The Lost and Lonely Rebels 'l IIL' Stand. 333 \Voodlaiidx Road. lItS—‘ll NI“ (iti55 5pm L6 4 L-li \ll\L'tl \kctch \IIH“ lioiii l’ciiici \c'\ic«iiiic-i noiiiiiicc \llIL‘S .liipp and a cottplc ot IIIS LlllllllS (i/( '/ Janey Godley: Good Godley! 'l IIL' .\I'thc\. 35 3 .-\lj3} Ic Slt'cct. .505 Ill33 " 3lipiii I- Ill 1 L8i 'I hc lot'tliriglit Iunn} lad} lrom thc l-.a\t I;nd [M'IIHHIIS hct anccdotal onc \ioman \Iiou. (i/(‘/. An Audience with Bob Doolally 'I Iic l'iiiwixal. 5" 5‘) Saucliichall I.anc. 333 88‘)” 8pm. L7 tUii. Scc I'l'l 18 Big Banana Feet: The Big Yin Revisited .-\t't.i. thc (lld (‘hccxciiiarkcL I 3 ll) \\.tl|\ Strcct. 553 3llll 8pm Llll tl-8i I-ailcd \kcldci and loinici Stun III lliru /.\t'\ \Klllllt‘l. liar} \loii icxuticctx claxxtc Ilill} (‘oiiiiollx gagx lioiii thc III-ill\_ (1-H Brel lmprov Hit-l. 3‘) ~13,-\\lllttll lanc. 343 4066. 8pm. £3. Scc lllll I7. Bumper Value Scottish Comedy ()'.\'cill‘\. 453 Saucliichall Sti'ccl. 353 4 37” 8pm. £6 .\Itic|i Io\cd local \tand tip I)c\ \Icl .can and liig man (iai'_\ I.itllc pull a lt-u iiioic gucxlx aiid IlttSI :\I;tll s\lltlt'l\tlll lor tIii\ Scottiin \t}lc comcd} ollcrmg. (i/( 'l' Glasgow Stands Up: On Your Doorstep \VotitlSItlL' I’lll‘llc Ildll. 3“ (ilcnlaig Strcct. “345 Ht) 35lll. 8pm. L' 3. Scc I-ri I8. Boothby Gralfoe 'l'lic (iai'agc. Wt) Saticliichall Strcct. 333 I I3”. 8pm. fill it Illi. (itiitat totin‘ (iralloc L'lllt‘l'ltlllIS \\ itli IIIS \urrcal hutnour and uniquc comic \HlljJS on topic\ such ax \pidcrx playng liawhall. (ll( 7'. Helmut’s Hall Hour llltlL‘lxll'lttl‘S. 36 licll Strcct. 5565636. 8pm. £6 tL'5i. I'.II|U_\ tlic ‘cllicicnt \xit' ol (icriiian cliaractcr comic Ilclmut ax lk' lti}\ u itli IIIL"\ littlc inconxixtcnctcx. (i/t '/-. Jongleurs Comedy Club .loiiglcurx. l'( i(' Iluilding. chlt‘cu SII'L'L'I. (LS—707 S7ll7ll7, Split. L l 3. SL‘L‘ 'I‘liti l7. Andy Parsons IIIL‘ Stand. 33.3 \Voodlgtlitlx Road. “87” 6t)() 6055. 8pm. [8 NFL \lot'c Iii/arrc commcntar} and comcd} gamc\ l'roin thc top tiotcli IlllllltHll'lSl atid \H‘IIL'I'. (i/( 'l‘. Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire ’l‘lic l’lltlclil\. I3 l~l \VCSI (icorgc SII'L'L‘I. (l7‘lll‘l 553 345. 8.30pm. £5. Scc 'I‘hu I7. Julian Clary: Natural Born Mincer 'I‘hc \cadcm}. I3| Iiglinton Strcct. ll87ll 77I 300”. 8, 30pm. L'l‘).5(ltl.'l7.5()i. Yoti‘w \ccn his llltHk'S on Sir/t I/\ ('umt' Hunting. no“ \xatch thc niaxtcr ol tlic dixdatnlul putdoun Iixc on \tagc. (il'( ‘l’. Phil Kay 'l‘lic Statc Ilar. I48 lIoIIand Strcct. 3 33 3I5‘). ‘Ipm. £61£4i Scc l’ri I8. Scotland 4 Australia 1 lllackl'riarx. 36 llcll Strcct. 556 5636. 0.330an [7 tL‘6i. Scc l~ri l8. Fred MacAulay 'l‘ron 'I'hcatrc. 63 'I‘rongatc. 553 4367. Illptn. L'Ill tL'8i. Radio Scotland\ cotncd} cliarmcr CUIIIL‘S out lrom lichiiid thc iiiicroplioiic lU HIICI' Itl\ \pttl—Ult tihSL‘l'Htlltllldl humour. (il( 7*. Comedy Weekend ('( ‘.-\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 40m. Ili,3(lpiii 3am. I-rcc. l‘inal tiiglit ol \iandup l’rom tlic (‘('.-\ and Ilclliaxcn

