Hitch I l::\l O. I >\IIIl_\ 'lI'nncnI.l 8. Huh \‘IIll \IIIIIh. chn JIIIIII'x. »\IIIlII'I \'.I|chI.I. l'.\;I \lI'nIlcx l I‘IIIIII SnIIIh play Mm ‘llIIIh‘ lllltllt'll\. .I \I'u ank 'IIIIII- (llKlHIl \klIIIxI' IIIlI II Ix III \klllNll IlII‘ III} ‘x IgInlclI-xx lllL'lI III lllt' \III}x III IIIxI-II \IIIIIIIIL' llIx lIIlL'\l tlIIIllt'llfJL' Ix Alba-II I JIInchI. .I rnIunIl .II'IIIIIIII.IIII \Ihn \\.Illl\ nnIhIn; lllHIL' IhIIn IIn t'\k'lllllj._' nIII \xIIh lIIx I'lII'nI. part} },_'lrl .‘\llt'le.l I\.IlchIIII Alhcrl'x IIIIL'lIIgI' Cll\llt'\. .I\ IlIII'x llllkll'\. \KlIII IlIIL'x lIIx lK'xl III II\('lLlllllk' lIIx IMII II‘III III I‘IIIIIIIIIIIIII'III I'IIIIIIIIIx I'IIIIII'II} .IlInIII IhI' InnII'x III IIIIIIIIg III .III IIIIIIlIIIIxIlIl} IIII‘IIIIc pII\lL.Irtl \I'u \(Ulk (II‘III'I'II/ I'('/I'II\I'

Hostage I I‘I C. ll‘lUlt'lll l'llllllU SIII. l'S. ZINISI llrucc \VIllIx. KI'HII l’nHIIk lIl.‘_IIIIII Jt'll 'lIIllI'} IWIIlIxI. .I lIIl'lllL'l

I .I\l’l) hanIIyI' nI'gnIIIIInI. Ix pullI-Il lIIII‘lx InIn .II'IIIIII uhI'n .I I'nnII-IIII'III'I' xInII- InlIlII'I'} an-x \kl‘IIle: III lIIx III‘IlehIIIIIlInIIIl IIIIIl lhI' IhII'I' III-I'pcIIIIInIx IIIIHC III nn Inn llll\ll\p\'(llll_‘._' IIIIIIIIII'x. IIIII' III “lllt'll lIIIppI-nx In M lIIx nun Sn xn IlIIIllI'I \IlIII'lI hIIx I‘lI'IIIl} IIIlII'II le lI'IIIl lInIII lllL' II'lm IxInn \I'rlL‘x 3-1 (II'III'I’II/ I‘I'II'IIH'

Hotel Rwanda I IIAI 0000 I'I‘I-rr) (II-Inge. ('IIIIIIIIII/l 'K/II.I|}/Snth .’\ll'lk'.l . ZINISI l)nII (‘hI-IIIllI‘. SIIIIhII- ()kIIIII'IlII. .lnIIIIIIIn l’hnI'nn. NII'k anlc. Illnnn. l’nuI'I'IIIl IlIIIIIIII lIIIxI'Il IIII IhI' II'III' xInI'} III II lIHlt'l IIIIIII.I3_'I'I uhn hnuxI-Il II\ II II IhIIIIxIInIl 'l‘quI II'IIIgI-cx IIIII‘IIIg Ihcn' xIrugglI‘ IIgIIIan lllt' llIIIII IIIIlIIIII III R\\£Ill(l;l. ('thIIllI' gIII'x Ihc III-I'IannIInI'c III lIIx I‘III'I'I'I. (iI'III'rII/ II’II'IIH‘.

