Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Ruth Hedges.



NH \.III\ Illt'IldH \Irn'l. “3 WIN

Illk’ \\cd .\ Ill \IIII ll.IIII (IIIIII. llIII ||.IIII hprII

Ji Michael Fullerton Suck on Science 0... l IIlIl \IIII l*.\l.II

I lt'i' (il.I\go\\ Il.l\k'(i .Ill|\l \Ilt‘lldt'l Illilt‘llllll [‘lk'\l'lll\ lll\ lrrxl III.IIoI solo I'\Illl\lllllll llI \klIn II III" Iwa .I \.IIIL'I} Io lllt‘lild Io |ll\\‘\ll_‘.'.llk' IIIc ll.IllllL‘ ol IIIIoIIII.IIIoII \t-t' HIIII\I

Copyright and the Artist Illt' x \l.II. "pin Ilk'k' lIiII ll\I\k'lL'lI \

(Il\\ ll\\lHll It'd in lx’olwII (llll\k'. t'IIII}II;'|II .Ill\|\ill .Il lilk' lh'xrjgn I\' \ll|\l\ ( 'olnrlg'lIl \ot'rcl} IIk' \xrll hk' lookinp .Il lilk‘ pIm l\IHlI ol t'olnrlphl III .III .Ig't‘ ol IIIIt'rIII'I .IIId U t'oIIIIIIi'It’I'. dt‘lllu'mlt' ;I|;I;'I.III\III illlll Illrt'xllonlnj: lIlk' llHlllIll\ ol orig'III.I|Il_\ .IIId .‘llllIIHl\|ll[‘.

Reader: Strangers and Intimacy \M-d ‘l .\ llIII Ill \l.II. Nlllll. L5 IL-lI. (It-.IIIw |,.Il\ IookIIIy III lilk' lllk‘lllt'\ ol illll\lI\' t'IlI|.lI‘Hl;lllHll .IIId long dI\I;IIIt‘t‘


l'III\t'I\II_\ ol SII.IIIIt‘l}I|t'. 23 th‘llllllllltl Slit-vi. *lh' 3555', .\loII I'l'l Ill.IIII 5pm; SIII noon -lpIII. l‘rt'c. Pauline Burbridge: Quiltworks l'IIIII Sal 3 .\pr i'lk‘t', .\l;I|or L‘\Illl\lllHll ol \\;Il| hung.) I|lllll\ lIoIII llll\ l't‘llII\\llL‘(I

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()IIchI Slim-I. 33‘) I‘NII, .\loII \Vcd & Sal Illdlll 5pm; 'llIII lllaIII Spin: I'll & SIIII ll.IIII 5pm

Glasgow’s Art: Recent Acquisitions l'iIIII Sun I i .\l;Ir. \t‘u .lt'tllll\lllllll\ oI (ilaxgjon '\ rum-III \lcllur gjt‘IIcIulIoII ;llll\l\ IIIt‘lIIdIIIg \xork h} (lll‘hllllk' llorIIIIId. Roderick HIIt‘lIIIIIaII. (iI;IlI;IIII I'ilka‘ll. lol‘} I’IIlt'IMIII. I\’U\\ SIIIt'laII ,IIId Hanncllnt‘ \‘Ixncx IAiil 'fil I’KNI ‘l it ‘I SH

5' The Philosopher’s Garden Illll V\l;II Sun S .\l;I_\. (‘t‘lt'lmIIIIIg IlIc l-IIIcnIc ('oIdIIIlt'. llll\ t‘\llll\lll0ll h} St'ollixlI plIoonrIIplIcr Robin (illi;lll(lt'l'\ IlHllUlll\ lilk' l-rcnt'lI [Illlloxopllt‘l' .lt‘gIn lat‘dIIt‘x Rouxxmu. \\IIII\C \\ l'lllllf._'\ lll\|‘llk‘ LIII ll.IIIIIlIoII l-IIII.I}. 'I‘lIt‘ \IIU\\ uplorm IlIc [IIIIlomplIIt‘ul llIcIIIt‘\ IlI;Il t'oIIIIu‘I l lllit‘ SIMIIII Io lilL‘ gardcn :II l-.IIIIcIIoII\ Illc \xlIt'rt' I\)Hl|\\t‘.lll \\;l\ l‘lll'lt‘il, Scu pm run and IIllll\l_ \il ‘.'.'


