The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'lhc 'l'hrcc 'lunx thc Vaults. 7 1 1 llanmcr Sttcct. 0790‘) 552 345. ()pm. l'rcc. 11ml Jamic Andcrxon introduccx coincd} accx lan l-ox arid Xaticr lob}.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £6 (£5). Machtnc gun comcdtan 1'ranktc Bo_\1c \xclcomcx Mich;th Rcdmond. (ircg Mcllugh. And} Sn and 1-.“ an John

The Snatch Social 'l'hc Liquid Room. ‘Ic Victoria Strcct. 225 2564.

10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3.50). Scc Thu 17.


The Comedy Coach Tour ( icorgc Squarc. 4pm. £3) (£4 £7); £25 lamtl}. Scc Sun 20.

The Fish’s Wishes 'l‘hc- Stand. 33.3 thdlandx Road. 0370 600 6055. 4.10pm. £6 (£4); £15 lamil). Scc Thu 24. Peter Powers l’at tlton 'l‘hcalrc. 121 chlicltl Strcct. . 32 l346. 7.30pm. £10. lt'x thc tnan dubbcd 'thc .-\1i (1 ol h}pnoti\m'. |)on't look arouttd thc c} c\. Brel Improv Brcl. 3‘) 43 Ashton l.anc. 342 4066. 8pm. £2. Scc Thu 17.

The Brendan Burke Voyage l3lh Nolc (MC. 50 60 King 50061.553 1638. 8pm. £7 (£5). ('hatt} ll‘ixh comic \tho, likc \o man} othcrx. oncc had a rolc in I'ill/u'r 'Ii'tl. (il( 7’.

Bumper Value Geordie Comedy ()‘Ncill'x. 457 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4370. 8pm. £6. 'l’hc comcd)‘ tooit arm}. lcaturing l’ctcr Vinccul. Barr). l)odd\. John (‘oopcr attd Jaxon (‘ook (i/t '/*.

Ian Cognito 'l'ltc Stand. 333 \Voodlantk Road. 0870 600 6055. 8pm. £8 (£7). llc\ cdg}; angr} and \omctimcx do“ nright ()llt'nxiVL'. (i/( 3/".

Ed Byrne: Me Again 'l'hc (iaragc. 490 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 1 I20. 8pm. £12 (£10). llighl) popular comcdian pcrl‘ormx anothcr tnaxtcrlul \ct. (i/( 'l-'. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(‘ Buildittg. chl‘rcu Strcct. 08707 870707. 8pm. £12. Scc Thu 24.

Tales of Nentyman Blackll'lal'x. 36 Ht” Strcct. 556 5626. 8pm. £6 (£5). Notthcrncr l)a\'c '1'ttcttt)tttatt mincx lilx \urt‘cal tnind l'or comcd} gold. with \llppm'l l'rom 1)a\'c 'l'urquoixc. (il('l". Tony Carter Presents . . . The B Team 'l‘hc l'nix'crsal. 57 5‘) Sattchichall l.anc. 332 889‘). 8pm. £6 (£5). Scc Thu 24.

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'l‘hc l’hocni\. l3 l4 \Vcfl (icorgc Strcct. 07000 552 345. 8.30pm. £5. Scc Thu 17. Paul Merton’s lmpro Chums 'l'hc .-\cadctn). 121 liglinton Strcct. 0870 771 2000. 8.30pm. £19.50 (£17.50). 'l'hc '1‘\' comcd} lax‘ouritc and his hugcl} talcntcd grottp ol~ palx crcatc laughs tron) )our suggcslionx. (}I( '1".

Janey Godley 'l'hc Statc Bar. 148 Holland Strcct. 332 215‘). 9pm. £6 (£4). Janc} (iodlc_\ rcgalcx \\ ith comic talcx ol~ hcr ama/ing lil'c. \uppottcd b} Bill} Bonkcrx.

Scotland 4 Australia 1 Blacklriarx. 3 BL‘ll SII‘L‘L‘I. 556 5626. 9.30pm. £7 (£6). Scc Fri 18.

