Informal lunehtime organ reeital. 'lalenteil )oung \oprano (ieorgia Knou er pertornix u ith the eit} \ lttHitll'lle organixt. John Kitelieii. in uorlu b} Handel. Strauxx aiiil l’ui‘eell. I Edinburgh Quartet Reiil (‘oneeri Hall. Ht'htti Square. 050 2422. l.l0piii l'ree. [ever known \tring quartetx b} Sehetk} and Seiber.

Wednesday 23


I Opera on a Shoestring: A Viennese Whirl l’olloek llouxe. 2060 l’tillttelellinkx Road. 01‘) 0x75.

7.30pm. [13. :\n operatie tour lrotn the group u ho elianipion bringing opera to all. iiieluiling highliglitx from The .lliii'i‘uiee ii/ lieurii. ('uii fun little. The .llueie I'/ule and mueli more.

Thursday 24


I Music in the University: Lev Atlas and Anna Mavromatidi (ilaxgim t'nixei‘sit} ('oneei‘t Hall. t'nixerxit} Awnue. 330-1092. l.l0pni. free. The thSltlll iluo performs \ iolin and piano \xorkx b} .Sltoxtttlxtn ieh. 'l‘eliailtoxxky and Prokofiev

I Masterclass RSAMI). 100 Renlreu Street. 332 5057. 2pm. l‘i'ee. tieketeil. (‘lariiiet tllitStL‘l'L'lHSS gix en b} .\la\imiliaiio Martin. prineipal elar‘iiiet ol tlte S(‘().

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro)al (’oneeri Hall. 2 Saiiehieliall Street. 353 soon. 7.30pm. Ra\el\ sparkling ot'ehextration ol' .\ltl\\ot'f_'Sl\"\ '\ e\'oeati\ e l’i'etuiex at an Iz't/ii/iiti'iin ix eonilueteil b_\ .liri Belolilaoek.


3:3 Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen‘s Hall. ('lerk Street. («MS 2ttl‘). 7.30pm. liiiimanuelle llaim. lealot ol' the Baroque \xoi‘lil. CtltltlllCtS the S('() (‘lioi‘ux and a div/ling line-up ol \oloixtx ineluiling tenor lob} Spenee. Her reeent reeorilings ol' MonteVei‘ili and l’ureell hax e reeened unnerxal praise; here \he pt'exitlex over l’ttt'eell‘x ('iime le .Siiiu (’f-“I‘l. and llillltlL‘l.\ ()(ll' [or S! (ere/til '.\ “in.

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (‘anoiigaie Kirk. l53 ('anongate. (m7 777(i. 7.45pm. £6 (£3i. l(ith eentiir} \ttL‘l'L‘tl polyphon} direeteil b) Noel ()‘Regan. 'l‘he eoneert i\ a major l'unilraiwr to help the Choir on their way to Armenia. as the SL‘L‘Ulltl part or an e\eliange \\ ith the Ho\ er ('hambei‘ (‘hoir from YereVaii. the eountr} '\ eapital eit).

Glasgow I A Little bit of Brass RSI-\Ml). I00 Renlreu' Sti‘eet. 332 5057. lpm. to

(Hi. Bold and eiier'getie enxemblex from the RSAMI) brasx department. I David Horne RSAMI). l00 Renlre“ Street. 332 5057. 4pm. Free. tieketetl. The _\otlng Seotti\h \ irtuoxo pianist and eomposer \harex hix thoughts on hix inuxie. orehextration and his reeetit \x’orlx with .-\phe\ 'l'\\ in. I Junior Academy Prize Competitions RS.-\.\ll). ltiu Renl're“ Street. 332 5057. (ipiii. l-‘ree. tieketetl. The ehanee l'or RSANH) students to eompete l'oi‘ higlil} sought after prizes.

=11 Scottish Chamber Orchestra Barony Hall. ('axtle Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. See Thu 24.


I Vicky Savage Meliuan Hall. Brion Square. (150 2-122. l.l0pm. l5ree. ()rgan reeital ol' muxie by Franck. Leighton. Messiaen and Parr}.

I The City Never Sleeps (‘hrixi (‘hureh. Morningside Road. (367 3633. 7.30pm. £0 (£4). The (ilorious (‘oiiipaiiy presents premiere

perlorriianeex ot .lame\ l)ougla\‘ I,m/ii1n of Hit (int n (‘iiiiu and l

I’im ( \\IiIIt ut ll/iiti l/iiuntinnx. alongxiile \xorkx b} llaiitlel and ('liarperitiei'.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xhei llall. l.oihian Roail. 22S ll55. 7. 30pm. {I |.50 L27 See ‘l'liu 2-1.

I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Reitl ( 'oiieeit llall. Hrixto Square Vllelxeh ll7blllti52-17S 7 3UP!” Ibti l lltlL‘l tlie \kiltiil baton ot Rieharil l.e\\ l\. HHS talented group ot lllll\el\ll_\ \llltlt'tll\ look to (ietllllll.ttll. Riehaiil Stiauxx loi lltl\ \eiiiexterK programme. eoiiipleiiientetl b} \i'llle .ttl.t\ b} .\lo/.irt and SukK .Seienui/i trii .Sti'inux.

Saturday 26


I Scottish Opera: Semele lheatre Ro}:tl. 232 Hope Street. 332 ‘llllltl. 2.l5pm. See Sat l‘).


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Family Music Workshop \iirih litliiiburgli .-\rt\ (‘entre. l5a l’enn} \\ ell (‘ourt. 3|5 2|5 l. llani & 2pm. l‘tllllll} tieket £251t2tll1 memberx ol the (iiiotl Neighbour Selieine t." l 2.50. ('ome and meet the oreliextra and hear all about the iiiuxie ol the Queen li'lui l)u/n 't ('iinu' [U It'll. l'tllllll} tielxet ineltitle\ \kiil’lxxllttp and eoneert on 3| .\lai‘eli at the l'sher Hall. A ioui‘ne} ol orehexti'al tlixemer} \uitable for age\ 7+.

I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (ire) l'riaix Kirk. (ii-e} ll‘l;tl\ l’laee, (ibh’ 2tll‘). 7.30pm. 92711.3“. .\lali|er\ teri‘il) ing e\pi‘e\\ioni\t SVm/i/iiint .\'ii (i. eoiiiplete \\ ith hammer ltloux and an arm} of pel'euxxion. eontlueteil b} (iei'ai'il l)ohet‘t§.


I Piano Day RSAMI). lot) Reiil'reu Street. 332 5057. llain 5pm. £5. obxeiw erx. £25. pai'tieipantx. .\ ehanee l'or pltlltixh of. all age\ to pai‘tieipate iii a range of keyboard aeti\ itiex ineluiling eoiieertx. ttt;t\lel'eltt\\e\. pri\ate le\\otl\ and leetui'ex.

I Banquet of Musick St :\nilre\\ ‘\ in the Square. oll Saltiiiai'ket. St Andre“ '\ Street. 0|3S‘) S75 ‘Nh. 3pm. £8 (£2 \ttltlL‘IHS and }oiiiig people). ’l‘i‘io \onatax from the earl} tttlt\te eoneert xpe‘elttlixh.

I RSNO Pops -— Tchaikovsky Gala Ro}a| (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. .-\ least of 'l’ehaikm \k} from the RSNU. under the neu eoiiduetor on the bloek. James l.o\\ e. l"aiiiiliar‘ tunex b} the maxter of melod} iiieluile the l-i'rxi I’umu ('iineei'tu. \\ ith \oloixt l’hilip l'iixher'. liS/2 ()t'el‘tttl'i’ ttlitl .Sii'itit Luke Suite.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra l'xher Hall. l.othian Road. 223 l I55. 3pm. The Rot;ii'_\ International (‘entennial ('harit} ('oiieei‘t l‘eatui‘e\ 'l‘axniin Little to \oloixt in \le‘lttlelxxohn'x liii/tn ('iiiieei'tii. alongxitle lilgai‘ and ’l'ehaikm \lx}.

