LII-7 The great Easter. Eggblind tas Ing test

PAGE 113

Resident Two

Evil .4 plays wheels brilliantly reall are on our fear goo

PAGE 115 PAGE 111


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\III‘I‘nIIndings IIII_\\\II} \\ hen DOG

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, . hiI \ngg} \n IeII\e )nIII‘ \Iillies hIIelx III Ihe hnIel and new

If you thought the H'ghlands were Str'Ctly for hardcore \\;ll'lll elnIhes ll\ iI's pi'eII_\ e\pn\ed. 'lihe eenII‘e Is II enlleeIInn adventure buffs‘ think again. Rachael Street and Morag nl'dngg} L‘llL‘iI)\lll‘C\ IInd Mnnrninre ('nIIIIge. \Ihere x\|;lll and

Bruce Check out the softer. furrier Side of the north. ill\ “lie INC. [)0 U} [H gel II\eI' IIIm IIIIIIIIMIIIIe :\i.’Idlll.

Rnud}. \Iiggel IInd l'I'Iends are early nn. heeIIIIse :\iilll hIIs \nnIe lIIseinIIIIng \Inries In Iell IInd )nII \Hlllhilid \IIIIII In llli\\


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gqmburgh reSpeCtively' ca“ 08457 225 225 to bOOk tickets or log on to I‘elIIIinnship u hen )nu're \\ hI//ing IIInng Ihe YIIknn 'Il'ilii III www.gner.co.uk Where to stay MacDonald Aviemore Highland Resort. IIIIIId-lwndingl} lnu [L‘lll[k‘l';lllll‘e‘\.

- . . . l.eII\Ing nIII' nen-lnnnd l'I‘Iends \\;I\ II‘IIIIIIIIIIIe. hIII hx nnu Avuemore. 0870 124 4124 (general enquuries): 08451 255 455 (reservations). v . . . - . ' . Ihe \nnu \\;l\ ennnng dnxxn IIIIheI heIIxII} and [he \k} \‘ul\

WWW-aviemorehighlandresormom. heginning In dIII'ken. Sn IIlIeI‘ IIn eInnIInnIIl lIIrexx ell. Ihere \\;I\ nnIhing lnr II hIII In heIId had In Ihe .\1IIel)nnIIld .v\\ieinnre

' v THE LIST 109