
Whose Lunch is it Anyway llte Stand. 5 Yuri. l’laee. 55S 53": lput lree See Sun

The Sunday Night Laugh-In llte Stand. 5 \url. l’laee. 55* "353 \ zllpm

Ll lLl L 3t [he Stanth tum Sundaj. rught hmtx. I‘lllkk'|)L'\|Hl.1“(l\tlthtlL'l Redmuud. |Um tuteex tut |)e\lm\ laughter \evrnn and Ilaxh} qur/

Monday 14


Knock Knock Ratllxhnlll 'l heatle. US Ingram Street. 55: VIN) 3llpm L” lt3 H 5th See 'lhu Ill

Brel Improv Hrel. 3‘) ~1i ;\\htun lane. HS 4””) Spin L3 See Ihu lll Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire [he t’ilHt‘llH. I 3 \\t'\l (it‘tll'jjx' \llt'L'l. tflltl‘) 55: H5 S illpm L5 (‘hrtx Hltmmlteld takex tn the hmehjght. aided and ahetted h} .\nd} Su. (itahatll \laekre and Jamie \ndelwn

Daniel Kitson ‘Shuffling Around and Being Funny’ 'I he Stand. “i \Vtmtllamk Rnad. (LS—3H NM (1155

S. illttm. L‘l tL'Sr. |-.\er_\uue\ lautultle antt enmedtan l\ haek \HHI a llt'\\ \htm alter a \tlt\\l;ttlll;t| \ahhaueal‘. UH '/


Red Raw The Stand. 5 Yurk l’laee. 55S 7273. S. illpm. U. laxmnnd mtrndueex a next hateh nl trexhl} min}: \tarx

Tuesday 15


Bruce Morton: Shame 'l he :\I'ehe\. 353 .'\r3_'_\le Street. 505 “)33. 7.3llpm. L' Ill (L'Sl. Mure lllllSllljJS nn the darker \rde nl

lite frnii. 'I'te .ieattgxtz. mi; See (1/(/ Knock Knock Rallwtittft‘. lfzeatte "S

Inner. Street 55._ ~ ~:3 115lltSeelhul‘l

Brel Improv llrei. W 4* \\.'.7~:, I .;:.e 34: -3‘"~’» ‘I‘Ill 1: See [1’th 1" Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire the l’hueuty ; I1\\e\:(relax-Sued 55: 1Z5 \ 3lll‘lll :5 Smulte tree Lang?» teattumj; \uth \ll.(t.'.th.ttl1\l.:\i.2\'. I).:‘.:tt Heltrnn. Sumn ( )zlmau .: \ ladlllltl \Ie lauxh Daniel Kitson ‘Shuffling Around and Being Funny’ llte \mnl. 111\\tn~tll.tntl\ R.“ng trx‘ll (illtl nu“ \ imp.“ g_‘l g_\. \u-

\Inu l-l

utl headliner


Comedy Network llte l’le.:\.mee ( ahatet Hal. (\H the I’leaxanee. “5” I i W \pru :5 ‘1‘ 5th llldl neueumer RHISIH ( ~dual} alld Stephen (itaut prm rtle mute xteelx mfght l.tu;_'h\

Arnold Brown: Life Tips llte \tantl. < \Hlk I’late. 55S 53": ‘lpm L" '15» See Sun I 3

Para 0/

Jason Byrne l’alxle} \rtx ( 'entte. \eu Street. SS“ Illlll \pm LS Mitt: \llt ()H‘l e\ertah|e llldl \latld up \tat and l’euret unmmee hrmpx ux h|\ h//|ut_;' unprm \Iltl\\

Wednesday 1 6

G asgow

Joan Rivers: Broke 8. Alone theatre Rt»_\a|. 2S3 Hope Street. 33: ‘lllllll. 5. 3llpm {Ill {35. the \merrean grand dame nl enmed} perlurmx \\ rth her Hlllhh [Mtllleh m erune Kit & the \\ tdtm. See leature. (i/( 'l.

One glance at Dave Fulton and you’ll conclude that he

should be swinging a guitar round his head rather than grasping a microphone on stage. Some crueller types might suggest that a hair dryer ought to be his stage prop of choice. Don’t ever say that to his face. DF‘s concert will have you shaking at the force of his anger (he didn’t perform a set called Randon Rant for nothing, you know) while his more astute observations on this thing we call life will make you understand why he and Rich Hall get on so well.

