IV-hlt'il Iltillkk' Ini .1 link} .llItI [llt'illlllllll.illII} m} tiniml I’Icnl} nI (Illlll‘.\ pinnim Iinln llpln w n'\ zwll \kHlIIl Iunun: up mil} .I\ {In} ninw up lllk‘ in.uI In lIlun ncu xcnnt'

I Shame ( ~nnunplm. 1H ( .Hllllllk'lt ml Slivcl. I.t'lIIl. 4“ V83 Illpln 3.1m Ln llfii I!» I L'l‘ \‘cu .lllt'nmnu- 7.3.1} Iilcmll} lllfJIll k‘lllI‘ldtlllfJ llltIll\Ill.II. lulinn. IllL‘lI.II llilHltHIL' .lllil punk \‘-llIl .ul. Imll} llIHiIIlILJlIHII. It'II\Il. [M'lIHllll.ill\\". .uul \I.‘i|I\

I Luvely 'I IN“ I niunl Riuilll. ‘k \ nlnlm \ilu‘l. 335 l‘h-l Ill illpln «1.1m

I- III II: .3“ l‘t'l‘ ‘\ Milk} \HllCL'. puniml Iil\'~.lltl\ .i guy'nnu‘ll cinull .uul It'JIllllllj: .'I innm [N'II\_\ nl Iu|| nn. (IlHllljJ Iinnw linni n-xulcnh Innun} K. (iI’. \mxlnn & Sinnt‘ .III'.I .l.llk'(l. .\Iltl muck nn lclnnj: up llux ninnlli .i\ n'\ lIicn Iinllnlu} 'Inp Imlx. lnp mix .unl .III llunfgx It‘Illlt' \xiili [IIL'lll_\ nI hullulu} \uipilwx IIIt IlltllllfJ \ ll’ t'nu} lni lIlC IIl\I Illllt‘ In .Illl\t' «Ilcxxul .lt‘t'nnlinu In lllt' Illt'lllt'

I Wiggle Iagn. II I’Itulil} I’Ln't‘. ‘5‘ I WI. I lplu Mun. L“), In I'ch. \Inpgn' t\' Man In) IlL't'll nn Inlimlm'linn lni Ilux l|l_L'III nl ya} Inn .unl ll'nln'x. ’In'nll} \Vt-nil} nml .lnn I’lum‘ll plu} ll'nt'kx lli.il any .I liillc Iul uunp. .i IIIIIt‘ IHI t'lllllllfj mlgw but .i “IIHIt' Inil.l Iun. I)H\\ll\l.’lll\ I).I I);i|c .inll \Ilt‘hcllc \\ III In" «It-pln} lllf.‘ RA‘II. lup linp. nuln' null (hurl mum and |in\\ t'llllltl \u' Inifgt'l I’cnn} I’illlhllll nn linml In lllk't‘l ."llltl yin-l :Iic punlvix'

I Heroes! 0 Hui. 5 ll lk'llll Sim-i. Spin lulu. [5. In l'clx \cu glIlt'l'll;lll\L' lugrlil nI punk. plum. I‘m'k. clu‘u‘n .inll pnplizixh Ilnni lIic lnlk lIl;Il I‘lHlljJIlI )(ill Ihxkn Illnnillmlli nnnnl :ll .1 nuwlI/gn} t‘i'nxul. \Inlnrlnui'k lu‘t' gumlx.


I CC Blooms Karaoke ('(' IIInnllh. 3‘ 3-1 (il't't‘lhliIL‘ I’Iglt‘t'. 550 I) II I.

(ipln igun. I'I'cc. Sing: _\nui Ilmri nnl In IIll\ [\xn lInni' Imwl lll lIic t‘l'nxxn nl Izillnhurpll‘x \u'nc. 'I'Iic \t‘nuc JIM) |\n.'i\I\ u lliwn mcr} mylil Ii‘nnl Him].

I BootyLUSHous Nahum-15 IT

I nlluun Sum. 235 (Hi i. lllpin Sam. I") leni‘t‘ lllltllllgllll'. Li ullci‘, .\lnl'c nl .i Sundgi} Snciul llmn .i lull nn plum gilluu' \HIII I).| l)llIL‘ l.ll\Il. Sunnian Illm‘k .iml nt‘t‘uxlnnul guml \llp.’I\l;I\ inning: up Rtkll. hip Iinp. \nuI :uul lunk.

I Taste 'I'Iic liquid RUUIII. ‘lt‘ \‘it‘lni'm Sln'cl. 225 25M. llpni Run. [5 lenn‘ IlinIn; t8 .illvl' 1U» Incnilwrxi. 'I'Iic tuipiluh inluiunm Sundn} nigh! \C\\l0ll \‘Ullllllllt‘\ in w“ up lIk‘ I;le tl£l_\ nl llit‘ “witch in [IN cupilul. I‘I\IlL‘l' & I’l'lu' \uppli 4| pingn‘xxiw mu nl linuxc uml gui'ugc Ill IIIL‘ unun l‘UUlll. \xlult‘ \lgii‘lin Vulcnnnc \\n\\\ [he iuiwll/gu} t'l'nml \\IlIl lunk_\ I'S IlHll\C gcnix Ilu‘nugh the luck.


