:1: New Lanark Easter Fun Egg hunts. craft workshops, entertainers and bunnies. Sun 27 Mar 8 Mon 28 Mar, 1 lam—5pm. £5.95 (£3.95). New Lanark Wsitor Centre, 01555 661645.

:f: Easter Egg Steam Train Jump on the bunny train! Fri 25—Mon 28 Mar, Hourly between iOSOam & 4.30pm. 27, under 23 travel free; family ticket 225. Bo'ness 8 Kinnei/ Railway, Bo’ness Station, Union Street, Bo'ness, 01506 822298.

:2: Easter Eggcitement Meet cute baby animals on the farm and take part in the springtime treasure trail. Fri 25 Mar—Sun 10 Apr. 10am—5pm. £3, £2 for 3+ years. free for under 38; family ticket 210. Almond Valley Heritage Centre, Mil/field, Livingston, 01506 414957.

1’ Easter Bunny Hunt at Finlaystone Park Track those pesky bunnies down then get stuck into cool Easter crafts. Sun 27 Mar, 12pm. £3.50 ($32.50). Fin/aystone Country Estate, Langbank, 01475 540505.

:3: Edinburgh Easter Festival A cavalcade. live music. face painting, craft workshops, Sat 26 Mar & Sun 27 Mar, 12pm (cavalcade at 1pm on Sun). Free. Princes Street Gardens and Ross Band Stand. wwwedinburgheaster. co. uk.

:1: Holyrrood Park Easter Fun Roll eggs and find a real Easter bunny (probably won't have any choccy eggs though). Sun 27 Mar 8. Mon 28 Mar, 12—3pm. Free. Hoiyrood Park Education Centre, 1 Queen's Drive, 652 8150.

:1: Egg rolling at Kelvingrove Park Roll your egg down a hill at this popular spot. Be quick so that some cheeky pooch doesn't pinch it though. Sun 27 Mar. Kelvingrove Park, Otago Street.

:I: Glasgow Science Centre: Bunnyland Make friends with some long eared chums and other funy creatures. Fri 25 Mar-Mon 28 Mar, 12—4pm. Free with Science Mall entry. £6.95 (£4.95). Glasgow Science Centre, 50 Pacific Quay, 420 5000.


Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Actrvrties & Fun

Sunday Craft Club Sun Ill Mar (N; Sun 27 Mar. I lam Ipiii. I-rcc. (ilasgow .\1tisctims Rcsottrcc (‘ciiircn lell Woodhcad Road. Nitslitll. 37ft (Hill). l)l‘op~lli cralt club with a dillcrcnl thcmc cach w cck. Stirlahlc Ior S Il)cai‘-o|ds. Saturday Art Club Sat l‘) Mar & Sai ll» Mar. Illam Iprii. I'i‘cc. (iallcr_\ ol Modcrtt Art. ()uccii Sirccl. 32‘) I906. l‘llll art aciixitics tor childt'cn agcd .3 ll) rclaling to art on displa} w itli drawing. collagc. sctilplurc making and gamcs. I’arcnts cati gct stuck in too.

Acting Up! Drama tor Children and Young People Sat l‘) Mar & Sat 2h Mar I 2.30pm. £4. Also \Vcd 33 Mar & ch 3() Mar, (i.3l) S.3l)pni. £5. (‘(':\. 35l) Saticliichall Strcct. 352 4000, Drama workshop ch h} actor and w riicr ('Iarc llcmpliill. Saitirda} class I'or (i I l-)cai‘— tiltls. \Vcdticsda} class lot I: ISyL'aF olds. A cliancc to ll;l\ c Itiii arid huild sclll cstccm. Booking cssclillal.

Giant Productions Design Workshops: Jelly Jolly Sun 20 Mar. noon lpm & 3 3.3llpm. L'I pcr workshop. l’artick Burgh llaII. ‘) Burgh llall Stt‘cct. 2S7 55I I. A lttn da) oi lood- rclatcd sltii'}'lc‘lllllg and drama workshops. Mcss). crcatix c ad\cnttit‘cs I‘or Isids arid ilicir lamilics. l’laccs onl) aurilahlc in tor ‘) | I-_\car-olds. Booking csscntial. Funky Puppets Workshop Sat 26 Mar. ll).3()am I2.3l)pm. L'o. Scottiin Mask & l’tippct 'I'Iicatrc (critic. S Ill llalcarrcs Awntrc. Kclx indalc. 33‘) (iIS5. .‘vlakc a rod ptippct out of funky matci‘ials.

Theatre & Dance

Light and Shadow Puppets Workshop Sat It) Mar.

ll).3l)atn l2.3l)pm. U). Scottish Mask & l’tippct 'I'hcatrc ('cntt‘c. S ll) Balcarrcs Avcnuc. Kclvindalc. 33‘) (iIX5. Iixplorc thc world of shadow ptippcis and crcatc _\'olli‘ ow'n.

