Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids® Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.

l a; at} ew

Activates and Fun

Saturday Art Club Sat l9 l'cb «k Sat 20 l‘cb. Illam lpm. l’Iee. (iallery nl Mndcrn Art. Queen SIrch. 229 I996. l‘llll an actiyitics tnr children aged 3 l0 relating tn art nn display \\ IIh dramng. cnllagc. sculpturc malang and games parents can ch stuck m [on

Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People Sat l9 lieh It Sat 26 lieb. I lam limit). £4. :\lsn \Vc‘tl 2.3 l'cl) «k \Vt‘tl 2 Mar. 6.30 8.30pm. £5. (‘(';\. 350 Sauchicliall Street. 352 4900 Drama \ynrkslinp led by actnr and writer ('larc llemphill. Saturday classcs lnr 6 I l—ycar- nld\. Wednesdays lnr l2 IX-ycar-nlds. it's a chance In haxe inn and build sell-esteem. llnnltmg essential.

Hip Hop Dance Classes for Young

People Sun 20 l-'eb It Sun 27 l-‘eb. 2 3pm. £4. (’('.'\. 350 Saucliiehall Street. 352 4900.

Apparently it's ynur ci‘. ic duty In shake anIr bnnty.

Playful Portraits Sat 19 l‘eb. 10am 2pm.

£5 tinc picnic lunch). (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchiehall SlrL‘L‘l. 3.52 4900, :\ \\t)l'l\\llt)p day inspired by Michael l"IIllcrInn‘s c\hibitinn nt' pnrtraits and mi\cd creatinns

.'- tn 3 .. I "5‘3. " ':.‘I ..._ "

.. $33“

70 THE LIST 17 Feb—3 Mar 2005

taking children Ihrnugh a spectrum nI pnnrait techniques

Skillshops Sat 19 Feb. 2 30 4 30pm

£3 £4 I£2 I. That 'l‘heatrc. 6.3 'l'rnngate. 552 4267.1nm In these IIms sessinns teaching drama. mice and Innxemcnt In children and ynung [\cnplc .-\gcs 5 " lrnm 1 2pm. tnllnys ed by ages 8 l2 bctuecn

3 2st) 4,3tlpm

SHIIShODS \ltll) 2l l'L'l‘ «k 310” 2b l'L'l‘. 6.30 8.30pm, £4 I£2 ). 'lirnn 'l‘heatrc. 63 'lrnngatc. 552 4267. l‘llll drama. \nice and mnyemcnt sessinns tnr 3 l9-ycar-nlds linnkmg L'\\L'll[l;Il.

CCA Kids Clubs: Head and Mask Modelling Sat 26 l5cb. l0am 2pm £5 Imc l‘lcmc lunch). (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Street. 352 4900. Bring alnng a picture nl snmcnnc ynu admire nr \yhn Is Impnitant In ynu and create a 3|) mndcl head nt ynur clinscn persnn. Ages 7+.

Skillshops Sat 26 l-cb. 2.30 4.30pm.

£3 £4 I£2 I. 'l'rnn 'l‘heatre. 63 'l‘rnngate. 552 4267. Jnin In these tun scssInns teaching drama. mice and mnyement In children and yntmg penple. Ages 5 7 trnm l 2pm. li)llt)\\ ed by IIg'LN «) l2 lk‘l“ CC”

230 4_3t)pm.

Theatre and Dance

Oscar and the Highland Castle Sat )9 l’eb. 2pm It 3.45pm. £4.50 I£3.50), Scnttish Mask & Puppet 'l'heatre ('entrc. 8 l0 Halcarrcs Ayenuc. Kely indalc. 339 M85. Scntland lies defeated and Rnbcit the Bruce is hiding limit the linglisli. ()scar the "nurse lca\cs his attic linme and heads lnr l.ncli .\'ess \y here amnng the ruins nt‘ an nld castle lic VIUIIIs lIIcy \Vincy Spider's campaign In tree lltL' L‘IhllL‘.


Natalie Russell: Hamish the Highland Cow Sat 19 l-‘eh. l lam. £3.50 I£2.50). Mitchell library. 20l .\'nrth Street. 287 2999. llamish's authnr and illustraInr appears at the .-\y c Write? bnnk l‘cinyal. Age 8 ll.

is 50' Come and celebrate with a display of Dick Bruna's

° Illustrations from his Miffy story books, live storytelling and craft activities for making Miffy masks and ears. I Cot/pm Inst/tutu Lana/)2 Glasgow, 0747 633' Iii-1.1, 77m .‘i‘ Max

Cressida Cowell: How to be a Pirate Sat |9 lieb. ll.30am. £3.50I£2.50). Mitchell Library. 20l \nrth Street. 287 2999. Stnrytclling \\ ith authnr ('ressida ('ms ell at the .-\y c Write? lt‘sllHll. Age 8 l l. Hansel 8. Gretel Sat l9 Feb & Sat 26 lieb. l.30pm. £2.50; tamily ticket £7. Mitchell library. 20l .\'anlI Street. 287 2999. l’endle l’rmluctinns presents its adaptatinn nl the classic l'airy Iale as part nl' (ilasgnyy 's Aye Write? bnnk l'cinyal.

Frank Rodgers: Eyetooth and Battle for Eyetooth Sat l9 l~'eb. 2.30pm. £3.50 t£2.50). Mitchell Library. 20] Nnrth Street. 287 2999. One nl Scntland‘s best lnycd authnr illustratnrs talks at the .»\y e Write? bnnk liestiyal. Age 8 l0.