St Andrews

I Vogler String Quartet Si Leonardx Sehool. 'l‘he l’entlx. (H.334 472 | 20. 4pm. £8. Quartelx b} Sehubert. Hartman and Beethm en.

Monday 28


I Nash Ensemble Queen'x Hall. ('lei‘k Street. (168 20l‘). 7.45pm.

UL £17. The highl) aeelaimed London- bawd enxemble pi‘e\ent\ .\lo/;tl't\ ()lme Quurtet. Roxxini‘x Itu/uin (iii'/ in

their H. \l.i\\\ell l).t\l\. \ it i: \Aii \ iii llinrt I la \.i\lt eitlllllll\\l\‘ltt .tlltl

lieethmeiiK \tll‘llllte \iiiti .' inl

Tuesday 1


I Alasdair Cameron Rallhlliillt lheatie. ‘LS Ingram Street. 552 313"

I I5 2pm L3 l’ianixt \laulaii ('aiiieion pei‘toi'nix \kitli\\ bx \lo/art aiiil Seliubei‘t

I Scottish Opera: Semele lheaiie l<it_\.tl. llttl‘L‘ Street. 332 ‘ltlllll b.30pm. See Sat I”

I Music in the University: GU/RSAMD Athenaeum Orchestra ( il;t\go\\ l iii\ei\it} ('oiieert Hall. I lll\el\ll_\ \xeiiue. 330 ~10‘)2. 7. 30pm, l‘iee \lieliael liautiee eotitltietx Hoiotlin‘x Son/intuit \u_3 in I)'


I Piano Recital Reid ('oiieeii llall. lii'ixto Square. 050 2—122. |.ltlpin l'i‘ee, Roiian U'llara [\el'lttt'llh \xoi'kx b_\ Seliubert anil liritten.

I Madama Butterfly l’la} lltttISU.

IN (il'eellSltle l’laee. llx—‘tl (\tltt 3~l2l 7. 30pm. (H50 {3250. l’tieeini\ elaxxie opera ol lo\ e in the tar l‘,.i\l I\ brought to the \tage.

Wednesday 2


I RMA Scottish Chapter Colloquium: David Cole ( il;t\:jit\\ l'nixerxirx ('oiieert llall. t‘iii\ei\it_\ .'\\eniie. 330 4002. 5.|5pm. l-i‘ee.

l)a\ ltl (‘ole pi‘exentx ilixeuxxioii ol lll\ \\tH'l\ entitleil /)¢'/’ll\\\ '\ String Quintet in t/ie HI'II\\('/\ .Sii/iiii iii [11 l.i/i/‘e l'.\t/ietii/ue.

I A White Knuckle Ride l<S.4\,\ll). I00 Renl'reu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. (H i. Ste\ en Stuek} '\ take on l’tii'eell'x I‘ll/It‘l‘tl/ .t/uiii [or Queen .llun minglex \\ltll neu \\til'l\\ b_\ l{.S.-\.\ll )-h;t\etl L‘tHllPUSCI'S.


I Madama Butterfly l’la_\hou\e.

IN 22 (ireenxitle l’laee. “37” (it VX3421. 7.30pm. U450 L525”. See the l.

I Jonathan Gilad ()tleelt\ llall. (‘lerk Street. (itiS 20l‘). «Spin. tlti i t5i. .\la\eriek ol' \ ll'ttto\o piano .loiiatlian (iilatl perloriih .\lo/ai't\ .Siiiuitu in (' niu/iir [(3331) and popular (‘liopiii ineltiiling the l'illlltlH -Iiii/n'uni/>tu anil Suniiiu .\'n2. featuring the lttttlolh IVuneru/ .llure/i.