Karen Dunbar King'x 'l'hcatrc. 297 Bath Strcct. 240 11 I 1. 10pm. £13.50 £17.50. 'l‘hc ('ltt'n'm ' Illt’ l‘ill \tar who no“ hax hcr on n BBC Scotland sketch xhou tx'rlortttx a mi\ ol‘ stand-up. charactcr comcd} and ntuxical numbcrx. SCC captiott. (1216,".

Richard Herring: The Melve Tasks of Hercules Terrace 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 63 Trongatc. 552 4267. 10pm. £10(£b'l. Battling a mid-lilc Ct'ixix. the script hcro ot’ Iii/king ('m'k attcmptx a down improbablc l‘cats from running a marathon to killing chxic. (}I(’l-'. Festival Club Thc Stand. 3.33 Woodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. 10.30pm. £8 (£7). Scc Fri 18. Blackfriars Baltica Late’n’Loud Blackl'riars. .36 Bell Strcct. 556 5626. llptn. £6 (£5). Scc 1-‘ri 18.

The Midnight Hour (iroxu‘nor. .-\\hton Lane. .339 8444. Midnight. £10. (ila\gt)\\ boys Dex McLean and Neil Mcl‘arlanc brittg on thc late night laughx. (il(‘l’.

46 THE LIST 17—31 Mar 2005


Jongluers Comedy Club Jonglctm. ()utnt (colic. (itcctmdc l’lacc. HVH" 8"()'()" 8 15pm £12 Ronntc ldxtartb \harcx .1\ltlgL'\\llll(..tll.l\l1.lll ttbtnldcr (iiL'll “uni. loll} 'l’alt'lacC- llL‘lltll‘lciw ands\u\~tc giant (‘o1m('o1c

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. .558 7272 ‘lpm £8 (£2) (imgctx ( )\\t‘ll ()'.\'ct1| and John l‘ltnt tom lotccx with And} Sir. lunar) John attd Sttxan \ltil'lhtln The Bedlam lmproverts llcdlatn 'liltcalt‘c. 11b Bimo I’lacc. 225 “(5‘13

10. 30pm L 3 50(£3). Scc 1-1) 18

Saturday 26


Peter Powers l’at thon '1'ht-auc. l2) chlicld Strcct. 332 1846. 7 30pm (k 11.55pm. £10. Sccl‘rt 25

Are You Feeling Funny? 'lhc l'nhcnal. 57 5‘) Sauchtchall l.anc. 332 880‘). 8pm. £3. Sltottcaxc ol tip attd comtng comcd} talcnt. ax thc pat'ttcipantx ol (ilaxgou ('tt} (‘ounctl‘x stand up \\()t‘l\\l)op\ dcmonxtratc thctr \lxlll\. (i/t '/ Brel lmprov Brcl. 3‘) 43 .-\\lll()n l.anc. 342 4066. 8pm. £2. Scc 1111) 17. Bumper Value Celtic Comedy ()ixt'lll'x 457 Sattcltichall Sll’L'L‘l. 3.53 4370. 8pm. £6. .'\ Scolxlnan ('l‘om Brogan). an lrtthan (Brcndan Burkc) and a \Vclxlmlan (l)a\c l’) tradc “3th lot' laugh\. (i/( 'l‘.

Charlie Ross Livels) l3llt \ott- (alc. 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 8pm. £6 (£5). Butch bo} \\a\c\ 1_\t'tcal about dolphins. holding hands attd tltc Roman Izmpirc. (i/( 'l".

Die Clatterschmenkenfietermaus Blackl'rtarx. 36 Bcll Strccl. 556 5626. 8pm. £6 (£5 ). 'l'hc \\()t’\l tcchno band in lltc \tot'ld juxtil‘} thcir c\i\lcncc in comic \l}1c. (i/('/-.

Glasgow Stands Up: On Your Doorstep l’ollock ('otntnttnil) ('cntrc. 134 l.agtott Road. 8pm. £3. Scc lit 18. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglctll'x. 1'(}(‘ Building. RL‘llll‘L'\\ Stt'cct. 08707 870707. 8pm. £13. Scc Thu 24.