Clowning Around Sat I‘) Mar. 2pm. £4.50 (£3.50). Scottish Mask & I’uppct 'I'hcatrc (critic. 8 Il) Balcarrcs Avcnuc. Kclx‘indalc. 33‘) (iIS5. (‘omc and mcct Mr (iigglcs lor t‘un. gamcs. Iatightcr. music. magic and lots of audicncc participation.

The Owl and the Pussycat Sat ll) Mar. 3pm. £5 (£2.5ll £3). Scc picttirc caption.

The Owl and tire Pussycat

James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids Sun Ill Mar. 3pm LES run (‘iti/cns~ ’lillL'all'L‘. l l‘) (ittl'l‘als Sll't'c‘l. ~33" “l3: \lorc corticd} ioi o\ci 5s as iltc inasici ol kids' coiiicd} cnicitains with moic ltiii talcs and ridiculous songs (ill ‘I

Jack Spratt Ate My Hat Sat 3h \iar. :plll. U Sll l [3 5lll Sc'tilllsll \lasls t\ l’tippci lllc'ullt' ('cnli'c. S Ill Ilalcaiics .-\\cntic. Kclxindalc. 33" liIS5 .\Ia_\hcni in l’ttppctland wlicn lack Spiait cats .tII lhc Izaslcr llonncis. \VIII ilict‘c l\c an Izasici' l’;ii‘;idc" ('an ('aplain l.ol} pop saxc lhc da} I’tippcis. songs. gamcs and low tl_\ing swccts.


Activities & Fun

Science in the Library Sat W Max. Illam 4pm. lt'cc. .\Iacl)oiiald l.ll‘l;tl'_\. Nclson Hall. MacDonald Road. 53‘) 50 3f» ('oitic and lind otil il tlicr‘c's ical magic hchind lhc siot'ics )Ull i'cad and makc sour own itiagic wand and piii'plc potion.

I)rop iii and c\ploi‘c sonic illusions. Dance Kids Sal I‘) Mai. Illain. llam. I3.3llpm tk I.3llpm. L11 it'll; mcmhcrs ot llic (iood Ncighhotrr Schcnic £I.5ll_ North lidinhtii'gh .-\ris (critic. I5a I’cnrwwcll ('otii1.3l5 3|5I. (ict )ttlll’ sliocs and socks oil and prcparc to stamp. slidc. jump and Icap. Illam and I lam. I -l _\cai's. |3.3l)pin and I.3llpm: 3 (i )cat's. First Impressions: Medieval Art Sai I‘).\1ar. lIam & Ipiii. [-1 (Hi; lllL‘llllX'l's ol' lhc (iood Ncighhotii‘ Sclicmc L' I .5”. North lidinhtit‘gh :\l'l\ ('ctiii'c. I5a I’ciiii_\wcll ('otii't. 3I5 2 I 5 I. IIIttslt'aic a pagc oi _\oitr own illuminach tiiantiscripi. I'it'st workshop is lot 3 (r )c‘;it's and ilic sccond is lor 7 l3 )cai's.

Big Art Wee Hands Sat 2t» Mar. Ill.3llam (& I.3llpiii. Ll (£2); lltt'liilX‘l‘s oi lhc (iood Nciglilioiit' Sclicmc £I.5ll. North Iidinlitirgli :\i‘is ('cntrc. I5a I’cnn} w cll (’outt. 3l5 3I5 |. lla\c a go at a t‘angc oI \istial art mcdia including painting. scttlpttii‘c. installation and digital photograph}. Workshops lll tlic itioi'ning :tl‘c lilil' 3 (1)031“. lhc allcl'iititill ltii' 7i _\'cars.

Drama Kids Sat 30 Mar. ll).3llam &

I I.3llam. H ltl.5ll mcmhci's ol lhc (iood Ncighhotir Schcmcl. North Iidinhtit'gli Arts ('cntrc. l5a l’cnn) w cll ('otirt. 3|5 2|5 I. A fun introduction to drama. storytclling and pinsical lhcaii‘c. Stiitalilc l'or agcs 3 (i.

Spring Pots and Plants inc 2‘) it ch 30 Mar. Illam I3.3l)pm &

I 3.3llpm. L3. |.aurislon (’astlc. 3a ('raiiiond Road Sotttli. 33ft lelill. I)cstgn and dccoralc )ltlll‘ own plant pots and plant ilicin with spring htilhs. Booking L‘SSL‘llllill.

