
GB: POLICE STATE? Re: Gleaneagles security ltecerrt 'vredra core-rage of police preparafrorr', for protest'. wpecferi at the (it: 'rurrrrrrrt rrr IrrI; suggests there u'xrll L)‘: fhorrsan’ls of polrrte drafted rn frorr all oxer the UK. large areas of I rlrnirurgh and around fileneagles cordoned off. an rsolated holdrng carnp an/I polrce egurpperf .‘xrth not gear, plastrr, hullets and even a ater r;annon.

Such aggressr/e measures are Irkely to Irecorne a self fulfrllrngprophecy deterrrng peaceful protest and tr‘rggerrng vrolence hetween police and protestors. Ihey also rernforce an rrnage of the (38 as a repressrve, undernrx:ratrc rnstrlutron r'esponsrhle for the world’s prohlerns rather than offerrrrg solutrons.

The alternative rt: to rnarntarn Scotland's tradrtron of enahlrrrg peaceful protest and dealrrrg wrth drsr'uptron through sensrtrve polrcrng. By welcomrng peaceful protestors. Scotland could set a tone for the surnrnrt rn whrch a new model of rnter'natronal development hasedon justrce and sustarnahrlrty could start to replace the tried Ideology of (38 meetrngs past. Duncan McLaren Chief executrve l’rrends of the [Earth Scotland


Re: The blog must go on (515)

I was pleased that The L/st reported on a posrtrve outcome to my saga wrth Waterstone's. I'm really enroyrng frndrng my way rn my new post at I orhrdden Planet so far. I feel I can hrrng a lot to the company rn the form of my specralrst hook and graphrc novel knowledge. as well as

The List,

. {MI/:r’re'rhe ;r‘ .'."»rk.rr1’} .'.':'.I7

rut/rutherx. author', ard I't .‘xrrtrrrg re.'re.‘.",. I’n‘ pleaue 1 '5 he asked to pertorrr‘ a rhtr .'.'here can help how; the {rest of new hook and graphrr, releases to people"; attentrorr

I read an awful lot of the trtles .‘re stock as do n‘van,’ of rr\, colleagues. so fire know .'.rtere hustonrers are r:onwng fron‘ hecause we too are fans. readrng the same trtles the. are. I'm lookrng forward to prorrrotrng good rre.‘.’ .'.rrtrrr/; through the welmte. stores. nraga/rne and the new I I’ l,lof;

and gettrrrg feerflrarl from our readers toe. Joe Gordon I drnhur‘gh

GOOD LOSER Re: Congestion charge As a supporter of the ()rty of Itdrnhur‘gh Councrl's 'preferred strategy' of the congestron charge, I am deeply saddened that the people of Ildrnhur'gh have voted agarnst rt. hut I accept the democratrc result. lhope. rather than gloatrng. or treatrng therr campargn as a 'roh done'. those polrtrcrans. retailers and cornrnunrty organrsatrons that were rnvolved rn the 'no' carnpargn wrll now assrst the councrl rn comrng up wth another plan for cuttrng congestron and pollutron, and rrnprovrng puhlrc transport servrces. otherwrse therr short-termrsm erl he the marn cause of future damage to Edrnhurgh's envrronment and puhlrc \rvell-herng.

hope that those who voted 'no' wrll he the last to cornplarn ahout the rnevrtahle longer tr'aftrc rams. pollutron and the lack of modern puhlrc transport sen'rces for all of Edrnhurgh's crtr/ens and vrsrtors. After all. they voted for rt?

Stan Blackley Edrnhurgh

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or The List at the CCA

350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD or email


Re: Around Town

profile (516)

I" your fast t-rftrr'r, T'te'e seerr‘s fr; tre a r;rr‘ture vaptrwn The Around It‘,‘-.‘.l‘.

profrle of I‘.<‘rr I_)a.rs_ prr‘rprretor


of Red Hot ferrr‘r<;s. is '.(,-r“, rnterestrng hrrt to rllusfrate rt ,ot. seen: to haxe useri a prrtture of ()ornrr: Book Guy pruprretor of the Andrord's I)unr reon rrr The Sun; sum~ l’ernaps ,ou could prrnt a prr:turt- of hoth so that further r.ontusron rnrght he anorded'? Jonathan Trew

I drnhurgh


Re: 100 Best Scottish Books

On hear'rng ahout your too Best Scott/sh Boo/<5; puhlrcatron. I hope we er| see Ian M<:I')her'son's Wr/d Harbour

r't tttere It if;

couple who ‘Iee r:

llrghla'rds to t"»(.

rt MIII\, .t .

rnrrmrrr )rrrg ‘r.'.'r rm Mar I're,

lr' srx rnrtntns, trrrf TIM.

Wm: s' the Irt'autrful thrrrzru .trrrt


:fe rnorr- rntensel‘. than «I

no '(tIT; else.'.'l‘.e :re ‘rurrt haze

grxen then‘. It errfu rr‘ tr trirrtrr‘

t .,

hut rt rs alsrrrr‘r urn; and

uplrftrrrg Esr’tll‘xf’fllrrmtrIt'tI McPherson's earl, 'leath the

greatest Ir ss to Sir ottrsh

literature. hope you can tart

hrs name on the map as.l

thrnk. rt rs one of the greatest

hooks not only frorn Scotland.

hut anywhere. George Bogdan


I_E‘."Er°"'i'l_il? OF THE FORTNIGHT

Re: Hard Pears (515)

comes rn handy. Cat Marshall Edrnhurgh

makes you rncredrhly unpopular wrth fresh produce staff and fellow shoppers. Hormzver. rf rt means avordrng the traumatrc ‘./rsr()n of chewrng on rcy hutt fat then rt's got to he worth rt. rrght’? Hope the trp



Gavrn and Idlewrld -— I totally agree wrth you ahout hard pears. I too carry a deep loathrng for those moments that should he ahout a good frurty snack and rnstead end With such drsapr>orntment. Although, I had never gurte Irkened their to hrtrng the frozen huttocks of a fellow comrade. Cheers for the rmagery that wrll remarn wrth me for all eternrty.

l have. however, developed the hrghly uncrvrlrsed hahrt of employrng the never-farl ‘thumhnarl test'. That rs: rnsert your thumhnarl (any narl wrll do. actually) rnto the flesh of the pear. creatrng a small crescent—shaped rndent. ’lhrs makes rt rearly easy to tell whether you are dealing wrth a hard pear. It also




What you Andy Warhol Self Portraits Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Edinburgh


2 THE LIST 3% Mar 233:"

An student

I thought the layout could have been better there were too many rooms tOr the number of pictures. The blurbs for the drflerent paintrngs were very insightful though.


Bicycle corner

I liked the use of colour in the prctures. On some. the contrasts were amazrng. There was one particular print wrth camouflage whrch was very striking.



I really lrked rt. but r need to read about hrm and then come back again. The more I took In, the mere

I understood hrs expresscns.

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“(rtrrrarrrw flaw."

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SECTION EDITORS Around Town Hrfrr hWIfj‘”, Books Birrr'f Dormrrlzorr Clubs New ,' 'rorf'rrrrc'r- IOIIIIII,’ Err/pr» Comedy Brvrrr IJUIIdIEISOI‘ Comics “érrrl (arr:

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