I Rod loves Footloose This frlr'“ goes right where so ma't‘, dancing movies; nt‘rve gone wrong. IJ'l'lME marz, people I't" no‘. a trrt‘ r,‘ the .(S‘i‘r'rrfl‘; ath 1')rr'.", {Liner/rd foot/con: if, I'tw Kevin

one flaunt“

moves; are ama/rng. I was rrurtr: taken attack b.

his dancing. What a rrro‘xerl Alto. tltrti t; a?

tracked up by a soundtrack by that gar Ilrke

genius; Kenny l oggrns; which rust rrr;rl<r.-:; arr

|H(I(2‘3Ifll(,‘IlI)I(3 movre in my book. Kenn, logging

soundtrack. Kevin Bacon dancing, what rrrorr-

do you need?

Allan loves Tremors All I rente'ntrer

is; rt came out In t‘itrft and

watched it when .‘attr .r teenager ‘.'.’IIII triurrr ix who, for some t(;£t‘;r>rt. would fran certain rrtrotiet; from II absolutely

ItlIétll()tr'il I wen years later

some quotes just never leave you, I watcrxed r‘.

again recently and it's lost a crap rrrovre with

crap monster puppets. Kevrn Bacon nlayf: a hick

a really annoying hrck at that

he's; lost a

complete bastard but his face is full of

expresmon. It's maybe rust nostalgia, but even

now it 5 still really funny.

‘Messing w


i: Roddy loves Planes, Trains and Automobiles Kevrn Bacon's performance is so good bt-x'1ause he doesn't say anything in rt. He's the taxr runner. He's chasmg Steve Martin around and as playing

rth the Wrong Guy'. He steals the

scene. withOut saying a word.

t3! Gavin loves Friday the 13th What's good about it? I remember I was allowed to watch rt when l was younger probably too young. to be honest ~ and loving the fact that they all get slaughtered like they

shOuId because they're really annoying Amerrcan teenagers. It so rarely happens that way any more. It's also one of the early kind of “what's going on in the trouser department?" sensations watching Kevin Bacon get rt on wrtt‘. this filthy cheerleader. A learnrng exnmrence rrr

so many ways.

young child while dea

t3 Colin loves Flatliners Mainly it's wonh watching to see Kevrn Bacon's verj, long and very feathered hair. very much a proouct of its time [1990]. He also falls Out of a tree as a d. Which. like his narr. rs

both Chilling and weirdly impres‘SIve


' i

can prohahl} xcc \\h_\. In I‘Ih’l‘x l-rror/rum'. Bacon play‘d ch .\Ic(‘orinack. a cit} Ito} \xith a xpik} haircut and a xkinn_\ tic. xtuck in a Bthc hclt lo\\n \xhcrc dancing \\ax outlancd. .-\ hot xtcpping rcth \\ith a uniguc ahilit} to c\[ircxx ragc through hix h_\hrid g_\mnaxtic—dancc mo\cx. ch xoon “hippcd thc hook—hurtling tonn l'oIkx into a Ircn/_\. turning thc kidx on with hix iittcr} rock'n'roIIing. 'I‘hc Iilm \xax an inxtant xmaxh. hut Iikc Saran/in .Vg/ir /'r't'('l‘. it'x had a Iaxting appcal and Bacon hax nc\cr guitc rnanagcd to xhakc oI‘I~ hix axxociation \\ith ch'x \xiggI} hipx or thc IiIm'x intcctioux Ix'cnn} I.ogginx titIc xong. \Vhich ixn‘t to xtt} hc ncxcr cmhraccx it. In an cpixodc oI III/I i\'- (ir‘rrr'r' hc parodicd himchI h} pl;r_\ing 'Ix'min Bacon' ax a min. inxccttt'c xtar uho xccrctI} Io\cx to kick off hix Sunda} xhocx \xhcn no onc ix around. th hc xtiII lindx it hard to hidc hix irritation \\IIL‘II thc c\cn though pcoplc do gcnuinch Io\ c it. 'I’L‘opIc do |o\ L‘ it: ttgt‘L‘L‘x Bacon. 'IIttl I It;t\ c to xa_\. honcxtI_\. il~ xoniconc comcx up to mc in thc xtrcct and xa_\x. "I Io\cd _\otl in l‘iroI/rmxr'." I xa} to thcm. "I Ia\c )ott hccn to thc tno\ icx in thc laxt 3t) )c‘zrr'x‘.’ (‘omc on. it nax Iikc 1984. I ha\ c donc xomc othcr mo\icx xincc thcn.” IIc Ictx out a xigh and \xcaril} makcx hix poxition clcar onc