Seek ye ur Questing Beast

.l .I,” .I‘II3.\III_‘»I\/... . . ’.II

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART ‘I'ht' \lat‘kIIIonlI (lullcr). In? chlrt'u SII't‘t‘I. 353 ~15l)ll. .\loII 'l‘lIII

lllzIIII 7pIII1l-I'I lllaIII 5pm; Sal

IllaIII 3pm. l’rt‘th

Maker - Wearer - Viewer Contemporary Narrative European Jewellery Sat 5

Mar Illt‘ I3 Apr .'\ll t'\lIIlIilIoII ol t‘oIIIt‘IIIporar} it‘ucllcr} pI'cxcrIIIIIg Ihc \\orl\ ol mu 7“ kt} 1c“ t'llt‘rx lroIII 3H liIII'opt'uII L‘Ullllll'lk'\. ;III III “IIUIII \\III'I\ lll llIt' IIIII‘I‘IIIIw yt‘nrt‘. Ni ‘.'.' SI l( III." Telling Tales l.-\ll'llllll (iallci‘) I l'IIIil Hi 23 .-\pr. Sccond and Iliird _\L‘£ll' \IIIdt'IIIx prt‘xcnl IIII mhihiIion linking: Io IIIc \IIU\\ ;II lIlL' Mackinloxli (iallcr) Ill coIIIcIIIpoI‘III'} II;II’I';III\c 1m t'llt'r}. 'l‘ht‘ \xorlxx t‘\p|ol‘t‘ l\\llt‘\ \Ilt‘h ;I\ IIIcIIIoI'} and childhood. rclaIIoIIslIipx gcndcr and \t'\II;I|II}. cm ll'HlllllL‘lll. \uhu'rxion. lilc :Ind (lL‘illll.

The 2005 Glasgow School of Art Fashion Show I'l‘hc \It‘ (‘IIIC Hun

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery ~~—— we /

5 March - |6Apri| 2005 Gallery I CELscotlland Contemporary EdItIons Limited Gallery II Jacqueline Moon

It doesn't have to be beautiful to be excmng.

Gallery I”

Murray Robertson Talisman

AbOH‘ Span/5‘? Cancrcro. artists book edItIon of IO. etching. pl‘ot etchmg. woodtut and photo IIthography

bx Jacquclmc Moo'I

104 THE LIST '

Luke Collins and Stephen Murray present performance, video and sculpture ‘where we hold self made talismans in the dark dark nights where the wind whispers in the rip stop nylon, and our questing beast faces against the moon'. The artists‘ talk on Saturday 12 March at 1pm could be interesting.

luv 3 k Wed 0 Mar. LN ILSI. 'l'liirl} \;l\\_\ IIcu t‘ollct'IioIIx lI'oIII up and L'HlllllL‘J dt'xlfim‘rx. 'l'lIcIIIt-x Include grand pri\ chic. IIIodcrII d;I_\ .lmr lli/lmm and \\ Ingcd \HIIIIL'II \xarriorx.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'IIIu‘I'xIl) ol‘ ( il;I\3_'o\\. NZ Hlllhcud SlI‘L'L‘l. HI) 5-131. \IUII Sal

l)..§ll;IIII 5pm. l'rct'.

Intimate Friends: The Scottish Colourists l'IIIIl Sal l ()L'l.

‘)..§l);IIII 5pm. l-I‘cc. 'l'lIt' popular \llU\\ rclurnx \\ IIII paIIIIIIng. \MIIL‘I‘t'oIoIIrx and drau Ingx h} IlIt' Scollixh (‘olourixIxz (IIdt‘lI. l't-rguxxon. iIlllllL'l' and l’t'plot'.


l l \lllghcll l.;IIIc. Ell (I302. .\lon «k \Vt‘d SIII lllfillam 5pm; 'lut'

llaIII 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. t31.\‘llpr. Scottish Show Comes Home 0... Hill] in IN .\l;Ir. IIIL‘ \xork ol l3 lt‘IIdlIIf.‘ St'ollhlI-hght‘d dL'\lj_'lIL‘l‘\. Including 'I'IIIIoroux BL‘il\llC\ :IIId

.\'( )RI ). comm llUlllL‘ allcr \iIU\\ lllf_' \Kllll Designch Block III .\lIl;III and London. SL‘L‘ I'L'\ IL‘\\. U387 Gil/«HUI ll?) Slit


I‘ll SiIIIt'hIchall SII‘ch. 5(I5 4llll), l-ri & Sun llam 5pm; Mon 'l'lIiI & Sal lllam 5pm.