Keith Charters: The Lee Books Sun 20 Feb. 2.45pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Mitchell library. 20l Nnrth Street. 287 2999. l’amily tun as the (ilasyyegian athnr reads t'rnm his hilarinus children's series at the .-\y e Write? hunk l'estiyal.

Colin McEwan: Stories and Songs Sun 20 l-‘eh & Sun 27 Feb. 3pm. £3.50 t£2.50). Mitchell Library. 20l Nth Street. 287 2999. Family entertainment at the Aye Write? bnnk liesliyal.

Moira Munro: Children‘s Cartoon Workshop Sat 26 Feb. l0.30am. £5 (£2.50 £3.50). Mitchell Library. 20] Nnnh Street. 287 2999. Pan til the Aye Write? bnnk l‘einyal. Age 8 l2.

Julia Julia Donaldson: the Magic Paintbrush Sat 26 Feb. I lam. £3.50 I£2.50). Mitchell Library. 20] Nnnh Street. 287 2999. The best-selling (inil‘t‘aln writer discusses her tic“ picture bnnk at the .-\y e Write? bnnk lt‘sllHtl. Age 5 7.

Tall Tales in the Tower Sat 26 Feb nnnn~ 12.45pm. l’ree. Trnn ’lheatre. 63 'l‘rnngate. 552 4267. liun interactiye

sInry telling sessinns in the 'l‘rnn's (‘lnck Tnys er l‘nr ages 3 5.

Philip Ardagh: Dubious Seeds SaI 26 Feb. 12.45pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Mitchell Library. 20] Nnnh Street. 287 2999. The entertaining authnr discusses the first installment (if his hilarinus liddie Dickens Irilngy at the Aye Write? bnnk l'estiyal. Age 8—l2.

Moira Munro 8. Hamish the Bear Sat 26 Feb. 2—2.45pm. £5 I£2.50—£3.50). Mitchell Library. 20] Nnrth Street. 287 2999. (iet ynur teddy at the ready t’nr this storytelling sessinn \sith .\lnira .\lunrn. Age 5—7.


Activities and Fun The Science of Colour and Optics L'ntil Tue 22 Mar. l0am—5pm; Sun

nnnn 5pm; The 10am 8pm, l‘rcc. Science /.nnc. Rnyal MIN-Inn. 2 ('hambcrs Street. 247 42 l9/4422, lawn-runent \yith lenses. lasers. lightning and lummnsity. All ages \yelcnme In IhIs drnpin cyent.

Dinosaurs Alive! l'ntil Sun 8 May.

l0am 5pm; Sun nnnn 5pm; 'l‘uc

l0am 8pm. £5 I£3 £4). Rnyal .\lIIseum. 2 ('hambers Street. 247 4219/4422. hurt a satari thrnugh prininrdlal landscast and maryel at rnaring diiins. ('nmc law In lace \sith a massiyc. mnymg 'l‘-Re\. Yikes? Mid-tenn Holiday Workshop: Wood Carving Thu 17 l'icb, Illam 4pm. £|5 t£llll. Dean (iallery. 73 lk‘lltlrtl Rnatl. ()24 6272. ('arye \snnd relrcl' sculptures mth artists Jackie McNamee and Arran Rnss. Suitable t‘nr ages 8 l2. ('all .‘ylnn l-‘rI

9am l0am In bnnk.

An Hysterical History of Scotland Sun 20 l-‘eb. l2.45pm. l.45pm 8; 2.45pm. tree. MIN-um nl' Scntland: llayythnrnden (‘nurt. ('liambers Street. 247 42l9. AcInrs Shnnagh Price and Alan Mcllugh take ynu nn a \s'hisIle-stnp Inur nl the highs and lnyss nl' Scntland's histnry.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun 20 l-‘eh. 2 ~4pm. l’ree. Natinnal (iallery nl' Scntland. The Mnund. 624 6200. The Art ('art will be lnaded \y ith a \ariety nt' art materials and ideas In explnre the cnllectinns Ihrnugh tun crat'ty activities. l5nr ages 3 l2.

Model a Lewis Chess Piece Sun 27 l‘eb. I230 4.30pm. l‘ree. .‘yluseum nl Scntland: llaysthnrnden ('nurt. ('hambers Street. 247 42l9. Make ynur nun l,L'\\ls ('hess piece at this drnp in unrkslinp tnr all


Scottish Chamber Orchestra Family Music Workshop Sat 26 l‘eb. l lam 6; 2pm. £25 I£20); members til the (innd Neighbnur Scheme £12.50, Nnnh lidinburgh Arts ('entre. 15a l’ennyysell (‘nurt 3l5 2 l 5 l. ('nme and meet the nrchestra and hear all abnut the mIisic nl' 7714' Queen ll'lm Did/1'1 (him M 7m. liamily ticket includes nnrkshnp and cnncert nn 31 March at the l'sher llall. Suitable t‘nr ages 7+.

Edinburgh's Schools Rock Ensemble Thu 3 Mar. 7.30pm. £6 t£4). Queen's Hall. ('lerk Street. 668 20l9. Varinus hands {mm the city 's secnndary schnnls play nut.

Storytelling The Books of Hans Christian Andersen Tue l Mar—Tue 3] Jan. Times vary. Free. Museum of ('hildhnnd. 42 High Street. 529 4l42. A special exhibition featuring some nl the best lnyed books by this rcnnvy ned story teller.