I Reflex .it \\ hy \ot' liipm lam H \Vccllx \cyi. Mix i'cyiyal night playing thc hcxt and \Hilxl tiincx itoiii thc dccatlc liiSlL' lHiL'Hl

I The Snatch Social at tlit- liqtnd Room lit “lpm zam L~1iti5iii \VccHy l'iltliy tahaicl dixto itixioii icatiiiiiig coiiipt'ic Hairy .\llix\\iillli i.'\K,'\ ioiinci l’ci‘iici licxt \t-yytomci (iaith ( ‘iiiilcxhanlx i. yylio h ilymg \olo .‘iiici 'loiiy (lii'tcik inixitidgcd lxtinaiiii gag liahcx and 'licndy \M-ndy imonthly icxidcnti xupply hip hop and itiiiky ttincx (.lik'x h lllk'll \kt'lixllt'

yyyyyy xnatchxocial coin ioi moic into. I Vaudeville at thc lioiigo ( 'luh

«\[Hll lain. to I“ lch \n iiiipcrtincnt \llkll\ cahaict \yith iiiagit. intixic and cntct‘taining iiiixhchayioiiix l’icxcnting thc lluxtlcix Hall icatuiing carniyal claxxicx. gypxy polkax. calypxox and \yalt/cx oi xpccial gucxl iiiuxicianx ()lhk'\llil l)t'l \til

Edinburgh Fridays


I 33/45 at (\ihtiicl \oliaitc.

lli. iiipin iam. ii ii. 35 l'ch. Monthly. l)anin xc\y xotiliiil houxc ii'oin l).lx l.con Izaxtci and Nick \Vatxon. |oincd hy Scott 'Scooi' Sli'acliati iioiii (il;i\‘1.‘ti\\ix \cnci'ahlc ('tihc.

I Beatroot at ligo. ll). iiipin 3am. ‘Np hcioic ll.ilipni; U um. 25 l'ch. Big iii'xl hii‘thday \yclcoiiiiiig i‘cgulai' gucxtx 'lokyo lllll and l‘llllllt' ll ior xoiiic liyc action. Stippoitiiig thcin yyill hc i'cxidcntx Ryan 'I mum and Yan l’aly x hacklhack and on thcir onn. playing hotixc. trihal. ping and icclilio.

I Bio-Rhythm at thc Honcy coinh. llpm iam. [S iUi xttidcntx and incinhcrxi. -l .Mar. Monthly ('ontinuing thcii icy ci'cncc ior all tliiiigx dancc \yhatcyci' lhc gcni'c \yc hay c a gticxt xpot irom lhc l'lx' king oi hrcaltx chnic l’ilgi'cni. l).l liclicyc and Silyci‘ Stoi'ic proyidc hack up \yhilc lhc Mci‘i'y l’i'ankxtcrx arc in chargc oi tlic hrokcii hcatx in thc hack room. :\lxo prc-cluh Syyitch l'p xcxxion at ()\ygcn irom

Spin lam.

I Cult at l’o \a .\'a. llipm 3am. l-i'cc hcioi'c I lpm; 5 aitci'. \Vcckly l).| Nikki and ii'icndx dig tip tlic \ci‘y hcxt in iulilx. dixco. RN”. liotlxt‘. kilxcli claxxicx and party ianix at thix cool dancciloor iiialeip.

I David Holmes & Freddy Fresh at thc \cnuc. liipni 3am. (It). 25 l-ch only 'lyyo hcayyyyciglit contcndci'x hit lhc dL‘\. \Vc'yc got l);i\ id lllillllk‘S. ii‘cxh oii xound tracking ()t'mn'x lll't'll't' and iainoux ior hix iunk iucllcd tcclino. hip hop and tar morc hcyond. .t\nd l5i'cddy l-‘rcxh launchcx hix ncyy alhum ()uiyliim/i'ng in /Ii\ I'it'lt/ and hix hi hop llillL‘L‘lL‘tl l‘t‘alx Rilt‘lilt‘ Rlil'l'ltitit‘ :tlid (lino xupply xtippoi't. St’t' prt'i'it'ii;

I The Dialogues Festival at ihc Bongo ('Itih. Spin 3am. to (Hi. 18 l'i‘li only. Si\ tu'lixlx m cr xi\ lintll'x ;i\ Dialogucx i'cachcx itx xi\t|i ycai' oi c\pci'imcntal muxic and liyc clcctronicx. Hour long xolo xct iroiii .lanck Schacici‘. xy nthcxixcd hcatx irom Mikc Di'cd. 'li'onihonc \yi/ai'dy collidcx \y ith Shcllac atiiio‘l‘lici‘t‘x' irom (‘hi‘ix \thclci' and John Kcnny. laptop xct irom 'l‘yxo Hrothci'x and Mc. SKIN launch thcii' ncyy ('l) and lidinhurgh'x l‘Ilccti'onic Mtixic Socicty hring thc night to a cloxc. .St't' pli'i’iz'u.

