

I i 2‘) \lkl‘l\”ll \llt't'l. ‘2" NW” Ill. \\ r ', \xtxl

Boogie Nights 2 Hon 2| Sat 3!» Hal Mun 'I hn " Wer. I ll «k Sat film tk

x étlprn Ll i ‘ll L25 *‘l l’rcparc tn (Llllu' lll lilt' .tl\lt‘\ Hllt L' .thttlll .l\ Iluuult’ \li'llfl rt'ttnn» \l.llllll_‘_' Intharm L'\ll.l|lltllll.lllt' l)a\nl l‘.\\t'\ l)lj_‘ nut llitl\k' lt'f: \\.tllllL'l\ and \lllL'lltl\ llll\ tnnt' ltk lllt' Nll'x'

I GEORGE SQUARE THEATRE l nut-mt} ()l Ixthnhnrgh. (it'nrgc Squaw. (fill ‘H‘H ll’. H. \\'(‘. \V:\| Indian Music and Dance Collective \il l” Mar. 7‘ illplll. L5 1U! llll\ t't‘lcluatt'tl lllll\lL' and dance vnwrnhlt- lt'llllll ulth a mnturc nl t‘laxxnal antl tuntctnpnrar} music and tlantt- lltllll lllk‘ Inthan \uh-cuntlm'nt. lt'.llllllll}_’ \lltll tntnr \lt'hhtmh Natlccnl.


3 l.t‘\t‘ll Sum-t. <30 mun. Ill. 'l'l’. “(I \\‘\|

The Yeoman of the Guard l'nnl Sat l‘) \lat. illpnl tSat Inat 3.30me

L'll Lil. lllt' (irlht'rt tk Sullnan Stun-t} ul lzthnhnrgh [k‘l'ltll‘llh t|n\ thanlatn‘ talc \t'l lll thc 'l‘mwr nl it‘lltlllll l)lt' \lltl\\ ltlliw \\llll lllL' tlnu‘lnt antl Illll\lL'.’ll tlut't'tnr hclurc L‘H‘lllllfJ pt'rlurlnarn't‘x at (r45prn and Suturtla} Inatlncc at |_-15prn.


Ha l’t-tlrl}\\t'|l ( Hurt. HS ZISI. |\\’(‘. \xu\|

Clown l‘l‘l l.\' t\ Sat I‘) Mar. Scc Kltl\ hxtlngx.

Taking Flight \Vul 33 \lar. 7.30pm. £5 No.35” Lifilll. Sltltlt‘lllx l'l'tlm 'it‘ll'ul‘tl (hilt-33t- pcrlnrln li\t' nmx tlant'c piccm nuung tan and t'nntclnpnrar} \t}|c\. Peter and the Wolf luv 3‘) Mar. Su- Knlx llxttngx.



The Amazing Adventures of Sinbad 'l‘hn 2l Mar Scc Kim lhtlngx


lb 33 (irccmnlc Plan“. (that! “WWII—1 Ill. \\(‘. \\ -\1

Chicago l'nnl Sat It) \iur \ltm Sal

". illptn tSat rnat 2 illprnl. l‘l'l 5pm tk 5.45pm 'l‘hc klxxantl-tcll talc ul RH\IC Hart. a nightclub tlant'cr \xhu ixlll\ ht'r lmcr; Bill} l-l}nn «ht-rt- play-«l h} \lartl l’clltm l. a \harp lawn-r \xhn turnx Rtmc into a colt-hm); antl \clrna Roll}. .1 dancing: tailhn‘tl \\ llll an car tut lllL' hcatIIInt-x and an o} c lnr talcnt

I-Ii-5 Space Magic Sun In \lat. Scc Kim ll\llll:_'\.

Starlight Express \Vt-tl ill \lur Sat 7 Ma) lnnt Sam '7 illpln l\\L'tl tk Sat mat 2‘ illprnl, {Ill U5 Spct'lall} rt-tlcxlgnctl lnr let cuntur} illltllL'llt'k'\. lllh prmluctmn lnxcx \tatc nl thc art tu‘hnnlug} mth an clu‘trll} Ing \ntlntltrack and tin/Illng \t;tj_'c \ctx,


2 Rtuhnrgh l’lacc. (lH7l 750 (NWT.

The Ridge/2 Ways Tim I? Sat 1*) Mar 7.30pm. £715). l.aura anc Stt‘cklt'r pcrlnrrnx "l'ht' Ritlgc' h} Dchurah Ha}. l’ulltmctl h) ‘2 Way: Looking: In/ Looking: ()ut'. a cullalmratlnn hum ccn tlanccr .\1t'ra\ l\t‘tlt‘l and musician Km in \Vhitu

The Love of the Nightingale Tue 23 S;lch.\1;tr‘. 7.30pm. '7 «Ur 'l‘ilnhcrlakc \Vcrtcnhakcr‘x talc nl txm (ircck prtnuxxcx and their mpcricncm nl tragcd} and Imx. pcrl’urmctl h} litlinhurgh l'niwrxit} \ 'l‘hcatrc l’aratlnk.

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irintlla) Strcct. 248 4848. ll’. H. 1T. M ‘. \VAI

Anna Karenina Sal I‘) Mar Sat ‘) .-\pr tnut Sun/Mum. 7.45pm (Sal & \Vcd Inat 2.30pm l. .luhn ('lill‘nrtl’x adaptation nl' lulxlu} '\ tragic talc about the hcantilul

TRAVERSE THEATRE Clile present the world premlere of

One Day All This Will Come to Nothingncmmm

In a city where conversations don‘t end just because life has, three people learn how to live again without knowing anythiru for certain. At once bleak and hopeful. dark yet humorous, Chew/AI 1725 mama/0W the remarkable debut from Edinburgh writer Catherine Grosvenor.

