Thursday 24


Gillian Slovo & The Leningrad Album Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. l 3pm. £3.50 (£3.50). The acclaimed l]()\L'llSl and daughter til late South .-\lrtcan reyolutionar'y Joe Sloyo right annex to .Alu' \l‘rm'.’

Roy Hattersley on the Edwardians Milcltell Library. 30l .Nttt'tlt Street. 387 3999. l 3pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). The tormer deptrty ot ()ld Labour does hix thittg lor .‘lyt‘ ll'rtle'

John Harris linl'tlt‘l’x Book\. 98 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. (rpm. l'r'ec. Rt‘SCllL‘tllllCtl date tor author ol the hugely \uccexxtul Brttpop and [)(tllllL‘S book. The [1in l’iirrt. currently promoting lllS latest. \ery tttnely yyork, ll'llrl /)(I lit' lillt' [(II‘ .Vntt Joanna Bourke on Fear Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. (r45 7.45pm. £ 3.50 (£3.50). Scary stint as part (it .’I\'(' ll'rili'.’

AL Kennedy: Paradise Mitchell Library. 30! North Street. 387 3999.

7 8pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). Kennedy. ol'ten (lexcr'ilk'tl ax one ()l‘ the litteyl \yt‘ilct‘x ol her generation. tlixcttsxex lter lttlexl ttoy L‘l at .‘I\'(' lirile.’

Iain M Banks and Ken MacLeod Mitcltell Library. 30] North Street. 387 3999. 8.30 9.30pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). Scottixlt \ci—li legendy at XIH’ ll'r'ih'.’ Edinburgh

Making Books by Hand Natiottal Library Of Scotland. (ieorge l\' Bridge. 336 453L I 5pm. lxle ()l‘ Skye bookbinder Laura West giyes and lllll'tKlllCllUll to ol‘ bookbinding. no preyioux experience necexxar'y.

A Storytelling Welcome St ('ecilia‘x llall. Niddry Street. (>68 30l9. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Scottixlt and Middle littxtel‘n storytellers yyelcome the lidinburgh International l't‘Sllyitl of Middle liaxter'n Spirituality and Peace 3005 yyith \ltH‘lLN tltat cross boundaries. celebrate dillerencex and btiild understanding.


Andrew Marr on British Journalism Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 2%") 2999. lpiti. £5 (£2.50 £3.50). The excellently entertaining artd erttdite BBC man is here tor .-t\'e ll'rrre.'

Tim CIISSOId BUI‘tlL‘l'S Books, 98 Buchanan Street. 333 7700. (rpm. The international businexxt‘iian tllSL‘tlssex his new book Mr (limit. the true story of a “all Street banker \yltoxc‘ decision to iny'ext his cash in (‘hina pr'oyed Costly. Wendy Moore on John Hunter Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. b.l5pm. £3.50 (£3.50). Part ot'.-\y'e ll'r'rri'.’ Moore appears ill-\lttt'c to tliSL‘ttss her neyy biography. dix'umenting the lite ol‘ liaxt Kilbride‘s most tantoux son. anatomist John Hunter.

Anne Donovan & Dilys Rose Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. 7pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). Rose l\ joined by Built/hit Du scribe l)onoyan. Part of tlte sty'e ll'rih'.’ l‘extiy'al.

Robert Douglas: Night Song of the Last Tram Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. 7pm. Free but ticketed. Part of the .‘l_\'(‘ ll'rihn' tiestiyal.

Tony Roper 8. The Steamie Mitchell Library. 30] North Street. 387 3999.

8. l0pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). The legendary social comedy is recalled at .'I_\‘(’ H'ri‘re.’

Saturday 26


Moira Munno: Children‘s Cartoon Workshop Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. 10.30am. £5 (£3.50. children £3.50). Part ol’ the Aye ll'ri'te.’ book t‘estiyal for those aged 8— l 3. Andrew Crumey & Gerard DeGroot Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. l lam. £5 (£3.50—£3.50). Tyyo experimental authors shoyy up xty‘e ll'rrre.’ Baby Bounce’n'Rhyme Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999.

l lam. Free. See Sat 19.

