Bacon’s career veers between sizzlers and porkers, including (clockwise from top left): Apollo 13; Footloose; a cameo in Will & Grace; Mystic River; Murder in the First; good ol‘ country band The Bacon Brothers; and Hollow Man

il. nimlc nc\I lo nolhing. lhc nio\ ic tunic out and lhc phone \lui‘lui ringing] llk' ru'ullx. ‘h \\;1\ like :lll ol'u \lltltlk‘ll l lliltl hcconic \\h;il l i‘t‘;ill_\ \\;inlcil lo liccoinc. and [hat \\;l\ il chgu'ut'lci‘ :it'loi'f

Since then. in hclnccn Inci‘uiiw \nppoi'ling l'UlL‘\1.l/’U//U Hi and lhc ot't‘uxionul lmil il/o/hm' .llun). hc‘x t‘llllllllllt‘tl lo plough u ilui‘kci' hii'i'ou \xilh creep}. inlcnxc llll'll\ in lllL‘ llluN ol Slir or l’i'lli’l'k [in /\’/'H'/‘ ll'i/J illltl ,llm'i/(‘I‘ in Hip I‘lrxl. 'l'hc lilllL‘l' \honhl haw carnal llllll an ()\t‘;ll' llUtl hill \Vgu‘nci‘ Hi‘ox holchul lhc it‘lcuxc. ‘h \\;l\ kind ol' tl political lhingf hc \igl1\. 'lhc_\ had an ut'loi' in :i nio\ic lhul _\c;u‘ lllill the} tlccitlul \\;l\ going lo he the Warner lii‘ox gicling nomincc \o Ihc} \wnl lull—court [‘l't‘\\ loi‘ lhul mmic‘ 'l‘hc \lmlio pnllcil :1 \iniil'ii‘ hick luxl )t‘ui‘ \\ ilh .llnni’ lx’n'i'r. lhi'o\\ing itx iiiui'kcling might hchintl ’l‘ini lx’ohhinx \xhcn Bacon i't'ccnul |\_\ lill' the hymn i‘micux. ll \ccnix like :i \xt'inl unonml}. hut nunhc il'x _lll\l llo||_\\\ootl\ mi} ol [uninhng him l‘oi‘ not phning their game and i'chixing Io moon l.o\;\ngclc\ illl [how yumugo.

How he cwi‘ rcgi'cl Iliul‘.’ ‘\\'ou|tl lhingx haw hccn cuxicr. _\ou nicun‘.’ \Vould l haw lliltl a timer rise lo the top and u more hicmliw uii‘ccr had I gone to l..-\'.’ Dclinilcl}. l..-\ ix mill} \xhcrc )ou nccd lo he it~ _\ou'rc in the mo\ ic l‘ll\lllL‘\\. but it “as _lll\l not who 1 \\;ix.‘ llc \lidleN hix hcml. 'h \\;l.\ u tough tlccision.‘ hc \;l_\ \ Iinull}. ‘hut u good one I think.‘

The Woodsman is on selected release from Fri 25 Feb.






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Kevin Bacon


Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon