Themed Tours at the Burrell Burn-ll (.ollcclioti. 2W)” I’ollokxliaux Road. 25" 255i) 2pm I'icc Kcn I }IL' tIl\clI\\t'\

('hrixtianil} through tlic art at lhc Iiiiiicll


Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘( ‘.\. Wt Satichicliall Sirccl. ‘52 JUHH " hpni L5 iL-li \ct' I llll I“

Saturday 26

Food 8; Drink

Farmers’ Market \Ianxlicld l’ark. oll I)uinbartou Road. 25'? 25W) Illain 2pm ,‘\ chancc to bu} lic\h pioducc ditccl lroin lhc lilllllt'l\


Rebel Clowning (‘(' \. {in \anclnchall Sllt't‘l. {52 »l‘)l)(l.2 5pm I‘ICL' .\ \ptiol lcclurc on thc practicc ol rcbcl climning. tIl\\HI\|llj.' into a practicc ol ci\ ll (IMMIK'tIlt'Ilt‘C lacticx and tIic art ol L'lounllif:


Bookbinding Workshop ( iltixgim I’rinl Studio. 22 «K 25 King Sli'cct. 552 (Will. Illaln 5pm. Lllll). I.cai'n Iiou lo inakc )oui on n colour printcd hand bookx. No c\pcricncc ncccxxar}. :\II inatcrialx prm idcd but bring an iniagc to tlxc ax llhpll‘ullllll.

Operation TAKE ('( '.’\. iSll Saucliichall Strch 352 -l‘)ti(l. Noon 5pm. I'rcc. I’art ol ihc RISK c\hibttion tranxlorining _\our war lo_\\ into climn arni} \oldicrx.


Apassionata Sli(‘( '. I‘innic\lon Qua}. ll.\'7(l lllll -l()(l(l. 7.30pm. {IN {2‘}. :\ \pcctacular \Ilti\\ ol ro_\a| horxc brccdx dixpla}ing poixc and stunning cqtlcxlt‘ian nioxcx. .\'a_\'


Bookbinding Workshop (ilaxgim I’rint Studio. 22 & 25 King Strcct. 552 (l7tLl. lilani 5pm. Hill). Scc Sal 3o.

Monday 28


Apassionata Sli( '(’. I-‘innicxton ()uax. u.\'7u (Lit) .tono. 3pm & 7.3llpin. L‘Ix £20, Scc Sun 27.


Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('arni\al :\rI\. 2nd I’Ioor. 3-1 :\lbion Strccl. 552 So37. 7.30pm. to iii—ll. Scc .\Ion 2|.

Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Bortlcrx Bookx. as Buchanan Strcct. 222 77M). opin. Scc Mon 2 l.

Tuesday 29

Activities & Events

Peer Critique Sessions (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 3.52 4900. (3 8pm. I’rcc. Scwionx al|o\\ ing artixlx to gain l‘ccdback on thcir \xork lroiu thcir pccrx. I’laccx tll‘L‘ ll‘L‘L‘ lilll lilllllL‘d. In book a dot contact thc (‘('.-\ bo\ ol‘licc.

GFT Film Quiz ('alc (‘oxuio. (ila\go\\ I-‘ilui 'I‘hcatrc. l2 Row Strccl. 332 XI2.\‘. USU. .\Io\ic Bull /onc: lcxt )our

kilo“ lcdgc againxt a \\ idc-rcaching rangc ol lilin qucxtionx. \\ ith pri/cx IN N. 2nd and 3rd placc.

Wednesday 30


Curator‘s favourites Bum-ll ('ollcction. 20b” I’ollokshawx Road. 28" 2550. I23“ Iplli. l-‘rcc. I’atricia ('ollinx. (‘urator ol~ Mcdicuil and chaixxancc .'\rt. talk\ about a tapcxtr) dcpicting St .-\nnc \\ itli thc Virgin and ('liild bctuccn I-‘our I't‘llldlC Stllllh.

Workshops Beginners Capoeira Workshop (‘arnixal .-\11\. 2nd Hoof. 3-1 Albion


511111.552 “(137. () 7.3(Ipm. Ui (£4 l. SL‘L‘ Mon 2 I.

>l< Go Bike! Meeting I-‘ricndx Mccling Ilouw. Iilinbank (’rcxccnt. 7.30pm. I)i\cu\\ all lIllligx bikc}. Scc IIitIixt.


ArtBites! MCI .cllan (iilIIL‘I'IL‘\. 27H Sauchichall Strch 505 4H)”. lpin. I‘rcc. Shon talk on In I/n- ()I't‘llrln/ b} Sir .ItllllL‘\ (illllll'lL‘.


Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Strch 352 40M). 7 8pm. £5 (£4). Scc Thu 17.

Edinburgh Emm-

Activities & Events

Tall Tales Oscar Si (‘ccilia'x IIaII. .\'iddr} Strcct. 556 057‘). 7.30pm. to H24 l. .-\ ho\l oi \lot'}lL‘Ilcr\ l't‘oni ado“ Scotland L‘Ullllk‘lc lo lL‘II lIlL‘ IX‘\l

\\ lioppcr. liiiilzix}. drcain or lablc. Iloxtcd b} Jack Martin. I;t\l _\car\

\\ inncr.

The Midnight Mass-ive 'I'hc Bongo ('lub. Mora} lIouw. 37 IIol)rood Road. n7.\‘lo (lo-l 05—1. 9pm. H in adxancc 9.5 on thc door. Ilclp Sixtcr Maia and Sixtcr Ruth raixc lundx lo makc lhcir lilin.