I Eclectic Boogaloo at Maxxa. 5pm .‘yam. l-‘i‘cc hciorc llipni; £5 aitci'. \Vcclxly Soul. Rth. hip hop. iunk. dixco and itinky hotixc.

I Evol at tlic liquid Room.

it)..‘~(ipm 3am. £5. \\'cckly lidinhui‘gh'x longcxt running indic night. With thc uxual mi\ oi thc hcxt curi'cnt and claxxic altci'natiy c. ci'oxxoycr tuncx. it‘x an inxtitution ali‘cady and \y itli thc i‘cccnt addition oi thc hack room inoyy manncd hy thc \cncrahlc Chou and Hori/ontal on dc\ and laptopx \\ ith an “anything hut indic' i'cmiti. thc iiiturc lookx likc a happy placc ior all thingx liyol.

I Finsternis at thc l’lcaxancc (Xihai'cl liar. ‘lpm lam. l; i. l.\’ l'ch. Monthly. 'I‘hc liglitci' xidc ol goth ill xtich a thing truly c\ixtxi \\Illi a lill\ oi dark ainhicnt. lico— claxxical and cthci‘cal ti'ackx ioincd hy \I‘L'k'liil gtIL‘\i\ Scliloxx ’l‘cgal lot' ;i luv \t‘l oi dark clccti‘onica. ('hcck \uy\y.linxici'nixoi'giik ioi' inorc inio.

I Friday Funk at Maxxa. llipin 5am. {5 iUi. \Vcckly \cyy night doyyn Maxxa play ing pop. dixco. l<k\ll. iiink and liouxc \\ ith icgtilai' xpccial gucxtx.

I Fridays in Session at (‘aharct \oltaii'c. Nut datc IS Mar.

I Froot at \Vcc Rcd liar. llHlipin Sam. [5. 3.5 l‘i‘l‘. llouxc. dixco and tcchno \\ iili tlic l't'onl l)Jx \ thc liomh Quad Mix on iotii' dcckx & l".\.

I The 60-60 at ('octcau l.oiingc idonnxtairx at lagoi. llpm Sam. [5 iHi. l.\' l'ch. Monthly. Syyinging (ill\ gai'agc. xotil. mod. xotil. Rtin and xlca/y Iixtcning 'l'hc i'ightcoux 'l‘all l’atil Rohinxon and .’\ngux .-\ (}o<( io rcmain i'cxidcnt joincd hy l)a\ id Stonc t(ilaxgo\\ 'x Hit? ('luhi.

I Henry’s Late Nights at chi'y 'x .la/I (‘cllaiz midnight 3am. £5. \Vccldy lop quality tan and l)Jx irom chi'y 'x Jal/ ('cllai'. Scycn piccc iunk hand Hcgiii‘a l IS l'i‘lii liilltm Cd it} l.i\L‘ St‘lt‘lit‘t‘S 1:5 l'iL‘l‘i doing thcirianiunk hip hop thing thc lollim lng \\ CL'lx.

I John Flowers at lici'lin Bici‘haux. llpm .‘yain. l'i‘cc. 18 Hit. l’i‘cc night oi hotixc.

I Love Saves the Day at (‘aharct Voltait'c. llpm 3am. £5 hci'oi'c midnight; £7 ai'tci' it'5i. lh’ l‘ch only. \alcntinc'x xpccial oi pui'c dixco indulgcncc hroughl to you hy lhkyohlu. Spacc l'acc and (‘i‘aig Smith.

I Manga at Honcy comh. l lpm 3am. L‘lli (L'S incinhcrxi. 35 l‘ch. Monthly. Scotland'x prcmicr drum tk haxx xcxxion \yith Mampi Syyiit and M(‘ |('3. .'\longxidc i‘cgulai'x l).l Kid. (i-Mac. M(' Sonny. l).l Ht‘llcn‘ and Silu‘l' Siiit'ic. l'tii' morc inio chcclt \iyy\y.cluh-inangacotik. .v\lxo pi'c-cluh Syy itch-lip xcxxion at ()\ygcn irom .S’pin lam.