PREVIEWSFri l8-Sun 20 Mar2005 0 MESTUEZZMar-SatQADrZOOS (notllllondays) TICKETS & INFORMATION 0131 228 1404 0 (no booking fee)

100 THE LIST 7—31 My Q3013

\nna Kurt'mnu. uhn l‘tt'akx ht-r rnurtlugt' \l‘\\\ tn tnntlut't .1 tnrturt'tl \\ 1th (‘nunt \ rumk} In \ltm'u“ \mtct} ml tht' Lut- l.\\ll\. tlnx HM} huu‘ l‘ccn tlkk'kilei‘lk' tut a man. but ax .1 lt'nmltx \hc l\ \llllllllk'tl l\_\ wt'u'l}

I SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY 5 ('rlt'htnn'x (‘lmtz (annngatc. hi“

2w) mt: \\ \1

The Friendship Between Patrick Geddes and Rabindranath Tagore \\L'kl 31 \Lu " illpnl l-rct- Ihc licngulr (‘ulturul .\\\H(l.lllllll [\‘l'lttlllh llll\ ltllt' ul tut» .tl'll\l\ through .l narratnt‘ ul tnuxn' and «lungc l‘lllltlt'tl h} thc \‘uttrxh \rtx (‘unncll

I TRAVERSE THEATRE (Kunhtnlgt' Slim-t. 335 Hill ll’. H. I l. \\'('. \\.-\l

One Day All This Will Come to Nothing in IN Mat Sun ‘.-\pr tnnt Mum. 'l‘nc Sat hprn; Sun hpnl t'lll (£4.50 {Salli ’l‘llt‘ ll.t\L‘l\t‘ 'l'llt'ullt‘ (‘tunpam pcrlnrrm lill\ tlchut pla} h} It» )car Ultl lztllnhurgh \xrltt‘r (athcrlnt‘ (irmxcnnr. lnllmx In): thrt't‘ t'harat‘tt'rx .l\ 1hr} L‘ngagc lll hlc. dcath .rntl t‘tlllu‘l'wllnn.

Boiling a Frog \Vctl 23 Sat 2t» \lur. 7.3llprn tSat mat lillplnl L'll

tie-1.5” U35”). Stu (ilaxgmk 'l‘ttut 'l‘llt‘ttll‘L"

Heal! "luv 3‘) tk Wed 31) Mar 7. illprn. [ll «£4.50 Ulilll. SL'lilltllHl.\ ltll'L‘llltHl nutxu‘al tht‘atrc cmnpan}. Sounds nl' l’rngrcxx. prcxcntx lillx lttlt' (ll llclllltlu and hcr wart'h l'nr hcr lather. St'c

pm new


Outside the Cities



l.l_\ \tlt1.ltt‘_l|l §.\_‘ 333‘“ il’. H. \\t'l The Visitl lllli \at _‘ \l‘l «nut

Sun \lunl ~Hpttl «I ll \tt lll.ll

I illpntl lht' lluntlt't' ch l nxt'mhlt- l‘lcwnh l rn‘tlttt‘h lltntt‘nnmtt\ lulu ml .1 \t'uttlxh .urptut (man that l\ tlrtnnatnally phunpt'tl in lllL' lnunct‘unnnp mt (‘I.u.l. thc ttt'ht‘xt utunun lll tht' \\l‘lltl \\ llll ht‘t. \ht' i‘llllf_‘\ .1” win ml \kclt‘lunx lttun ht‘t t‘ltm‘t and u thlt'nunu llth tnnltl lll.ll\t‘ or lut‘uk tht' t'unnnnnux

St Andrews


\hht'} Slit-ct. Ill HA1 l"<tltltl ll" ll \\('. \\;\l

Noises Ofl \\k'ti 3% \l.u \ltln .‘ \l.l\ Hprn is.” “Mi 3 illlunt t" t") t tfil \ ll.lllll\ Lut‘t' almut tht' lxn'kxtug't‘ .tntltx ul .l \t-uunl talc t‘nnumm lwttmnnng' .l lrantn' lurcc Starring: l‘.u|| lil.ltllt‘_\ l/(1\[/Ilt/l'/\l. l’lnhp l-rankx I/lu/ll/hu’H .lllti S}l\t'\tt‘t \h‘('n} ll)! \l/Iul



l’nlwmt} ul \tuhny. HI "5h ~1hhhhh ll’. H. \\(‘. \\;\|

Oliverl nnl \‘n I” Hat Inc 8.11

"7. illptn (\M‘tl t\ Sat lll.ll 2pm». I ll *pnl tk N illplll. HUSH tllSll (LXI Stirling: and Hrltlggt' nl .\l|.ln ( )pt-Iatlt \m'n'u pcrtnrrn thc l‘lhll'x hlt nnmtal lmxt-tl on l)lk‘l\L‘li\i t‘|;|\\lt' lttlt‘.

Suspect Culture's new take on relationships portrays two alienated and lonely individuals seeking love through an all-powerful dating agency. The excellent Selina Boyack leads in an examination of the way in which modern multinational culture causes, yet claims to cure, human isolation. I TOLr’t'lg