Having the balls to put your art on show and

i i , herd yourselfopen to the unforgiving

judgement of the general public can be a daunting experience. Heather Macleod has no such worries, as her album Crossing Tides doesn’t disappoint. Some may recognise her from Eliza Carthy’s band or from those expert musical cross-pollinators La Boum! but on her own there is a dark quality to her songs. The term ‘roots pop’ has been used to describe it but that just doesn’t do the depth of her sound justice.

1"3 (Jot/truth; / lt who. {tr’rrrbirrti'r I'm it} Afar.


I Iain Morrison and Lee Patterson lhe l’leaixunee ('ahurel Hut. The l’leuxrmee. HST” 32” I l H), 7.30pm. LES H“. on the door. Double \onguriling hegrder' \\ rth material drrm n lrotlr hoth lllelt' \olo tteotlxllt' I’L'lt‘;t\e\.

I Hank Wangford ()treen'x Hull. ('ler'k Street. (itih‘ Still). 3pm. [ll it'ltli. 'l'he err/lied. \xrtt} \ide ol Hr'rtrxh eotmtr}. hour the \mgmg doetor'.


I Goldrush \laeRohei‘t. l'rrt\t‘r‘\tt} ol Sltt‘llllg. (ll 7S0 ‘lhhhhh. lll5llttllt. Ur tt'5i. liltregrrrxx hand led h) .lohrr Sheldon.


I Ceilidh Dance lx’rxer'xide (‘Iuh l'o\ Street. 2-18 3H4. .\' llfitlpm. U». See in I I.


I Left Bank Night The |.el't Bunk. (iuthrre Street. 225 0744. .\‘pm. [4 MM. SL‘L‘ Still (t.

. Judy COOK \VCL‘ l'llllx (.lllll. l{o_\.rl (ink. llllil'tllttt‘) Street. 55" I‘Vh. Xfillpm. U. .\merrerm tolk \mger \xhoxe traditional hulludx illltl \ong\ eome lt'ottt rr \uried r\ll:_'ltl'(\lllt‘l'lk‘illl repertoire.

I Smoke-Free Folk Hlaek Smut. Sturdport l’lrree. |.erth. "fillprn. l-ree. lirir'l} l‘llllt‘l. |.r\e xexxion. \.re pul'tin‘ lllSltlk‘.

Tuesday 15


I Thomas Brothers l.eith l-olk ('luh. The Village. South l-ort Street. 4‘s “Sill. ‘..illrrrrr. £5. The .-\mer're;rn makerx or the film Highua} til ll'llll\ tr'om \lemphix to .\'\'l bring: their rrrultrrtredru \ho“ \\ rth lix e \orrg\. heading tor the heart ot the hluex.

I Folk and Friends \Vgnerl} Bar. St Mary Street. 550 8855. 0pm. See Tue 8.

Wednesday 1 6


I Sean Tyrell and Fergus Feeley lidirrhurgh l-‘ollx ('luh. (’rihrrr'et Bur. (ill The l’|e;t\;ittee. 65” 254‘). Spin. Ur tf5t. Inteerrred lr‘ixh \inger lrom (i;rl\\;i_\. \\ ith L‘l;l\\ tieeomprminrent l‘rom l‘eele}\ mandolgr :md \oegrlx.


I North Sea Gas Durrl'errrrline l-‘olk ('ltrh. 'l‘hixtle linern. Baldrrdgehurn. (H585 72067.5. Spill. U) (ESL SL‘L‘ ’l‘llL' S.


I Sean Tyrell and Fergus Feeley Slur l’olk ('Iuh. St Andreux in the Square. ol'l' Strltmrrrket. St .-\ndre\\\ Street. 548 Mill). .S'pm. Ur rte-ll. See lidmhurgh. Wed It».


I Out of the Bedroom “fixer-l} liar. .Sl \ltll'}\ Sll't‘t‘l. 5.50 33.55. “pm. SL'L‘ Thu 3.


I Muzsikas Blend 04 'l‘olhoorh. Jail \\'_\nd. (trim 274000. (rpm. l’r'ee. l’rlrrrrrraker‘ :md \ rdeo :rrtixtx llolgur' .\loh;rupt\ doeurrrentur} ol‘ llungur} '\ l'olk enxemhle .\lll/\ll\;t\ meluding :i per'l'ormanee at Irrxt )eur\ Blend lexliml.

I Andrew Warren & Stevie Lawrence 'l'olhooth. .Iuil \\'_\ rid. (ll-730 T-lllllt). (i..‘\()Prtt. l‘i'ee. rm- hp and t'CL‘l\ \L‘\\lotl ;I\ pull ol the Blend l’extixal.

I Ivan Drever 8. Duncan Chisholm 'lolhooth. Jtul \Vyrd. ill "Sh 33W)“. “fillpm. L’ltl it'tx5tli. Rexpeeted ()rerrdiun muxieirm l)re\ er i\\‘oll\tonei ix groined h} hix regular lllll\lL‘;ll partner liddler' ('hiwlm tor thix 'l‘ruditiongtl \L'\\lUll. l’ut'l ot' lllC Blend l"L‘\ll\;tl.