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove lilllll \Vcd ill NIH. .-\\ Ihc Kch Illgl‘ln C Muwum & :\rI (igIllcr) has no“ closed Its doors for IIIIIIor rclurhixhnIcIII. In cI' lell ol‘ iIx paintingx Iakc up l'L‘\ltlL'llL‘_\ ill Ihc .\ICI.C”;HI (i;Il|cl'ic\. 'lihc dixplu} Includex Thonqu l‘ucd\ "l‘hc l.;I\I ol~ Ihc ('lan‘ and chibrandl‘x ‘.-\ Man In .‘\l'llIUlll". plus \kol'k b} ('harlcx RL‘IIIIIL' Mackinlmh. l)IIIclI and l'lcmixh ;IrI. Raphael’s Madonna of the Pinks, the Virgin and Child in

Renaissance Italy l‘nIIl Sun llI Apr.

l’rcc. .-\II cxlIIhiIIon exploring: IlIc dcwlopincnl ol IIIoIhcr and child

IIIIIIggtN Illll'lllfJ lIlL' II.I|i.III I\’k‘ll.ll\\.lll\k'. Including: \\Hll\\ h} (iIIIII.IIId.IIo. Ruphacl illltl 'l III.III

ArtBites! lliu <.\l.II. IIIIII I'lk'k' Shorl talk on .III' (Hill \In /\’u/u I: (it/HI/l/H'l/ III Alli/[Ir II} Ilt‘lll} RJI'I‘lllll ArtBites! Hm I” .\l.II. lpIII I'lk'k' SlIoII I;Ilk on "I IlL' l.;I\I Illllllllf,‘ \lIIIIIIIxt" h} lillllt‘\ I’.IIIcI\oII ArtBites! Hm I" \lill. lpIII \lIoII I;Ilk on 'llt‘xpt'rux. llII' I‘\t‘lllll“.' SIaI' in .l Sll \ot'l l’;IIIIII


:(I KIIIj: SII‘L'I'I. 5‘2 .715]. luv \nl Warn 5. KllpIII.

=3: Multi-Story ooooo lllllll a.” s .\l;Ir. SIIIkIII}: porIrIIle ol lk‘t't'lll IIIIIIIIyI'IInlx Io ( iIInggou In In}: Ill onc III\\L‘I' I‘illt'ix. ix." Ir I f’ “all.” ‘H x it Big “Ill”; 3‘37 I TRAMWAY

25 Alix-n l)II\t-. (Ix-15 Ho Ho!

'l'IIL' SaI IIooII Hprn. Sun IIooII (IIIIII, :11 Graham Fagen: Clean Hands, Pure Heart 0... l'IIIil Sun Ii .\l;II1 I'I'L'L', .-\ III;I|oI. My“ |_\ L‘Hlllllll\\lllllt‘lI picn- h} (ii;l\j_’ll\\ School ol ;\rI graduaIc (irulIaIII l'IIgaII. L'\lel'lle._' t'IIlIIII‘al ltlL'lllll} lIll'IIllfJIl reggae \L'I'Hiilh ol [IIIL‘IIIN b} lllL' old hard. Rohhrc Burns. Inixcd up h} .‘\Ill'lilll SIIL'HMHKI. SL'L‘ I‘L'\ It“ illlll Illllhl. L238? CHANCE “'0 3H Graham Fagen: Panel Talk 8: Publication Launch ’l‘lIII III .\l;II. (Iprn. l’rcc. .'\l'll\l (il'ililillll l-aucn tll\t‘ll\\c\ Ill\ L'\lllhlllllll and lIlL' l'L‘IillHthllp thuccn t'IIlIurc and lllllslk’ \\ IIlI t‘IIranr l)r l‘rant'Ix \lt'Kt-c. lllllxlk' product-r Adrian Slit-wood and lut'IIIrcI l)r \cd Mulhollzind. 'l‘hc C\L'lll \klll HIM) Incorporalc Ihc launch ol a \pcciall} (Ulllllll\\lllllcd hook.

Private Galleries


Iii-1Hl}lh\‘.'.oodSlrucl. 133 ml".