Tall Stories tells the magical tale of this unlikely pair as they set off

on their perilous sea journey with honey, money and a small guitar for company, destined for the land where the Bong Tree grows. Storytelling, comedy and songs create a wonderful world of nonsense for everyone

aged three and up.

I Sat 19 Mar, 3pm. £5 (£2.50—83). Citizen's Theatre. 1 19 Gorba/s Street. 429


Theatre 61 Dance

Clown l‘ll I.\ .\ Sal I‘l Mar. | ii

Ill 3llain. 3pm tSai mat I l.illll t5

19.3 5W. incmhcts oi lltc ( iood \ctglilmtii Schcitic L3 \oitli l diiil‘tiigli \its l 'ctilic, l5a |’cnn_\wcll (‘otitt. 3l‘ .‘ l 5| lntct tlic world ol .ttitlioi ilItisliaioi ()ticniin ltlakc. liis l.llL‘\ ol a lllllc to} t lowil tliat wotii gixc tip .iic ltioiiglii to lllt' lw ll.l\t‘lllll_‘,'

I iglit lllt‘alic and lttistol ( )Id \ ic

Stitlalilc Iot .tgcs 3+

Hi-5 Space Magic Stiii .‘ll \lai.

I 3llpm. lpm .\ o 3lem t.\‘ 5“ tl‘ 5H l’l;i}llllll\t'. IS .73 ( 'rtccnsidc I’Iatc. HS 'll (rlkfi-lI-l lotii Itoiti ilic popular \ litldicri's iclcxtsion show willi groom liits. riiagit and spacc .itI\t'tiitiics

The Ugly Duckling Sal .‘lr \lar. .‘piri

L 3 till lltiiiilon l'licaitc. l .itlswcll \\.i\. \liisst‘llitiigli. rm lllll Slioiia Is’cppc I’tippcts pit-scrits [In I g/i ltrr. Alina; st'l ill a lai‘taii world wlicic hagptpc lllll\l\ wliisilcs lliiotigli llic liccs l) kin}: galoic' l'oi kids agcd 3 o and lllt‘li IaiiiiIit-s.

Peter and the Wolf lllt' .“l \iai. Haiti [5 lL35lll. lltt'lltlk‘is oi lltt‘ l iood Ncighliotii Scliciiic L3 Noitli I dinliiiigli .'\ris (critic. |5a l’t'llll)\\t‘ll (‘oiiil. 3|5 2I5 I. 'l licaici l)ci Scliaitcii pit-scnls It In ruirl Ilir' ll'u/i w illi l’i'okolitw 's original scoi'c. Siiilalilc lot .tgcs 5+

The Happy Gang's Magic Sweetie Shop lllL‘ 3‘) Mar. Iptii & lpiii [li.5llll;5.5lll; Iaitii|_\ lickct [)3 llitinton 'l'hcaii‘c. |.ad_\ wcll \Va}. \ltisst-lliriigli, hm Il-lll. ()tii‘ soli cctiilcd liciocs .tic liatd .ii work in iIicii' swcctic shop, lint wah Ii oiii. liccatisc llali llitiiiliitg is hiding and plotting stick} cIiaos'

The Amazing Adventures ot Sinbad lllll 3| Mar. llatii. L5 tt‘i 5th. nicinlicis oi ilic ( iood \l‘llell‘Hlll Sclicinc N North Izdnihtii'gli .'\l‘l\ ( 'cnttc. I5a l’cnnswt-II (‘otiri. 3I5 3I5I. I’ttppciciali chIs lhc sioi'_\ ol Sinbad lhc sailor lioin lllll/ :l/‘rr/mur .Vrg/rlx. wiiIi a world ol ;‘|;tlll liit'ds. Iiiddcn ii‘casiiic and iiiagit t aipcls


Musical Storytelling Inc .73 Mai.

I Iain I33lipm. £31L3l;iticrnlicisol lllt' (iood Nciglilioiii‘ Sclicinc [I 5ll NoriIi Iidiiilitirgli .'\i'l\ ( 'cntrc. I5a I’ciiii_\ chI ('otii'i. 3|5 3I5I. \lai'gaicl Siniih \ lt'.tlt‘\ sonic Itiii ialcs and lantastic noiscs at this inlci‘acln c scssioii.

J Sky are holding a series of exclusive screenings over the Easter holidays at Odeon Lothran Road. Edinburgh giving kids the chance to see brand new episodes of Thomas the Tank : Engine. Angelina Ballerina. Dora the Explorer, Looney Toons and Peep & the Big Wide World. There will be activrtres like Spanish lessons, flamenco dancing classes, face painting and much more! Refreshments will be provrded. The event kicks off mid-morning and will run for two hours. To win tickets. just send an email to promotions@| no later than 25 March. Usual List rules


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‘r' r'rllil' '/U’ '7 THE LIST 69