Ilcxt. \ltll'l'lllg big man RAIMHUIHI \lL‘dl‘ltS.

Sai ('haudi'). .Iohnli) \lcllricr. ch in Bring and I)a\id Ka}.

Festival Club Thu Stand. 333 \Voodlalidx Road. (IS-70 (illll (ill55. Ilifitlpm. £8 tL‘7i. Scc I‘ri l8. Blacktriars Baltica Late’n’Loud lllackl'riarx. 36 llcll Strcct. 556 5636.

I lpm. £6 lL5l. Scc I~ri I8.

The Midnight Hour ( il'ti\\c‘lltil'. .-\\Iiton I.anc. 33‘) 8444. midnight. ill). ('oiiicd} hca\_\\nght R;t_\mond .\lcarn\ atid Vladimir .\lc'l'a\ ixh ioin l’atrick

Rolink tor iiiorc Iatc night laugh» (il( ‘I‘.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcuix. ()mni ('cntrc. (it'ccnxidc I’Iacc. 0830" 83070". 8.I5ptn. £I3. Scc I5ri I8.

The Stand 'l’hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 "373. ‘lpin. L’lt) t£8i. Scc l-‘ri l8.

Glasgow Utter Nonsense 'l IIL' Stand. 3~ \\\ [{(l‘uL (IS—ill (ill) (it I55 :pm Hi lL-Il SL‘L‘ Sal l‘l James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids (illl/L'll\‘ IIIL‘dll'L‘. I I‘) (ittrltdh SIIL'L‘I. ~13" lNI33. 3pm L8 «UH \lorc laughs lot ti\L‘l' 5\ .t\ tlic maxtct ot kidx' conicd} L‘lllL‘l'Idllh \Hlll ttiii talcx and mad \ongx (il( 1 Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire lIlL' I’IltK‘ltH. I 3 I4 \VL‘SI (iL'tll’g‘c SII’L'L‘I. ll.""" 553 345 4pm «k 8 3llpm £5 Scc 'I'hti I"

The Comedy Coach Tour ( ic-oi-gc Squatc. 4pm W 1L4 Ki. {35 tamtl} Join \Iaii \lltlL‘l'Stlll lot IIIIS tainil} Iricndl} opcn top liti\ totit. looking at (il.t\f._'tt\\ \ dark paxt and thc ,iokcix \\ ho Ii.t\ c iiiadc ll ldllltlllS\c\ ltoiii tIIIISItIt' thc IHIII'ISI tillch‘ (i/( i/‘. The Lost and Lonely Rebels Ilk' Sltttld. 333 \Voodldnth Road. “hull (illll 6ll55. 5pm £6 tL'4i. Scc Sat l‘l

Harry Hill: Hooves King'x I‘Iicatrc. 3‘)” Ilatli Sticct. 34” I | | l. ".31 lpm {I650 U75” ’I‘hc maxtcr ol tlic \tirrcal liriiigx US IIIS ncu lioiikcix \Iitm. (i/( 'I. Brel lmprov Ilrcl. 3‘) 43 :\\lllHll I.anc. 343 4066. 8pm. L3 Scc Hm I” Raymond Mearns l3ili \otc (alc. 5t) 6t) King Strcct. 553 1638. 8pm. I;~ tUii. lop comcd} dog \\IIU t'cccntl) appcat'cd iii Kcn I.oach\ .lt' I'I'Iltl Kin \tandx tip lor thix \olo \Iltt“. (il( '/4 Patrick Monahan: Game On Illacklrtat‘x. 3(i licll Stt‘cct. 55h 5(i3li. 8pm. £6 tL'5 I. I.o\cahlc ph) \ical coiiicdian caxtx IIIS mind hack to thc good old day. \xhcti ktdx could \llll pla_\ oti tlic \trcctx. (il( "/3 Simon Munnery: Buckethead 'I'lic Stand. 333 \Voodldlldx Road. (I370 NI“ 6055. 8pm. £8 tL'7i. 'I'hc maxtcr ol' thc pcctiliar l'oll\ ottt odd iokm and \ongx. (il( 'l‘.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway 'l‘lic Stand. 5 York I’lttL‘L‘. 55K 7373. lpm. l'II'CL‘. Ilclp hcat thc Sunda) iiiornitig hlucw it till a hcalth} dow oI Iaughtcr pro\ idcd h} lrccxt} Ic CtlltlL‘tl) \\ i/ttl‘dx I’aul (iraliam and Stuart .\lurph'\.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l‘lic Stand. 5 York I’Iacc. 558 7373. 8.30pm. [4 (fl £3). (icnial gingcr-haircd comic lohn Hint joinx Brucc I)c\ Iiti tor iiiorc Sunda} night rihtickling.