Hours of Light (Horas de Luz) I ISI IMIIIIIII-I MIIIII. SIIIIIn. JIM-II l-,IIIIIIII SIIIII’I'L Alhcrln SIIII .luIIII, UHIIIIII. SIIII'k III'Ixnn IlI‘IInIII lIIIxI'Il IIII I‘cIII t'\Clll\. AIII'I' I‘nnInIIIIIng InuIIIplI' IIIIII‘Ich‘x. II )IIung nIIIII hIIx hccn xcnlcnml In lINl _\C;Il'\ III II lIIgh xI'I‘III'II} [Il‘lxIIlL \xhcrc Ix xIIhII'I‘II‘Il In hIII'xh I'IInIlIIInnx IInIl II‘I'IIIIIII'III. l'nIlI-I' lllL'\L'

ll'_\ lug: I‘III‘uIanIInI‘I'x. hc lII'I'IIIIII'x knnu II IIII' I‘IIIIxIIIg lIIIxnI‘. IIIIIl Ix Ihc lIIInc III Ihc l‘I'IxIIII \\£Il'tlt'll.\ lIl'CI lixccllcnI III'I'IIII'IIIIIIII'I'x II} SIIII Juan and SIIIII'I‘I. l’III‘I III \’I\II7 SpIIIIIxh l-IIIII l-I‘xlnIIl. I-I/nI/IIIInI'. IZIIIII/Hll'g'll

I, Robot I IZAI 0.. l.’\lL'\ l’I‘U}£I\. l'S. ZIXI-II Will SIIIIIh. llI‘IIlgI-I MnyIIIhIIII. JIIIIII-x ('I‘nnmcll. llSInIn. DcIcclIw l)I'l Spnnncr ISIIIIIhI IlIxII'IIxIx IIll I‘nlInIx. Sn uhcn Ihc IIIIth' III ['5 RnhnIII‘x. l)I‘ Alliul l.IInnIng I('I‘nnI\\I'llI. Ix IIIIII‘IchI'Il h) lllx lIIII'xl I'I‘cIIIInn. Ihc IIIII‘I‘IIIIIIIIICI) nIIIIch Snnn}; SpnnnI‘I' IInnII'IlIIIIcl} IlchIlcx IhIII xlInI} I'III‘IIIII'IIII~ hnxx, [.IIIII‘I'III‘I' RnhcrIxIIn IBI'III'I' (iI'I‘I‘ImnIIIlI. Ix llI\Ul\t‘(l III II CI“ I'I‘~ UPI .'\llt'l' IIIl. IhI'II‘ lIIICxI IlIIInI'xIIc I'IIhnI Ix IIlInuI In lII- IlclIwI‘cIl In IIIIllIIInx nl Ann-III‘IIII hnInI-x. Snulh'x lIkcIIlIlc.

\\ Ich‘rIIckIng pcrxnnII hIIx II hIIrxhcr I'Ilgc IhIIn IIquIl. lIuI IlII‘cL‘InI' l’I'II}IIx xnnn IIlIIInIlnnx :\xlllIII\ 'x plulnxnplIII‘IIl I'nnuIIIlIIIIn III hnu In (IIIIlI‘IIl cxnh Ing I'IIlInIx “Inch ll;l\L‘ III-\I‘lnpcIl lIIIxII‘ lIuInIIn cnIIIIInIIx IInIl II;I\L‘L'III live “I”. lanI'IIIl. \w get I‘III‘ clIIIxcx. puncheupx IInIl clIchCIl CUIIllUIIIIIllUIIS hclwccn Spnnncr IIIIIl lIIx th'Il-IIxx lInxx. l.I Jnhn llcrgin I('hI


In Good Company mm 0.0 II’IIIII Weill. l'S. IOU-II 'l'nphcr (iI'III‘c. Dcnnix QIIIIIII. SI‘III‘chI JIIhIInxxnn. lINInIn. .\lIx_IuIlg_'cIl IIIIII-cnrpanIIc cnmcd} IIhIIuI II )IIIIIIg gun IrnuhlI'xhnnIcr I(iI'IIch \Ihn gclx lIrnughI IIIIII II cnnIpIIn) In gcl rIIl III IIII IIlIl IIIncI' lwnxx IQIIIIIIII. 'l'hIII Ix. IIIIIII Ihc )IIIIIII: gun I'IIllx I‘III‘ Ihc hnxx' IlIIughII-r IJnlIIInIIxxI-III. 'l'hIx Ix. hnxwx cr. II plcuxlngl) nlIl-I‘IIthnnI‘Il rnnIp. rcnIIIan‘cnI III Ihc I‘IncnIII III' (‘IIpI‘II IInIl Slurng. XII'I' (’I'IIIIII'I (‘IIII'nIIL IfIlIIIIIIIrIIlI.

