I Do This Do That at llotte}corrth lHFWrm 3am. £lll NJ“ 1‘) l‘eh. Nice to we llilS cltih hack again. ploughing a delrheratel} underground \ the \thrle \llll attracting the hcxt guextx in tottri «and award liltliillittllltlhl along the Mt}. .-\nd lhtx i\ ito cueptrort a\ the (iodlallter ol houxe llllll\L‘ll. Marxhall Jellerxon. who helped deline the \ound hack in li|\ natixe (‘hrcago. thlL'Sl\.

I The Egg at Wee Red liar.

llpiii 3am. £4.50 t£i5tlr \Veekl}, Still the lk‘xt llll\ ol indie. (illx garage. northern \ottl. \ka. 7th ptriik and next woe totin- likel} to \tagger across. A \xell loted lll\llltll|t)ll that i‘L'lthLS to change.

I Elektra at the l.elt Bank. 9pm 3am. l'ree. l‘) l'ch (-l'L'illH It} i\ tlte kc} \ktit‘d at llllS next night ol \ottttd and \ l\ll;tl per'loi'marice.

I Fever at lugo. Ne\t date 5 Mar.

I Fiesta Latina at llt‘\ rot Rim l'rtron. l), illpin 3am. £4.50 t£3.5(li. l‘) l‘eh, Still going \ti'oitg alter ten tearx ol \uppl} ing the hext irt \alxa. inerengtre. itiainho aitd other Latin rh_\thm\ courtes} ol I).l l’ancho \\ rtlt a tree dance clasx lrorti the Salxa Angeh at 0.30pm.

I French Konnection at lago. Ne\l date 5 Mar.

I Headspin at the Bongo (‘ltih

8pm 3am. £5 helore l lpm; £7 alter. 2t) l‘eh, 'l'he hext in hip hop. l'tink. \Utll. llUtlSL' and hi'eakheat ax \\e \a} \\ elcome hack to the re\ident l)J dl\pltt} team lealtrring Allan. the Rexonance (Data and ('olin Millari arid Ste\e Spirt. lt'x another hand \lit)\\L'tt\L‘ \o \\ ell \xorth turning tip earl) (line—tip includes l)ope Matrix. Super l’aradixe and Mammal l.

I Henry’s Late Nights at llenr} ‘\ Ja/I ('ellar. midnight 3am. £(i £7. \Veekl}. l.i\ e tall and the ltottxe t)J\ take toll into the \tee small litttll'S. ('laxsic ltttik l'i'om l’aul Millx' l-‘ttrtkali/e t l‘) l-ehi l'ollott ed h} late tiiglit l'tink lroni (iromedigga/ \tith 'l‘ori} King on \ocalx tlh l‘t'hl.

I Heroes! at Q—llar'. .S’pm laiit. £5. 20 l'eh. Ne“ alternatix e tiigltt ol ptiiik. glam. rock. electro and poptr'ash l'rom the l'olk tltttt ht‘ottgltt )ott l)i\ko liloodhttllt airtted at a ttti\ed/g;t} ci'ottd. Motorrtiark are the operting gtle\[\. See (in).

I Joy at tlte \entie. l lprn 3am. Next date I: Mar.

5:1 Jungle Magik at the Liquid Room.

I lpiit 3am. £7 helore midnight; £l() alter. l‘l l'eh. Jungle Magik are making the liquid Room their nett home lor the l'ot'exeeahle luttire. \\ itli new montth datex kicking ol'l' \\ ith elaxxic jungle tracks from [)1 l’hantas)‘. t'K .-\pachii perl‘orming li\e on stage lor the \er} lirxt time in Scotland arid ol' course DJ Kid. Marc lil’ and M(' BX.

I Liquid Soul at l’o Na Na. 9pm 3am. l‘i't‘t‘ helore l lpnl; £5 alter. \VL‘L‘kl}. (iet do“ n earl) lor this conxixtentl)‘ capacin retro dixco and lunk} house night. leattiring l’o'x o\\n Mark B on the deckx lthltlg claxxic and hang ttp-to-date funky house l'or tltoxe in the kntm.

3:1 Luvely at the Liquid Room.

10.30pm 4am. £lll £l3. 26 Feb. Monthl). .-\ \atic) \oiree. geared [(“Hll'tlS a gtt}/itii\ed crowd and leattiring a music polic} ol' lull-on. drix ing house from rexidentx ’l'omni} K. (il’. .Ne\\tttn & Stone and .lared. .-\nd there's no letting tip thix month as it's their hirthda} 3 Top hatx. top cats and all things leline \tith plent) ol

hirthda} \llt‘prixcx including VIP entr} lot‘

the first nine to arrixe dressed according to the theme.

I Messenger Sound System at the Bongo (‘luh l lptii 3am. £6. 1‘) Feb. Fortnightly Bass ol' hoxtel-xhil‘ting proportions as the might) Mexxeiiger Sound Sixtem blasts otit the hext in righteoux roots and dtih reggae.

I Mingin’ at the Venue. I lpm 3am. £5 helore midnight; £6 alter. 1‘) Feb. Monthly. Residents Brian Dempxter and Alan Joy host the tlSlltll Mingin' madness. lilth} house and twisted trance tor a l'risk} and predominantl} ga)

CFO“ d. Plenty ol‘ drinks promos from

I lpnt so well \torth turnirtg tip earl} as

42 THE LIST 1,“ Fob—3 Mar 2005

the} rum e tip the road to their new

I Mission Jnr at Studio 31

£5. Weekly (ioth. rock. ptirtk and. ot cour\e. all that nu metal \ltlll that tltc krdx cra\e or much. So it _\oti e\er‘ \Htlldel‘cd \kllL‘t'L‘ all tho\e hlack clad touthx lrorti tlte top ol ('ockhtir'n Street \tent alter dark look no lur‘ther lhe he\t and original tinder IM metal gathering in ltt\\ti.

I Mission at Sttidio 24 llpiti 5am, £5 i£4 tilL‘llllk‘l‘H, \Veekl). Night ol titetal lti;l}liL‘lll. goth rock and more hour the tlttt‘kSIth' tnxtitution, Still “till a lo)al lanhaxc and art open door pollc} lor' ttll}ttltt‘ \kith a low ol rock and metal, 'l lung are certarnl} aloot doxtn .\il\\lttll \\.t_\ ax their netx top lloor‘ polrc} krck~ into gear \\ ith the hem ier than thou \thl and (ioth lloor Un alternate \teekx.

L.» Musotica at the Venue.

.\lotttltl_\. 'l‘he techno hax heen on might} line loi‘rii ol late tl.tike Slater. ’l‘xxo l.one Sxtoi‘dxitieni and the} keep it tip with a g'tlL‘\l \lot Hour Detroit l'nderground Rexixtaitce legend Rolando.

I Progression at the l.|t|llltl Room. Ne\t date I: Mar.

I Shame at ('oiitiiiple\. ltlpiit 2am. £(i t£5i. 2(i l-eh. Monthl}. Ne“ alternatn e ga} -li'iendl_\ night emhracing llldthtl’ltll. techno. digital hardcore and punk with art. hod} titodilication. l‘etixh. pet‘l‘oi'ittancex and \tall\.

I Sophistitunk at ('it}: lidinhtirgh.

John lllltL'lll\Ull pla'u lunked tip Rtkll remixes and liUUSC tune\ to a heatitilul (loud.