I Mocha Rocha! at Berlin Hici'hatix.

l lpm Rain. 25 hciorc midnight; L‘h aitcr. 25 l‘ch. Monthly. 'l'yyo oi lidinhtirgh‘x hcxt L‘tillt‘cliycx join liit'cc\. Sptict‘ l‘IilL'L' i‘cxidcntx l’cpc Santainai‘ia and thc Blondc l-‘laxh hring thc Rt‘cli. hip hop. innit. dixco and morc \ihilc 'l‘oltyo Blu takc carc oi thc liotixc.

I Modern Lovers at ligo. llpm 3am. £4 hciorc midnight; £5 aitci'. 4 .Mar. Monthly i‘p-hcat ini\ oi northcrn xotil. dccp tunic Hammond tau and mm xoundti'a\x xcrycd tip hy your hoxtx ('raig Jamicxon and .-\ndi'c\\ l)i\ inc il)l\ inc. l‘iinit Rooini.

I Planet Earth at (‘itrux ('ltih.

Iii..‘~iipm .itilli. £5. \Vccltly Muxic irom

UFreak launch with a new night at the capital‘s spiritual

home of techno. ‘Whatever anybody says all these genres of music - trance, house, whatever - come from techno,’ says Angel. ‘Everyone should realise that techno is the mother tree of all dance music.’ So expect his trademark funky techno alongside Marco Bailey.

.‘inf .76 lot), (1/ Mini/t ti? ft‘o HEM/e3.

I‘Vo thioiigh to NW or. in otlici' \Hil'tl\. a hcalthy iltixc oi punk. ncyy nay c. ticyy romantic and clcctro pop.

I Pop Fiction at ('ity: lidinhurgh. lililllilli 3am. U». \Vcckly. 'li‘cndy \Vcndy and i‘cgtilai' gucxtx iiiic lictty lordi lay doyyn thc coolcxt hlcnd oi pop. itink. xoul. dixco. Rtle hip hop and hotixc \\ ith a i‘cal xcnxc oi iun And plcaxc notc thcy hay c inoycd to a xpanking ncyy \cniic iuxt tip thc road irom thcii‘ old haunt. l’lcnty oi drinkx pi'oinox on oii'cr an‘ all.

I Radio Babylon at lago. .\'t-\i dalc l 1 Mar.

I React at thc \cntic. lililipm 3am. Ui i£5 mcmhcrxi. lS l'ch. 'l'hc iii“ tcclino night ix hack \y ith xpccial gucxt 'l'ohiax l.lll\L' i.-\K.-\ (Hill.

I Rukus at Honcy comh. iiipin .‘yam. £7 hciorc l lpm; L“) aitci' i£7i. IX l-ch. lidinhurgh‘x ncyycxt and l';i\\Cxl hip hop night aiming to bring you liyc hip hop month in month otit. l'ii'xt night gtiCxt ix l‘MA 2004 licxt l'K Hip Hop Act Klaxlinckoii \yith hix hypc man Ky/a and hix l)J Mr Um.

I Ska Dance Craze at thc Bongo ('luh. llipm 3am. £7. 35 l-ch. l)J Miggy \yill hc playing a ini\ttirc oi authcntic xkgi along \yitli liyc \ ixualx cclchratmg 35 ycarx oi 'l‘yyo ’l'onc. l’ltix iyyo liyc handx. 'l'liix ‘R‘ 2 'l‘onc Pcrioi‘m thc claxxicx oi thc lll\C\ oi Bad Mannci'x. thc Spccialx. Madncxx and lliL‘ llL'dl.

I SLOSH at Suhyyay (‘oyygalu

llpm 3am. £2 til i. chkly l’cri'icr :\\\;ti'tl \Vinncr Harry .-\inx\xorth iny ich you to Sl,()SH cy cry l'i'iday l:\pccl morc oi thc xamc niiixic and inn that‘x madc Snatch xo popular. 'l‘hc yycckcnd xtai‘tcd ycxtcrday ltccp on ti'iic‘kiii'.