Inheritance I ISI .0. Il’cr I-‘II. DunnIIII'k/S“ cIlcn/ NIIruII} /l 'K. ZIXIRI l'lrIch 'llInInxcn. l.IxII \Vcrlindcr. (thIII \III‘h}. l lSIIIIIII (‘hrIxInIIbI‘ (TlIUHISL‘lIl Ix II xIII‘ccxxI‘ul I‘CxIIIIII‘IIIcur lIVIng hIIple} In SInckhnlIn unIIl Ihc .qucIIlc III hIx



InIluxIrI.Ille l.IlllL'l ll‘lxkh‘ hInI In II'IInn In Denmark. uhcn' hIx IlnIIIInI-I-IIII; InnIhI-z I\'nIh} I IanxIx IhIII hc'x IhI- nnl} In.In In IIleI- II\ II [III. IIInIIl} 'x .IlllllL' xII'I'l'IxnIlIx hIIxInI-xx ('nnquI-Il .InIl IIIIII'\\.IIIIIII: /I III I: \l}lt' rL'lllllHll IlI.InI.I \IlIII'h llL‘\\'l II‘IIll} IIIlIIllx lllt' [‘IIIIIII\L‘ III IIx IIII‘IIIIxI' (I.'..'\.:n'v. II/III I/II III/I, (i/Inunn

Jerome Kern - Till the Clouds Roll byIl IO... IRIIhJIIl \\ lInII.l x. III-1m JIIIl} (i.II'l.IIIIl. JIIIII' \llyxnn. | IIIIIII' liII'nII‘I. l.I'n.I llnInI'. l‘IIIlllx \'III.III.I hIInnn \l.InInInIh II'I'hnII'nlnIII lllll\l\.ll lI.IxI‘Il nn Ihc IIII‘ .IIIIl lllllL‘\ III liIIIIIIlun IIIIIIII-I'I JI-InnII' KI'III. II'IIIIIIIII}; II'IIIlIIInIIx nI lllk' IIIIIIIIIIx xnnggx IInnI hIx InuxIIIIl III.I_\x h} I'nIIII-IIIIIIII‘III'} xI.Ig_'I- .IIIIxIx. IIII lllIllllL‘ .VIIIII/IIIIII, .SI HI'II/I '\ ('I III/I. II/III/III/UI Jurassic Park I l’( iI C... I \ch k'll Splclthg. l'S. l‘llllI S.IIII \Clll. l .IIII.I l)I'I'n. .lI'II (InlIllIlunI ITIIIIII '\ jJIIIllP nI xI'II‘nIIxIx .III' III\ III'Il In gnc lllt'll .IIIIIIII\.Il In II IlIcnII' IIIII'k IIIlI-Il u IIh gI-III'III‘JHI I'ngInI'I'II'Il IlInanIuI'x. lIIII lllk’ _L'lIIlll II'IIIIII'x .Ilt‘ xnnn IlIIIlllll}: Illlltllx l IIxIIIII.IxxI-Il I'nnIpuIcI' I-III'I‘Ix I'nquI‘ IhIII IhI- IlInnx.IIIIx IlIcIIIxI'|\I'x IIII' II'II'II} IIlj._'l_\ l‘t'llt'\IIl‘lt' IInnII- xII IhIIn Ihc l’(i I‘I‘I’IIIII'IIII' \IIIIIIII xuggI-xl I. lIIII lI_\ lllt' hIIlI \III} IIIIIIII. II‘x IIInII' nI lt'\\ .I L‘hIIxI' Inn\ II' “llll xIIIII'I'IIII II‘I'hnnlng} (iran I'IIIII; (i/IIII'IIII,