I Polysuper \Inml. ()nuu. (in‘cnsnlc Plant 55” ln-lll. lllpin 3.1m. U it'll. .\ p0l_\\t‘\ll;lI. \Il'lllgIlI'Il'lt‘lltII} Int-lull} t'Iuh \\ ilh ;I cnnl. Ii.i\\|c—li'cc ninan \xlicl‘c ‘c\ci‘_\llung_' gncx‘. \Vilh I).l l’clc Illlll\\\ul‘lll. I).I \uum and DJ Huh.

I Blooms (I. IiIUUlllx. 3.; 3-1 (Il‘t‘t‘lhltlt‘ I’IIIL'L‘. 550 033 I.

III.3III‘ili 3.1m. lit-c. Scc 'l‘liumlub.


I Blooms (I. IIIUUIlh. 1“ 3-1 (II‘CL‘IHIIIL‘ I’Iut‘L‘. 55h WI.“ I.

Ill..“”l‘iil Run. I‘i'cc. Scc ’I‘Ilurxdd)»

I Vibe Iign. I4 I’lt‘ul’tl} I’I‘JCC. 553 l.‘~"l. llpni Run. £3. (in) night unh .Iumcx I.Ull:_'\\0l'lIi nn Ihc tlcckx. ihc Dancing Stud .\luI'Iin\. lhc Singing Hun} Illn and [he Mnuing Nun. l)nn't an \H‘ didn'l “um _\;i. -


I Four Poofs and a Piano 'l‘hc

\IJIIII. * \nll. I’Imc. *“ I \lullkll \lll\l\.II .nlnul} ilHll: lIlI'x‘ Inul hilnpxlmx '.‘-Ili' It'L'llIqu. \le' up Inll.ilIi.xn Rnw' \IIH'.\


C ubs

. Blooms ( ll. llIiH‘llh. 3; :I (llk'k'll\ltlk' I’IJt t“. i‘“ ‘I I II

III illpni Run Ilm' \u' IIllll\\I.1_‘~\ I Disko Bloodbath | L'n. I i l’l..:ul;. I’IJu'. “I IVI Ill Winn Run 1: \I.ntIi \luntlinj: [unud .I\ I Illquu-JIIK 'III\I quch .IIIk‘llldIHL' nn'Ill'. Ilux l\.1ll ulct‘llt nn\ nl clu'un. IlltIlk', punk .lnll inpk Inl lIlnw \KIlH .ut‘ \tlt'dllllllf,‘ nul Inl \nnn'lInnj: «Illlclcnl nn [he :.i_\ \tcnv \\llIi .Ill unlic \L'\\IHII Iinnl Hun} .u I’mel Hill .I\ [llt' \ 1qu I‘k'll'lt'IIdIItI

Out of town


I Barb Jungr I..l\l_‘.'.llt‘ l|1c.lin-.\ \n\ (k'nln'. I1.i\!;_'.llc. III "II “IV” [0197» Sun Ill I'ch I’.i\\inn .llltl L'lllnllilll .l\ .Illllle pulx Im tlixnnt‘lnc \pin nil .in uln‘nt' l.lll_‘_'t' nI I I\ l\ lllllllI‘L‘l\.



"[‘III L"

H Winn

I Denise Nolan: The Magic of the Judy Garland l).l|\Ik‘\ In\\n ll.nll. .\I\Iw_\ ('Inxc. KN“ Illlll. “pin LUSH lUiSIliSal In I-clx I)cni\c \lllf__'\ .lull} \ Inlx including: (In I [lit Rum/um, lln lull/m Nun: .llltl Mm lmm I\( n

Gay politics is coming to the fore again, after a period of relative calm. For starters there was Labour MP Chris Smith’s announcement that he is HIV positive, and now the first ever ‘out’ gay cabinet minister has joined the board of Pride London, the new charity set up to organise the city’s annual Pride events. Given Smith's proximity to the heart of government, and the fact that he is known to have Tony Blair’s ear, chances are that Pride should benefit from a new lease of life. Saturday 2 July is the date of the main Pride Day. Can we hope for similar leaps forward in Scotland?

Alongside this, the gay clergy is in the news, as the BBC’s Parliament broadcasting team has negotiated rights to film, for the first time ever, a session of the General Synod on Thursday 17 February. It so happens that the main subject up for debate is the ordination of gay bishops. Given the strong and vocal gay contingent in the Synod, listeners who tune in from 9am can expect a spirited fight.


In this, the first of an irregular series of film round ups that question the wider context of homosexuality, we review four movies which were not necessarily made for a predominantly gay audience. ach contains elements, however, which we think could be of ; 1 ., . . ~. . interest to LGBT ., - 1; . ' ' . viewers.

21 JUMP STREET (i5)653i11ii1

bnsbum ' SUMMER (18) 130mm .000

DAYS or BEING ' WILD (i2) 94mm 000.


(18) 93min HI .‘l.' 1-:

i O...

2'. THE LIST 69