I Stereotype at Berlin lilcl'llath

lllprii ‘thH L5 helore rttidriight. 1h alter 3h l'eh \loiithl} lltigg} litiiger (‘ltlt‘t‘ll tt'ltlllh in lll\ neu g‘tllSc' at Stereortpe. hrrngrng home the hext liou~e around a\ he goe\ hac k to hac k \\ ith .lott \lancrni «(‘olotirxl tor lotir llt‘llt\ on lotii \lL'\h\ I Tease Age at ('ititrx (‘ltih

llpiii zain l-ree helore ll illpni. L? alter \\eekl} llll\ indie \l.tl\\all drxhex up e\ei_\thrng lroit. \urngiitg (ilk lill\ to hagg} \lanchcwter la\e\ ax \\ ell a\ a lioxt ol ctirrent \ lll cltart l‘t‘lllt‘lt‘l\ \\llll Ill Monkee Mrckee ldtrihtirgh‘x longext c'itllllllttall} running indie night

I UFreak at the Maine ‘lpin 5am

£lll £l3 3h l'eh \lonthl_\ Next iitglit lot the \entie \\ itlt an en\ iahle opening line tip ol l)a\e .\ngle and Marco liatle} tor a ltink_\ techno \\oi'k otit Sit ittl\ lollo\\ ed h_\ (ireen \'el\et and .ltl\llll lx’ohettwn :3!» Matt

I Ultragroove at (‘ahaiei \oltane

lll. 1llprn zaiti LS «UH It» leh l~ortntghtl_\ llieie iiia_\ he a llt‘\\ tearii hehind the (’ah htit l'ltiagiom e ain‘t going lltl\\llt'lt‘ l'drrihtrigh\ peerlexx real lttttlw part} \er\e\ up track} gtoo\e\. \ttlllltll \ocal\ and trihal ltlllL'\ trortt lL'\ltlt‘tll (iaieth Sorttiiten rlle toriied h} Slip‘n'Slrde\ Solid (iiooxe t.v\l§,\ l)a\e la} lot) and hrx cr'eatt\e take on the hotrxe loiiiiat plth Departure l otinge cre\t .'\\tt‘oho_\ and Mr /.irnhah\\e

I Vain at in tot Rott l'tiion.

ltlpm 5am. £11 t£3i I‘) l‘eh. lt‘clltltt. goth. llltlll\ll'l;tl. .Sll\ and tie“ romantic lllliL'S. So that'll he cheer} then” Non \llltlL‘lll\ \telcoitte htit ll) required

I VEGAS! at ligo. Ne\t date I: Mar. I Wiggle at ligo. llpiii iam. £0, Io l'eh. Monthl}. Maggie tk .'\lttll lo} need no introduction lor' their night ol ga} ltiii


a real lzdrnhurgh

Ill._‘\llprrt 3am, H“ t £.\'r. l‘) leh.

lt).3()pm 3am. £8. \Veekl). Rexidertt l).l

g The Godfather of house joins Do This 00

'“ 't' S" *' " That. He’s king of the groove-inflected Chicago sound he helped formulate and he’s been instrumental in the launch and careers of everyone from Felix da Housecat to Roy Davis Jr. A true house hero. Sat 79 Feb. 00 This 00 Tm: :2: the Home). can‘t). Ea Parry/1

and trolio lirerid} \\eiidt arid .lon l’leaxed pla_\ing track\ that are a little hit caiitp. a little hit cutting edge htrt a “hole lotta ltrrt llo\\ri\tair\ Ill llale and Michelle “I” he deplo_\ trig RAH. hip hop. indie and chart lttllt‘\ and how could we lorget the lo\el\ l’enirx l’oinxtai on hand to meet and greet the puntet\

Edinburgh Sundays


I <any excuse> at Pine (iottttcil lllpirt ‘~aiii l'lt‘t‘ \\eekl\ Back 3 Mine \t} le \etx lroiti a \elcction ot l dtithtiigli la\otiiite\ l-unk}. chilled. tiplttttiig

\ ll‘k"

I BootyLUSHous at Medina

ltlptii 5am £3 helore midnight. L" .lllCl \Vt't‘klk \ltttt' t‘l .t Stilltltt} \Uc'ldl than a lull on glain atlair \Hlll l).l llale

l tl\ll. Siiiiritoiie lllack aitd occaxiortal gtie\t \tlp.t\l.t\ iiii\iiig tip RAH. hip hop. \Utll and lurik

