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SHADow or no


(Microsoft) 0000

(Capcom) 0000 - E: U ‘-: I it E i it H t‘w‘l I' F} E-auedeecent Locations Their all-time Search party : : z I Frogger Microsoft has just launched its first search engine but ~ Colin: . - why, asks Jack Mottram, so late in the game? " . " t " I ' " n I l‘L‘bi'ti:ii'_\. Microsoft launehed its seareh engine. .\lS\ Seareh. ' ‘- ' l”. ' z ' This is. putting it mildl}. late in the game. and it remains to be seen ' : :- ' : l‘ . : ' whether the eompan}. long Used to dominating an} market it turns : : V f - ' s ' " ' . ' ' :' its attention to. will be able to eateh up with (ioogle. lar and aw;i_\ the : : -' z ' r :- " 1' " : leader in the lield. seeond—plaee Yahool. also a relati\ e new corner. and -' I Tiger Woods :\ltttt/titt\ sophistieated young pretender. :W. t " " ' :r 2. 2" ~ Rod: v . '- n-

In the da_\s l‘ollow'ing .\IS.\' Seareh's ollieial launeh. reaetion has been - :r z : :~ 1 .' .- :' .t v mi\ed. with mail} L‘UliilltL‘lilitltH‘s tloubtlul as to whether .\lierosol't ean ' ' " t o z. " ' " . ' ,1 :' » mount an elleetix’e ehallenge. This might he down to the laet that .\lS\ ' 'l‘ ' v ° " l- " :’ 3;. ' r . tr : :t . Seareh doesn't bring anything new to the table. So how does it eompare : : ': .. x ' v t t" v: : ' ' ' ' ' with the market leader“? 'l'yping in} name into eaeh shows that (ioogle has . :" z ' ' in. 3.1; t T’ i' I ~ ' the edge. MSN Search returns reterenees to artieles l'x‘e written. with some :4 - v t t t n z .t ' l' t ' ~ ~ : 2 irrelevant links thrown in. while (ioogle points straight to m_\ website. \f'wt tr . :.- " u f ~ « ' z z .r

At this point. web tisers might be l'orgix'en t'or wondering: 'So what‘." r r z z y,» '. v .I ' I Golden Tee Well. for one thing. seareh is big business. and big businesses are not ,m: ti' v i z' « ‘7' ll» (if law; it :w- ,‘ Colin: " ; ~: 1" known l'or Putting the interests ot‘ eonsumers lirst. :\nd. as we inereasingl) Am :1 'r a a». : ' a ' - - rely on the web as a souree ol' inl‘ormation whieh. signilieantl}. we need not Sim: ~‘ H 'v ‘1 z ;' i remember. the eompany that eontrols aeeess to web—held know ledge is tree n: o ' ' , ' to massage results in favour of eommereial interests. to eensor politieal M Amt n w ‘- ' t‘ ' l eontent ((ioogle has been aeetised ol' collusion with the (‘hinese in . it. I: ‘4 t :Z 1' mini», gosernment) and traek the searching habits of its risers. building a database ‘w m: .' i I Star Wars Trilogy ol- interests. to Use or misuse as the)‘ see lit. .w w t' Rod: 1'" :z ‘w‘ I: 374

.-\s the boundaries between the dillerent media. and the real and \irtual : w . .n ' : ° r i»- n worlds dissol\'e. this beeomes of increasing eoneern. (ioogle is eurrentl} (,3 u: v " : at ' ' w l, ' ' ' 2 digitising millions of texts from libraries in New York. and at Hui-um] and ., ;'_;,; w « r 1. w t 1. , f... u I - ,. r, Stanl'ord l'nix'ersities. Specialist seareh engines. sueh as Singing l’ish .' ) ks v v :~ f" :w W "’ ' I W 1' “‘ (singingl'isli.eoinl. index audio and Video eontent. Ask .lee\ es l.oea| n ti». ' f z ’W I .' t . . " tlocal.ask.eom/loea|l. :\()l..s M} l.oeations .ser\iees (Litii.Ctiliil and Yahoo? T" 3' ' w ' ,f "'t ' ' z' r' t'.’ r "r W l.oeal tloeal.yahooxom) link geographie loeations to Virtual ones. .'\nd the} .r m '~ :' ; ;.:' t r z n :w ‘w w ' :r ' . n . all traek our searehes. logging the books we read. and our politieal leanings. 7' - ' ‘z ' " M? v ' 1‘ I' ’1 1"" t l

(ioogle‘s unol‘lieial motto is. lainotisl)‘. ‘Don't Be li\il‘. while Windows a " '~ ' , «M " Ir: . " tisers doubtless suspect that Mierosol't t‘ollow's a similar eredo laeking the .t 2' : ' ' ' ': " -- ' w rim ' " word ‘Don‘t‘. But w'hoeVer ends up on top of the .seareli pile will end up "a . ;' '. : I Galaga owning all our online histories. \\'hieh is'illsl plain ereep}. -' : x! w' z r- Colin: 1' r: ° '

°' 1 1 ' I ' ,' ' i ' i" .I ‘,'.‘:' 1' s1: : i: :o w z "II‘ :' r ":“L "t:

. I t I It ' ‘y : I J; t ' ' r ;, «pa;

Favourite websites

“‘ °‘ MUSIC GRAPHICS 'T-“ttfl :1 .t ‘.'.kl ft .2- ' . ' ~; rte/1’13 L" 53:“: it”: ’g’itil' \lLi'.S .'."’O l‘tl‘n.‘ " ' ' ' I 2‘,“ " ' .”,’V‘:’I " A; ' i'": ti‘e‘fire " a. t ' " 'r ' :f Pow-a. c , t,- 0'? I "' I; N am" Liste'wu to an: . I ' " r a g I,” ' '- :m; » ' r; tr]: ' t' r: Ot‘e rower. o" .ati'. t . ~" A 4w ' .' r 2w ’1' new. rust said: "No truck: 9.20.1" ~-‘ I" 1“ r 9w : " l " r: Athlete." That .-.;2:: 1 - I " ; ‘9 C :1 .'.’r; ',.r; " 0' was. ii says e‘.er1.t“uki any: swat f" « I. a! " I 'I. . . :1“,- ' "/5, la": out 0" www.buddyhead.com J - a. " x ‘w; www.theheadsofstate.com

Int- :‘.' 1’ 22'." THE LIST 115