I The Blend 'l'olhooth. Jail \\’_\nd. (ll-5S0 3-4m)“. .-\ l‘c\ll\'.ll eelehruting lllL‘ per'lormtmee trudttiom ol Seotland and l‘L‘}ttlltl.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

G asgow

I Music in the University: Musica Electronica (Huxgou l'mxerxrt} (‘oneert ll.ill. l'm\er\it_\ .-\\errtre. iit) ~11)”: I ltlpm l-ree ('onterrrporur'} eleetrimeirtlxllex prewnted m \ur‘round mund

I The Bach Prize Competition for Keyboard RS‘.\.\ll). loo Renlr'eu Street. ‘33 5H5“ opm l-ree. treketed. l1rrtrrmtx are m\ rted to per'tor'rrr .i programme ot xxorkx h} .lS llilt'll.

I Opera on a Shoestring: A Viennese Whirl l’ollok Home. Zuni) l’ollok\ll;t\\ \ Road. (r40 llS75. 7. 50pm [I i. .‘\n operutre tour t'r‘om the group uhreh ehrurrpronx bringing: opera to all. rrreludmg highlightx trom llrt- ,llrrl‘r‘lttet' of Iveur'n. (int [rm Irth. 'l‘lrt' .l/trert Illllt' illltl mueh more.

I St Aloysius Choral Series RS.-\.\ll). ltlll Rentreu Street. ‘33 5tl57. Titlpm. [.5 tt'ir. 'l'he RS.\.\ll) (‘hrrmher' ('hoir per‘lor'mx 'l'ullrx’ maxterl'ull} eomtr'ueted Jilpru‘t rrrotet S/rt-nr m .-l/r'rmr :md pol}ehor;il muxre l'or‘ ehoirx gmd hraxx.


I La Traviata l’|;i}lrtirr\t-. I3 22 (ireenxide l’luee. “37” (Moi—131, 7.3llpm. U450 £33.50. .\ ll'dtlllltllldl \tuging ol' \er‘dr'x prixxionute retelling: ol' l)ttm;r\' lm e \tor'} 'I‘lrt' I.tu/\' u/ l/It' ('rmu'lt'ux.

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Younger Hall. North Street. 01334 402326. 7.30pm. .\ \\ eleome return to the S(‘() h} Clil\\lL‘ill nrtiextro (iimgumi .-\ntonim. l'or' gr \er\ in}: oil .\lo/;rr't. ll;l}tlll. ('l’li Baeh and (iltrek.


I RSAMD Lunchtime Concert RSAMI). llll) Renlreu Street. 333 5057. lprn. to (Hi. \‘iolirrixt 'l‘orr} Mol'lut :md pizmixt .lohrr 'l‘huuitex perl'orm \xorks h} minimalixt Sle\ e Reich illltl Slrutixx.

I Violin Masterclass RS.\.\ll). ltltl Renl're“ Street. 332 5057. 3.30pm. l‘l'L‘C. llL‘le‘lL‘tl. \thll loll} \lttllttl.

I Scottish Opera: Semele 'l‘heaitre Ro);i|. 332 Hope Street. 332 ()()t)(). (Litlpm. Seottrxh ()per'u'x highl} \tICL‘L‘\\llll \ezrwn eontinuex \\ ith Htmdel'x :unoroux \ettmg: ol Semele. ll larhle ot immortalit}. dream\ and \lt‘t‘plcxx lllglllx.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Huron} Hull. ('trxtle Street. 3.53 Sillltl. 7.30pm. See Thu 3.


I Organ Recital: John Willmett Reid (‘oneert Hall. Brixto Square. 050 3422. l.lllpm. l'ree, Programme to inelude l'rexeolmldr. l’aehelhel and Hueh.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra and the Kelvin Ensemble (ll‘L'_\ll‘l;ll'\ Kirk. (it'L‘) lll‘lttl‘\ l’litL‘L‘. ll7S l .5 .560 th. 7.30pm. £7 rut. ’l‘uo ot’ Seotlund'x top )irtttlr orehexlr‘ax tmtte tor Stt'mtnxk} \ Swnp/rurrrt'x u/ Him/x and Berltol' lttottttttletltttl Swrrp/rwrrt' I'tlllltl\ll(/lll’. eondueted by William ('onuu}.

I Madama Butterfly l’lu} hotrxe.

l3 3: (it'L‘Clhlth l’ltiee. 0S7” 6005434. 7.30pm. t'l-1.5tl £32.50. Pueemi'x

elawre oper.r ot lo\e m the l .u l .:\l I\ brought to the l drnl‘ureh \t.r§:e

I RSNO Pops: Tchaikovsky Gala l \her Hall. I othmn Road. SIS ll55

5 ‘ltprn 1125” 1:" \ te.r\t ot lehtukoukt trorrr the RS\( l. urrtler the ire“ eorrduttor on the Not k. Lunex I o\\e l.rrrrilr.u turre\ l\_\ the rrr.i\ter ot melotlx mt lude the /.’r\.' l':..':~

(him i \Htlr \olorxt l’hrlrp l i\her. /\/_‘ ()lr I.'r'(’r .llltl \l'...".' li.'\i \.'t[.'i


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra loun ll.rll. \urdyate.