Kinseyll5l.. IliII|(‘nnIlnn. l'S. IIIIHI |.I.InI \t't'M‘ll. l..IIII'.I l.|lIllk"\. ('hIIx ()'l)IInnI'|l. l’I'lI'I SIIngIIIIIIl ll.\'nIIn '\ lnnk III IhI' lllt' III .«\|III'Il Klll\t'_\ INI'I'xnnI. .I IIIIIIII‘I‘I' III IhI' III'I'II III hIInIIIII \k‘\ll.llll) I‘cchII'I‘h. ()n IIIIIII‘I'. KIIIxI'} ‘x IIIIlIIII' .IIIIl IIrnIIIc \L‘\ll;ll IIIlwnIuI'I‘x I‘I'I'IIIIIII} xnIInIl I‘III‘). and II Icu xI‘I'nI-x hI'I'I' IIIII) \\t‘ll. IIIII‘III‘ulIII'l} xnInI' I‘nInII‘IIll) II'IInk IIIlk IIrnuIIIl lllt' IlInnI'I' IIIlIII'. and II nInI'I' IlIxIIII‘lIIng xI'I'nI- \IIII‘I‘I' KIIIxI‘} lIxII'IIx In .I lInIIxIIIIg t'Ulllt‘\\lUll II'nnI II xIngulIII‘l} I'L'Plll\l\C xI-\IIIII I'I'III'IIlIIIII'. l'lIInIIIII-l) hImcwr ('nnIlnII‘x In\ In; II‘IlIIIlI' IIIII}x IIIII lInIh xInugI} IIIIIl xIIIII'I'III‘IIIII}. SI'II'I'II'I/ I‘I’II’IHIC

L’Inferno I I’( I I I I-‘mnII-xm llcrIIIlInI/Mlnlln l’IIIlIIxIIII/( IIU\CPPL' IlI' l.l:._‘llUI'U. lIIIl}. l‘)l l I SIIhIIInI'I‘ l’IIIIII. .-\I'lII'II l’II‘nIIIIIII. Augn \llllIlI (le‘nnn. IIIII) 'x III'xI lull IcngIh I'I'IIIIII'I' IIlIII. lIIIchl nn I).IIIII"x l'lII' IhI'IIII' (‘ImII-III. .-\x Ihc chIII‘III'II‘I‘ \'II'3_'II II'IIle I)IInlI' IhI‘nugh purgIIIIII'} IIIIIl llcll, Ihc) I'ncnunlcr IlcnInnx IIIIIl \lllIIL'I'\ IInIl I-xI-IIIIIIIII} IIIIIl lllt‘lll\t‘l\t'\ III II thIIlIIII I‘nnIrnnIIIlInn \IIIh the Hull hIIan'II'. I’III‘I III |)IIIIIc'x III/I'I'nn xI'IIxIIn. I'I/m/IIIIIII'. IfI/III/IIII'g/I.

