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Let's go o wor

Prolific and physical Scottish actor TONY CURRAN tells Miles Fielder acting is hard work. But he’s glad of the gainful employment.

on n the phone line l'rom \aneotn er. \\ here the

xun ix juxt rixing. (ilaxgo\\-hoi‘ii 3(i—}e‘;ii‘-tdd

aetor lion} (‘urran xa}x: 'l.axt night | \Htx attaeking horxex. I had to aetuall) \xrextle a horxe to the ground. .'\nd xuek itx hlood.~

('urran‘x had a rough night. lle‘x thing to get into the dam er and xeruh oil. the remainx ol' the make—up he‘x heen eaked in during the hourx ol darknexx. pla}ing a \ampire in l'ntleriun‘lr/Jlii‘u/nntin. a gothie horror/aetion xetluel in \\hieh he ix pla}ing alongxide Kate Beekinxale. Bill \igh}. Sophia \l}le‘x and Derek .laeohi. ‘.\l} lather ix l)erek .laeohi.' (‘urran raxpx o\ er the tranxatlantie eonneetion. 'and l'\ e had a ten \\ot'dx \\ ith him. ax \\'ell.'

(‘urran'x a johhing aetor. \\hieh meanx he keepx ltllttxcll. llt \\ttt‘k tlltd he \\t\t'kx hlood} littl'd. l’l‘ittt‘ lti ('nr/erimr/tl. he \\ax in leeland. hra\ing 75 milex per hour \\lltdx \\ith hix old pal (ierald Butler to lilm one ol' txxo l‘ortheoming adaptationx ol’ the Anglo-Saxon heroie lantax} poem. Return/f A“ (irenr/e/. '\\e \\ ere xtanding there and \\ e \\ ere literall} hlo\\n ol‘l‘ our marka (‘urran xa_\x \\ith a xtrain ol ineredulit} in hix \oiee that makex him xound a lot like l'ellou (ila.x\\egian Bil|_\ (‘onnoll_\. 'l|a\e _\ou e\er xeen an aetor hlo\\ n on. hix mark."

.luxt ten da}x prior to xtarting milk on Hewitt/l. (‘urran \\ ax on the other xide ol‘ the world. toughing it out in another hoxtile emironment: the \amihian de.xert. There. he xpent a quarter ol‘ a war \\ ith l)ennix Quaid. (iimanni Rihixi. Miranda Otto and Hugh Laurie filming a rohuxt remake of Rohert .-\|di'ieh\ e\eel|ent NOS adxenture mo\ie xtarring .lamex

46 THE LIST .i 'r' .‘



Steuart. 'l'lre I’li'e/n oft/1e l’lioenit. l)ireetor ol' the neu l’lioenit. Irithan .lohn Moore. \xho eallx the lilm ‘a ripper ol‘ a win. xtt}x that on loeation during the xhoot 'the uhole px_\ehe and ph_\xiolog_\ ol the eaxt ehanged. lt \xaxn't ax it. the aetorx could go haek their trailerx. 'l‘he} \\ ere right there uith the ereu. I think the) all thougltt (it that ax a real ad\enture. real do“ n and dirty'

('urran xa_\x: “It helped \\ith the eharaeterx that u e \\ ere xtranded in the \amihian dexert l'or three monthx. But it took itx toll px_\ehologieall_\ ax \xell ax ph_\xie‘:dl}. heeauxe )oti're in that xparxe. heautil'ul. harren landxeape tor xueh ax long time..

(’urrentl} \mr‘kiitg hix ua} around the nut“. (’urran lirxt hit the hig xereen through Seottixh theatre and Britixh tele\ixion the \\ ax l.enn_\ in 'I'liix I.i/el. Seeuring himxell‘ hit partx in Bill liorx}th'x lie/nu [Ill/HUI) and Dunn} Bo}|e'x Slur/qu (irate. he graduated to grander lloll}\\ood produetionx. ineluding (i/ur/iulor. l’eur/ Harbour and The League of lit[mun/inrnjr (ienI/ernen. in uhieh _\ou ean't xee him pla} ing the ln\ ixihle .\lan.

‘lt'x niee to he pla} ing a real eharaeter ax oppoxed to xome hlood} proxthetie imixihle guy' (’urran xa}x ol hix role in Phoenix toddl} enough. hoth eharaeterx are named Rodne} l. 'But in} lite ix a hit nomadie at the moment: I’m iuxt l‘ollouing the “nth. Butf xa}x the tormer (ilaxgim (E44 poxtie. 'I'm not eomplaining. lt’x good to he uorking.‘

Flight of the Phoenix is on general release from Fri 4 Mar. See review, opposite.

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* Hotel Rwanda Powerful drama that attempts to tackle the hideous truth behind the Tutsi refugee massacres at the hands of the Hutus in 1990s Rwanda. It‘s told through the true story of hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle). See review. General release.

* La Nina Santa Mysterious and oblique Argentinean drama about the pious duality of teenage yearning. Not to be missed. See interview and review. Filmhouse, Edinburgh.

* 9 Songs Sex and rock'n‘roll. Michael Winterbottom‘s excellent. provocative mini essay on lust. love and the death of passion. See review. Selected release.

* Somersault Inventive. dreamy and brave Australian coming of age drama. See interview and review. Selected release.

* Lord of the Rings Trilogy Three hits of epic Tolkien in one day. Unmissable. GFF, Glasgow (Sun 6 Mar only).

* Juvenile Liason Welcome showing of Broomfield and Churchill's superb 1975 documentary about the Lancashire Juvenile Liason Department. Part of the Sheffield International Documentary Festival on Tour. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh.

* Head On Inspired and adult German psychological drama. GFT, Glasgow (Fri 4—Thu 10 Mar). Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh (Thu 3 Mar only).

=i= The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Quirky comic high seas adventure drama from writer/director Wes Anderson. See review. General release.

* The Last Waltz Probably the greatest concert film ever made. Scorsese's 1978 film record of the Bands farewell concert will keep you forever young. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh.

* Classic Godard Mascu/in Feminin, Vrvre sa We and Two or Three Things / Know About Her get their long overdue DVD releases. Nouveaux Pictures.