerman plays Bartok Ro};Il (innccrl Hull. 3 SIIIIL‘lIIclIIIll Strccl. 353 XIIIIII. 7,3IIpIII. Scc l’ri «1.


I The Gondoliers ('hurch IIIII 'I'hcuirc. 33;: Morningxidc Road. 333 I I55. 3.30pm & ".3llpm. £3.50 IL'SI. Scc Thu 3.

I Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden li‘\ll\;il 'l‘hculrc. l3 3‘) NICUIMHI Slrccl. 53‘) Mill). TISPIII. Scc Thu 3.

I Come and Sing: Mozart‘s Requiem \I (icuigck \\c\I (‘lIuItlL ‘.\ \lI.uItl\\It'l\ l’lmc. 33" 33‘“ MCI \Ithulm Juno .unilut I\ .l l‘k'llt‘IIlIJIkC ml IlIc \ul‘lIIIIc [\‘I .,-.i i H: .Illtl IL. \. vsw' (hymn. \\Illl 3‘” \lllgft‘H joining; luItcx In I.:I\c Inunt‘i lnI \\.l\t'llt"\ (Luck \wik III \III\I\\~IIIII;' Ilimc \\lll‘\t' lnm .uc Inut ht'il In ll|\ III \x’i‘lldlhl

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()uct-Ii’x “.1”. Hal \llt'k'l. mm 3le

3 3llpIII \t‘c III 71

I Swingin’ and Singin’ l\IlI_‘."\ lllt'Jllk'. I I \'\\'ll \llt'x‘l. *2" WW

3IIIIIII \cc Min 3

I Soundings: Sonic Art Ix‘t-III (‘unu'll ll.Ill. l tlIIIluuglI l III\\'I\Il_\. llIhln Sullmit'. lihll 3-133 lIIIIc\ \.II_\ t‘ lUI Illtll\ltlll.ll cwnlx. 13H lI‘l \\\'\'l\l‘ll\l In“ I13IIIIII\ Iilll.ll. illI ucclcniI» \ \wt‘kt‘nil ul mint .III pciluinmntm l‘l‘lll ('HIIIIHM'I \IlllJll \lmuc l‘lk'\\'lll\ .I prupmnunt- Hi i IIIIIII;' t'tlg'c li\'\\ IIIII\I\ \I‘III l’I.IIII\I l’t'IcI llIll I‘IIM l’mtli. \l‘t'\\|.l\‘ll .llltl \Llllilll \il‘l‘lt'

Sunday 6


I Early Music Concert \I \llIllCH \ III Ihc \qimn'. nll \.IlIIII.ul\t-I. \I

\lltllL'\\ '\ Slit-cl. Ill ‘5" .\ " ‘Nh ipm l'l.IlIlI \IIIIII.III \tnutu [llt'\t'lll .I lx’cnuiwunt'c quint') lHI Inuitch qII.IIIcI

3 II ll‘III 1"


I St Giles’ at Six: The Kevock ChOlf SI (illL‘\ (.Illllt'tllJl, l\’H}.ll \lIlI'. 335 0-1-13 hpm. l'lt'k' ll.uIilt'|\ II'lI‘~IIIf.' /(Il/l’A1/“.I’Il(\l.lll(llllllkhl t'lIuI.Il \xnIkx l3} \ldiuut'. luuut'. liIut'kIIt-I .llltl Rut‘hnmnuim

I Soundings: Sonic Art Ix’ml ('uIIt‘cII Hull. lztlIIIlIIIIgtlIl III\t-I\II_\. BI'IxIn Squurt'. (NI 3133 'l lllll'\ \.u_\ If lur Illtll\lllll;ll cwnlx, L3H lIlI \It't'kt'IIil puxx 1L3 llllll\ ltlllill. Llll \xt't'kt'ntli (ijun Nun t'lt't‘Iqut'uIIxIIt‘ llll|\lt' l‘.l\t'll on lt'.ll illltl unrml wIIIt‘ L‘ll\ IIHIIIIIt'Ill\ \[HII lilt'clroiu‘iiuxllt' lllll\|t' lIUIII Sumlcu pI’cxt'IIlml II} \lulx l.llltl\lIHIll

St Andrews

I St Andrew’s Music Club SI l.L'llll£lltl\ St‘lliml. lllL' l’L'IIIl\. “I i 3-1 -l"3l3(i. .lpm LIN. ('cllM \\ I|lI.uII (‘unxun illltl [H.Illhl Sunun l).IIl\t'I pcrlurnI \uukx lI_\ lict'IlIim-n. l'lllHll ('iu'Icr. l'mnk llIIilggt' .lllll l-ullu.


I Get Organised! l'xlIcI ll.Ill. l nIlIIIIn Rogul. 333 ll“. |.lll lillpni L3 lnlnrnml lllllL'lllllllt' organ It't'uul

I Samphire Ensemble Rt'ltl ("mm-ii llilll. latlinhuruh l’IIIxt-Ixil}. BIIxIn Squurt'. (fill 3433. IIIIpIII. l-Iu- l‘IIllI tlixIIIIgqulIt'tl St'Iiquh lIlll\lk'liIll\ III .III :Ill—l'I‘L'IIt‘lI pI'nuI'IIInIIIc IllL'llltllIlf.‘ l)chu\\_\ 3\ ('r/lu Mum/II illltl \xurkx h; Rincl and l)Iun;I\c.

Wednesday 9


I Simply Stravinsky RSAMI). Inn chlrcu Sum-I. 333 SUV. 7 3leIII. LR lUIl. JilllIL'\ (il'()\\lllllll L‘HIIIIIIng

SII'IH lll\l\_\ \ Mmp/Iu/Iu'x nl llIm/ III\II'IlIIII'lII\ llII hulh HI'IjJIIIill (Hill In l\t'll \L'I'xmnw. .llun. illltl llruckncrk .llmx \u 3 ful’r/HIl/I/v (/Il‘ll'(1II(//)I'(l\\.


III Trevor Pinnock Signcl l.Ihr;Ir_\. l’IirlIIIIIIcnl Square. illL'hL’lV Ill-W) M0339. "7.30pm. £35 lIIIc u IllL'l. 'l'rcwr l’llllllwlk. (inc nl llIc unrltl'x lulltlIIIjJ llzlrpxlchnrd plan-n. gnu II lL‘L‘IléIl III illtl til the l)cIncIIII;I Scrx IL'L'\ l)L'\L'alIIIL‘Ill 'l‘ruxI. Mum ml lour ccnlurm IN \punncd III Ihc IIIIIgIIIl'IchII \llfl'l)llll(llllf,_'\ ul Ihc I.Ihr;Ir_\ hclnIIgInj: In Scullund‘x \Vrucrx l() lllc Signcl.

I Organ Recital l‘xhcr Hall. l,()llII;III Road. 338 ll55. ".3leIII. {Ill U5. (iurdnn Slcuurl. (inc nl Ihc l'K'x mm!