‘33 8"‘HW w- av ' ’~ Tlltz .(X‘ (A. 7tg13K/tx/nu, SKI.» _ . ‘1’

Phil Kay the \zehex. :53 \zgle Street. ' " 3"t‘ll'. LllttLSv If \uure luwkru; fur the tnnti‘. (any llamax

lxenrh u! .t tuwtnrluke ‘Athe nut. tt\ H‘.l\


heK humid tn .ttldzew at leaxt nae wt them m tlztx treeturrrt emuted} uttezmg (,lt /

Knock Knock Ralltdlttltl lheatte. "\ Ingram Street. 55: 31S" ~L3 L; 5ll~ See lhu lH Brel Improv Htel. 1" ~13 \xhtuu 1 .me. 313 “NW Sum 12 See Hm I”

A Kick Up the Tabloids the

l tuxetxal. 55 5" Sauehrehall l ane, 33_ \S‘N Sluu Lh L5. Hum}: \atue and top tnpteal humth ax a thangmg: lme up ml puhtrtal \l‘HHHK'lH.l[l‘l\ addrew the huttext l\\ue\ Ht the da} (iuexh mehrde .Iwhu I hut. Hilkt' l)e\hu. l raukte Hutle and \hle\ lupp See leattue lnr Ht~_\le rilt /

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire llte l’lltk‘tlH. '3 H \\t'\l (it't‘ljgt' \llt‘k'l. llq‘Ml‘) *5: H5 S 3llpm L55 Heahden hm} \erl \lel-.ularte headltuex at Htl\ \muke tree earned} night. \xrth ennue \uppnrt trum \uth Su. ( itahaltl \laekre and Stuart ( 'ahnau.

Daniel Kitson ‘Shuffling Around and Being Funny’ lhe Stand. Hi \\tnidl.1||d\ Raul. nx‘u nun (MRS

S 3llpm L” l (M. See \Inn H

5 1“pm th t"


Jason Byrne llte Stand. 5 \‘nrk l’laee. 55S “I”: ‘lpm t‘llLSl See lue l5. Comedy Quiz at the Street 'I he Street. 3 Heard} l’laee. 55h r1353 ‘tpm i‘lL'C. SL‘L' \Vt‘d ‘)

Thursday 1 7

Glasgow The Jim Davidson Guide to Equality 3| he .v\tehe\. :53 :\l'j_'.\ h‘ SIICL‘I. 5(t5 Ill.‘ 3. 5. 30pm. L" tl;5 tattnnedl. laurenee ('larke prexeutx the laxt ehauee tn \ee hr\ hnt \htm taekhng preludtee head UH. (II/(1. Knock Knock Ramxhnrn lheatre. ‘LS Ingram Street. 553 MS"). "a itlprn. U) L") «L3 L~l.5llr. See Hit: It), Round the Home . . . Revisited theatre Rtnal. 3S2 Httpe Street. 33: Utllltl, 7. itlpm. LES [22.50. l'.\pertenee a enmed) h|a\t lrnm the pad \\|Hl tlux \tage \erxtnn ml the I‘Nillx radtn \hmx. \xhleh ttI'IlellttH) leatured Kenneth \Vrlhamx. Hell} \lar'xden. Kenneth Horne and Hugh l’addtek. (ill '/'. Brel Improv Brel. .W ~13.\\hltlll lane. 343 4000. Spm. LC. See 'I'hu It). Jongleurs Comedy Club .lnngleurx. l'( i(' Building. Reulreu Street. (LS-W)” SVFH". Spur. 9;". .\le\ Hoardrnan lumx lk'llrmgger e\tranrdmau'e .-\lun (‘uehrautz tall pu} Brendan Hempxe} Ixee leaturel and turmer teaeher Sunnn Hheh See preuexx ne\t lSSllt‘ tor (‘nehrane (i/( 3/. Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'I he I’huent\. | 3 1-1 \\e\t (ienrge Street. (WNW 553 H5. S. illpm, £5. l)uudee \\htpperxnapper Kerr \1e:\lh\ter takex tn the lunehght It] the enmpan} at And} Su‘. (iraham \laekte. Strxan ('alman and KM Ier 'l‘nh}. Irish Comedy: St Patrick’s Night Show the Stand. 33.3 \Vtmdlanth Rnad. (Ml mu (lufifi. amp”). w t L'xr (‘elehrale Padd} '\ Ha} tll llllL‘ \l_\ h' \kllh hmt \hehael Redmond and hh trrendx l'rnm aernxx the \\itlL‘l'\i Brendan l)emp\e} txee teaturer. 'l'ara l'l}nn and Ian ('nppmger. (il( "/2 Late Lock in at Linen 1906 l.men Itltlh. I]I”PtilltlkdlilHSRtlitd.()~1‘)tNNlT, ‘).3ltp1n. L'S «UH. See Hm I”. The HOUI“ ( il't)\\L‘llUl’. .v\~htnu lane. 33‘) S444. \hdntght. {11) \lake It alter uudmght \xrth .\hehael Redmnnd. l'ranee\ Heal} and hmt l’atrrek Rnhnk. (il(‘/.