Colin Murphy l1l\'\la!1d. 13* \\(N'\litlll\l\ Rl‘dtl. H\-‘H "3 l“ "l '22 \i‘lf. :5 (£5) \ll.tll‘lali\111f2lit'lla\ll‘(‘\ \I.:lltl\ up (Ilt /

Omid Djalili: Stand-Up and Storytelling lllc' ( i.t1.t:_'t'. 3"” \auchtchall \ttcct. 332 1120 \ptn :12 5" (£10) \tll‘\t'1\l\t' \nglo Itatuatt \l1()\\ \ olt 1u\ c1c\ ct [‘(dlllcal lttuuout 1111l11\l‘1.tlltl 11L'\\ \l1\‘\\ \cc caption (.'/( /

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire lht- l’hocnt\. l3 l1\\c\l(icolL'c\1It't‘1. 07000552 345 8 30pm £5 \cc lllll 12 Jimmy Carr: Public Display of Affection lhc \cadctm. 121 l L'lllllt'll Sim-t. o.\‘() "*1 jooo \' lop.“ in) <o (£14 50) ll‘ltllllltilh dcadpau cotncdtatt \ttth a pcnchant lot [‘l\'\\'llllll_',' an_\ lit/v /(I(I \1iou going Scc 5 Known MN I Janey Godley lltc\1atc Hat. I48 Holland Slit-ct. 332 215‘1 ‘lptu £6 ( L 1) SUV ill 25

Scotland 4 Australia 1 lilatlxlllalx ‘6 Bcll Sltccl. 556 5626 ‘1 30pm £2 SCL' l‘ll l5

Festival Club lllk' stand. 33* “oodlanth Road. ()8“() ()l )0 (ll HR ll) 30pm £8 (£5) \cc 1 ll 15 Blackfriars Baltica Late’n’Loud Blacklrtatx 3613cllhltcc1. 556 5626 11pm. £ot£5t Scc 1'1) 18

The Midnight Hour ( ilt)\\t'11t‘l. \xhtou lanc. 33‘) 8444 midnight L 10 Ihc linal ‘.\lidmg|tl llotu‘ ol thc lt‘\l|\.tl math tltc linalc ol tltc lcxtnal. \ldlllllfJ lx’a_\mond .\lcarn\ and (‘hatltc Rtlxx (i/t '/



Jongluers Comedy Club .longlt-tnx. ()mnt ('cnlt'c. (irccnxtdc l’lacc. 08202 870707.815put. £13.5cc1'tt25.

The Stand 'I’hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 “272 ()pm. £10t£8). Scc lit 25.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service ‘l-ilL' Stand. 333\\'()()tllantl\ Road. 0370 600 6055 3. 30pm, £4

(£1 £3). (tall) \tor}tc|lcr ( )\\t‘11 ()‘thll

There aren’t too many candidates to the throne, but

Omid Djalili is truly the king of British-Iranian comedy. And the beauty of his act is that he is never afraid to plunder from both cultural heritages, whether it be some mad Middle Eastern dancing or a bit of Oxbridge chatter. See him now before he heads off to appear in

another Hollywood blockbuster.

The Garage. G/asgon. 8:27 2"] '. :2".

;('11‘.\ It‘ll)".llT171.:11tl\l1\'1Rc‘tllllt‘lltl inmost)" Whose Lunch is it Anyway lltc \tattd.5\otkl‘1acc.55\ ~2 lptt) 1 tcc \‘c Mat .211

Ian Cognito lltc \taud. 5 \otk l‘latc. 2252 \ 30pm :\ (:2) \cc 1 it .‘5

Monday 28


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lht- \tattd. 333\\oodland\ Road. (1\ ’(l 600 605‘ \ 30pm 14 ltttptm ut;‘ltt \\illl \aud} \clxott. lx’.t\tttottd \lt'.tlll\. \llcu (‘ltaltuctx .tttd llcx \ltl can

1 (lilllltlltlll Red Raw lltc \tand. 5 \otk l'latc. ‘55 2222 \ 30pm £1 \cc Hot) .‘1

Tilesday 29

Glasgow “Cd Raw lllt' \lalltl. 333\\tititll.l11tl\ Raul ()\ 3060061155 \ lop”, (K)

(.l‘lllt'tlh \llllt‘\ lt'tltlt .tlltl \\(‘(‘tl\ \wlcotnca llk'\lll‘.ll\l1(‘l llk'\\\l‘lll\‘l\


Susan Morrison: Raise the Titanic lhchtand.5\otl\1’1atc.555 1‘ 2.3 "I‘m (8)14) ()nt- \Milllall \ll()\\ ltotu tltc l.t\l l.lll\1ll_‘.' \lantllnM abottl 1N).tl\.1llt‘ lllll\t'l\t' and c\ct_\t|ttu§.'