Brel lmprov llrcl. 39 4.3 .'\\Ill()ll I.anc. 343 4066. 8pm. [3. Scc 'I'hu I7.

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance: The Very Best Bits 'l‘hc Stand. 33.3 \Voodlandx Road. 0870 000 (ill55. 8.30pm. £6 tL'5i. Monkc} liti}\ Ra}iiiond .\Icarii\. .-\Ilcn ('halmcrx. Sand} \clxon. I)c\ ('Iarkc and Du .\lcl.can pick out thc I'unnicxt momcnts lt‘tllll thcir lotig running improx \kctch night. With a ‘icr}. \cr} \pccial gumt'. UK .I“.

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'I‘lic l’hocni\. l3 I4 \VCSI (iL‘ot‘gL‘ SII‘L‘L‘I. “79”” 553 345. 8.30pm. £5. Scc 'l'hu I7.


Red Raw 'I‘lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. 8.3llpni. L' I. :\ chance to catch thc \tarx ol' tlic I'uturc at thix hcginncrx' \houcaw.


Brel lmprov Brcl. 3*) 43 .-\\Illon Lane. 343 4066. 8pm. £3. Scc Thu 17.

You Owe Me Glue l3tli .\'otc (are.

50 60 King Strcct. 553 I638 8pm. £6 t£4i. Surt'cal coincd) \kctch antics l‘rom 'I‘oin Brogan and l5raxcr ('aniphcll. tlic hrainx hchind Radio Scotland\ tonhcoming \kctch Slit)“ Sit/mittuv. Watch otit tor the gold Ianic‘ anorak: it'x a “lllllcr. (i/(‘I‘I

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'l‘lic l’liocni\. I3 I4 \cht (icorgc Strcct. It‘ll)” 553 345. 8.30pm. 1.5 See Thu 17.

John Negley lllc Stand. 31? \\ot\lland\ Rani ox‘ti ooo (itiSS .x 3tlpm w .15. Ilcxiwctaclcd cttlillcrl‘tk‘l introduccx Ilcrmann llL‘\\l.tIl thc Sack RUSSL‘II Icrtici and othci ll'lc‘lltl\ as hc [\‘I‘lttlllh numhcrx ttom IIIS cight licst \clling book (i/( .I


Jupp's Juniors llk‘ Stand. 5 \oik I’Iacc. 558 -333 ‘lpm L5 it4i \\cll lircd tunn} man \lilcx Jupp iiittodticcx ln~ pick ot thc thing \lttIS on thc \laitd up ciictiit

Wednesday 23

Glasgow Brel Improv llicl. 3‘) 43 \xliloli I anc. 343 ‘I‘llili 8pm £3 Scc Hm I"