I Chocolate Sundae at latth

llprrt iarn £1heloieritidntght. Ll alter \\eekl_\ l'he lx’t\ll and hip hop Strnda} \exxron lt'ltlllh \\llll their llt‘\\ \entie \\llll Ill l’aul 'l-o\_\' l'o\ hack in charge

I Curios Sunday Joint at tlte Bongo (‘ltih 2pm lartt l-iee \\eekl_\ lilierr all da_\ part) I\ a \toild “here dilleieitt I).l\. Illll\lcl.tll\ and petloriiierx cart get together and create iii a rela\ed Stmda} \L‘\\lt\ll. Open and eclectic llltl\l\‘ poltc_\ il),l\ and lt\e actxi to match the _L‘.ltllt‘\ .Illtl tlt'ctil .tclttxx lltt' l’ntttgo

I Kayos at ()pituii llpiti iaiii l'iee \\L't'kl}. \lt‘tal and lock l).l\ ( 'laltt' Mollat and .loliit lront llogxliead keep the cromh a riioxhriig

I The Sinister Sunday Special at Suhua} ('ou gate. lllpiii iaiir. l‘tee Weekly New Stiiida} rirghtei \tith £l di’tiikx arid rotating lllg‘llh ol punk and indie. rock arid goth.

I Tackno at lago. llpiii 5ttltl. U t£5 riteiithei‘x arid the appr'opr'iatel) tllt‘\\t‘tll 37 l-eh. Montlil}. .\ text cltangex at .l-ttL'klltt ;t\ llit‘) llltn L' ttt‘tt)\\ It)“ It It) their llL‘\\ ltorne at ligo \\ itlt the etei \o lo\el_\ 'l‘rend} Weird} and irnitahle kllSt'll (lilSSlL‘S a\ ‘lackno go to the ()\t‘;tt\ tget )otii‘ glad t‘;tg\ on lot the red carpet l. .'\l\H tic“ pl't'rk‘ltlli \L'SSIUII :tl lllL' Stit't'l tlor‘irterl} l’op Rockiti,

I Taste at the liquid Rooiit.

llprn 3am. £5 helore lllllprn; £8 alter (£6 riieirtherxi, Weekly the capital\ Illltllllttth Stiiidat night \L'\\lt)ll contrritiex to \eu tip the l;t\l riigltt ol the weekend in the capital. l'l\llL't' A; Price suppl} a progrexxne llll\ ol hottxe and garage iii the main room. uhile Martin Valentine \kt)\\\ the tuned/git} ct'tmd \\llll ltirik} l'S houxe geriix through the hack.

I Tipsy at Maxxa. ll), ltlpnt lain. £-1 t£.‘\i. \Veekl}. Rtkll and hip hop lr'oiii rexidentx Nick (i and l’ha/el at \that the) pl'ttltllxe \trll he 'the hottext Sunda} itiglit part} in town.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Peek-A-Boo at l’o Na Na.

llprn 3am. £3 helore llillam; £4 alter. \VL‘L'kl}. l'llllk} tllSL't) littlISL' \Htlt it ltttlt ol old \chool hip hop lroiti thrx new earl} \teek cltih. \\ ttlt \otne ol lzdrnhtirgh\ hest tip and coming l)l talent: Stuart. Richard Steel arid Stuart lttlithltttl. .-\l\t) leattiring llittg‘lclttllS and lire ttt’tl\t\ warming tip thoxe cold \t inter nights.

I Polysuper at Mood. lllpm 1am. £4 (£3). “'L'L'kl}. .-\ pol_\\e\tlal. \tratgltt- l'riendl} -l'riendl_\ cltih \\ ith a cool. haxxle-lree [Hood \kltL‘rL' ‘e\er}thing goex'. With U] l’ete llirnsuorth. DJ Ninie\ and DJ Midi.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Auto at Suhua} ('ott gate.

llprn 3am. £2 tl'reei. 22 lieh. Nev. alternatixe night lor the Suhua} plating the latext indie tillhlc‘.