34 THE LIST t,“ Feb-.3 Mar 2035

Julia Donaldson: The Magic Paintbrush Mitchell l.ll‘l'.tl'\. 30l North Street. 38' 3999. llarrt £3 50 t £3 50) The lX‘Sl-St'lllllg' (irurtii/u author dtxcuxsw her neyy picture book at the to H I’Ii't ' book lL'Sll\;ll. :\ge\ 5 Katharine Holabird \Vateixtoiie'x.

L53t l5- SttlIL‘ltlL’lltlll Sll'c't'l. 553 ‘llll5

l l30am. l-ree. The creator ol \ngeltna Ballerina leads a \tor'ytelling and dance

Maggie Craig 8. Eileen Ramsay: Sagas Workshop Mitchell Library. lel North Street. 387 3999. noon ik 3 45pm £5 (£3.50 £3.50). l’at't ol .‘IH ll rm" Toddler's Tales Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. l3.l5piit. l‘lt'c‘ See Sat l9.

Philip Ardagh: Dubious Seeds Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 3S~ 3999. |3.~l5pm. £3.50 (£3.50). The entertaining author dtxcuxxex the tirxt lllSltllltlL‘ltl ol’ lllS lllldl'lUtlS l~.ddte l)tcken\ trilogy at .'I\(' ll'rtlih' l~or thoxe in the 8 I3 age bracket.

Hansel & Gretel Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. l.30pm. £3.50 (latitin ticket £7). See Sat l9.

Moira Munro & Hamish the Bear Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 38." 3999. 3 3.45pm. £5 (£3.50. children 3.50). (iet your teddy at the ready tor llll\ \tory telling xexxion \yith Moira Munro. Age 5 7.

Denise Mina: Crime Writing Workshop Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. 3pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). The dame \\ ith the deadly touch bringy tl\ her thoughts on ltoyy to do crime. As it Here. Part of the .'I_\(' ll'rile.’ lexliyal.

Ian McEwan Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. 3pm. £5

(£3.50 £3.50). .‘IH‘ ll'rt‘re.’ \yelcomex one ol' the greatest “titers of hix generation

yy itlt the appropriately tilled Sit/uri/m. Peter Lord on Aardman (iltlsgtm l'illltt 'l'heatr'e. l3 Roxe Street. .553 8l38. 3pm. £4 (£3). A man yer'y clme indeed to the yyayx ol' Wallace and (irottiit and \y ho ltttx the skinny on (‘ltt‘t‘ken lt’tui tell\ all. Part of sly-e H'ri‘te.’

Tom Hodgkinson & Dan Kieran on Being Idle Mitchell Library. 30] North Street. 387 3999. 3.30pm. £5

(£3.50 £3.50). 'l'ak'e it may eayy \yith thix lackluxtre JIH‘ ll'rrre.' e\ent.

Bill Duncan 8. Don Paterson: Poetry & Aphorisms Mitchell Library. 30] North Street. 387 3999. 4pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). 'l‘yyo l)undonian\ yy ith a poetic edge to their literary lire. l’art ot' the site ll’l’ilt'.’ lestiyttl.

Suhayl Saadi & Anne MacLeod Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. 4pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). Another pair of ottr moxl protttixing \yriterx do their thing l'or sire li'ri're.’

John Gray: On the Myth of Progress Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 387 3999. 5.15pm. £3.50 (£3.50). Part of the give ll'rile.’ lestiyal. Margaret Elphinstone, Anna Smith & Margaret Thomson Davis Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. 5.30pm. £5 (£3.50 £3.50). Literature trom three top t‘cmale yy riterx. lt'x .'I\(' ll’rt’te.’

Bryan Appleyard: Aliens - Why They Are Here Mitchell Library. 30! North Street. 387 3999. 7pm. £3.50 (£3.50). slye ll'rrle.’ askx more (it the \cl'} big. ycary qllc‘xtlonx.

Andrew Collins: Where Did it All Go Right? Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. 8.30pm. £5 (£3.50~£3.50). .-l_\‘¢' lkri‘le.’ bring\ on the amusing muso loyer.


Baby Bounce’n’Rhyme Mitchell Library. 30] North Street. 387 3999. 1.30pm. Free. See Sat l9.