Jack Dee Rota! (‘oiiccit Hall. 3 Saucliichall Strccl. 353 SUN“ 8pm ‘4 I‘) 5” L34 5” UN ma} haw hccti .iixa) lrom thc lI\L' \ccnc Ior thicc )caix hut IIIS \ardonic \\ it and dcadpan humour ll.t\ c ont nonc ol thcii‘ liitc Scc \nmcr \ldt‘lllllr‘ (i/( .I' A Kick Up the Tabloids Ilic l'mictxal. 53 5‘) Sattcliichall Iaiic. .3 33 88‘)” 8pm £6 tL'5 i. Sharp mum and top topical humour as a changing linc up ol political commcntatotx addrcxx thc ltoltcxl l\\llL‘\ ol thc da_\. (illL'SIS tnclttdc .Iolm I‘IllII. Iliucc l)c\Im. I'i'aiikic Ilo}|c and .\liIc\ Jupp (1." . You Owe Me Glue l 3th \otc ('alc. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 I638 8pm {6 tL’4i. Scc Inc 33 Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'l'lic I’Iltk‘llh. I3 l4 \VCSI (iL‘til'fJL' SII'L'CI. Ilqllll‘l 553 345. 8.3llpm. L5 Scc 'I'htt l3 NW8 'l’hc Stand. 3.33 \Voodlalldx Road. (IS-«ill (illll 6(l55. K. 3llplll. LT" ILSI. :\ llHSl HI L‘UlltL‘tlldllS cclcht'atc all things licard} \\ itli militant rappcrx ,\'\\'8. Hair} Iaccd gucxtx mcludc I‘rankic Ilo)lc. \igcl Ilitcklatid arid that nortlicrn Iriin icxtcr .\lartin 'Iligpig' .\Ior. (il('/z Canada Dry: Craig Campbell 8. Jason Rouse 'I‘i‘on 'l‘licatrc. 63 ‘I'ronriaic. 553 4367. Illpiii. £8 tL'6i. I)ouli|c liill ol (‘aiiadian \tand-up talcnt \iith lormcr I)tnk ('ainplicll and thc man (IL‘SCI'IIX‘tI ax thc ‘c\ H Jim ('arrc}.' Scc caption Ior Rottw.

(il('/-. Edinburgh

Ash Dickinson 8. Hazel Morrison ’l'lic ('anonx' (iait. 333 ('anongatc. 556 448 I. 8pm. £5 (£4). .\lu\ic and cotiicd} troin poct Dickinxon and I'olk \mgcr .\Iorrt\on. Comedy Quiz at the Street lltL‘ Strcct. 3 l’icard} I’lacc. 556 4373. ‘Ipm. l'rcc. I'lH‘tiic't' I’crricr Ilcxt Ncixcomcr llarr} .-\in\\\orth c‘tllltpCl’L‘S at IIIIS ucckl} qui/ “llll plCltl} ol~ pri/c\ on oIIcr.

The Stand Improv The Stand. 3 York I’Iacc. 553 7373. ‘Ipm. £4 t£3.5ll £3i. Ii\plorc thc ct‘aI} \iorld oI miprox coiticd} \\ith thc Statid I’Ia_\cr\ ax thc} climh hill and daIc in \carch ol higgcr and licttcr laugh»

Thursday 24


The Fish’s Wishes 'I‘lic Stand. 333 \Voodlanth Road. 087” (ile 6055. 4.3llpm. £6 t£4 i; L'l5 Itiiiiil). llllL‘l‘dL‘lHL‘ caharct about a \cgctarian liin that II\L'\ iti glaxx hut managcx to excapc. (il( ’I-.

Des Clarke: Live! ’l‘lic Stand. 3 3.3 \Voodlandx Road. (ISTII (illl) (i055. 7.3llpiii. £7 1L5 i. Izrratic uord-mcixtcr utth a tonguc tor punx pcrl'ormx IIIS lirxt cwr \olt) \hou in (iIngtnL (i/( 'l-.

Stand Up, Drink Up l3tli Nou- (ale. 5() 60 King Strcct. 553 I638. 7.30pm. £7 (£5 i. .-\Ian .-\ndcr\on and Du .\lcl.can Icad thix conic-d} tour ol' thc Mcrchani (’it} 'x harx. \\ ith a dillcrcnt coriicdian pcrtorming iii cach \cnuc. (il('l'.

Brel lmprov Ilrcl. 3‘) 43 :\\Itlon Lanc. 343 4966. 8pm. £3. Scc Thu 17. Edenism Ana. thc ()Id ('liccxcmarkct.

l3 l‘) \Vth Strcct. 553 3Illl. 8pm.

LS £30 1 £57 [I‘ll 'l‘hc (itirgcolh (ioddcw and trilingual I)i\a liic arc )our hoax tor the night at lIlIS old t'axhioncd-xt} Ic caharcl night it itli coincd}. dancing atid ISII'IPIIL‘dSIllg. 'I'ickct prices arc \\ ith or “IIIIUUI hullct. (il('I-.