The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 Yurk Place. 558 "3‘3. S..‘~Hpm. th 155», John (irlhek. (iar"\ l.rttle and Inmnnd \\ arm up tor the weekend in the enmpau} nl ra/ur \har'p hmt [raukre BU} le.

I : ~" Richard Herring aunt in

.v «it ."’.'t" 5 \H‘Iz“lllltt||13v NJ I ' “all \lknltk} 71“'Iui"'(!v \Q' n V“ 0, V9 ’1',“ V (‘b 1. )'0l h“. ‘l"fll,"tt.":t‘t"

ltx flaw: "t: iv: "”".2 a ttt'llt‘ti’. tt'tt tt 1" i’ t'te: (1714' trunk iltlsgttltt- 3 Am; t ar’.’ t‘vt " ‘5 tl’lll‘l'l Mllttft law. {rt : H, _.‘t,. ‘g u Nu ‘,“' H {titer/avg", ‘.'.'t:t: .3

Stewart Lee Amt hem}: Richard l luulntrs; Ht) amatnr mt (Il)ltlt}(l, tll(l.t‘.t:l‘l hack after a strum; run at tht: l (ltnttta'gh l ungu at August. lhr: Chrflutm, ()llt‘: hmwl‘, sun‘s/:5 lass tam after the chant; Flt? helped l'lUtlitl ‘.’.'lttl .ln'r‘, Shr'lrtgw.’ N70 ()rwa. Sta,- ltrtlltlttr. [he Stand. (Dagger; lhu lull/far.

Lee Mack lt'f‘, mt mar, (,‘rrr'tlr, at the: (tlaugu‘sr gathering; .‘xltn can lay; (,létlltl tr, ltaarrg gram Kelsey (‘zramrilur a twt hath. All ll‘. 1hr: lt’tltlf: r)? 'lV art. Sat: feature. lht: Sta/rt}. (Sl’a:;gu'.'.g l't .7 7 Mar;

[3m ltur: {new}. Mtluau/hurry). Sat .727 Mar.

Jerry Sadowitz lhr: master of maltm Llltl‘lltf; hrs, faultetul t()'lt}tlf,‘ to upset more strangers. And will hr: hlnw‘ml rt tt rant the tunnrmt Show In tux/rt. Sm; feature. l'hr) flaunt/turn C3/asgryxx, In .77 Mar;

Joan Rivers Mort,- causmr, mt. Tlllfstl'ttt:‘l’)l'l£1léitl, .vlm has 55"»er (Ht/(3 than thmt; fella“, who hart pt/rrltr; murmur; for ’;~’)‘J‘:t’ ll‘. ‘r’l/aés'ttlugt'm. Prepara- tu ll;t'.’(: your moral hlgh ground batten/l unto Siltfl‘llSSI’fl‘. Sm feature. theatre Hot/(N. Glasgorx. Wed 76 Mar,

Alun Cochrane Out»; of thr; trar: mug stars 0t tut: (;trr;:_rlt brlnr's us 53’)"l€: r/ttt,’ tales tram the; rlaft ‘3er;- ot the l'tOUTl. Vv/rtate'xer's tn the; Hex/s; Irma; ."Jlll hr; more llkr;l/ Thar: "Gt rt‘lamlg ,a,‘u laugh t’fttght.

Joug/cu/‘s. (Shawn/x. Thu 7 7 Mar.

Big Word Performance Poetry the Trim. 0 Hunter Square. Htgh Street. 22!) (Nil. Upm. £3 iLZl. Senttxer l’aul Blmll. l1lhe\\'a|tnn. Bram l; (itehan. Am} Human and Juriathan R Murrhead enrnpete tur the but rh} ruex. hmted h} Jem Rnllx and Jenn} Lilldxit}.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night The Three ’l'unx \the Vaultx. '7 l l Hanmer Street. 0790‘) 552345, 0pm. Free. l’aul l’irre. And} Mel’artland and Andrew l’r}de team up tur lhlx ueekl} mined} \ltll.

The Snatch Social The Liquid Rtmrn. 9e \teturra Street. 32.5 2.564.

lHRHpm 3am. H t£.3.5lll, See Thu 3.

' ’.'::' THE LIST 45