Hansel & Gretel Mitchell Library. lel North Street. 387 3999. 1.30pm. £3.50 (tarnin ticket £7). See Sat 19. Margaret Elphinstone: Historical Fiction Workshop Mitchell Library. 301 North Street. 387 3999. 3pm. £5


c- 50 £3 50) lhc author ot Ira S“. Rota." StK‘S \t‘lt‘ lt‘l In H 'i'.'t

Stuart Christie & Willy Maley Mitchell l ibiary. 30l North Street. 3S5 2999 3pm £3 Suit: 5)). to 0):.‘i' \\L'lc(‘lllc‘\ l’lttlc'SSt‘l \lctlt'}. lllt‘ c'tlllt‘l \‘l the tor'thcoirtiiig li'\.' \tll‘l‘lc‘lllt'lll on the ll)H “L'\l Sc‘t'llhll litlt‘hS llc‘lt‘ llL' IS (tuned by the author ol (iri;t:):\ Utah \Ii on lniiri iiiy.’

Maggie O’Farrell Mitchell l ibiaiy. 30l North Street. 38" 39‘)9 3 l5pttt £5

(£350 £5 50) l’arl ot lyi llI/li 'See Inc

Ray Harryhausen: An Animated LITE ( il.t\gt)\\ l'lllll l‘llL'ctllt‘. l3 RHSU Street. 333 Sl3b 3 30pm £11033) llte man behind the word lighting \kcletott\ and \yetrd lllttll\lt‘l'\ in all lltUSc' Siiibad and llltlllS llt(t\lt‘\ IUIHS in it iiri ' Colin McEwan: Stories and Songs Mitchell library. 30l North Street. 38" 3999. 3pm. £3.50 ( £3.50). See Sun 30 Simon Garfield & Alan Taylor on Diaries Mitchell Library. 30l North Street. 38" 3999. 3.30pm .loiir'nal t‘ltlllL'S tltxcthxctl a\ part ol .l\i‘ ll rili '

Billy McNeill & Archie Macpherson: Football Writing Mttcltell Library. 30l North Street. 38" 3999. JP”). £5 (£3.50 £3.50). .lyi' Him" \yelcottte\ the lll'Sl Hrttixli captain to llll the lauropeart (‘up plu~ a cottitttentatoi “lithe catchphraxe l\ ‘yyllt)t)ol"

Neil Munro Tribute Mitchell Libiary. 30l North Street. 387 3999.-1pm. £5 (£3.50 £5.50). ‘l‘ltc .l\i' lit/Ii" bcartleaxl L'lttxc'S.


Shore Poets 'l‘he ('aiioiix' (iait. 333 (’anongatc. 55o 448i. 7.45pm. £3 (£l ). l’iper .lulian (ioodacre ioinx Mattheyy Syyecttey. ('hrixtitte De Luca and Rhoda Micltael tor the latext instalment ol reading and rnuxic \\ ith the Shore l’oetx.


l-l()ll()NAl Ml morn SETH

goirtg t;tti max. and

Palookaville 17 (Drawn 8. Quarterly.) 0...

thwarts} VI L Li:

NUMLH‘H yty‘ét‘llttt‘l


lllES retro f

How absorbing can a strip about a geek wandering EilllllCSSl‘, about the old family, home rett‘iitis<:irtg about his dead father's elector. fart business be? Canadian miter-artist


Seth (AKA Gregory. T". art/.371; Gallant) appears to be ,ears "to '7“ testing reader tolerance

with the ceper legend Law-aw

on the latest issue ot’ his tales to te- bertodicai COYYTICI Yet mien: deser‘ratscr‘ 9

obi/3"?)ij irt't

A/‘otber Cortttrruat/Or‘ of Cry oe Farts.

\‘t’ttt parts one arm

two reissued in cat Laura." cor“. "def; 72 hardback. Seth ari‘bes f’r‘r; .- '2 s 7’, fir: along or‘. part three with 'ea sac/c

bis narrator 'Ol‘iGSOH‘E The action ip ire latest

ll()l(lllltl(1()(l l)llll()f)()[)lll(i{ll (i()ll‘.’(:lfiéll|()llfs ‘.'.’lll! thi- (ltizstt, olri l():,f§ of his; childhood.