'I” vord ix mcntioncd

morc timc. ‘It‘x grcat. it'x tun. I ha\c a hand. \xc pla} IIIL‘ xoltg. I did IIIH A" (/I'rri'r'. I did IItL‘ dancc. I \\ax thrillcd ahout thc mo\ic. Ix it thc Ik‘xl \\ot'k I.\L‘ C\L‘t’ LIUIIU.’ \o.‘

.-\ fair point hut pcrhapx hix ;rrrrro_\aricc xtcmx t‘ront thc xclti-irnpoxcd qump hix carccr xnttcrcd at‘tcr thc tiIrn hit hig. In thc thcatrc Bacon had found it cax} to a‘ oid hcing t_\pccaxt h} maxing

junkicx. proxtitutcx. c\cn (iI;1x\\ cgian tcdd} ho}x

thc xtarrcd in thc Bt'oadua} production of John B)rnc‘x 'l‘lrr' S/u/t li’rrvx oppoxitc Scan I’cnn and

\alKilmcri.\\i1hmoticxrt\xaxaIittIctrrckicr. ‘('axting ix \cr_\ xhor't xightcd in IIoII_\\\ood.' xnccrx Bacon. ’Baxicalh thc_\ nant ton to do thc xamc thing that _\ou did that madc nionc) thc Iaxt timc. Ir)ng to c\p|odc thoxc irnagcx ahont )tttll'chI ix thc xtrugglc and in thc cour'xc oI trying to do that l'xc madc a lot of rnixtakcx. I'xc donc a lot ot~ mo\icx that nohoth xa\\. I‘\c donc \xcird thingx and ol'thcat thingx. I‘tc tricd a rm timcx to go into thc indcpcndcnt markct and tr} to hrcak otit oI~ it l'c\\ timcx.‘ \Vith dixarming honcxt} Bacon continucx to la} it on thc tahIc: ‘Baxicth. I'm iuxt thrrming xhit againxt thc mall to xcc \\It;tI xtickx. hut thc onc thing I ha\ c Icarncd to do ix takc thrcc pointx out of m_\ dccixion itiakirig hroccxx. ()nc ix thc xi/c

\\ ith \cr} Iittlc xucccxx guitc a

oI thc roIc. 'I'hc xccond ix thc hudgct ol thc Iilm. 'I'hc third ix thc xi/c ot m_\ xaIar_\: I \\;tltl to makc ax much monc) ax I poxxihl} can. hut il 'I/rr’ IIrrrrr/wrrrrr comcx along and thcrc'x no monc}. I'm xtrII gonna do it. I'm not gonna ualk aua} from it iuxt hccauxc thc} don't ha\c millionon doIIarx to pa} mc. 'I hat'x cra/t.‘

Bacon xtarch Ining h_\ tItcxc rulcx at tItc xtart ol thc Ullx attcr' hix agcnt ga\c him xomc xagc ad\icc. ‘Shc \ct‘_\ xmartl} xaid: "look. I r‘cmcnrhcr )our \tork from .Vrl/I HI!\\ and othcr xtut'l _\ou did olfBr'oadna}. 'I'hcrc \xax an cdgincxx thcrc that I don't think ix coming through in _\our tilm \tork. I think \tc nccd to torch ahout doing Icadx and lind xomc charactcr partx tor _\ou.”'

Shc lound him a good onc in ()Iixcr Stonc'x .//-/\'. Bacon tranxtormcd himchI into a ‘ga} taxcixt rtx_\cho~ to pla} punkcd prixon informant \ViIIic ()‘I-x'catc. In a xinglc xccnc hc turncd hix carccr around. 'I norkcd tor ahout Iour da}x on