HI 3": ol III? ‘Hprn Soprano | orrr.i \lltlt'lnfll liltll\ the SSH tor mum in Rameau. ll.mdel .md \lerrtlelxxohrr


I Organ Recital \r \l.u_\ \ l'.pr\eop.r| ('hurth. \utlunyrarrrorrt Road. lllh‘lS Sill .lti“ itlplll t' it'5r .\ reert.rl l\_\ ll.i\ id ll.urrr|ton rrreludrnj: l leark Surrurrr


I Children‘s Classic Concerts: The Big Bang l<o_x.rl (‘orrterr ll.r|l. .‘ Suuehrehall Street. ‘54 Stilltl ipm

(5 t") 5” (‘hrrxtopher Hell eondut t\ the orehextm ol Seottixh ()per.i .md m.ide.rp pereuxxroruxt \l.l\tl.lll \l.r||o\. ;l\ lllt‘} lll\t'\llj.'tllt‘ lllt' \elt‘llt't‘ ill \tltllltl. lt't'lt'dlt' lllk' lllt' lldllg‘. l‘lk'.ll\ the \ound h.rrrrer .md lot\ more

I Junior Academy Students’ Concert l<.\‘.l\.\ll ). Ion lx’elrlte\\ Street. “I 5H5? -lpm lf.\’ it.'5r \ per'lor'tlmnee leaturrrrj: \olorxtx .md the Seeond ()r'ehextra,

I The Glasgow Wind Band RS.-\.\ll). liltt Renlreu Street. ii.‘ 505.7. 5. 5UP!” [Sit-15m (‘orrteirrpor';ir'_\ muxre \\ rtlr gr Lrek troirr thrx top \\ rrrd enxemhle. rneludrng' \xor'kx h} Kenneth llt'\l\L'lll .md l:d\\;ii‘d (ir‘egxorr,

I Music in the University: Kelvin Ensemble and Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra lltllt‘ Hall. l‘mxer'xit} ot (il;r\_:'o\\. l'nrxerxrt} .'\\enue. Ht) .ltt‘tf lttprrt L71£~ll SL‘L‘ l'l‘l »l,

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royrl ('orreerr Hull. 3 Sauehrehrill Street. ‘5‘ Nttltlt iltpm Strunmxk} \ rreo t‘l;t\\lt‘;rl and hrjghl} engaging: tll'tllllilll\;llltlll ol Sophoelex' ll'iljJt'tl}. ()t'r/l/HH /\’r't. l\ hrouyht to lite h} l.;r/;u'e\ and the gentlerrren ot the RSNU ehor'ux.


I Calton Consort: Heaven Haven (lurorrgute Kirk. |5i (Kirrorreute. 23‘) ~ltl.l.\'. 7.3tlpm, L7 il_5i. Rorrmrrtre ehorul treritx eondueted h} lawn ()r‘r‘mge. rneltrdrrru lirrihmx‘ (lint/rt Iti'x [Jr‘t/ and \xorkx h} Ilrrtterr .‘md Sehuherl.

I Edinburgh University Singers and Orchestra Reid (‘tmeer-i llitll. lil'hlo Sittlztle. U73“) ()5: JTS. 7 lllprll Uni-1i, John Krteherr eorrduetx l’ttt'ee||\ .\I\ llt'tll/ r\ lirrlllrrie. l’melr\ [J'l’t'l (It'll Herr/r :md llzindel'x /.t’l 'Ilrr Hum] lrt' S’Irurellrt'rrul.

I Madama Butterfly l’l;r_\llott\e.

13 32 (ll'L'L'HSItlL' l’lriee. “S7” (illh ill-l 7.30pm, U45” U25”. See in -1.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()ueen'x Hull. ('lerlx Street. (MS ZUI‘). 7.30pm. See Thu 3.

I Meadows Chamber Orchestra (ire} lrrarx Krrk. Ur‘eflrrarx l’lrree. (ioH ZtJI‘). 7.45pm. L") 1U L7». l’eter' l-.\;irr\ eonduetx lieetlrin ell'x Sump/rum .Vu 3. ('opltmd'\ (Ll/tier ('m and Str‘ax mxlt} \ \pt'tghtl} I)(III\('\ (.UIH I‘l'ItlIl/(‘\.

St Andrews

I Rotary Club of St Andrews Grand Charity Concert Younger lltill. North Street. “I 35—1 4632:“. 7.30pm. A eollzihorritiorr hemeen tlre l'nnerxit} ('hrimher ()rehextra Stringx and the (‘elehration ('horux.

' ' '.‘::' ./ THE LIST 89