Far from l>(:|ll(_l tht: tetiaitt) it (titght fi’)llll’l. the (Ll/alt: lair; saga waxes {ltl(l '.'.’£tll€:‘; hetz'xtam tht: rhulzittrhril, tht; l’Xa't! whoa w Ml'. arid tht; surreal. tht: .‘JllOit: thirlg hel'l .‘.’lll‘. subtle lltlll‘flllt and guilt: touching (it'airta. Aral Seth's love ()i old school (geir'tooriittg. €:‘.'l(l(:lll ir tylert‘ pet) and irik'ttarishiri. is perinatl, suiteri tr. this. tragic» riostalgit: storytelling. tit/hie: Fielder)

(I .l'/. J 1 e rtDa.. 35.91.)» '. d[)\/t,l. .i , c) for ,C.

clef: .l (1. g ’,

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Thesday 1


Bob McLean \tt‘llhll l‘atliatttetit litllltltug. llolytootllx‘oatl. 335-133!)

hprti ltcc ()ppotturtily to rub \ltouliletx hill) the l llSI \lllllSIt‘l at lllIS launch patty tor Holt \lc'l eattK lleyy book, (Ii .'.'.'r:;

It 'ei .'i:i r '. \\hich detailx the \iltlg‘g‘lt‘ lot deyoluttoit

Wednesday 2


No Room- Images of Homelessness in Scotland Ilt'ltlt'l\ liookx. "S llucltattatl Street. .‘33 ~00 (rpm l tee launch night tot llll\ poyyeittil next book highlighting .i lug l\\llt'


Bookstart Rhymetime \iglitliill library. o Sightliill \\yiid. 539 55"I l0 30 ll 30am lice See lllll l'

Thursday 3

G asgow

WriterFest l\).llll\ll(‘lll lltcatte. 9S Ingram Street. 553 3189 l l5 .‘piii lree Margaret l lphiiixtone icailx liotii liei \yotk at llllS ltee lttttclttltrie \t'SSlt'll JUdIth Miller littltlt'h liiittkS. "5 liucliattan Street. 333 “00 ()pttt lice littltlt'IS c'ttlllt‘S t)\t'l .lll .l l‘ll .llllltlllt‘\ roadxltoyy a\ \U lotltltlct ot l/I/i’i r '\ .IIl/lt/llt \ I’Iiii (run/i . .lttdrtlt \ltllet liltlllt‘llL‘S llt‘l l.llt'\l .lll\ .tlltl \ t.lll\

collector§ guide


Big Word Performance Poetry llic ll‘Ull. 9 llttntet Square. High Street. 33“ 093l. 9 llptn £3 (£3) (iiiilai titan .\\ll l)ickiri\oii teams tip with ( il.t\gt)\y \l.llll \ytrmer Robin ('airttx. .'\llS(lit|l l-tndlay attd lilSPt'lll Murray lot tnote laughx liotii \et‘xey. M( "x .lem Roll\ and Jenny

l.llltl\.’l_\ keep the rhymex llttyy trig

f3(lll lélllt)’l tart fizlltt‘fll‘i’ll‘. IT,‘>.)" tart-m [mt w "war

littiltl'rriro titliw'r it till)?» lit‘i video‘i'v’l l' ltttiharrz‘,,titterr‘a’uu ‘arllltltl "’)(l(rl" lit (illlll';tll"«tl.1 mt ‘rll.ll()tl .'.'(: Strip", regular unit oil (“1 art?) ll‘:t()lll(: (AK/1 Arm,

lléltftla'tli ‘ililllr’l mri flit;

‘r'tl‘ :lil l‘ f'. [Milt ,l lll l'; :t‘,

’lL-‘Lllfl, ‘..'.'r.-(;t tints/(:ett (,rritt. T(:‘:llf,.

A1} l2£tl‘:’l ‘1’).2') «'t', It ’l‘:ll’r.'."r.":’l l’)‘,‘:l) i'..'.. l git/hart)", tam) trim) (tiirl .‘rlirt‘: Il'i.‘.”fll‘ are: rlriirlt blah) (ital/xiii): ’,’/ll‘.‘: rift like a tr n’lurr 6);), JUN (.4, M (Ail). '.tr)t‘,a lri th‘: Maw: o‘ (,Ullll’,.',. Lariharr :i xttiglilzir. (Mirna; taint? (7 / B‘n’ill’fi

DAVID LAPHAM " Stray Bullets 35 E? Capitati) oooo

'l/lll‘:‘, FIB/1‘!)

a: a ‘2 r" ' t