Ladies in LavenderI l2:\l 000 I('hIII‘lI-x Dance. l'K. IINHI JuIlI Dunch. Maggie SIIIIIh. \IIIIIxchII \lI‘lilhnnI‘. l)IIlllCl Bruhl. “BIIIIII. :\tlilplt‘tl h) Ihc IlII-prIIn lIUIII Ihc \lUI‘} h} \\'IllIIIIII J Inclu'. IlIIx l‘)_‘().x»ch IIIlL‘ xIIII'x Ihc Iun gI'IInIl IlIIIIch nl BI'IIIxh IIlIII. SIIIIIh IIIIIl Hench. IIx [\HI IIchng xIxII'I‘x \\lIU thII'I' II I‘IIIIIIgc. Hul \Ihcn II l’IIlleI \InlInIxI l(;(’(‘(/I’\(' lv('lll”.\ llI'uhlI Ix \IIIth'Il up III-III Ihcn‘ hnnII‘. Ihcn' xIIIIIl L‘\l\lL‘llCC Ix thIIII'I'I'Il 'l‘.IIlnI' InIIIlI- IIII' Ihc hlIIc I‘Inxc hI'IgIIIlIi SIIIIII' \ 1C“ I-I'x IIIII} IIIIIl IlIIx Inn lIIxxlth‘Il II IIII'c. lIIII II'x lIkcIIhlc IIll IllL' xIIIIII‘. (i/IIwIIII I‘l/Ill 'I'III-IIII'I'. (ilIngIIII .' I'I/III/Inuu'. IzI/I/I/III/g/I. :3: The Last Picture Show I ISI 0... Il’clcr BIIgIlIInm Ich. l'S. I‘VI I 'l‘IInnIh) llIIIIIIIIIx. JL'I'I liI‘IIlgI‘x. ("\hIll Shcphcnl. Bcn Jnhnxnn. ('lnI'Ix l.C.lL'lllllIlll. RIIIIII} ()IIIIIII. llh'nnn. ’l‘lIIx Ix IIII' IIIIII IhIII IIIIIIlc llIIgIlIInm Ich IInIl II'x IIII‘ xupcI'InI' In IIx xcqucl II'IIIIIIIII' .IIIIl InIlchl Inan nI Ihc IlII'I'I‘InI”x nIhI'I‘ “Ullx. SCI III xInIIll-Inxxn ’I'I'\IIx III Ihc l‘ISle. II I‘IIpIuch pcrlccll} Ihc lIII'IIl .IIInnxphI'I‘c IInIl llIL' II’IIIIInIIx nI .IIlnlcxI‘cIIcc. IIII‘IIxIng nn lllt' fun“ In); IIIIIIIx III II gI‘nup III Iccnachx nII Ihc lII'IIIk nI .ltlllllllUUtl. [II “lhllll lllL‘ t‘lIlell‘L‘ IIl llIL‘ lIk‘IIl \‘lllt‘llld x} llll‘Ull\L‘\ lIIxx III )IIIIIlI .IIIIl Innnccncc. l’III'I III The \\'IlIl Bunch. .>\IIIL'I‘II‘IIII (‘IIIcnIII Nb” l‘lSI) chIxnn. l-‘IlnIhnuxc. liIlInlIuI'gh.

Laura’s Star Ill 0. WIN |)L' RM‘IICI‘I’l‘hIIn RnIhlxIrch. (IL'I'IIIIIH) "liIIIgIII'III. ZINLII 80mm. SII‘kl} xxxch .InInIIIIInII .Il‘Ulll II xC\L‘II-}I‘II-II|II gn'l \Ihn IIIIle .I luck} xIIII Much xhc InIIxI rcIurn In Ihc xk} thnIc II IlIL‘x. SI'II'I‘II‘I/ I‘I'II'IIHK

Leningrad Cowboys Go America

I III .0. I.-\kI l'x'IIurIxInIIkI. l-IIIlIInIl. 198W .\lIIIII l’clIIIanI. MIA} 'lL'chI. KIIrI

\IlelIlllk'll ""nnn l Inl.:IIIl x llnlex I‘IxI‘I IIII‘AI'II'II I r:'..I:.' 'I H3“ I 'x lll\l Iv; lIrI'.IkIlIIIIII;lI ll‘. Ilnx InIInIIx II'.IIIIII~x IIIIIII' lhnlfx .IIxI' lIIIlltlll\ I: llII\l_\. l\~\-I I‘II/JlIII; III.III.I;I'I IlII' 'IIIIIxI Intlkn Inll l\.InII III IhI‘ xxnIlIl .InIl xIInIlIx xlInIx nI IhI- Ilnunlwn

lI.II MIMI-Ix III \IIII'III .I’x III-.IIIl.IIIle \ lIIghl} IlIxIIIIIIIxI' xI'IIxI' nI lIIIIIInIII Ix .II \xnIk III-II: .lllIl \I'I\ cnInle‘lc II Ix Inn. II Inn hIIIIIII‘n In by III lInI‘ \\ IIh II lIJIIHxIII-I” IIIIII (IIIL'IK III'IIthIrgr:

