

* WriterFest Rallhllitlll lhcatrc. ‘tts Ingram Slit-ct. 553 HH‘) 1 15 3pm lrcc ("rirnc \H'Ilt'l I Htlht' “chh icatlx troru hcr work at llll\ lurithuiuc \t‘\\|iill

Volker Braun and Wulf Kirsten (iocthc ltt\ltllll. 3l’ark ('ir‘cirx. 333 3555 7pm l'rcc Ililmgual pot-ti} rcading \kllll [ht-w tuo \\ idcl} i't'spcclcd iiia\tcl\ ol tontcrnpoiar} (icr'iiiari Irlcratiric


Finlandia Scottish l’octr}‘_\. 5 ('rrchlon'x ('losc. ('anongalc. 55" 3331‘ 3 30pm t 3 r£3i l'llllll\li pitch .-\nni Surnari and l auri ()Itlllkii\\\kl rcad trorn lluu ru .‘ltltll('\\ r/n‘ Inc. a ncxx hilingual antholog} ol 35 cottlctiipMar'} l'llllll\ll pitt‘llh

Tall Tales Oscar Sr (‘ccilia‘s Hall. .\'rddr_\ Sti'ccl. 550 053‘) 3 30pm. Ur (Hi. .\ lltixl oi \toi'_\tcl|cr\ lroin across Scotland colripclc lo It'll thc hcxt talitth}. drcam. lahlc or gcncral \xhoppcr. llth‘tl h} .lack Martin. last _\car'\ \xiimcr.

Big Word Performance Poetry 'l‘lic 'Iron. ‘) lhintcr Sguarc. High Slrcct. 330 (NH. 0pm. I 3 (£3). Scouxcr l’aul Hirtill. Izllic \Valton. Brain l: (iichan. Am} Duncan and Jonathan .\liurhcad coiiipctc loi thc hcst rh_\inc\. hoxtcd h} Jcm Roll\ and .lcnn} l.llltl\tl}.

St Andrews

=l= StAnza: Scotland’s Poetry Festival thl’ltilh \cnucs. ill 334 4750M). 'l‘inicx \ill'). Scotland's orll} rcgular Icstnal dcdicatcd to poctt‘} \\ rth plcut} ot tipptll'llllllllt‘\ to licar \Hil'ltl class pocts in mating and atruosphcric \cnucx. 'l‘hc lcxtnal thcmcx tor 3()(l5 arc Mod} tk Soul‘ and ‘Statcxidc l’octs'. Scc \ux\i_\t;iri/;ipoctr').org tor lull listings.

Friday 18

St Andrews

=i= StAnza: Scotland’s Poetry Festival Various \t‘llllt‘\. ill 334 ~l75iNXl. 'l‘imcx \ar_\. Scc 'l'hu l7.

Saturday 1 9


Julia Donaldson Bonk-ix l3ook\. lion Rctail l’ark. 7’3 3‘tltl. l larii. Julia rcads Irom hci‘ ncu hook l‘lii' (ir'rr/Iii/o Sung. 'I‘hcrc \Hll al\o hc lacc parnting and still— \ialch

St Andrews

=E= StAnza: Scotland‘s Poetry Festival \lttl'loth \L‘llllL'\. (ll .534 475th“. 'l‘iincx \ar_\. Scc 'l'hu l7.

St Andrews

>E= StAnza: Scotland‘s Poetry Festival Various \cnucx. (ll 334 475i“). 'l'imcx \ar). Scc Thu 17.


Aled Jones \Varcixronc‘x. I53 l5? Stillt‘lllclitill Sll‘t‘t‘l. .553 Ultifi. Noon. l‘i’t‘c‘. 'l'hc Songs of I’mru‘ pi‘cxciitcr and Smith (‘onit' Dancing \tai‘ \lglh copicx ol' his autobiography


>i~‘ Noam Chomsky .\lcl-'.\\ an Hall. BristoSquarc.050-1381. Noon. SUI .l) ()l'l. ()nc ot' .-\mcrica\ mo\l Promincnt political tli.\\itlc‘llt\ and author ol‘ oxcr 30 books disxccting such l\\llL‘\ as ['8 inlcn cntionixm in ihc dcxcloping \xorld. thc political cconom} ol' human l‘lgllh and thc propaganda rolc ol corporatc mcdia. \pcakx on I‘ln' l'illt'lll/ 'I'rrirrrg/c: Hit ('5'. lsnn'l and r/ic ’ir/nrrnrurr.\. Scc tcaturc. pagc l.\‘.