I Tokyo Blu at thc \cnuc. ll)..‘~lipm 3am. £5. -1 Mar. Monthly. 'l‘hc l.i\c Houxc Scxxionx continuc ax thc Tokyo lilu l)Jx rctiirn \y ith thcir cighi-piccc hand ior xomc iunky dixco. Latin. ('hicago and clcctro lingcd houxc.

I The Trap at \Vcc Rcd Bar.

Iii..‘~(ipin 3am. L5. IS l’ch. Rock'n‘roll. northcrn xotil. indic. clcctro and iii/ly ioot tappcrx \iith gucxt l)Jx irom thc hcxt indic cluhx around lhc l'K.

I Trouble at tlic ('cllar Bar. 9pm 3am. l5rcc hciorc llipin; £3.99 hciorc midnight; £4.09 ai'tcr. \Vcckly 'l'hc Bcat Ja/l Baxcnicnt ix rchorn in a xlightly diiicrcnt iorinat ax tlic 'l'rotihlc guyx bring their ia/l inilcctcd dancc xclcction hack homc. lircxh


oii thcii' nomination ioi‘ ‘licxt ('ltih \iglit' til (illlcx l’L'lCl'Silll.\ \Viit'ltl \\ ltlc Mtixic :\\yai‘dx. lhcy arc ioincd hy tlic maxtcitul ()tianuc I IS l'ch. plcaxc notc L5 L” cntiy ior thix datci atid ii hix picy ioux xctx u ith 'li'ouhlc arc anything to go hy thix ix not to hc nnxxcd. lt'x iolloyicd hy Hugh l)c \Vinton'x hirthday \Hlli thc lantaxtic l‘Hlli illohhcx. lii'ik da \iking. l)oiii l-lanagan and Hughi on 4 Mai:

I Vortech at Studio 11. llpm iain iHi. IS l’ch \cu tcchno night kicking oii \Hlll an L‘\L'lll\l\L‘ t)i) minutc liyc xct iroin \incc \Vatxon. u ith rcxidcntx oi choicc .-\lc\ \Vilxon and Scott .'\lL'\.ilitl\‘l' xpccialixing in duty l)ctroil tcchno.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I After Dark at (‘ahat'ci \iiliaii'c.

llpm 3am. hciorc midnight; Di aitci ith mcmhcrxi. i‘) l-ch. Montth chidcntx Ncil liartlcy and Jammy llil\ up a Saturday night xclcction oi xouliul houxc. iunlwd tip garagc and diya di'iycn yocal trackx. .loincd hy xpccial gticxt l).l Roo tl)uxtcd. l’axcha and ilic (‘roxxi

I Ascension Goth Club at 'l't-yioi Roxy l'nion. .\'c\t datc 5 Mai.

I Audio at lici'lin Hicrhaiix,

ll)..‘~i)piii 3am. i-i'cc hcioic l lpm; L5 aitcr. I‘) l’ch. Smooth. xouliul houxc irom Audio l)clu\c'x inainman and xpccial gticxtx mixing up ‘ircc xtylc hody inuxic'. I Beatsville at thc 'l'i‘on. ()pili lain. L l. l‘) l‘ch. lit-atxy illc rcttirnx \Hlli thc hcxl in rockin' ia/l. xotil. xuri and carly Rt’vli. joincd hy country hlucx oiitiit KDH l)ouglax & Ihc ('orpx oi l)ixcoycry ipoxxihly containing an cx-Bcta Band incinhcri alongxidc a gucxt l)J xlot irom i'chcl country puiin Ridc 'l‘hix 'l'rain.

I Diggity at tlic lzxtahlixhincnt.

llipin 3am. £7 (£5). chkly [)1 l'ahulo/. Harry 3i). Rico and M(' l‘lou gci dimn yyith thcir had xclycx. playing viildxty'lc RALB. hip hop and xtrcct xoul.

I Disko Kitten at ligo. llipm 3am. £7 hciorc ll.3lipin; £8 aitcr igirlx £5 hciorc 1 1.30pm; £6 aitcri. l‘) l-‘ch. Ncyy night irom thc iolk at Nuklcar Puppy that goCx ior good timcx \ ia hard hone ()pcning night xccx a xlot irom Rchckah and Tommy liour Scycn alongxidc local crcu lawn ('orth. Smokey 6c thc Bandit. l)can Ncyyton. Arrogant Mikc and Roxx l)l\iin.

i «‘ "fir/1 ’J‘ir'z' 2'12", THE LIST 41