The Life Aquatic with Steve ZISSOU lRI C... I\\I'x \IIIlI'Ixnn.l \. IIIII‘I BIII \IIIII.I\. \IIII'III.I llIlenII. I )\\k'll \\ lenn, (XIII- |ll.IIII lII'II l 1\'nnn \nIlI'Ixnn'x InIIIIlI IIlnI Ix I‘Illl lIIleI xI'IIx .IIl\I'IIIIIII'. IIIIII IIlIII IIIIIIIxII_\ x.IIIII'. l‘.Ill \‘\l\l\'llll.ll lllk‘tlllIllll‘ll nn IhI' InI-.InIny nI II'l.IIInIleIIIIx lI Ix InIIxIxII'nIl} \lt'\k'l .InIl lIIl.IIInIIx.

xlIIIIIIIj.' IInIn IhI' lllell lII‘.IIII‘Il In IlII' xIIIII'.I|.

In xII'III'x III II‘.I| IlI'IIIh \\IllI IlII' lIIIIIl nI I'.IxI' \\t"\C InIIII' In upnl IInnI Ihc lI'\.nI IlIII'IInI llIlI \lIIII.I§ III'.II|x .III I'III‘IIIIII, I‘llt'll lIIIllI.InI I.IxI. IIx .IggI-III: IIII'IIIIngIIIIIhI'I .InIl IIlIIInI.IkI'I \Icw /IxxnII \n IIIII' lIlII'x hIx IIIIIIx .IIII IIInII' .IIIIl lIIx IIII' Ix I.I|lIII_:' .III.III .IInIIIIIl hIIII \n hI' I.IllII‘x .I I II'\\ .IInIInIl hIIn IlIIII InI lIIIlI'x hIx I'xII.III§_:I'Il \\|lk‘ IlluxInII II II |HlllllIIll\l IllIIInI‘hI'II I, .IIIIl II InIIn \\lIII IIIII_\ nI III.I_\ nnI lII' lIIx xnn

I\\ llxIIlll .IIIIl l.ll\t'\ nnI' l.IxI lIIlCtl II‘\I‘II}:I- I-\III-IlIIInII III xI-IIIIlI InI IhI' IIIxIlIIInl .l.I§:II.II SlIIIl'lx \I /I I II I/ II [I I1\I

3:3 The Machinist I I* l.... IIII.III x\ll\lt'l\tlll. SIMIII. IINI-l I ( ‘hIIxIIIIn lIIIlI'. .lk‘llllllt'l .IIIxIIII l I'Igh. \II.III.I S.IIII'lII'/ (IIIHII lIL‘nIIII SI'I' ImllnI'. [‘.l}.'k' l 1. MM II'\II'\\. DISC ll) .\I /I I II I/ II'/I II\I

Machuca I l‘I lv\lltllk'\ \\nnIl. ('hIlc/SIIIIIII/I'I.IIII'I-xl 'lx'. ZINIII \l.III.Ix ()III-I. .'\I‘II'I .\l.III'lun.I IIIlIIIIII. Sol III IhI- IIIIlIIIIul IuInIIIIl III I‘VH‘IIIII'. .‘IIII/lll1(1l\lllt' xI'IIxIIIw. IIIIII'hIIIg; I.IlI' III Inn _\nIIII_Ir lIIIIx \xhnxc I'lnxc IIII'IIlelIIII Ix II'xII'Il .InIl IhII'IIII'III-Il III Illl IIIII‘I'IIIIIII \InIlIl nI I'I'xnluIInn. ‘l‘hI‘II II'I'lnqu .IlIIIIII Ihc \IIIIlIl .IIIII lllt' III'IIIIlc III IhI'II ll\L'\ .III' I'\plnIcIl, l’IIII III \I\II' SIIIIIIIxh l'lllll l'L'\ll\.ll SI'I' L'IIPIIUII lI/III/IIHIH‘. II/III/IIIIu/I.