I The Margaret Dick Award RS:\.\ll). I00 Renl'reu Street. 332 5057. 10am. l‘i'ee. llL‘hL‘lCtl. Singing eompetition “ith a programme to ineluile three \kot'lx\ ol a eoiiti';i\tirig nature.

I Music in the University: Musica Electronica (il;t\:_‘ti\\ l'nnerxit} ('oneert Hall. l'iii\ei'\it} .-\\enue. 330—1002. |.l0pm. l-ree. ('oiitemporai‘} eleetroaeouxtiex prexented in \uri‘ounil-xiiiind.

I The Bach Prize Competition for Harpsichord, Piano and Organ RS.»\.\ll). l00 Reltll‘e\‘. Street. .332 Sll57. (ipltt. l'ree. tieketetl. lantrantx are in\ ited to perform a programme of ke)boaril \xorltx b} JS liaeli.

I Opera on a Shoestring: A Viennese Whirl l’olloek “tithe. Ztitiu l’olliie'kxliiiux Road. ()4‘) 0375. 7.30pm. L. l .3. See “ed 25.

I St Aloysius Choral Series RS.-\.\ll). I00 Rentrexx Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 iL'3 i. The refined RS.-\.\ll) ('hamber ('hoir [k‘ltll'lltx 'l'allix‘ iiiaxtei'l'ull} eonxtrueted 40-part motet .S/ieni in .t/i'uni and pol_\ehoral lttthle tor ehoirx titttl hilt“.


I Unnamed Trio Reid ('oneeri llall.

dialogues Unbelievably. this elecroacoustic music festival is now six years old. Six artists and six hours of music include Janek Scliaefer, .John Kenny (pictured), Chris Wl’ietiliéi and Mike Died. The festival also launches its new CD. SK/N. which features music for viol and live electronics commissioned for Dialogues 2004. See prevrew in clubs. Bongo Club, Edinburgh, Fri 18 Feb.

Duke Quartet This dynamic young string quartet give the Scottish premiere of Pawn by the young Cornish composer Graham f-‘itkin, which they commissioned last year. With its underlying theme of democracy. the piece has a certain topicality as political world affairs move in new directions. Ho/y Trinity Church, Haddi‘ngton, Cat 79 Feb.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Edinburgh F )stival favourite Baroque specialist Emmanuelle Haim returns to the capital to conduct Purcell's ode for Queen Mary. with its stunning Sound the Trumpet. And even though St Cecilia's Day is months away, that is no reason not to hear Handel's ode to the patron saint of music in wintry February rather than wintry November. Queen’s Ha//, Edinburgh, Thu 24 Feb,“ Barony Hall, G/asgow, Fri 25 Feb.

lirixto Square. 050 2422. l.lllpl|l. l'iee. l’iano lt'lti\ b} lieetlioxer‘. and Butler from the tiiii\ei\it_\\ iie'wl} loi'iiieil t'niiaiiieil 'l'rio, Slioxialaix ieli'x raiel} [tel'lol‘ltletl \lllg‘le-tllin elllelil I’M/Iii! l/I‘Iri .\'u/ eoiieliiilex the eoneert \Hlll loree. I La Traviata l’la}hou\e. IS 22 (il'eelt\ltle l’laee. “37” 0003-124, 7.30pm. U450 £32.50. .\ traditional \taging of \er'ili'x pawionate retelling ol l)uina\‘ lo\ e \tor} llie /.(lt/\ u/ the ('iinie/iux.

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Younger llttll. North Street. tll33~l 402220 7.30pm. (.laxxleal tlelightx eoiiilueted b} (iioxanni .-\ntonini ineluding the .\lo/art\ .llui‘riuee u/ l'ieum ()i’ei'tui'e and uorlxx h} Ha) tln. (‘l’lz Baeh and (illlelx.

': '.‘»‘:' THE LIST 91