
swim Kit and the Widow TOMFOOLERY King‘s Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 8-Sat 12 Feb

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/\[ )Al ) TA” IN REBECCA King's Theatre. Edinburgh. Mon 14—Sat 19 Feb

l1, ., r, v v , i . ;{, l' ' '4 p i , il' l o' 1' .' l v "Mn-wit“, 1TH; ' : :'~ : iill'il ‘fiiflei/‘Hf, E."'L .':" 1 v 1‘. '1, ' . i i: lLi.T--'.'T"r. lrwf.""*.~~"‘ ' ".:.-' . yyuiqt. \‘j ;,.(l- .x i 1 . o . v H :zzr ll 1.1” l {1.1. “i " 1' ' .‘ ' "a ll ‘.‘.fl1‘i' l [)(l{\i' '4 l~ i 1.1’ b" l " " ' Her {Hi-7' ' ~~' .' '. ~1" .'r\( oi,.v imp): ,1, :,y , , i . 1,: y f linmuHTA lr-uilluirf, "WWII/ll” 1‘ ..' /w."‘:ln:f‘i".1? l’uw a" :' .'." T;(:’f"_7i. ‘.'."u:l Tl‘»: «My: ‘1" "V' ' 1’: 3" l'ilf,relf;t.i<}lrnt;xr‘tlwUau'w'fliw.“w-W"

I".(,-;il.r:«,gii mum Mul t‘ llgim' my 1: ' l‘. 1. 1 Plull‘. {Jr‘gilfiirt )fzrwi .l 51“.'. in». l . ',"is-, t.‘.ui"l;li:'l.r;u,‘;+;/8~/n». J Lu r' :'w:" r , (£5.11? 1 marl. ; .‘.l firl. l amt H (in ' w ,, IT .'.'l.l‘ H.1Jflfimillillih Tut/w ,"n: yf.’ ,‘ ,r 1' 1’,

MUlT‘bl/lU'VWU, l‘v’lw( nrh'wx, ’w: x "l:

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£1<lé1l,i(li.f 'l. l ;::.u:r )1 .wi ' : 1"- .‘JIHTr-r”, lmu‘lwl waw. l" ‘3 .y' I: ° 1" /. Christopher Brookmyre’s metaphor, in his novel mat, it w: mum wry-v " ~2- .. Boiling a Frog. In it, a dodgy bishop gets prewar“; "final. 1 :: wrx. :m. l' ', :, me. together with an appalling tabloid hack for some riffrynrxt.‘ dam ~, Ham; 'l v 2' r M S .m: ' r,- r, ', There’s got to be one great benefit to being a political lobbying, blackmail and general i,_ittw.:; m, 37m” x, ‘. z; .‘ 1 was» " .' 4’ 1w °' *- Muslim or Jew in Scotland. The Christians hate skullduggery in order to fulfill both personal and utm,‘ A: "x :2". :2" "52.‘:", H,- iw ' each other so much that you get marked down political ends. Brookmyre’s Jonsonian vision of ;.i.:,,;'lri «gm: 4 n ', z'w.‘ 'i' «2‘ 0 " v " as neutral. and give other people the dubious Scotland’s early steps into devolution and 0‘ mrzzrw: ,. 9"” ~:' " 5W 31 benefit of being subject to bigotry. At least that’s nationhood alerts us to many of the possible Carr (; Mt‘f‘. what you could be forgiven for thinking on the dangers facing a small nation. The equally small west coast. As the first minister struggles away ruling elite have, like such people everywhere, a with what to do with the marching season it great deal to hide, and no place to hide it from seems, at least to this foreigner, that a small the relentless and bloodthirsty media, and bunch of troggs, freaks and religious zealots set somewhere between these two, democracy gets the political agenda of the nation. You can’t help trampled. but suspect that our politicians are leading from 7284’s new adaptation of the novel by well behind, and the abolition of such primitive Christopher Deans is filled with promise. nonsense as single faith schools and marches Lorenzo Mele’s production boasts the strongest about something that happened in another of casts, including the likes of the excellent country is something that the majority of us Stewart Porter and Kate Dickie, an actress who would do without turning a hair. Isn’t it time we Scottish theatre should be pleased to have marched boldly on into the 18th century? But it among its ranks. And Brookmyre‘s dark farcical seems that certain lobbies have a humour looks a cinch for theatrical realisation. A disproportionate sway with our elected topical satire which seems not to have aged at representatives. all since its release five years ago, this looks a It’s all a bit fishy, or froggie, if you accept promising evening out. (Steve Cramer)

ADAPT/Xi ION BOILING A FROG Paisley Arts Centre, Thu 3-Sat 5 Feb, then touring

90 THE LIST 34 Cab QC?"