Maciste in Hell (Maciste all’Inferno) l‘lII IIIIIIIln HIIgnnnI‘. lI.Il§. l‘II‘I li.IIInlnnIcn l‘.Ig.:.IIIn. l mu; \'.Il.I. l'lt'llJ \Illl}:l\‘ ‘l‘nnn l.IIIxII.In IIIxIIIII‘Il

I l.IxxII lI.IlI.III xIlI'nI I IncnIII III.IxII'IIIII'I‘I‘ \thIlI IIxI'x xIX'I I.Il I'III‘IIx \\.I\ .IhI‘IIIl nI IIx IIIIII~ l’.III nl l).Illl\'.\ lI:'I "II’ xI'.IxnII

/I.'r':/:I '.l\( [Izzrr’x'ug/z

The Magic Roundabout Il IO. Il).I\I' llnIIlmII kl l\ l IIIlk C. _‘IIII\'I \IIIII‘x nI lnIII llJlul lIIn IIInJIllII'nI. | IT I \IIIIx. .III.IIIII.I l IIIIIII'y lxxlII' \lInnI'III'. lx'nlIlIII' \\llll.Illl\ .\lIIIIn ('l.IxxII IIle IlIIlIlII'II‘x xI‘III‘x gI'Ix .I IIInIchn Il.I\ III.IlII' mm In IhIx l‘Ij: xIII‘I'n \I'IInII llnIII'Jl .IIIIl IIII'IIle I'InlmIL nn .I Il.III§.'I*InIIx IIIIIIIII'x III .III I‘IInII In IIIIIIIIxnn IhI'II IIIIIIII'xxnI IlII‘ I'\Il \\l/.Il\l /I'\'llIIIlI'C l\“l\ I‘Il l\\ “.lek'l' \I I'll {I I1,

’I Ill II'H

The Maltese Falcon III ".I 0.00 IJnlIn llIleIIn.l \_ I‘lll I llIIIIIIIhII'x IIIII'JII. \IIII\ \xInI. \IIlIII‘x (Ilk‘t'll\llt'l‘lI l‘I'lI'I

lI‘llk' lIllnIIn lluxInII'x IIIxI IIlIII Ix .I IIIIIIIII'xxI'nIIIIl. I lIIll\llI'[‘llI‘l\l\ IIlnI IInII HIII'JII Ix I.III_:'hI III .I \xI'lI nl IlI'II'II .IIIIl lII'II.I}.Il .Ix IlII' l .II \l.nI IIxI'x I'\I'I_\ IIII'.IIIx. IIII‘lIIIlIII;' InuIIlI‘I. In I'I'I lIIx lI.Inle nn IhI' I'lIIxIw nIn.IIIII*nI nI Ihc IIIlI' lnIg'I‘I IlII' l\\l\l\ .IIIIl IIIIIIx nI [lIIthI‘ll ll.IIIInII'Il‘x [IlnL I‘IIIIII lll\lt'.ltl IhI‘ IIIIIk|\ \l‘llllt \\I\ll\l III'IIIIlI-Il lI_\ SJIII SIMIIlI' .IIIIl .lnI'l (LIIIn


3:1 Maria Full of Grace I In 0... IJnxh \l.IIxInII. ('nlunIlIIil S. ,‘INIII ('IIIIIlInn S.IIIIIIIIII \lnII'nn. \I'IIm l’.In|.I \I'IIYJ lINlIIIIn SI‘I' IIIII'I\ It“. II.I;.'I' -l '. .IIIIl II'\ lt'\\. P.l}'t' *Il (I/Il\'\'l’ll ///m IIII III/I. (II/II\'\'(‘l\

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° ' . ° Don’t miss these BIII Hicks. Relentless and ReveIatIons two my screened performances by one of the comedy greats. Part of the Glasgow Comedy Festival.

I GFT. GI‘I’Isgo: Tue 22 Mar Off/II.

I' 2‘ l/n' 2’23", THE LIST 59