Stirling Roderick Watson 'l‘hc l'nixcixii} or

Stirling. H1356 4‘3 l"l 3 3Hpin l'rcc l)c\crihcd .t\ .i pi wt ot llllli‘\[\'cllilll .ind rclroxrx-ction. “arson icad~ trorn Into I/n [Hm llilli li Hut/H. lll\ ti'llt'clli'll i'l li‘\t' pt icmx and t'lL'letN \Hlllt‘ll in both l‘nglixh .ilitl Scots

Wednesday 23


Ash Dickinson 8. Hazel Morrison 'lhc (anon! (iart. 3 33 ('anongatc. 55!» MM hpm £5 iHi Music and coincth trorii pocl l)l\'l\lll\itll .ind tolk \ingci \lill’l‘lM‘Il

Thursday 24


David Howard and Karina Williamson \Void |’o\\cr‘ Bookshop. «13 \chl Nicolxon Strcct. (W3 01 l3 5.30pm l-rcc, Scotlanth lcading iiidcpcndcnt and radical bookshop hosts a ('arrhlwan cwnrng to cclchratc thc launch ot llouard'x Kirigiroii and \\'i||iaiii\oii\ .llrlI'/\.


Edinburgh Book Fair x\\\t‘llil\l'\ Roollix 5‘1 (it'ol'gt‘ Stl't‘t'l. 330 3433. Noon 7pm. .loint laii' li'om thc l’i'o\iiicial Hookxcllcrx Ian's .-\\\ociation and .'\llllt|ll;ll'lttll Bookwllcrx' :\\\U\"l;lllttll ol \ccondhand and antiquarian books.

The Guid Crack Club: Northaboot \Vawrlc) liar. St Mar} \ Sti'cct. 550 057‘). 7.3ilpin. £3.50. donation. ’l'hc \tor}tclling cluh \xclcomcs gucxt Nanc} Nicolxon.

Saturday 26


Edinburgh Book Fair .ernhl} Rooilh. .54 (ic‘ui‘gt‘ Sll‘t‘t't. 33“ 3-133, Illam 5pm. Scc Hi 35.


Shore Poets: Ceilidh Culture lllL' ('anons' ('iait. 333 ('anongatc. 550 448i. 7.45pm. £3 ltl ). l'iddlcr‘ Ro) l’oucll ol' ccilidh hand Ro} /onc pro\ ltlL‘\ thc music at this aural antholog} tcaturrng \caxoncd Shorc poctx (‘olm l)onati. l’at l-'o\. .-\|an (Ea). lilxpcth Murray 'l'ini 'l'urnhull and Dan n \Vood.

Tuesday 29


Ian Thomson :\lll;lllL‘t‘ l-"rancaixc l)c (ilaxgtm. 3 Park ('ii'cus. 33‘) J3\'l. (rpm. l'll‘CL'. .loili lhc‘ l't‘srk‘c‘lctl Scots artist ;i\ ltt‘ discuxscx thc liltlth ariiii\ci\ar') ol thc dcalli oI lulu \crnc at thc (ilasgou launch ol [in I 'rii/t'rgmum/ ( 'i‘n'. \crnc'x classic uork \ct undcr l.och Katrinc.


Holyrood Poetry Link Launch Scottish l’arliamcnt Building. llul}r'ood Road. 4 5pm. lircc. hooking cxscntial. lmitcd h} thc Scottish l’octr'} librar} to coiiiriiixxion pocrm lrorii pocis rcsidcnt in. or \\ itli strong tics to thc constitticnc} or rcgion thc} rcprcxcrit. MSI’s discuss thcir panncrxhips and rcxulting pocrux. I’an ol’ thc Scottish l’arliaiucnt's ()pcn llouxc programmc.

Wednesday 30


Paul Sutherland Bordcrs l3iitik\. l'nit 3h. lion Kinnaird Rctail Park. (‘57 40—1]. 4pm. l‘rcc. With a turtlicr No titlcx duc to hc puhlixhcd llll\ _\car'. thc (‘anadian- British poct rcadx trom Swim [furl/r ()(/(’\.


Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'hc 'l‘r‘on. ‘l lluntcr Sguarc. High Strcct. 330 (N31. 0 I Ipm. £3 i£3r l’ocm l'un troin musical duo Roh tk Scats. l’dhlL‘} lad} 'l'rac} Patrick. Frank Malthcus and Dundch (iar) Rohcrtxon. l’lll\ hosts Jcm Rolls and Jcnn} l.llitl\;l}.

Comics BRIAN K VAUGHAN 8. TONY HARRIS Ex Machina: The First Hundred Days

lire taiperhero gimp};

greatest (it maritall is; largeh. ill the ‘.‘..'!lllltl loo (lllttll the author a; ohxiouf‘ili, .iri ll'llt‘ilililt‘il tiirllioy ‘.'.ith hit; ‘i'li‘, frames; of literar‘. reference other (itlllili‘ hook; and the odd (Pl)|f$()(l(‘l)l [)t,’t‘y'l\(;[)t1iit‘ Nine.

lhat'i; that riiakeu Brian K Vaughari'u Writing such a pleasure tor lll()1;(?‘.'\.’l\()f§llillllxt?l(l see even the trainers; (it the mainstream being squeezed against. (it (?()tllf3(), hy itt; yen, nature! \ Mac/ii/ia (:ontains; all the genre nouns: the secret origin, l)(?.‘§llll(}(l \igilantt: the Great Matthine (If; protagonist. a lllll‘.’|lltl underworld of (:rirninalr; and (:ra/iet; to he tackled. Yet Vaughan is; at least at; rriii<:h in hock to more popular rnedra at; he is; to the funny papers; l(ltl{ll|l\. Arnerittan telexrsual drarna such as; Hie West ll/irrg in parti<:ulari. and in placing the Great Machine's alter ego Mittttiell Hundred at; the mayor of New York (Jity. this; it; about intelligent thrills lllfSl and tiitking conventional boxer; a very distant second. lDavrd Pollocki


The Complete EC Segar Popeye

EC Segar

; :"12'21' ....

i {"1}: “l o. l {D 0‘ cl"'_ ' i 1* '3’ ' i ’9’» o; 5' li' lt'. i k3i"‘i' .' l t" l I” I “.r ‘A r . t. «;;i;' i ' . if' ; Ii. \li ‘h' l l I" ‘_‘ri-.r""mi. ugigitflh’

iil‘llt‘il't‘d It" :V'ilil'

tip-"i I’w‘ Mir : :hrrrrtw, ll}..«:.‘l..t\fl;

tlii'fliat, '._',_i.:

xiiiiri Will‘.) ; ‘.i~,w.' t ‘3'» llll‘nlllaa'liii'V‘» i .'.t‘t‘lll0‘.]tl f i {io~‘ it... l lii till l'li” '.iirii:, i'ii- litil'l triuiiliuitiii’. lioiiixaariicpining: rirri'milw riotiiiiar 3.1V l)('lllt‘f§‘i|t\ll t‘lil'i'iiilt‘l‘. tii- mi“. u‘.'.'ttl‘, {‘li i'll Twit to wailing niaii. ,ittwr .'.'lllt‘l‘i‘illlllt'lullli'i‘. llt‘tltll‘.illlllltlllli"~i'll‘ illttt‘riffi‘, lllt‘ Sailorriiari'.

ii. i‘l‘ii'i, l"itiir‘,i- i‘i uppifiillllil.livll‘il‘1l'li‘ Hett‘, Hoop in i .iif i'l‘. r‘li'izutr'l 'll‘~

(liltl .'..l‘~

t)‘.'.ll wui‘i‘ "citiii ;l.'"t'.' in the rr‘o'airti Hit their: riiial ESiuiar Ht'iru that haw» utoi )tl t'iw 8- it ottirr‘rg iiii'r‘t-otiriirax the, ili

tiriii .',r,riii pi illili ‘, .'.i'.t

'l'l tlorr‘efitii Li.i-

tflltltli lll‘SIlllll iiiirl hurr‘tiur liut let"; ii if torgi-t The rartii aa' iii. ili l)iillt,‘,‘f he .'..i:, al.'.'a,m read; to ii punch rip Iril f'ir he turns a r( dill"; !li ,r‘ into a rug, 'ri (inwt'iw' ' ~- lllllltilltt‘i aroii w , Bluto ott tin-t it ’f.i tit‘

{lll(l"ll(ili]~"i ir tat w t< rleliwr ii «ii

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Fatty Arbuckle and his Funny Friends

CC. l l.

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i' THE LIST 33