1 Value for money it'u . °.".t‘. .(Viai .li'f "XI-"J GMT; 2%." l‘t"‘-"‘. .il".‘.'.'iww .i‘. t‘v Mutant: Atkt .i‘ ih_\‘.it‘ {was :13) ..t:;'. at: .‘wl

2 Non-sequiter master I It‘ 'i.i~: t}l‘.’(}lt flit} a". .2" f’w tuit ti’ w‘fox'. I‘,‘,(‘. trim a :iot xii ".iriita ttxitir'a‘ii l'w tiltin, (lil‘i‘l "f Stomp \.'."'it;l". a." l. .a"

Iill‘i Vino. 3 He‘s posh spice Al “~«",Ii.‘°.t‘l, no out: (in IN? :iii‘itif mi; sickw ll‘alll‘lltll llt: titer. liti‘m il‘it.’ look til a iltll‘lh‘.’ Derek Niiiiiiio. liii‘. la: lair: illé' i'i.ii<i a liltlii. littlo tam/w ' it 4 It keeps him 0“ the telly l it Is; become tlit: l()lt\, Slattom of tlio team, I) I SI (:(iiitiiiy Willi (Ill iiiittgiiiiii, .iliilit‘i to £tlli‘.()f;l tirivtii IX} oil out small screens, Channel 4 ()lllit}! itigilli. low- liiiii or art;- l'I [)()E$f}(?fifil()ll oi fiUl'lt.‘ semitin iiirgriiiiiiiatitig iltléltit:t;. 5 Anagrammatically speaking Rumour has ll that lit: was Ill\.'()l\.'(:(l ll‘. some l)l/£Ifl(,‘ Il‘tXIltlill (?X[)t’)lllllt,‘lll53 ill iiiaxniittiii SOCIIFIly prisons; (lilting lllt,‘ late HUGS. Kim M; (Jritii' was; flit: project's HEIIIVL

The Academic Sat 96‘ Mar.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcnix. l'(i(' llutldmg. chltcxx Strcct. llhqllfl 87ll7ll7. 8pm. L5 l'ttli Ioitiig coiiipcic \dexor introdiiccx (iordon Soulhctii. gcnial \ot'thcrti Iriin man \lichacl Stiiilc} and muxical comcdian Rick Right (i/( '/ Tony Carter Presents . . . The B Team 'l‘hc l'm\crxal. 5" 5‘) Sam liicliall I.anc. 333 88‘)‘). 8pm to 4 Hi ‘I .oxcalilc' ‘(icordic‘ 'lon_\ (‘artci llllltNlllL'k'S \omc lrcxli comic talcnt. iii lhc \hapc ol Ilcick I)c\inc. .\lt I’dIL'lMill and I‘.\\dll .lohn

(i/( 'l-.

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire IIIL' I’hocnn. l 3 I4 \VLNI (It-orgi- Sin-cl It‘llli‘) 553345 8_3lipm. £5. Scc Hm I" ConFAB Presents Frolics Ill'tlllt \la Iltioni. loo Itl8 Ilrtinxixick Strcct. 8.3llpm. £4 It 3 i. Ilig Word I’crlormaticc I’octr} rcgular Raclicl llll'} lllll'tltlllk't'\ lL‘lItm \ktil'dSIIIIIItS .lL‘llt Rtlllx and \'i\ (it't' tor a night ol gt‘axxrootx coincd} aiid |}rical \HStlUlll. (il(‘lx

Owen O’Neill: Volcano Dancing 'l IIL' Stand. 3 33 Woodlandx Road. 0870 600 6055. 0.30pm. £8 it'll. 'I'htx clcicr Irish maicrick uho rcccntl} \tarrcd iii (Im' l-lrn ()H'I' I/tt' (in Look .Vt'ir IIIdeCS a long oicrduc stand-up appcarancc. (il( 'I

Will Smith: Ten Arguments I Should Have Won Iron ’I‘hcatrc. 63 'I t'ongatc. 553 4367. Illpm. £8 tUii. 'I‘hc \icllhtcd lunn} tiiati pcrlortnx a \icll crallcd \hoix ahout thc pctt} :JI'IL‘HHIL‘L'S ol a tight Iippcd Iinglnliinan. (il(‘/-.

The Midnight HOUf(il‘ti\\clIHr. Ashton I.anc. 33‘) 8444 midnight. {Ill ()ucntm Rcyioldx and Am iI Springxtciti iotn l’atrick Roliiik lor morc tiiidtiiglit mcrrimcnt. (il('l-.


Jack Dee l’la}hou\c. IS 33 (irccnxidc I’Iacc. H870 6063434. 8pm. £3I.5ll £34.50. Scc \Vcd 33.

'—':‘ '.‘:2' THE LIST 45