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MONSTER MAN (18) 95min 0..

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81/,“ ‘Kiiiis rhea" genre ta' s we sit" lurerl to honor comedies exriect-“g some £i(;l‘l£tl horror. but usuailv end up .‘Jlill. at best. (il)()i'£l’ll(. arterial swat. and, at .‘rorst. some d'u'iir girlie sturiililirig a'o..rirt a grazegtrrt ir‘ her pacts. .Just like the cellulcirl skidriiark that rras (Ill/l; [)reatl'.

Although horror ‘ans. know by now tha. 15» {,ear olds are the target £1ll(l|f:"(if,‘ for such movies. Michael 700 (Jr/ls Dan/is Monster flirt/i is far less anodvne than you would expect and ends up heco'iiing an entirer guilty


Atlaiii iliric Juiigriiariiti and Harley iJustin Urichi try to reach the wedding of a school friend but are distracted en route first by hitchhiker Sarah iAiriiee Brooksi, and then by liickFace in his riionster truck.

This genuinely funny. self-aware and engaging road trip (albeit closer to Arrierican Pie than Hills Have Eves‘i is thoroughly pumile. politically incorrect and visceral. It is also leavened With a surprisingly unpleasant and excessive ending that deserves to be seen on the big screen for best effect.

Given the continuing onslaught of disappointing big budget horrOr remakes. salvation for this sinned against genie can only reallv be found in the independent sector. With its high production values and fluid direction lllorister Man is indeed an indie movie wrth encouraging iriainstream aspirations. rAdele Hartleyl I Selected release from Ffl l 7 i178".


As remakes go there's some mileage in updating Robert Aldrich's 1965 minor classic. in which James Stewart's pilot and a motley crew of passengers find themselves stranded in the Sahara Desert after their plane crashes. Out of the ashes of the original, director John

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LUCRECIA MARTEL (pictured), the Argentinean writer and director of LA NINA SANTA, talks about writing and casting for film and the pain of being ateenagen

with the vaginal fil'ii, ft‘e "a's" "123'- and apparent nopeessr‘ess 2‘ ‘.'w-'

"l ‘3‘.» “When I write a film, I put together a whole collection of different things. worst in the niaiooiied. a'r‘: it; n‘ One of those elements for La Nina Santa was my memory of a thermal hotel now number Miia'i;lo Ott. 's ll'tlgl'l‘tzf . in the northern town of La Ciénaga where I had spent some winter holidays. oil rig boss. Hugh Lame's H. 1 l I must have been about nine or ten the first time I went to that hotel, and ‘i.‘./ll|t(: colla' (:(irripa'i‘, 'iia".. l. the very fact of being there was a very sensual experience. Not because of Curraii's boisterous lfilue co‘la' ' ,wc-i anything that happened, but because of the atmosphere of that old building and Giovanni Rrhs's l,rat'.'s" (l"_':'it‘°. and its special waters. It was a place I was interested in returning to for designer. some reason.

In this regard. Moore's film ('etotrs ‘I saw 1,400 girls over several months in order to find Maria Alche, the girl barely at all from the origtna. l ike :t. tit: who plays the lead role of Amalia in La Nina Santa. When I go into a casting new Plioerin boasts respectable period, I always think I'll have to look at 10,000 people, so if I find performances all round. \‘.’l'.l‘i no somebody when I’ve only seen one or two thousand, then I consider myself grandstantling. What Moore has di :"e lucky! When you’re looking for a young actor, you can’t expect a lot of Wlll‘. the reriiake is broaden the experience. You’re looking for people who have in themselves the traits ilOll/OHS. Where the originai is'not i: that will contribute to their character. Maria, for example, has unusual eyes California and Arizona, operated '.‘.’l°il‘.l". - the irises in them are quite high, and you can see the white underneath modest environs. the new film exploit; them. That’s the same look that you find in those religious cards that depict its breathtaking vistas \‘Jlli‘t some saints. And it’s hard to know what Maria’s thinking. The actress playing her handsomely filmed panora'iias. best friend Josefina, Julieta Zylberberg, on the other hand, is very impulsive Similarly, the plane crash that kickstarts and has very quick reactions, which was just right for Josefina, and I liked the drama has been given an overhaul. the combination between the two of them. the result being a thrilling and l)l'tllE$‘.'T§} “When I'm shooting, what I focus on and the depth of focus is very opening that sets the tone for the important. In La Nina Santa it’s the person who is listening rather than the remainder of this rugged and adiiiiiabiv one who is talking who is in focus. For me what's going on inside the no-nonsense adventure. person who’s listening is very complex and secret and that’s where you

If the film has one flaw it's in its failure have to concentrate. The reason I didn’t use traditional establishing shots to riiaintain the level of excitement set was that if you’re asked to recapture a strong memory from your childhood, by the memorable opening. ln more I’m sure it starts with a close-up, not an establishing shot, and it’s same than one way. it‘s a top-heals. ‘ilvix. with your dreams. ilvliles Fielder. ‘Your teenage years are such a powerful period of your life and as a I General release from Fri .1 l.lar. See teenager I felt things very strongly. l was full of conviction, and me and my prey/en; Opposite. friends were passionate about ideas, even if they were misguided. Now teenagers are more compelled by consumption. The pressure to be cool and to consume is very repressive. I think the massacres in American high schools are partly a reaction to young people being suffocated by consumption.’ (Interview by Tom Dawson)

I La Nina Santa is showrng at Filrrihouse. Edinburgh fro/r: Fri «1 Mar: See review

Situation li'ing out We Lest a'


(15) 87min «0

Harold and Kumar get the munchies 33:. page 50.

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Kal Penn ill/a" lift/Ger: Part. Lass" I Gerera '- 7'

:' THE LIST 47