\\ ith a dim and DJ (‘ardinal .\Ia\i tKing .-\dorai pla} ing a hca\cnl_\ tni\ ol' clcctro. pop. dancc and rock. .-\incnl


* Amnesty International Scotland Talk: Jesus Tecu Osorio .-\ugu\tinc l'nitcd (’hurch. 4| (icorgc IV Iii‘ldgL‘. Jon (i2llll. (3pm. I‘TL‘L‘. uulickctcd. Ilcar chux' \lot'} about thc ongoing qucxt l‘or itixticc in (iuatcinala. Scc Iilllixl.

The Italian Labyrinth: A Guided Tour Italian ('ultural Inxtitutc. 82 .\'icol\on Strcct. nos 2232. (rpm. I-‘rcc. Bcppc Scxcrgnini. a columnixt lor (‘orricrc LICIlti SCI}! and l'ornicr corrcximudcnt lor 'l'lic lit-unwind. talk\ about contcinporar) Italian lil'c.

Around Town

‘41—. 2 *2 up

Flowers are so the new rock’n’roll and nothing says ‘Yey, winter is over‘ like a gathering of supermodel level blooms at the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society‘s 2005 Spring Flower Show. They‘ve been polishing their petals and will be slogging it out in categories like best daffodil,

hyacinth and tulip. I Sal (36 8 Sun BX Mar, 7 law froth/h. Hoia/ Botanic (Little/is. //th’?//t?li/l Row. [Militia/git, 5"»

Friday 18

Activities & Events

Great Daffodil Walk Home I'cxlnal Sqtiarc. I.olliian Road. ()87“ 2"” ()2 I. 5.30pm. I'olltm a pipcr l'roin I'L'xtiHil Squarc to thc Mound along I’rinccx Slrccl \\ caring a dal'l'odil lo \hou \llpptlll lor Maric ('uric.

Winter Observing Evenings I{t\_\;ll ()bxciwator) \ixitor ('cnlrc. Iilaclxlord Hill. («is XJtH. 7 3.45pm, £3.50 (£2.5llll laniil} lickct L"). I’iud out Iltm to \pot Saturn. .lupitcr. inclcor \houcrx and coniclx in tlic dark \\ iutcr \ix}. Booking L‘\\L‘lill;tl.


Ceramic Easter Egg Box Painting Sparldc ('ral'tx. III 3 Marchninont Slrccl. 22l “Nil. 4 5.30pm. 5.30 7pm &

7 3.30pm. I)ccoralc a ccrainic Izaxtcr bo\ ax a gilt or l’or '\()lll'\L‘lI

Saturday 1 9

Activities & Events

After Hours: Self-Portraits in the Print Room National Portrait (iallcry I ()uccn Strcct. (i2-l (i200. 2 3pm. I-rcc. (‘oinciding \xith tlic And} \Varliol Scll Portrait c\hibition. Iinogcn (iibbou Icadx a tour ol' thc Print Room to \ icu printx. dra\\ ing\ and miniaturc \clllponrailx.


30/20 Craft 8: Design Fair .-\\\L'lllhl_\ Rootih. .54 (icot‘gc‘ Slt'L‘L‘l. 220 242K. Illitlain 4.30pm. U tTtipi. (‘ontcinporan cral't. dc\ign and anuorks dircct lroui thc inakcrx lllL'lll\L‘I\L'\. Antique and Collectors Fair Rinal Highland (‘cnlrc. Inglixlou. 335 (3201). .\ cliancc to pci'uxc or hit} lroni thc \\ idc rangc ol' antiqucx and collcctablcx.

The Leith Market('oinincrcial Qua}. ()ccan I)ri\ c. in“ 9-122. .-\ pcrinancut




iiiarkct uith lood. I.l\llltlll. dcxign. antiqucx. lurniluic. bookx and lllll\l\'

Food <3 Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market ( 'axilc 'Icrracc. (52 504”. ‘lain 2pm, Ilii} gicat producc dircct lroin Scottixli laruicix.


In Conversation: Stuart Guriden (‘ollcclix c (iallcri. 22 28 ( ‘ocltburn Slrccl. 22H l2oll. 2pm. I'rcc. :\ll inlorinal L'llll\t'l'\dlll)ll about thc lIlL‘lllt'\ and \xoikx lroin Kipp/m HI! I'uu bctuccn Stuart (iurdcn and Ililar} Nicoll. dircctor ol tlic Scollish Sculpiurc \Vorltxhop.


Drama Workshops: Anna Karenina Roial I._\ccuiu 'I'hcatrc. (il'llltIId) Strcct. 24H 4343. ll).3llam I2 illpm Ll 1L3 5th I \c practical c\crci\c\ and tcchniqucx to t'\llllllt' llic lIlL‘lllL'\ and charactcix in .lmm Kurwunu, \ii prcx lllll\ c\pciicncc ncccxxai') but ad\ancc booking l\ L'\\L‘lll|.'il. I‘Hl .igcx HH-


Antique and Collectors Fair Rinal Highland ('cntrc. Inglixton. H5 o2”), Scc Sal l‘).


Signed Tour of Andy Warhol: Self Portraits National (iallcr) ol .\lodcrn An. 7.5 Iicllord Road. (L24 6:2le.

I lain noon. I'rcc. 'Iour thc lab cxhibition \xith a guidc. intcrprctcd in IiSl. b} |)a\id Sunnncrxgill.


Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition (iraccinount\urc ('cntrc. 22 (iraccinount I)ri\c. (‘53 1940.

7.30 ‘).3llpni. l'pdatc inccting.


Out of Place: Naum Gabo’s “Linear Construction’ I)can (iallc-r}. 73 Bcliord Road. 624 (i200. I245pin. I‘rcc, Martin IIanimcr. \cnior lccturcr in an hixlor} at Iidinburgh l'niwrxit}. gncx lhh lccturc.

. «J1. l'I;:r 232:]