Wednesday 30


Melting Pot Iht- \tand. 333\\oodland\ Road ()8?) (.00 “U55 ()pm is

(£2 50 £1) (axl tout \otc 111 (11c coutcdt tclctcndutu ax \totlaud'x bttg'ht _\()tlll_‘.' llllllj2\ (lutm thctt \lltill tltcattc [‘It't't'x tttto lllt' tut-lung pot


Comedy Quiz at the Street lht- Sliccl. 2 l’tcatd} l’lacc. 556 4222 ‘lptu l'lt'C. Sk'k‘ \\C\l

Stand Up for Shelter! lilt' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55X “2522 “[Hu £10 ll\ .1 \tcllar lmc up \\ llll lh'x ( 'Iatlxc. lltc Rcwrcnd ( )batltalt Sit-ppcuuollc lll. Ion} ('attct and Matt (k l-atton all donating tltcn cotncd} (alt-nix lot \hcltct \Vttlt c\tta \llllptlll ltotu Bcat 106

One Big Laugh lltc '1 lttcc lunx \\ inc \'att1t\. 2 || llanoxct Sticct. 225 5112 Midnight. l’lt't' \ltcltacl .\1c1;\\an..\lat Stat and a lioxl o1 otltct ctllllt'tll.tll\ atlcmpt 36 ll()lll\ o1 coultnttoux lattgltx to HIV” tnonc} lot l)t'|)lt'\\l()ll \lltantc Scotland. Starting at uudntgltt on \\cdnc\da_\. 11 “Ill lllll all thc \\;t_\ through lllllll mtdda} on l‘lltl.t_\ 1 \pttl Scc \\\\\\.(lllL'lllpl.llI;'ll((1111 lot tit‘l.tll\

Thursday 31


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltlllL'lL'lll\. l (i(' Building. chltcu Slim-1.0850" 87070" 8pm. £2 locallto\\1<.t}tttotttl \lt'al'lh :tlltl l)t'\ .Cdll \llalt' .t \1.tj_'t' \Hlll Ronntc ladttatd and ()badtah.

The Thursday Show Ihc- Stand. 333 \thtltlltllltk l<();l(l. 0370 600 60.55

8. 30pm. £6 (£5). Minna] ltmn} tnau Joc Room“) |()111\(i1t'j2 \lk'llllfg'llillltl\‘.1£l\t'(l c‘;tlll[l\lL'1 Brucc l)c\ltn


Big Word Performance Poetry '1 llL' 'l'ron. ‘) lltmtct Squatc. lltgli \ttcct. 226 0931 9 11pm £3 (£2). 1’()c1r_\ lun ltotu llllhlcal (lllt) Rul‘ K \c'alx. l’.tl\lt‘_\ lad} ltac} l’dlllcix. l‘l'alllx \l.lllilL‘\‘.\ and l)lllltlk'L"\ (ial') RHbL'I'IMHI l’lth l)()\1\ qu) Roll~ and .lcnn} l.tnd\a).

The Thursday Show '1 11c Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 "2‘2 0pm £61£5t Still/()plllt'lllc.'\11\\1L'c'()llllc Btcndon Bttrnx lightx \\lll1 l1|\;tllL'1 cgm tn tltc compan} ol \latk Bratchptccc. Sat. Rob (i and la mt l‘1;tlli\lcli()_\lc'.

The Snatch Social '1 hc l,1qllltl Room. i)! \Vlc'ltll'lil Slle'l. 250—1

10.30pm 3am £4 (L 3.50). Scc lhu I".